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So where are our "surprises"?



  • ragdoll25ragdoll25 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0
    edited June 2013
  • kiraliakiralia Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    killerella wrote: »
    You have to click on the Learn More Button

    That doesnt mention anything about new classes just new races
  • silence1k1llsilence1k1ll Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013

    We knew that Module 1 was coming... so... about that surprise?
  • kiraliakiralia Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wuhsin wrote: »
    This thinking is what has ruined this game IMO. It's what made Guild Wars 2 bland and boring compared to Guild Wars 1. D&D classes were never meant to be balanced for an MMO. Rogues should be strikers, wizards should be controllers, clerics should be leaders. Now we got all these PEW PEW PEW clerics and PEW PEW PEW wizards one hit killing everything while the rogues dance around trying not to get hit and the fighters complain about not being able to score a kill before the cleric snipes it. Why? Because instead of striving for diversity the devs are striving to make everyone equal.

    Actually I never mentioned anything about balance, I said fix.
  • possum440possum440 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nwrogue wrote: »
    u wot m8? man i will shove your keyboard so far up your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that whoever pulls it out will be the next king of camelot

    Would have been nice had it been original, give a you c+ for effort.
    There is no worse feeling in the world than the moment during an argument you realize you are wrong.
  • jgolfer625jgolfer625 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, to be honest, most people sound pretty surprised so I guess you got what was promised......
  • wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Had they just released the Ranger and Warlock classes soon as possible, it would have done more to balance the gameplay than all these nerfs and buffs. There's pretty much no D&Dish logic behind any of the things the devs have done lately. This was supposed to be a game "Made by D&D fans for D&D fans." but I'm beginning to question whether anyone in development actually plays D&D after all these hair-brained class balancing patches, and no new builds/classes, and hardly any attention paid to the Foundry.
  • leshil40leshil40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    So wait, we have basically status quo from the last few months going into module 1 which is due out in August? ........
  • kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't mess with my toot toot.
  • apokalupsis2012apokalupsis2012 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    johnfell wrote: »
    Well, Im part of the "older" generation of gamers, hailing from UO and AO, and basically most major titles since then - this still is annoying as hell to me, since you'd think that companies would have learned from earlier MMOs and launches.
    Also Im not a rabid fan of greedy, bait n switch designs and absurdly poor customer support and relations. Call me crazy.
    Nonsense. You are only saying that because you aren't a part of the "entitlement generation". ;)
  • apokalupsis2012apokalupsis2012 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    vikoon wrote: »
    Keep trying to validate your incessant complaints
    More bad reasoning. I've not complained about anything here. And you confuse "correcting bad reasoning" with "complaining" it would seem. Critical thinking is a good thing, not something you should intentionally avoid (else it results in posts such as yours).
    by replying to everyone that says you are a whiner
    Not a single person has said I'm a "whiner." You aren't paying attention.
    I guess you already had all the new details about module 1. You must have known about weapon smithing and artifice professions as well.
    No. And this is entirely irrelevant to anything I've posted.
    Some people are so determined to be jerks.... sickening really.
    Again, more confusion. You confuse objecting to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>-poor reasoning and attacking others for asking questions...with being a "jerk."
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So the surprises were... what now?
    No new race or class for "offical launch" tah dah! suprise!
  • apokalupsis2012apokalupsis2012 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    johnfell wrote: »
    Agreed. Simple fact is they released this game 6-12 months too early. People tend to expect certain things from a fully launched MMO, be it f2p or not. Neverwinter is not a full MMO in comparison to others.
    Howerever it did launch and now we're here, so let's hope they read the forums.
    I think this hit the nail on the head. NW, compared to other MMO's is indeed, lacking polish and content. It should have stayed in beta status as it would be able to justify its "lack." But by going "live" and doing so with as many bugs, bad rollouts, lack of content, etc... it opened itself up to quite a bit of legitimate criticism.
  • apokalupsis2012apokalupsis2012 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    johnfell wrote: »
    Yup. But hey, we're not allowed to voice complaints or concerns, cause that would be whining and we should shut up or leave since it's free to play. :D /madly waves fanboi flag
    Yes...a rather odd phenomenon to be sure. I'm sure that because I question certain promises that are made yet not delivered I'm a "whiner" (since this current generation of true fanbois lack the cognitive abilities to discern between inquiry/objection and whining)...yet, this "whiner" (falsely accused mind you) has 2 level 60's, 53, 46, and has spent over $90 to support the game.

    The gaming "community" certainly is an odd animal.
  • apokalupsis2012apokalupsis2012 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    kilo418 wrote: »
    WoW has been out for over 10 years and only has gained 2 new classes and 5 new races. Not sure why you expect different somewhere else.
    True, but it "shipped" with more of everything to begin with, so it's not a very good comparison.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Keep blindly defending the game, fanboys. You'll get what you want eventually, but the game will have lost most of its playerbase by then.

    i don't get why people want these games to fail. if things aren't moving fast enough for you, then the game and the game producers somehow wronged you personally. disappointment is part of life, man. i get it; you've been let down. but honestly, this is just a game and while i think the developers have their hearts in it, they are also human. if the game fails, then it fails. and these people will continue to make games because it's what they love to do.

    see, i love the fact that massive changes were implemented in a pre-patch you got a week or two ago. combine those with the changes that were in today's patch and i think they did a great job. i'm looking forward to seeing what else they're bringing to the table.

