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>> Confused by the term "BETA"? READ ON!

therealbrainstewtherealbrainstew Member Posts: 3 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Seems ALOT of people on here fail to understand the definition or objective of an open beta, so let it be known that:

Developers release either a closed beta or an open beta; closed beta versions are released to a restricted group of individuals for a user test by invitation, while open beta testers are from a larger group, or anyone interested.

The testers report any bugs that they find, and sometimes suggest additional features they think should be available in the final version.

Open betas serve the dual purpose of demonstrating a product to potential consumers, and testing among an extremely wide user base likely to bring to light obscure errors that a much smaller testing team might not find.

yes, this is sourced from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle because if I used my own words to try and get this point across I suspect I would be banned for use of foul language.

whether or not real money transactions should been included in an open beta release, is debatable, but it concurs with the ethic of a beta release, in that these systems NEED to be tested for bugs. You lot should be grateful that it has occurred in Beta and NOT the end product.

You signed up for a beta product, you are playing the beta product, it is YOUR responsibility to test and report bugs. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF A BETA. If you find a bug, whether its exploitative or not, Press H and click report a bug - dont tell the whole shard. The more people that actually understand the objective of a beta release the better because there will be less bugs/exploits in the final release

To be honest, think PW are in a bit of "damned if they do, damned if they dont' position, same as Blizzard were with the D3 AH exploit. Blizzard did not roll back and faced huge amounts of criticism and QQ from the community, but they had the resources to be able to handle the situation without a rollback - resources I doubt PW has.

PW have handled this well - as many devs will tell you, a system rollback is the LAST thing they want to do - but in this case it was necessary.

you are NOT playing a released game, you are playing beta.

Post edited by therealbrainstew on


  • iamphausiamphaus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    regardless they ****ed up their reputation and the game, the fact its beta or not beta is out the window. Many people have already left.
    Common sense is hard to come by around here it seems..
  • ratrailratrail Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Well this is certainly a new topic that hasn't been discussed on the forums before. Thank you for providing a thread to discuss this new and exciting topic.
  • frost168frost168 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    another dev posting from his alt account.

    HI DEV !!!!!
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Using wikipedia's definition?

    Key phrase that you highlighted. "demonstrating a product to potential consumers"

    Uh, 'potential'? Not when cash is in the mix.

    I agree with the rest of it tho, find a bug? report it and move on.

    In SDLC terms tho, the terminology of 'soft release' versus 'open beta' can get confusing and misleading, probably because it's marketing folks that control the publicity, not experienced software folks.
  • leetsawcesleetsawces Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 81
    edited May 2013
    a lot* (extra text for required length)
  • dumbestnamedumbestname Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Interesting that people are still harping on the "beta" thing. You do know that developers have already called the game "released" in interviews correct?
  • sumeragisansumeragisan Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Yea it would help if they fixed the issue when it was first bought up as opposed to ignoring it and letting it run its course for days. But if you want to be a white knight, go ahead. When the game dies, you will realize how much PWE ****ed up.
  • kulsveinkulsvein Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you dont want to beta test this product move on and come back when game is released in full, or not - quit whinging!
    The stupid questions are the ones you do not ask;)
  • mrlee9569mrlee9569 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 78
    edited May 2013
    So by your post we are all here to test and report bugs in Neverwinter, right?

    So why the hell are we being charged to respec our characters? Wouldn't you think they would want as much feedback they can get on all the different combinations?

    Normally I would agree with your post, but when you have to use money in an open beta game, I know it's just Cryptic/PWE covering their butts. Which is a pretty dirty thing to do imo.

    This is not a beta, this is a soft release.
  • ryaboryabo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    An Open beta like you define it makes sence if there is a release in the future. An open beta like it is done in Games like Neverwinter is total different, there wount be any kind of release, Char Wipe and so on.
    Also an Open beta usually is not payed, e.g. even if you sometimes need to buy the game your free playtime is not reduced and starts counting with release.

    An Open Beta like this is a "soft release" because your real money is involved. The name beta is only an exuse for bugs so they are able to say its only beta. But it isnt a beta!
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Open beta means so many things to so many different companies, that it's become impossible to give it a set definition.

