templarknight91Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Not really what I was expecting higher DPS but...what they did was make us GODS in PvP I can take on 3-5 players and just heal and heal myself through the battle and take out 1-3 it's really nice seeing everyone run from the GWF now haha, but in PvE...just lack DPS still but really high defence so it's ok I guess..just not what I was expecting
Not really what I was expecting higher DPS but...what they did was make us GODS in PvP I can take on 3-5 players and just heal and heal myself through the battle and take out 1-3 it's really nice seeing everyone run from the GWF now haha
Making a 1v1 DPS class and a support class useless and boosting a previously broken class till is is OP is what Crpytic calls "balancing", I guess. ^^
I see this all the time. It's funny, because it actually isn't bad in PVE.
-With Destroyer feats and paired with Roar, you can charge up your Daily AND Unstoppable so fast it's not even funny.
-It doesn't do AOE damage on its own, but will proc Steel Blitz and any Weapon Enhancement to everything around you. I'm also pretty sure it procs Weapon Master, but I never remember to check while in the middle of battle.
-It provides extra survivability that was lost with the AS nerf.
-It marks and lowers resistance on anything hit, meaning that classes who don't build the full 22% armor pen will do more damage until you get hit.
-With enough recovery, you can make the cooldown less horrible. I personally have 3,394 Recovery which places it at 14.3 seconds.
I wouldn't mind a light cooldown reduction, but a little would go a very long way on that ability.
Unless something changed over the past few weeks, if Marks work anything like other damage resistance debuffs, e.g. Student of the Sword, their resistance reduction can also bring enemies to negative resistance after ArPen.
By marking an enemy and not letting it aggro/attack you, you are effectively giving yourself and your party an 8% DPS buff. This is aside from the fact that it builds a decent handful of Determination and makes you swole for a decent while.
Whether or not this is worth an encounter slot varies with your feat selection, your party, and your situation, of course, but I can think of worse encounter powers to slot.
Not really what I was expecting higher DPS but...what they did was make us GODS in PvP I can take on 3-5 players and just heal and heal myself through the battle and take out 1-3 it's really nice seeing everyone run from the GWF now haha, but in PvE...just lack DPS still but really high defence so it's ok I guess..just not what I was expecting
lol... gods of dying maybe.
Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter
To be honest after i read this the only thing i can think of for your CW and TR is either Incompetent or afk. If they removed our hit cap i might be inclined to agree with you for the aoe but single target? come on funny joke, unless of course we are in full t2 setup and they are in greens .... lvl 50 greens.
Honestly I am not interested in hearing from people who dont do spider + dungeons as everything before that you can almost 3 man. I also don't care about the PVP aspect because that in and of itself is a can of worms i don't want to get into. I would also like to hear from the people who have another class besides GWF, say CW or TR as they are the other dps of the groups (yes, yes i know people want to argue that GWF are not dps they are tanks....) I am trying specifically to ask the people that are about as geared up as I am AoW type gear and ancient weapon/off hand. Do you honestly feel useful in groups? and i mean that as is the spot they gave you honestly being used by the best class? or would the group have been better with something else?
I am sorry to be blunt but after putting a lot of time and resources into my GWF I am feeling that in taking my GWF the group is loosing out on something that would make it easier or faster. If you do not understand what i mean log off your GWF create a CW and see how easy it is. The risk/effort vs reward to me just does not seem to be there.
Why so you can join the 3 mill other CWs out there no thanks I will keep my GWF like all games it will get buffed and nerfed to the ground dosnt mean you should go and roll a CW or Rogue like everyone else.
It is not so i can join the 3 mill other CW, its so i can be useful and not a burden on the group. I'm still asking to hear from someone who is is end game gear and runs spider + dungeons.
It is not so i can join the 3 mill other CW, its so i can be useful and not a burden on the group. I'm still asking to hear from someone who is is end game gear and runs spider + dungeons.
I am a 11.3k gs gwf. Full aow + 2 ancients + stone + greater lightning.
Destroyer running ss wms roar ibs flourish slam crescendo.
I tried spider run after the latest patch with each class as setup.