  • lurchusalurchusa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    furyofthefeywild? Is that something about furries gone wild?
  • porpoisealertporpoisealert Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 86
    edited June 2013

    So wait... the "surprises" were just us getting slightly more information about future content updates?

    Remind me what this has to do with the patch? When I'm told that I will be receiving "surprises" on my birthday, I generally don't interpret that to mean that someone is going to hand me a flier for a birthday present that I may be receiving at some indeterminate future point.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think this hit the nail on the head. NW, compared to other MMO's is indeed, lacking polish and content. It should have stayed in beta status as it would be able to justify its "lack." But by going "live" and doing so with as many bugs, bad rollouts, lack of content, etc... it opened itself up to quite a bit of legitimate criticism.

    people don't need a legitimate reason to be critical. doesn't take long to find it all over these forums.

    and all these "promises" that you speak of... get over it. **** happens, man. sometimes things have to take the back burner. whether it was posted on this website or simply rumored, this company doesn't owe you anything. when you installed the game client, you entered into an end user licence agreement. that means you accepted the game for everything that it is or isn't. even if you bought zen or a founder's pack... the value of those items are in-game only and it doesn't provide you any additional rights or entitlements.

    beyond that, in my experience, i believe pwe is doing their damnedest to provide us with a quality gaming experience. but sometimes things don't go right, plans are reformed and implemented later rather than now. they try to give us as much insight as they can feasibly do... they're not going to provide you with any technical details or internal reasoning as to why a fix is being sidelined.

    the point is people should try to think before they get angry about things like this. it's okay to be disappointed, but as it seems here and on other game forums, disappointment turns into rage. but let me say this: rage and anger isn't going to get you anything in life and it's not going to get you anything here. because most people don't want to hear it.

    there's nothing like having a little patience.
  • johnfelljohnfell Banned Users Posts: 408 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Nonsense. You are only saying that because you aren't a part of the "entitlement generation". ;)

    ******, you might have a point! :P
    I think this hit the nail on the head. NW, compared to other MMO's is indeed, lacking polish and content. It should have stayed in beta status as it would be able to justify its "lack." But by going "live" and doing so with as many bugs, bad rollouts, lack of content, etc... it opened itself up to quite a bit of legitimate criticism.

    Yeah. Personally I'd rather take a buggy or unbalanced game with alot of content and options in classes/races/armor visuals, than a next to no content game and few classes, bland armors, but with fewer bugs or unbalances (not saying Neverwinter is the latter considering the bugs/unbalances obviously, just making a point).
    The first option give you something to do and invest in, delve deep into all the content and options, while waiting for them to iron out the standard balance issues, tweaks and bug fixes.
    Here, now, there's... really not much to do. And little to do it with. And simply "doing", leveling, flies by so fast. Wich is a daamn shame because I really want to love this game - and do like it, it could just be so much more. It could be incredible, and I think the coming 2-3 months are critical.
    But hey, atleast they just released a brand spanking new -second- wizard companion, with the oh so thankful Repel-spell, to quest along side you, all the way until lvl 25. That solves everything, that's what their priority rests so brilliantly invested. Oh wait...
    Yes...a rather odd phenomenon to be sure. I'm sure that because I question certain promises that are made yet not delivered I'm a "whiner" (since this current generation of true fanbois lack the cognitive abilities to discern between inquiry/objection and whining)...yet, this "whiner" (falsely accused mind you) has 2 level 60's, 53, 46, and has spent over $90 to support the game.

    The gaming "community" certainly is an odd animal.

    One must always be wary of rabid, basement dwelling fanbois lurking about and never understimate the general silliness and vast amount of butthurt in places such as this. It bears repeating. :P My personal rule is to never, ever get offended by anything anyone says online - and taking offence is a choice. My thoughts go to a certain quote by Stephen Fry on the subject;
    "'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so ****ing what?"
    The same can be reversed, in a way, to include whiners. And you sir, are certainly not one. :P
  • chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    There was No surprise for the launch of Neverwinter, it wasn't part of Cryptics plans to launch the game with any new races or classes. We get drow 60 days from the game going live, thats the new race we get, as far as new classes, thats not scheduled for release until the new module comes out in a few months from now.

    The game launched with all the same issues it had in Open beta/Soft launch. There was No wipe when the game went live So any new players thinking about picking this game up are already at a disadvantage in terms of pve/pvp. The cash shop should Never have been implemented in open beta.