    This is actually, almost a clever whine about whiners thead, but a whiners thread none-the-less.
  • dumbestnamedumbestname Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    This is correct, but even by software standards this isn't a soft release or a limited release. It's simply that the publisher wanted to push the game out in it's current state in order to start making money. They felt it was, "Done enough" and the marketing department slapped, "Open Beta" on it to dissuade any detraction.

    Developers have already called it "released", so I'm not sure where you get the idea that it's not released. Just because someone in the marketing department decided to throw the word beta onto a game, doesn't change the fact that it's actually released. Just because I call a Honda a Porsche, doesn't mean that it somehow changed the fact that it's still actually a Honda.
  • mrlee9569mrlee9569 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 78
    edited May 2013
    kulsvein wrote: »
    If you dont want to beta test this product move on and come back when game is released in full, or not - quit whinging!

    But MMO's are never released in "full". You can come back in 1,2,3 years it doesn't matter. Stuff will be added and changed all the time.
  • mrlee9569mrlee9569 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 78
    edited May 2013
    skalt112 wrote: »

    This is actually, almost a clever whine about whiners thead, but a whiners thread none-the-less.

    LOL nice one! :P
  • mrtastixmrtastix Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Whilst it is indeed debatable about paying for items in a beta, it's pretty **** dodgy.

    It's not as if they couldn't have reduced the price of all items in the ZEN Market during the beta or even did a refund deal during the beta so people could still test it.

    Testing something shouldn't require me paying money. Quality Assurance teams get paid to do this ****, so why should I pay Cryptic?
  • powereddjinnpowereddjinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Open beta - marketing speak for 'not my fault if it flops/crashes/dies/is full of bugs and exploites'
    - exec. speak for 'my wallet needs filling again'
    - dev. speak for 'it needs another 9 months to test, fix & polish'
    - customer speak for 'I wanna play now [wail]'

  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Open beta - marketing speak for 'not my fault if it flops/crashes/dies/is full of bugs and exploites'
    - exec. speak for 'my wallet needs filling again'
    - dev. speak for 'it needs another 9 months to test, fix & polish'
    - customer speak for 'I wanna play now [wail]'


    +1 /10char
  • m3dussam3dussa Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    Demonstrating means a demo, that's sort of what demo means, you know.

    This isn't a beta, this isn't a preview, this isn't a demo...they are selling this as an end product and people should and will treat it as such.
    Since you are not yet introduced to the final product and many functions are not available YET, then your argument is invalid, this IS a demo, this IS a BETA and this IS a preview, thank you.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    m3dussa wrote: »
    Since you are not yet introduced to the final product and many functions are not available YET, then your argument is invalid, this IS a demo, this IS a BETA and this IS a preview, thank you.

    You mean, like say, Windows 8?
  • kittztrixkittztrix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Open beta - marketing speak for 'not my fault if it flops/crashes/dies/is full of bugs and exploites'
    - exec. speak for 'my wallet needs filling again'
    - dev. speak for 'it needs another 9 months to test, fix & polish'
    - customer speak for 'I wanna play now [wail]'

    Hahahahhaahhaha why does everyone get so uptight, theres a prayer that i'm rather fond of which seems to apply here.... just to clarify though i am an agnostic...
    The Serenity Prayer
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

  • dreadlordmikeydreadlordmikey Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    whether or not real money transactions should been included in an open beta release, is debatable, but it concurs with the ethic of a beta release, in that these systems NEED to be tested for bugs. You lot should be grateful that it has occurred in Beta and NOT the end product.

    As someone who works in software development, creating large business systems, I cannot stress how important this statement is. Complex systems require rigorous testing by large user bases. And games are enormously complex, typically orders of magnitude more complex than your typical business system.

    During the development of any given release of a product, we will cut many releases, and during the beta releases, we cut many releases of them. The beta testers are well aware that it is beta software, and that they should not use it to perform mission-critical operations, because it likely contains defects that will negatively impact their operations. But the reason we do this is so that we can collect feedback, identify and fix genuine defects, and release corrected builds back to the users as quickly as possible.