I was top dps follow by tr. During most of the run. Cw and me was fighring for top space because of the mobs they can throw. However once we reached the last boss, i pull clear of cw. Its clear gwf rocks in fights like spider because u cant throw any **** out there.
Now, however its a different story in CN. For the last boss fight in CN speed runs, its still more useful to bring 2 dc 2 cw 1 tr. I have a cleric alt that I use to run cn while I hope that the new patch can bring something to my gwf. Unfortunately I was wrong. In the dracolich fight the gwf runs arnd like a headless chicken. Adds dont need him. If u go fight the boss, u have to keep moving because of the red circle aoe thingy that draco does which dimishes your dps extremely, you cant tank thru the dmg like tr can. So ya. Gwf is still useless in the most impt dungeon fight CN.
I'm enjoying the patch even more now that I am rocking the Sentinel build... Super sweet in PvP and fun in PvE also.
kwaziMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm happy with the patch, destroyer here. Happy with both pvp and pve! Having takedown up every 7.6 seconds is disgusting and with unstoppable I can spike someone for 14k damage without IBS. Pve wise I just do the same ole thing, except I gain ap waay faster with faster roar + battle fury cooldowns. Sure strike came in handy when it came down to me vs the boss vs reaping because of adds in spellplague. I'm sure I'll be using executioner's style in CN assuming I'm on boss duty. It's also great in pvp when you're in unstoppable since you can takedown, reaping, IBS for massive damage.
I'm not. Leveled a toon CW... while leveling I understood why ppl play CW.... this is not easy mode, it feels like godlike mode... so I leveled him to 60 got pvp gear....while comparing to my 13kGS gwf... was rly rly fun... got used to play him cause he's OP... then after a while got my GS almost to 13k+stone like on gwf... sweet baby jesus it's a dps\killing machine.. compared to CW GWF is absolutely nothing. So no, not happy.
Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter
As the post says, GWF still does not seem viable. It is actually painful to load mine up and play it anymore, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having better luck. Mostly talking about T2, everything my GWF could do my CW does better.
Not doing something right, then. I'd like to see your power selection and feat allotment, I bet you have a lot of mistakes. My GWF was a great build before the recent patch, and after the patch I love it. But, I made it on my own, before "guides" existed. I simply researched what route to take, looked at percentages, did some basic math, figured it out. I do great in T2s now, much better than before, and PvP is a blast but doesn't feel like I'm overpowered.
ive been testing the sentinel build since the patch.
mostly ive been using Daring shout CaGI and not so fast on aoe trash, and then just spamming WMS and SS for single targets. with steel blitz and weapon master as passives.
ive focused my ability points on str and dex for more damage, because dmg=threat
As many others have previously stated , if there is a GF in the group your job is boring as hell. And you are most likely better off just nuking the adds to the ground as destroyer or instigator.
But with a little time to get agro your can become what i would describe as a cowboy, herding mobs around, just out of range of your healer and dps. it can become a b*** to handle though because of the 5 mob hit cap on not so fast and CaGI
unstoppable is your friend, with the buff it makes you invinsible, at least thats what it feels like and with daring shout it will almost always be active, which of course lets you slam constantly and with slams new threat feat slam spamming is absolutelv vital.
ive thought about trying reaping strike and leap. Reaping strike as a combo with CaGI pull in + you gain determination when you take damage while charging reaping, what not to love? and because of the high damage it might even be worth it after daring shout and cagi debuffs. and leap for catching up to stray mobs or simply bouncing where you are, because its doesnt have the 5hit limit. but this is just speculation.
The sentinel tree definetely still needs some love, the agro from intimidation is pitiful 100% of nothing is nothing. and even theres the 5 mob hit cap...
and SS, sure you can peel mobs off the healer but thats about it, as others have stated theres no way you can out agro a dedicated TR who knows what their doing.