    IN any other game I've beta tested I never got to carry over my beta character with all the items I picked up into the live game. There was Always a Disclaimer letting players know that anything you did in Beta was not transferred when the game went live, somehow cryptic in their infinite logic decided not to follow the standard model and instead allowed players Not only to use a cash shop but to also keep Everything that they earned during beta testing.

    I don't Know too many friends who enjoy starting a new game at a disadvantage to other players. It would be like me being able to keep all the gear I earned in World of Warcraft during the Ptr testing for new Content. I'm sure it would really <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> a lot of players off if I got to keep all the awesome new gear why others had to bust their *** to start from scratch.

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
    ~Sholom Aleichem
  • ivaneyesivaneyes Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey look I’m with you guys but you really think this game is some long term grandiose MMO that’s going to grow into some awesome D&D based game? Come on now you all know better. Some games like WoW, EQ series ect ect are serious long term projects that other smaller projects help fund. Neverwinter is one of those smaller projects designed to generate $. It’s about investors who put up 1$ million for example and are told "we can build a game in 2-3 years and generate 3$ million in revenues returns.

    Gamers sometimes get so into the aspects of the game they forget it’s a business first and all businesses have one goal and that’s make money. The F2P "but you will pay" mechanism works and generates funds very efficiently. The writing is on the wall this game is totally lacking depth and is a constant carrot leading the MMO player base donkey.
  • chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ivaneyes wrote: »
    Hey look I’m with you guys but you really think this game is some long term grandiose MMO that’s going to grow into some awesome D&D based game? Come on now you all know better. Some games like WoW, EQ series ect ect are serious long term projects that other smaller projects help fund. Neverwinter is one of those smaller projects designed to generate $. It’s about investors who put up 1$ million for example and are told "we can build a game in 2-3 years and generate 3$ million in revenues returns.

    Gamers sometimes get so into the aspects of the game they forget it’s a business first and all businesses have one goal and that’s make money. The F2P "but you will pay" mechanism works and generates funds very efficiently. The writing is on the wall this game is totally lacking depth and is a constant carrot leading the MMO player base donkey.

    Sadly this is pretty much correct

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
    ~Sholom Aleichem
  • gerritxgerritx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    johnfell wrote: »
    Yup. But hey, we're not allowed to voice complaints or concerns, cause that would be whining and we should shut up or leave since it's free to play. :D /madly waves fanboi flag

    Feel free to voice concerns -just don't be a whiny ****** about it.

    Okay... how about this. You'll get WHAT you get WHEN you get it. Either accept that or find greener pastures.

    So why do I expect that no matter what pastures you guys are in, all you will concentrate on is the fertilizer?
  • eternal256eternal256 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ivan is 100% correct in all factors.
  • baronvonboombaronvonboom Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Who the hell 'expected' surprises?
    I cannot be bothered to read a whole thread dedicated to some peoples greed & self entitlement, get over yourself, get a job or get a grip.

    Another notch on Neverwinters fabulous community board..
  • th1jsth1js Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    hann1bal13 wrote: »
    You guys didn't see the new cheese vendor to complement all the whine?

    do not agree, but an EPIC comment! you just earned the internet
  • gerritxgerritx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Another notch on Neverwinters fabulous community board..
    Try the Path of Exile community. I don't know if there's as much complaining, but it's the Mos Eisley of game forums that I've been on.

    These two forums make me miss Barrens Chat.
  • johnfelljohnfell Banned Users Posts: 408 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gerritx wrote: »
    Feel free to voice concerns -just don't be a whiny ****** about it.

    Okay... how about this. You'll get WHAT you get WHEN you get it. Either accept that or find greener pastures.

    So why do I expect that no matter what pastures you guys are in, all you will concentrate on is the fertilizer?

    I'm fairly secure in me not being a whiny "*****" about anything, Im simply voicing kinda valid concerns here and there, or offering suggestions or constructive criticism. Most game developers tend to want such things.

    Sooo... how about this. I tell YOU what to make ME DO or SAY, or I gtfo. No wait, that sounded almost as obvious and silly as what you just said. Hm. Howsabout this; Mind your own fertilizer and keep off mine? :)

    Have you internet warrior raged enough yet, told me or others off enough? Time to beat the chest abit maybe? Feel like a sensible adult telling dem kids to be goshdarnit quiet and sit down, or else?

    But keep flinging (hehe) fertilizer around, verbally speaking, instead of actually trying to promote change in this game's direction towards the better. Go after those that do, dem activist <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!
  • johnfelljohnfell Banned Users Posts: 408 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gerritx wrote: »
    Try the Path of Exile community. I don't know if there's as much complaining, but it's the Mos Eisley of game forums that I've been on.

    These two forums make me miss Barrens Chat.

    Id like to do a shout out to the BSN, bioware forums. Especially the infested nerdy corners of drama and despair RP'ers hang out in, the kind that write fanfics. The drama of that place because some character wasn't bi but straight or how they did this and that love scene in the game wrong... dear lord, almost worse then the swamp that is the ME3 multiplayer boards. :P (e-peen in a forum for a small team co-op game... hilarious :P )
This discussion has been closed.