Organization Name: Freespirit Company (
Organization Theme: Adventure, Mercenary (RP-PvE/RP-PvP)
Organization Lead: Tyra Adalis (
Known Information: Freespirit Company is a gathering of individuals from all walks of life. As the name implies, its membership is largely free-spirited and carefree; having given up, or being forced from, their day-to-day obligations. Mercenaries, refugees, traveling tradesmen, performers, thrill-seeking adventurers, or even those just trying to dodge the spotlight find themselves welcome and free of judgment. The Company primarily uses bartering to negotiate compensation for services rendered or received.
Rumor Information:- The Freespirit Company has been moving up and down the Sword Coast trading in various goods and services. It's said that after a landslide, the Freespirit Company offered to rebuild a bridge that was vital for a local economy, in exchange for two dozen horses.
- Several months ago, a handful of Freespirit mercenaries were traveling through a remote community experiencing a surge in wild wolf raids. They agreed to put down wolves, so long as all carcasses were theirs to keep. The community agreed, and the wolves were soon dealt with. The wolf meat was harvested, salted, and later sold to a village experiencing famine... for a considerable profit.
- Though the number of Freespirits in a given area may be small, their numbers are not. Messages can be relayed between their traveling troupes either by normal courier or even covert dead drops.
OOC Information: Freespirit Company is hybrid catch-all group. From bards to bandits; priests to peasants; merchants to mercenaries, most everyone can find a role for themselves. What the Company does can vary wildly, from charity to profiteering to simply putting on a play for local entertainment. Ultimately, to be a member of the Freespirit Company is to embrace an ideal: That we're all free to dictate our destinies and pursue that which we enjoy, all in the company of like-minded individuals.
Every organization needs at least a core set of guidelines, though, and the Freespirit Company is no different.
Each new member has three tenants impressed upon them by either Tyra Adalis or whomever else is overseeing their induction into the group.
- We shall not harm our brothers.- We shall not steal from our brothers.- We shall stand up for and support our brothers.
The Freespirit Company, as a whole, is of a neutral alignment. Remember that each member is an individual, and is fully able to conduct themself as they see fit. Those who
continually act contrary to the Company's tenants are subject to penalties, or even being cast out, however.
Please remember that we're all here to roleplay and have a great time together. Life is brutal, and not everyone's characters may get along, but that's no excuse to be a jerk to eachother OOCly. Keep the OOC values of our roleplaying community at heart, because they still apply.
Freespirit Company is a heavy roleplaying guild, but also understands that sometimes, you just really want to play with your spouse, child or closest buddies from work. You may have someone OOCly invited into the guild, so long as they are respectful to peoples' roleplay and adhere to our OOC values. Anyone who represents us poorly in an OOC manner is subject to removal, be them roleplayers or not.
- Frequently Asked Questions- Roleplay Styles- Conflict in Character- Out Of Character Values
Until then, I bid you a good day, sir!
[Mods deleted the post this was referring to, thankfully!]
I would definitely like to have a more global presence, though, so building up a Euro membership base would be welcome. Ultimately, if we can have a fine group of roleplayers online throughout all hours of the day, that's a boon to everyone!
(Greetings! Without having either your @handle, or an application, I don't really have a way to contact you to proceed.
((I have filled out an application, though I did so as Viconim. I thought you would recognize me by my forum username with the handle I've written into the application. In case my application, for whatever reason, didn't make it through, it's @baldurandal. I apologize for the confusion.))
(Huh. I have no pending applications in queue. That's the source of confusion, then. It would appear your form didn't go through!
(I edited my last post with my handle. Is that enough, or should I fill the application again?)
(That's fine! We'll just meet in person, whenever is convenient for you!)
(Wonderful! I shall pop into the game as soon as you tell me our meeting location. Protector's Enclave, perhaps? By the way, just to be clear, are we to talk to eachother IC when we meet?)