CaGI is an awesome encounter but the animation is just to slow, if you dont have unstoppable active you will most like be charged by something.(this goes for daring shout as well though not as severely)
at least the patch has been a boost to the viablity of the sentinel spec. it feels close but not quite there, maybe if wicked strike generated agro or reaping strike even. and then there is the 5 mob hit cap... com on.
this is my current feat build, ive tried focusing on damage as it is the only possible way if maintaining agro and the titan set (or parts there of mixed with dps gear though 2 titan 2 vigilant is probably the way to go.) lets you stay up untill everyone else is dead but you and the healer (because hes the only one you can keep agro from) and then you fight for untill the party runs back. or vs idris the revenant, clear the room while the rest of the group waits outside :P
Not doing something right, then. I'd like to see your power selection and feat allotment, I bet you have a lot of mistakes. My GWF was a great build before the recent patch, and after the patch I love it. But, I made it on my own, before "guides" existed. I simply researched what route to take, looked at percentages, did some basic math, figured it out. I do great in T2s now, much better than before, and PvP is a blast but doesn't feel like I'm overpowered.
Hhaaha no, way, I get asked this a lot, in game too. I will not reveal my secrets, but they're all there, just read. Study. Think.
So, we're all doing it wrong, despite many people with TONS of experience with the class all trying different things and still coming up mid-par compared to dps GF's (who can pull twice our numbers if built right!) and CW's -- who bring the added happy of control.
Because you do it right, and you are awesome. Even though you give no viable proof of this, or that you even have a GWF, and refuse to share your wisdom, because we need to "Study. Think."
Seems legit.
Edit: Also, the class is flawed, it's a matter of role opportunity.
Tanking? GF's do it better, even in conqueror, Enforced threat is a staple of every build, even dps -- marks 5 enemies, their marks double threat on top of their natural 45% bonus post-patch, even without the ToT/Qadruple threat enhanced mark passive, they get agro easier
Add control/dps: GF's cleave hits as hard as two wicked strikes in half the time, it adds up. Wizards lock down groups easy.
Single target dps?TR's do it better, good GF's do ti better (Lunging strike can crit in pve for upwards of 30k with the right build/gear, and it's on a 6 second CD)
The only things (post-patch) we bring to a party that another class does NOT do better is Student of the sword (Plaguefire nerf makes -45% defense a big deal) and MAYBE Allied Opportunity (It's unclear whether nightmare wizardry is for the group or just the wizard; if it's for the group then scratch that.)
zardoz007Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
My guild is still running 1 TR, 2 DC, 2 CW Castle Never groups. If Fighters stil lcan't go to Castle never what is the point. I have seen pugs only take this team for ring farming runs and other castle never stuff. The fact is the trash and the adds in CN hit too hard and have too much HP that you must use double wizards, and since wizards Dailys have no limt as to how many mobs they can hit and makes more threat than a Sentinel GWF slam they still see the fighters as useless.
Time to find a new guild and hope this blows over but most likely pray for a reducation in trash and adds that this game seriously needs across the boards.
So, we're all doing it wrong, despite many people with TONS of experience with the class all trying different things and still coming up mid-par compared to dps GF's (who can pull twice our numbers if built right!) and CW's -- who bring the added happy of control.
Because you do it right, and you are awesome. Even though you give no viable proof of this, or that you even have a GWF, and refuse to share your wisdom, because we need to "Study. Think."
Single target dps?TR's do it better, good GF's do ti better (Lunging strike can crit in pve for upwards of 30k with the right build/gear, and it's on a 6 second CD)
I've ALWAYS beaten GFs one on one in PvP, and I've seen higher-GS GWFs in my guild dish out continuous numbers around 12K per hit, so no. I have a combination of Destroyer and Instigator, my feats focus on HP for extended survival, switching on Unstop quickly (within 4-8 seconds), massive damage in groups, and moveability. Once you figure those out, the gear comes next, but since there is only so much right now, not hard to figure out what set to get. You can do decent work with a PvP set and the proper enchants. Problem for TRs is they get one-shotted much more easily, and I've seen it happen a lot. It's about team work man, no one class needs to be super-powered. They need a little more work overall, but I found the patch awesome, I do fine, the AD is rolling in as I collect items, craft, play. I don't have to give you proof of anything, because I don't care. You'll see me in-game at some point, most likely.
Are you guys kidding me? Your are stronger then before, I don't play a GWF (my bro do though) but I can notice in PvP that I mostly play and you are actually a threat now and you sure wasnt before, I play as a GF btw.
we still hit with a teddy bear but now the teddy bear has a small rock in it to do a little more damage. Funny I am a HUGE orc wielding a sword the size of a tree and monsters laugh when I hit them.
maybe its because your hitting them with a teddy bear....
