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Read this and actually think for once



  • yurateiyuratei Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2013
    People are also flocking with agreeing with me. Read the responses and see I don't think I have a superior attitude. I share the same attitude with a lot of people. Again, read the responses.

    I have read the replies. Have you? Yes, you have some people who agree with you. And you have plenty who say that you do have a superior attitude. For example, the reply just below the one I am quoting from you. So, if you are saying that you're right about your points because there are people who agree with you, then by that logic, you also have a superior attitude because there are people who agree with that fact also.
  • secksyxsecksyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah op..about that..in all of your examples, a large percent of the population didn't gain hundreds of thousands off dollars worth of currency in a day....each...

    I pay $20 for 2000 Zen. Assuming some of the average trade rates, lets highball it and say 500AD for 1 Zen. These guys take a day and make a BILLION AD.

    So we have values..we can figure out how much money people effectively made. 50k AD for $1.
    1 billion AD = $20,000! People had well over that amount of AD.

    Now for people who paid money they worked hard for, and to let the AD just sit on alts and mules..even if they miss just a handfull of people...that puts a bad taste in my mouth. Will I still play? sure...but will I keep spending money on them? NOPE!. I have been playing 2 weeks and spent about $100 on this game. They just lost all the future income from me and many others if they don't guarantee they removed all inflated AD from the game.

    I'm not about to spend real life money on things to find out people got those things in disgusting quantities for free...beta or not.
  • abcyangabcyang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morvek01 wrote: »
    One thing destroys your point. This is a F2P game. Exploiters, the smart ones, will have multiple accounts to hold their loot. If even a small handful of these accounts are missed with the numbers of AD that caused this uproar to begin with, it will have an adverse affect on the economy. The only way to ensure all of them are caught is a wipe to day 1. I've been playing everyday (not all day but for at least 3-4 hours each day) and I just hit 60 this morning and got my first companion to rank 30 today. All quest/grind xp. My professions are level 14. I'd STILL rather see a wipe and have to go through the last 3 weeks all over again than know cheaters were allowed to get away with cheating and ruin mine and other players gameplay experience later.

    Agree 100%

    Not doing this would be the same as what happened in Perfect World with the 'goon glitch'. People worked out a way to jump years in levelling with an exploit. After 6months raging by the community PWI banned the exploiters for 2 days!!! and many many quit because the exploiters got a massive advantage which was never rectified. That was the beginning of the end for PWI.

    This game has been out such a short time that a wipe is very viable.
  • darthtraya67darthtraya67 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm puzzled as to why people are panicking so much over this.

    Inflation works both ways. Sure, it means that items will cost more in the AH, but it also means that items you find will sell for more. Since many in-game items sell for a fixed amount of AD in NPC shops, you may very well find it easier to obtain that mount you always wanted...

    Furthermore, since everybody and their dog grinded Level 60 gear, you won't have to as much work to obtain it any more.

    This is Diablo 3 all over again, not to mention many other MMOs like the OP mentioned. Things stabilize, players adapt. I'm just sitting back with a bowl of popcorn and watching the fireworks.

    As for PWE/Cryptic, they deserve this for being such greedy buggers. People exploiting and messing up the game's economy comes with the territory of trying to sell in game currency for cash. If buying AD wasn't so strongly incentivized, far fewer people would do it.
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    A wipe actually isn't that viable. Lots of people will leave, and it will forever tarnish this game's word-of-mouth reputation. Seeing as its current word-of-mouth reputation isn't that high, a wipe could very well kill it.
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    As for PWE/Cryptic, they deserve this for being such greedy buggers. People exploiting and messing up the game's economy comes with the territory of trying to sell in game currency for cash. If buying AD wasn't so strongly incentivized, far fewer people would do it.

    +1, my good sir. Personally, I think the bit with the cats was a nice touch to what otherwise seemed like great justice.

    Honestly, these days, any company making an MMO that DOESN'T take the "Chinese gold-farming economy" into account when balancing their own in-game economies is just plain missing the entire point (in balancing an economy).
  • secksyxsecksyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm puzzled as to why people are panicking so much over this.

    Inflation works both ways. Sure, it means that items will cost more in the AH, but it also means that items you find will sell for more. Since many in-game items sell for a fixed amount of AD in NPC shops, you may very well find it easier to obtain that mount you always wanted...

    Furthermore, since everybody and their dog grinded Level 60 gear, you won't have to as much work to obtain it any more.