    But here's the catch: in a system like Neverwinter, the game consists of various systems that are integrated with one another. These include billing systems, rendering systems, server communication systems, and a host of other systems that we cannot possibly imagine. They all have to be tested. And believe me when I tell you that defects will appear in the wild that will never show up in the development environment.

    This is why it's a beta test. They are trying to ensure that they have covered as much of the system as they reasonably can. And even when they finally decide that it is officially out of beta status, they'll now that there are still defects, but that the vast majority of them are resolved.
    You signed up for a beta product, you are playing the beta product, it is YOUR responsibility to test and report bugs. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF A BETA. If you find a bug, whether its exploitative or not, Press H and click report a bug - dont tell the whole shard. The more people that actually understand the objective of a beta release the better because there will be less bugs/exploits in the final release

    I suspect that there are numerous problems here. Google has abused "beta status" for so long that people no longer understand what it means. The term is now synonymous with "cover your ***", and that's a damned shame. To those of us who take software development seriously, beta status is a real term, with a defined, deterministic meaning, and it has concrete value.

    To end-users, though, it usually means something along the lines of "The product has been released, and I can use it." They do not realize that it means that they have entered a "QA Agreement" with the developers of the product. When you download the product and begin using it, you agree to identify any defects and report them. But the vast majority of users who download beta software never submit a defect report or feedback of any kind.

    And this is where the central problem lays. What the players think a beta is and what the developers think a beta is are frequently two very different things.
    "Over the course of my many years I have learned one thing: I don't know anything, I only think I do. And I'm not even sure about that." -- Rasgard the Wise
  • suroh66suroh66 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You're an idiot lol, that's the entire point of a beta to fix the problems that they have created and the people that left will return in a month, that's how it goes any more. it's a **** shame how ever that you're still here
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Seems ALOT of people on here fail to understand the definition or objective of an open beta, so let it be known that:

    yes, this is sourced from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle because if I used my own words to try and get this point across I suspect I would be banned for use of foul language.

    whether or not real money transactions should been included in an open beta release, is debatable, but it concurs with the ethic of a beta release, in that these systems NEED to be tested for bugs. You lot should be grateful that it has occurred in Beta and NOT the end product.

    You signed up for a beta product, you are playing the beta product, it is YOUR responsibility to test and report bugs. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF A BETA. If you find a bug, whether its exploitative or not, Press H and click report a bug - dont tell the whole shard. The more people that actually understand the objective of a beta release the better because there will be less bugs/exploits in the final release

    To be honest, think PW are in a bit of "damned if they do, damned if they dont' position, same as Blizzard were with the D3 AH exploit. Blizzard did not roll back and faced huge amounts of criticism and QQ from the community, but they had the resources to be able to handle the situation without a rollback - resources I doubt PW has.

    PW have handled this well - as many devs will tell you, a system rollback is the LAST thing they want to do - but in this case it was necessary.

    you are NOT playing a released game, you are playing beta.


    *reads intently, realizes it's ANOTHER "whinge about whingeing" thread and calmly and coldly replies*

  • unimatrixalpha1unimatrixalpha1 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's pretty simple the game is still in beta development. That's defined by the company and not a minority of consumers who knowingly signed on to Neverwinter, which had the beta tag. The inclusion or absence of a cash shop is not defining line whether a product is beta or not. Probably, many will agree that the game was released earlier than it should have, thinking that it's a final product. If the game was released earlier than it should have and has the beta tag associated with it, then it is a beta product.

    If Cryptic had released Neverwinter and called it a final product, then people would have been up in arms that it is a beta product. You just can't please everyone. Someone's always going to complain either ways.
  • kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I can call my dog "cat", that doesn't make my dog a cat.
  • sadmummysadmummy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You are totally wrong.

    A beta in an mmo, ends the exact moment you decide to not wipe anymore. The moment everything that happens is staying forever, it's not a beta anymore.