GWF is fine, people need to quit asking for buffs for it because its just fine. As a GF, the hardest match one on one for me is GWF and obviously another GF. In terms of PVE, I like it when I have one of each class in my party, we do the best that way. They're fine.
I have a combination of Destroyer and Instigator, my feats focus on HP for extended survival, switching on Unstop quickly (within 4-8 seconds), massive damage in groups, and moveability.
So you don't go for either capstone... interesting. Thanks for sharing.
So i have yet to get an answer from anyone really. I was asking about top tier GWF in PVE. If for some reason you think you can match a CW watch them stack a perfect lightning or something into their weapon and BOOM everything is dead (unlimited aoe + jumps to 3 targets = dead group) We cant replace a TR because no one does the single target dps they do, and im not asking to. If they took our our 5 target cap we might be viable. Right now every run i do it seems a CW would do my aoe job better, GF do my tank job better, and TR do my dps better. just stack another of another class and it seems the runs go easier. Perfect meta should be 1 of each class .... sadly perfect meta is 1 GF 1 DC 1 TR and 2 CW. Its not an issue of can we do something it is an issue of everything can be done by another class MUCH better than us.
Why are you complaining? GWF are so OP right now it's hilarious.
1. Immune for a while, while regaining tons of health.
2. Run away when you think you are going to die WHILE immune at light speed
3. Come back and kill whoever / whatever was beating you up. Also did I mention immune?
realboMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
They are far from fixed but they aren't broken either. You people need L2play. I was having fun with my GWF pre-patch and that exponentially increased post-patch. I don't have to beg anymore to get into groups. I get into groups easily and ACTUALLY feel like I have a purpose.
They are far from fixed but they aren't broken either. You people need L2play. I was having fun with my GWF pre-patch and that exponentially increased post-patch. I don't have to beg anymore to get into groups. I get into groups easily and ACTUALLY feel like I have a purpose.
that purpose beeing? what spec are you? are you grouping with friends or queuing for dungeons?
I've ALWAYS beaten GFs one on one in PvP, and I've seen higher-GS GWFs in my guild dish out continuous numbers around 12K per hit, so no. I have a combination of Destroyer and Instigator, my feats focus on HP for extended survival, switching on Unstop quickly (within 4-8 seconds), massive damage in groups, and moveability. Once you figure those out, the gear comes next, but since there is only so much right now, not hard to figure out what set to get. You can do decent work with a PvP set and the proper enchants. Problem for TRs is they get one-shotted much more easily, and I've seen it happen a lot. It's about team work man, no one class needs to be super-powered. They need a little more work overall, but I found the patch awesome, I do fine, the AD is rolling in as I collect items, craft, play. I don't have to give you proof of anything, because I don't care. You'll see me in-game at some point, most likely.
Pvp is a moot point, as pvp i nthis game is broken, and unstoppable gives GWF's an advantage anyhow. (50% flat damage resistance goes a long way.)
As for your "combination of destroyer and instigator" that.. makes no sense, even if you don't get the cpastone in instigator, you still pretty much NEED grou passault, as it's the most important talent in that tree (to the point the rest of the talents are kind of eh, Slows! 5% more CA damage! 4 seconds of CA on NSF is good, but by itself a gem in a vacuum.)
Only one more point to spend in destroyer won't bring you ahead of anyone, unless you are straight up just not taking Student of the Sword, in which case, yea, you might pull ahead, but your are neutering your usefulness to the group in return, with plaguefire nerfed SotS is the BIGGEST dr debuff available, and it's spread naturally by crits.
I'm not saying you aren't good at what you do or you aren't happy with your class, but you are kind of just telling us WE'RE DOING IT WRONG, LEARN2PLAY without showing any proof to us that you are actually doing better than anyone and not just spewing hot air.
GWF are at a fine spot right now. People complain GWF are invincible but they never faced a rogue that is 95% of the time stealthed in PvP throwing daggers full of tenebrous. That's OP. An undergeared GWF is a joke, it must be geared. The game is stil new, there will be more nerfs and buffs coming.