    This is Diablo 3 all over again, not to mention many other MMOs like the OP mentioned. Things stabilize, players adapt. I'm just sitting back with a bowl of popcorn and watching the fireworks.

    As for PWE/Cryptic, they deserve this for being such greedy buggers. People exploiting and messing up the game's economy comes with the territory of trying to sell in game currency for cash. If buying AD wasn't so strongly incentivized, far fewer people would do it.

    Except people who spent money to support the company..they all get smacked in the face.

    I'm level 30ish..I dont have tons of purple gear..i'd even say i'm the majority. Casual players who are mid 30s 40s, people who drop $30 for zen..then that $30 becomes worthless..we just lost our money.

    I buy a bag for $10 knowing I can sell it in the AH for 400kAD. I sell it..I get 400k AD. All is good.
    Now when people have BILLIONS of AD making my 400k worthless..I can now buy a freaking level 1 green item with my $10 spent.

    Nope...not going to spend any more money here.
  • darthtraya67darthtraya67 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Edit: Whoops, double post. 4000 people on this forum is glitching it pretty badly.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exploits happen. You guys are freaking out beyond belief. It's just a game. You guys freaking out so badly is changing mmos like feminism is changing males in america. People like yall are worse than the hipsters/edgies I see around town. It's cancer.

    Also, there is no moral high-ground on the internet or any game internet related. This game can be like having groceries to some or a member-enlargement pill to others, if you get what I am talking about. It's all about what you get from it, there exists no absolute way to enjoy video games. All I know is sitting here hating devs because they don't wipe and writing out reasons because they "want money so bad" is just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. It's like you guys are dissatisfied because your member didn't grow from a member-enlargement pill.

    In no way have you guys responded to the big picture of what I am talking about. Everyone who agrees with me agrees on the big picture. You guys don't mention it because you can't accept it or even be aware of it. It's nothing but humorous what you guys are writing.
  • kpon1kpon1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you are a person with a mindset other than this OP. Then you most likely are a liberal. Therefore you believe inconveniences to your personal life should be changed on a global scale to make your life the way you want it at the cost of all the others. You strengthen each of your statements with, "you just going to take that?" "Don't you deserve more?" "They owe us?" "Its my money"These types of thoughts cannot be countermanded with another statement without others blindly joining behind those that use such statements. Why? It is simple. They want their own agenda and solutions and create an obvious outcome statement and follow up with. "Then do as I day." It is the type of rally you do with mobs. It is not a solution and it is not giving criticism and it does not help anyone but the instigator. Neverwinter is a fine game with some minor launch issues that occurs now that people are more familiar with MMO and common possible exploits. Back in the 90's no one would be able to exploit easily. Now that experience has been learned in previous MMO's the people who can exploit, will exploit. They look for it. Purposefully. So it happens faster and on a larger scale is all. But it will happen and it will continue to happen with all MMO's. Its not about going backwards and punishing everyone else. its juts fixing it and going forward. The game will rectify itself. If your upset about being able to buy gear cheap, then you cannot be upset about something like rising gas prices. If the exploit is gone, people benefits, but the game is still the same fun game it was before, then now you got a fun game with one less exploit. Is that not a solution? of course someone will say no I want more. But lets face it, that same person would want more anyways until they have it all and then move on. Just fix the exploits as they come. No further actions are required.
  • qualexiousqualexious Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    ikagawa wrote: »
    Apparently the OP is of the opinion that people should just bend over and take it when a company screws up no matter the severity of how bad it is.

    Frankly, players like the OP are why MMO's have continued to degrade. You don't hold companies accountable. You just tell others that are frustrated or annoyed with bad business practices or lackluster development cycles to suck it up because they'll "fix it eventually."

    You would rather stick your head in the dirt and pretend that the problem like the current one didn't already happen in STO, nor did it happen during Closed Beta and was reported by multiple players which were all subsequently ignored.

    ^This sums it up. I'm not a player, I'm a customer with little patience for bad business.
  • tindgetindge Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe I lose out on some great aspects of the game, but Ive never used the Auction House and Ive never had one Zen to my name.
    Alot of the game seems to easy as it is, so I just take what comes my way & have been happy going this route.

    Ive been playing this since the start of Alpha testing & think its a great game, but all things need some fine tuning & ya do have to weed out the bad apples that wreck it for the rest of us~ We just have to be patient for the results of whatever they decide to do about the mellarkey thats been goin on..
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I mean, you guys are sitting here playing a game yet are mad at the same time. You aren't stuck, yet you create this "stuckness" because you actually "like" to complain. You sit here and call these devs evil and bad, yet you STILL play!