    Don't you see how easy it is for them to just put the tag "beta" on the title. Calling something as you pelase doesn't make it be that way.
  • unimatrixalpha1unimatrixalpha1 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sadmummy wrote: »
    You are totally wrong.

    A beta in an mmo, ends the exact moment you decide to not wipe anymore. The moment everything that happens is staying forever, it's not a beta anymore.

    Don't you see how easy it is for them to just put the tag "beta" on the title. Calling something as you pelase doesn't make it be that way.

    Don't you see the irony of what you just stated? "Calling something as you pelase doesn't make it be that way."

    You calling the game as you please "not beta any more," doesn't make it not beta. The company that makes and markets the products defines whether it's still in beta; not you or the public. With all the bug, glitches, and exploits, most people would agree that it is a beta product, even with a cash shop.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As someone who works in software development, creating large business systems, I cannot stress how important this statement is. Complex systems require rigorous testing by large user bases. And games are enormously complex, typically orders of magnitude more complex than your typical business system.

    During the development of any given release of a product, we will cut many releases, and during the beta releases, we cut many releases of them. The beta testers are well aware that it is beta software, and that they should not use it to perform mission-critical operations, because it likely contains defects that will negatively impact their operations. But the reason we do this is so that we can collect feedback, identify and fix genuine defects, and release corrected builds back to the users as quickly as possible.

    But here's the catch: in a system like Neverwinter, the game consists of various systems that are integrated with one another. These include billing systems, rendering systems, server communication systems, and a host of other systems that we cannot possibly imagine. They all have to be tested. And believe me when I tell you that defects will appear in the wild that will never show up in the development environment.

    This is why it's a beta test. They are trying to ensure that they have covered as much of the system as they reasonably can. And even when they finally decide that it is officially out of beta status, they'll now that there are still defects, but that the vast majority of them are resolved.

    I suspect that there are numerous problems here. Google has abused "beta status" for so long that people no longer understand what it means. The term is now synonymous with "cover your ***", and that's a damned shame. To those of us who take software development seriously, beta status is a real term, with a defined, deterministic meaning, and it has concrete value.

    To end-users, though, it usually means something along the lines of "The product has been released, and I can use it." They do not realize that it means that they have entered a "QA Agreement" with the developers of the product. When you download the product and begin using it, you agree to identify any defects and report them. But the vast majority of users who download beta software never submit a defect report or feedback of any kind.

    And this is where the central problem lays. What the players think a beta is and what the developers think a beta is are frequently two very different things.

    If they want us to test thier product and help them discover bugs and such, why are they charging us 6 bucks for a respec? wouldn't unlimited respecs during beta be a + for catching and eliminating bugs? Then charge when they go live? They should give 2 character slots and 3 temp character slots so we can test all the classes, and then make you choose 2 at the end of beta, unless you buy them beforehand.

    I mean why do they make you pay to be an efficient tester? it makes no sense. Unless this is not a beta test, and is a release, then It would make sense.
  • santhendorsanthendor Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Don't you see the irony of what you just stated? "Calling something as you pelase doesn't make it be that way."

    You calling the game as you please "not beta any more," doesn't make it not beta. The company that makes and markets the products defines whether it's still in beta; not you or the public. With all the bug, glitches, and exploits, most people would agree that it is a beta product, even with a cash shop.

    It is true that PWE has said that this is Open Beta, so what exactly...EXACTLY...will be the changes that move the game from "Open Beta" to "Released"?
  • unimatrixalpha1unimatrixalpha1 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    skalt112 wrote: »
    If they want us to test thier product and help them discover bugs and such, why are they charging us 6 bucks for a respec? wouldn't unlimited respecs during beta be a + for catching and eliminating bugs? Then charge when they go live? They should give 2 character slots and 3 temp character slots so we can test all the classes, and then make you choose 2 at the end of beta, unless you buy them beforehand.

    I mean why do they make you pay to be an efficient tester? it makes no sense. Unless this is not a beta test, and is a release, then It would make sense.

    You don't have to pay $6 for a respect. You can exchange your AD for zen to get a respect token. All without paying, if that is your choice.
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