People still complaining, which I find funny. I'm pretty satisfied with the changes, is it the end result, no. Maybe more tweaking is in store. Also, not so fast was good before, now its even better. As for finding groups, people actually invite me now, so its definitely better than before. If you're still having trouble, find a good guild and learn your class and the dungeon well.
Unless something changed over the past few weeks, if Marks work anything like other damage resistance debuffs, e.g. Student of the Sword, their resistance reduction can also bring enemies to negative resistance after ArPen.
By marking an enemy and not letting it aggro/attack you, you are effectively giving yourself and your party an 8% DPS buff. This is aside from the fact that it builds a decent handful of Determination and makes you swole for a decent while.
Whether or not this is worth an encounter slot varies with your feat selection, your party, and your situation, of course, but I can think of worse encounter powers to slot.
lol... gods of dying maybe.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Why so you can join the 3 mill other CWs out there no thanks I will keep my GWF like all games it will get buffed and nerfed to the ground dosnt mean you should go and roll a CW or Rogue like everyone else.
I am a 11.3k gs gwf. Full aow + 2 ancients + stone + greater lightning.
Destroyer running ss wms roar ibs flourish slam crescendo.
I tried spider run after the latest patch with each class as setup.
I was top dps follow by tr. During most of the run. Cw and me was fighring for top space because of the mobs they can throw. However once we reached the last boss, i pull clear of cw. Its clear gwf rocks in fights like spider because u cant throw any **** out there.
Now, however its a different story in CN. For the last boss fight in CN speed runs, its still more useful to bring 2 dc 2 cw 1 tr. I have a cleric alt that I use to run cn while I hope that the new patch can bring something to my gwf. Unfortunately I was wrong. In the dracolich fight the gwf runs arnd like a headless chicken. Adds dont need him. If u go fight the boss, u have to keep moving because of the red circle aoe thingy that draco does which dimishes your dps extremely, you cant tank thru the dmg like tr can. So ya. Gwf is still useless in the most impt dungeon fight CN.
Running WMS/Reaping w/ feat
pve encounters: IBS/Charge, Roar, Battle Fury
pvp encounters: IBS, takedown, Roar
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Not doing something right, then. I'd like to see your power selection and feat allotment, I bet you have a lot of mistakes. My GWF was a great build before the recent patch, and after the patch I love it. But, I made it on my own, before "guides" existed. I simply researched what route to take, looked at percentages, did some basic math, figured it out. I do great in T2s now, much better than before, and PvP is a blast but doesn't feel like I'm overpowered.
mostly ive been using Daring shout CaGI and not so fast on aoe trash, and then just spamming WMS and SS for single targets. with steel blitz and weapon master as passives.
ive focused my ability points on str and dex for more damage, because dmg=threat
As many others have previously stated , if there is a GF in the group your job is boring as hell. And you are most likely better off just nuking the adds to the ground as destroyer or instigator.
But with a little time to get agro your can become what i would describe as a cowboy, herding mobs around, just out of range of your healer and dps. it can become a b*** to handle though because of the 5 mob hit cap on not so fast and CaGI
unstoppable is your friend, with the buff it makes you invinsible, at least thats what it feels like and with daring shout it will almost always be active, which of course lets you slam constantly and with slams new threat feat slam spamming is absolutelv vital.
ive thought about trying reaping strike and leap. Reaping strike as a combo with CaGI pull in + you gain determination when you take damage while charging reaping, what not to love? and because of the high damage it might even be worth it after daring shout and cagi debuffs. and leap for catching up to stray mobs or simply bouncing where you are, because its doesnt have the 5hit limit. but this is just speculation.
The sentinel tree definetely still needs some love, the agro from intimidation is pitiful 100% of nothing is nothing. and even theres the 5 mob hit cap...
and SS, sure you can peel mobs off the healer but thats about it, as others have stated theres no way you can out agro a dedicated TR who knows what their doing.