    You guys are like a bad girlfriend.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did uh, well you know... anyone bring the cheese and tissues?

    I had some, but all the people claiming that they'd leave if there was no wipe used them all up.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • ikagawaikagawa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 106
    edited May 2013
    kpon1 wrote: »
    If you are a person with a mindset other than this OP. Then you most likely are a liberal. Therefore you believe inconveniences to your personal life should be changed on a global scale to make your life the way you want it at the cost of all the others. You strengthen each of your statements with, "you just going to take that?" "Don't you deserve more?" "They owe us?" "Its my money"These types of thoughts cannot be countermanded with another statement without others blindly joining behind those that use such statements. Why? It is simple. They want their own agenda and solutions and create an obvious outcome statement and follow up with. "Then do as I day." It is the type of rally you do with mobs. It is not a solution and it is not giving criticism and it does not help anyone but the instigator. Neverwinter is a fine game with some minor launch issues that occurs now that people are more familiar with MMO and common possible exploits. Back in the 90's no one would be able to exploit easily. Now that experience has been learned in previous MMO's the people who can exploit, will exploit. They look for it. Purposefully. So it happens faster and on a larger scale is all. But it will happen and it will continue to happen with all MMO's. Its not about going backwards and punishing everyone else. its juts fixing it and going forward. The game will rectify itself. If your upset about being able to buy gear cheap, then you cannot be upset about something like rising gas prices. If the exploit is gone, people benefits, but the game is still the same fun game it was before, then now you got a fun game with one less exploit. Is that not a solution? of course someone will say no I want more. But lets face it, that same person would want more anyways until they have it all and then move on. Just fix the exploits as they come. No further actions are required.

    Except they didn't fix the exploits as they came. They waited. In the case of this AH exploit, they waited for at least a year since that's when it first appeared in STO. Then it reappeared during closed beta and was ignored even though many players reported it on multiple occasions.

    Your wall of text is pointless since you obviously don't know what is actually going on.
  • secksyxsecksyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any other exploit and I wouldn't want a wipe..i'd be fine with it.

    But when I spend $100 on this game knowing a value of AD i would get from that..then to have that made worthless...is not fun.

    Anyone who thinks that isn't a big deal..hand me over $100 if its so worthless to you.

    I worked for 10 hours doing a HARD job in real life..physical labor. I chose to use my hard work on items in this game. Those items were effectively stolen from me.

    Someone give me $100 or my 10 hours back..if not..then roll this game back a week. Seriously. If AD prices are inflated after they open servers back up..rest assured i'm getting a refund. My bank is VERY good at doing what I ask.
  • darthtraya67darthtraya67 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    secksyx wrote: »
    Except people who spent money to support the company..they all get smacked in the face.

    I'm level 30ish..I dont have tons of purple gear..i'd even say i'm the majority. Casual players who are mid 30s 40s, people who drop $30 for zen..then that $30 becomes worthless..we just lost our money.

    I buy a bag for $10 knowing I can sell it in the AH for 400kAD. I sell it..I get 400k AD. All is good.
    Now when people have BILLIONS of AD making my 400k worthless..I can now buy a freaking level 1 green item with my $10 spent.

    Nope...not going to spend any more money here.

    So, your beef here is that you paid $10 for a worthless piece of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and have just discovered that it's an even bigger worthless piece of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Either way, Cryptic still gets your support...

    This sort of thing happens all the time, with both real and virtual products. You can blow thousands of dollars on a computer or a car and watch their value drop to a fraction of what you paid within a couple years.

    MMO markets are volatile, always have been. All it takes is a new exploit or new patch for some part of the economy to be drastically affected. Caveat Emptor. Don't buy currency or items in MMOs if you don't want to take these risks.
  • ikagawaikagawa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 106
    edited May 2013
    I mean, you guys are sitting here playing a game yet are mad at the same time. You aren't stuck, yet you create this "stuckness" because you actually "like" to complain. You sit here and call these devs evil and bad, yet you STILL play!

    You guys are like a bad girlfriend.

    Or we complain because we like the product but we believe that it can, and should, be better. That the developers shouldn't just be looking at the bottom line for the short term, but how they can retain a playerbase for the long term.

    Unlike you, I'm not complacent and willing to let a company sit back and do what they want without a word.
  • blaumkerblaumker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 75
    edited May 2013
    Dumbest original post I've ever seen anywhere. "Exploits make the game fun"!!? Ad nauseum garbage like that for several paragraphs, justifying stuff like this as if it is the life fuel of MMO gaming? Proceeding to suggest that anyone that would not see it that way is a "cancer on the gam"?

    Seriously, what the hell. Cheats have been the plague of MMO's since.....well, MMO's started. Do people blow the game-wide consequences out of proportion? Sure they do. Grandstanding and ******ry run rampant.

    Their wailing and gnashing of teeth isn't the cancer on the gaming community, those that exploit and cheat are. Companies that do anything short of permanent bans for catching people doing it are. The only thing that could be worse is some fool that actually thinks that activity like that should exist, and that it is natural.
  • s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    qualexious wrote: »
    ^This sums it up. I'm not a player, I'm a customer with little patience for bad business.

    Pretty much.

    As long as fanboys continue to lower their standards and take whatever <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> devs throw at them, the genre will continue to degrade. They are the cancer that is killing MMOs.
  • secksyxsecksyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, your beef here is that you paid $10 for a worthless piece of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and have just discovered that it's an even bigger worthless piece of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Either way, Cryptic still gets your support...

    This sort of thing happens all the time, with both real and virtual products. You can blow thousands of dollars on a computer or a car and watch their value drop to a fraction of what you paid within a couple years.

    MMO markets are volatile, always have been. All it takes is a new exploit or new patch for some part of the economy to be drastically affected. Caveat Emptor. Don't buy currency or items in MMOs if you don't want to take these risks.

    Value dropping over time and overnight are two VERY different things. I paid about $100. It doesn't matter if you think it was dumb or silly to purchase items with real money..your opinion has no matter in it.

    If you buy a gift card to your favorite store, then go into the store the very next day and they say..oh..well..you see..lots of people made fake gift cards so yours is now only worth pennies..you would see a LOT of people wanting refunds.

    Make no mistake, my "support" will no longer be with them if they don't correct the economy in game. I promise you my bank can do a charge back up to a week easy..and all my money was spent just a day or two ago.

    I've done it before..to companies that thought they were untouchable. It's really nice having a bank that gets things done.
  • kaputzikaputzi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    secksyx wrote: »
    Any other exploit and I wouldn't want a wipe..i'd be fine with it.

    But when I spend $100 on this game knowing a value of AD i would get from that..then to have that made worthless...is not fun.

    Anyone who thinks that isn't a big deal..hand me over $100 if its so worthless to you.

    I worked for 10 hours doing a HARD job in real life..physical labor. I chose to use my hard work on items in this game. Those items were effectively stolen from me.

    Someone give me $100 or my 10 hours back..if not..then roll this game back a week. Seriously. If AD prices are inflated after they open servers back up..rest assured i'm getting a refund. My bank is VERY good at doing what I ask.

    I haven't spent a penny in the game but I have the sense to sympathize with this perspective unlike the OP and the idiots that agree with him
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who has more say: a person who plays this game for a year not spending any money or someone who jumps in, pays 1000 dollars, then starts complaining that their 1000 dollars wasn't well spent?

    I say the vet.
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, I don't see the arguments "this isn't a big deal, just something funny [from OP]" and "so we should just bend over and like it because this is how they're gonna do it?" as being mutually exclusive, like some have (perhaps inadvertently) presented them.

    I see this as a highly-amusing bit of fun to fix an otherwise-ignored issue, and hardly the rage-boner-inducing End of Times that many seem to be viewing it as. On the other hand, I'm strongly against gamers as a group settling for low-quality jobs - something we've been doing en masse in the last decade.

    I expect to receive an interesting gaming experience. I want to think - if I didn't, I'd go watch an episode of South Park. I'd enjoy that episode very much, because South Park is highly entertaining. But when I come to a game, I'm not looking for a series of quicktime events. I want to think my way through interesting problems I probably wouldn't encounter in my daily life, and I want to be rewarded for clever solutions to those problems.

    But I can't be bothered to get angry over a server wipe. The key to this is realizing that things don't make you angry, but that you allow yourself to be angered by things. Some people need to learn how to just stop being angry.

    No, really! It's a thing! You can just not by angry about it! Really, I promise! Ask your mom if you don't believe me!

    EDIT: Those saying the OP is part of the cancer that is settling for less than they deserve, and thereby ruining many games for the rest of gamers, should point out where specifically he states that we should just ignore this with no wipe JUST BECAUSE.