CaGI is an awesome encounter but the animation is just to slow, if you dont have unstoppable active you will most like be charged by something.(this goes for daring shout as well though not as severely)
at least the patch has been a boost to the viablity of the sentinel spec. it feels close but not quite there, maybe if wicked strike generated agro or reaping strike even. and then there is the 5 mob hit cap... com on.
this is my current feat build, ive tried focusing on damage as it is the only possible way if maintaining agro and the titan set (or parts there of mixed with dps gear though 2 titan 2 vigilant is probably the way to go.) lets you stay up untill everyone else is dead but you and the healer (because hes the only one you can keep agro from) and then you fight for untill the party runs back. or vs idris the revenant, clear the room while the rest of the group waits outside :P
Care to share your build/feats?
Hhaaha no, way, I get asked this a lot, in game too. I will not reveal my secrets, but they're all there, just read. Study. Think.
So, we're all doing it wrong, despite many people with TONS of experience with the class all trying different things and still coming up mid-par compared to dps GF's (who can pull twice our numbers if built right!) and CW's -- who bring the added happy of control.
Because you do it right, and you are awesome. Even though you give no viable proof of this, or that you even have a GWF, and refuse to share your wisdom, because we need to "Study. Think."
Seems legit.
Edit: Also, the class is flawed, it's a matter of role opportunity.
Tanking? GF's do it better, even in conqueror, Enforced threat is a staple of every build, even dps -- marks 5 enemies, their marks double threat on top of their natural 45% bonus post-patch, even without the ToT/Qadruple threat enhanced mark passive, they get agro easier
Add control/dps: GF's cleave hits as hard as two wicked strikes in half the time, it adds up. Wizards lock down groups easy.
Single target dps?TR's do it better, good GF's do ti better (Lunging strike can crit in pve for upwards of 30k with the right build/gear, and it's on a 6 second CD)
The only things (post-patch) we bring to a party that another class does NOT do better is Student of the sword (Plaguefire nerf makes -45% defense a big deal) and MAYBE Allied Opportunity (It's unclear whether nightmare wizardry is for the group or just the wizard; if it's for the group then scratch that.)
Time to find a new guild and hope this blows over but most likely pray for a reducation in trash and adds that this game seriously needs across the boards.
I've ALWAYS beaten GFs one on one in PvP, and I've seen higher-GS GWFs in my guild dish out continuous numbers around 12K per hit, so no. I have a combination of Destroyer and Instigator, my feats focus on HP for extended survival, switching on Unstop quickly (within 4-8 seconds), massive damage in groups, and moveability. Once you figure those out, the gear comes next, but since there is only so much right now, not hard to figure out what set to get. You can do decent work with a PvP set and the proper enchants. Problem for TRs is they get one-shotted much more easily, and I've seen it happen a lot. It's about team work man, no one class needs to be super-powered. They need a little more work overall, but I found the patch awesome, I do fine, the AD is rolling in as I collect items, craft, play. I don't have to give you proof of anything, because I don't care. You'll see me in-game at some point, most likely.
maybe its because your hitting them with a teddy bear....
1. Immune for a while, while regaining tons of health.
2. Run away when you think you are going to die WHILE immune at light speed
3. Come back and kill whoever / whatever was beating you up. Also did I mention immune?
that purpose beeing? what spec are you? are you grouping with friends or queuing for dungeons?
Pvp is a moot point, as pvp i nthis game is broken, and unstoppable gives GWF's an advantage anyhow. (50% flat damage resistance goes a long way.)
As for your "combination of destroyer and instigator" that.. makes no sense, even if you don't get the cpastone in instigator, you still pretty much NEED grou passault, as it's the most important talent in that tree (to the point the rest of the talents are kind of eh, Slows! 5% more CA damage! 4 seconds of CA on NSF is good, but by itself a gem in a vacuum.)
Only one more point to spend in destroyer won't bring you ahead of anyone, unless you are straight up just not taking Student of the Sword, in which case, yea, you might pull ahead, but your are neutering your usefulness to the group in return, with plaguefire nerfed SotS is the BIGGEST dr debuff available, and it's spread naturally by crits.
I'm not saying you aren't good at what you do or you aren't happy with your class, but you are kind of just telling us WE'RE DOING IT WRONG, LEARN2PLAY without showing any proof to us that you are actually doing better than anyone and not just spewing hot air.