    He's saying it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of Neverwinter. It's a footnote and little more. He's NOT saying "WAAAAAHHHH, STOP MAKING FUN OF BRITNEY AFTER ALL SHE'S BEEN THROUGH!!!111!!1one" He's saying sack-up, be a man, and get over it. He's not fanboying out and letting the company get away with providing an inferior product. Those words came from other keyboards.

    DOUBLE EDIT: Also, someone mentioned the products they bought with their zen losing resell value. I would like to remind them that their products are a series of zeros and ones stored on a machine that somebody else owns. If you paid money for these products, your purchased was uninformed. What they're actually 'selling' is the experience of owning such a product. The experience is only devalued if you allow it to be.
  • secksyxsecksyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who has more say: a person who plays this game for a year not spending any money or someone who jumps in, pays 1000 dollars, then starts complaining that their 1000 dollars wasn't well spent?

    I say the vet.

    You are an idiot. You think people spending money in the game are going to stop playing the next day? Well..if things like this happen more sure..but not under normal circumstances. Tell me what happens when that $1000 person has spent a year in game?

    Tell your vet who spent no money and just used the game for free for an entire year to thank the new player for paying for the game he has enjoyed for so long.
  • aveloxiaveloxi Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You guys freaking out so badly is changing mmos like feminism is changing males in america. People like yall are worse than the hipsters/edgies I see around town. It's cancer.

    Scientific study published in a peer-reviewed journal or it didn't happen.

    My issue is that you are just a huge hypocrite filled with logical fallacies. You tell people they get better results acting nicer but string together a load of ad hominem attacks in your very first post. Your arguments are disproved, you move the goalposts instead of acknowledging. Your main argument seems to be, hey look, those other games had exploits/issues. A bit like saying, hey look, their women can't vote so it must be okay. But those games weren't in "beta" nor did the company ignore issues that were reported in closed beta, including issues that were ALREADY identified in their other games (EG Star trek Online had the same AH issue). And it's not just one issue, there are many, including a one-shot exploit and leveling exploits.

    Wipe or no wipe? I don't think it matters at this point. The reputation of the game is tarnished and people will leave either way.
  • thesensaithesensai Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yah there wont be a wipe. Reason? Players have already pumped hard cold cash into the game. If they wipe that is a huge betrayal of trust with the player base. Cash money evaporating into thin air. It would be suicide for their game. Most likely accounts will be banned.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aveloxi wrote: »
    Scientific study published in a peer-reviewed journal or it didn't happen.

    My issue is that you are just a huge hypocrite filled with logical fallacies. You tell people they get better results acting nicer but string together a load of ad hominem attacks in your very first post. Your arguments are disproved, you move the goalposts instead of acknowledging. Your main argument seems to be, hey look, those other games had exploits/issues. A bit like saying, hey look, their women can't vote so it must be okay. But those games weren't in "beta" nor did the company ignore issues that were reported in closed beta, including issues that were ALREADY identified in their other games (EG Star trek Online had the same AH issue). And it's not just one issue, there are many, including a one-shot exploit and leveling exploits.

    Wipe or no wipe? I don't think it matters at this point. The reputation of the game is tarnished and people will leave either way.

    I applaud your strawmanning.
  • qualexiousqualexious Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    Who has more say: a person who plays this game for a year not spending any money or someone who jumps in, pays 1000 dollars, then starts complaining that their 1000 dollars wasn't well spent?

    I say the vet.

    I would like to agree with you, but devs these days are like strippers, you give them some cash and they will shake it just a little more for you.

    In fact, you can test your theory. Go sit at a strip club all day without spending any money, and right before closing have your friend come in and make in rain and lets see who has more say so. Please post the results via youtube.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aveloxi wrote: »
    Scientific study published in a peer-reviewed journal or it didn't happen.

    My issue is that you are just a huge hypocrite filled with logical fallacies. You tell people they get better results acting nicer but string together a load of ad hominem attacks in your very first post. Your arguments are disproved, you move the goalposts instead of acknowledging. Your main argument seems to be, hey look, those other games had exploits/issues. A bit like saying, hey look, their women can't vote so it must be okay. But those games weren't in "beta" nor did the company ignore issues that were reported in closed beta, including issues that were ALREADY identified in their other games (EG Star trek Online had the same AH issue). And it's not just one issue, there are many, including a one-shot exploit and leveling exploits.

    Wipe or no wipe? I don't think it matters at this point. The reputation of the game is tarnished and people will leave either way.

    I actually read this book and thought it was good.

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