was up? i play'd & suddenly i was logged off & server unavailable & when i relaunched the game i so red dot at server status, i have not seen any announcement of maintenance so its not maintenance?, is it server crash? or did it just happen to me?
sugram84Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
oh i was just read another thread seems server is just down, when i made my second char today, with the new i got quest bug, upgrade or buy skill quest wont complete, i upgraded skills 2 times & buy'd 1 new & nothing, just wanted to point it out
So, I am really curious... I tried to log in today servers are down, and there is an uproar in the forums about a wipe. So... What did I miss? Something about cats? something about an AH exploit? I'd just like to know what happened.
So, I am really curious... I tried to log in today servers are down, and there is an uproar in the forums about a wipe. So... What did I miss? Something about cats? something about an AH exploit? I'd just like to know what happened.
i have no clue myself sounds like bull. they could have announced the server down though
The game, if you haven't noticed is in a state of emergency right now. They shut it down so abruptly because exploiters and cheaters are dipping into PW's pocket$$$! Server announcements are on the bottom of the list.
So, I am really curious... I tried to log in today servers are down, and there is an uproar in the forums about a wipe. So... What did I miss? Something about cats? something about an AH exploit? I'd just like to know what happened.
In short: an exploit in the AH allowed large amounts of Diamonds to be created, much of which was laundered for Zen. The auction house and exchange were shut down, then servers taken offline while its being fixed and action taken.
The "Rollback" and "Wipe" talk are people suggesting how the situation could be fixed if PWE can't remove just the falsely created currency.
The "cat" situation was due to some of the exploiters using the created diamonds to buy Cat companion pets to sell in order to try to launder them and spread the hate around.
sugram84Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
god dam exploit single player games all u want (i mean game bugs & cheats), but not MMO'S, its more trouble then its worth it!!! that's my message to exploiters
Hello fellow neverwinter inhabitants, I have just got home from work and cannot connect to the server....I have skimmed down the threads and cannot find out why. Have i missed something major or? The few threads i have read have spoken about wipes and the such and i am just seeking some clarity on the situation.
Many thanks
Beholder server
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited May 2013
The servers have been taken offline to handle an exploit of the Auction House and Zen Exchange.
Sorry for the inconvenience and I assure you they are working to get the game online again as soon as possible.
It seems the ingame currency was suddenly changed from AD into cats. So they had to take down the servers.
This might sound like a joke (and so perfectly delivered ), but it's literally what happened.
...Ok fine, the servers are down because of an AH exploit that allowed people to earn an unlimited amount of AD. Which they then turned into cat companions (one of the top 3 companions in game, costs 980k AD) when the AH was taken down, and sold for gold, presumably to sell to 3rd party sites before they got banned.
No worries and thank you muchly for the swift reply, at least i know what's going on now Hope everything can be resolved quickly as i am itching to carry on playing.
Like I said, I just got back. I did not even have any coffee yet. Now that I have and unpacked mI read what is going on. So chill out and think before you insult someone
Like I said, I just got back. I did not even have any coffee yet. Now that I have and unpacked mI read what is going on. So chill out and think before you insult someone
He does have a valid point, however. It would have taken you less time to read the answer to your question on the first page of this thread than it took for you to type out your question and post it. If you had wanted to wait to change and unpack before seeking a reason for the server outage, nobody would have minded in the slightest.
To reiterate (for those who skip to the end of the thread without reading anything): the server is down for emergency maintenance due to an Auction House exploit. Since we cannot cut off the hands of those racing to steal from PW and ruin the game for everyone else, we will have to be satisfied with whatever steps the dev's decide to take.
They do have a valid point, however. It would have taken you less time to read the answer to your question on the first page of this thread than it took for you to type out your question and post it. If you had wanted to wait to change and unpack before seeking a reason for the server outage, nobody would have minded in the slightest.
To reiterate (for those who skip to the end of the thread without reading anything): the server is down for emergency maintenance due to an Auction House exploit. Since we cannot cut off the hands of those racing to steal from PW and ruin the game for everyone else, we will have to be satisfied with whatever steps the dev's decide to take.
krahctMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Hello all..new Neverwinterian....possibly short term.
Here's my take:
Cryptic, releases game..now no longer in open beta..it's a live game. However...bad programming and monitoring allowed an in game exploit of the games currency Astral Diamonds to go unchecked for several days, possibly longer...not sure at this point. This AD exploit has destroyed the games economy flooding it with ill gotten AD. So, now there is rumor and speculation as to what Cryptic will do...for now they've shut down the servers.
WHY? Real money....see here's how it works..the exploiters have millions of AD which is converted to Zen...I think. They then sell that to gold farming companies like IGXE dot com. Some exploiters have claimed to have amassed close to 8,000.00 in real world money from the sale of their ill gotten AD. This hurts PWE badly. Why? Because they make money from shmucks like me that buy zen from them. It will be much cheaper to buy it from those gold farmers I mentioned earlier.
So, economy busted...what to do? Maybe rollback servers. What does that mean? Everyone starts over...maybe.
Why are people upset? Loss of real world spent money to buy ZEN from PWE, loss of creative creations in Foundry, loss of hours spent leveling toons up.
Hope that helps...now let's all wait and see what happens.
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
The "Rollback" and "Wipe" talk are people suggesting how the situation could be fixed if PWE can't remove just the falsely created currency.
The "cat" situation was due to some of the exploiters using the created diamonds to buy Cat companion pets to sell in order to try to launder them and spread the hate around.
Many thanks
Beholder server
Sorry for the inconvenience and I assure you they are working to get the game online again as soon as possible.
This might sound like a joke (and so perfectly delivered
...Ok fine, the servers are down because of an AH exploit that allowed people to earn an unlimited amount of AD. Which they then turned into cat companions (one of the top 3 companions in game, costs 980k AD) when the AH was taken down, and sold for gold, presumably to sell to 3rd party sites before they got banned.
Are you for real?
Do you know how to read? Or do you just pop into threads and ask questions that have already been answered a bunch of times...
He does have a valid point, however. It would have taken you less time to read the answer to your question on the first page of this thread than it took for you to type out your question and post it. If you had wanted to wait to change and unpack before seeking a reason for the server outage, nobody would have minded in the slightest.
To reiterate (for those who skip to the end of the thread without reading anything): the server is down for emergency maintenance due to an Auction House exploit. Since we cannot cut off the hands of those racing to steal from PW and ruin the game for everyone else, we will have to be satisfied with whatever steps the dev's decide to take.
Here's my take:
Cryptic, releases game..now no longer in open beta..it's a live game. However...bad programming and monitoring allowed an in game exploit of the games currency Astral Diamonds to go unchecked for several days, possibly longer...not sure at this point. This AD exploit has destroyed the games economy flooding it with ill gotten AD. So, now there is rumor and speculation as to what Cryptic will do...for now they've shut down the servers.
WHY? Real money....see here's how it works..the exploiters have millions of AD which is converted to Zen...I think. They then sell that to gold farming companies like IGXE dot com. Some exploiters have claimed to have amassed close to 8,000.00 in real world money from the sale of their ill gotten AD. This hurts PWE badly. Why? Because they make money from shmucks like me that buy zen from them. It will be much cheaper to buy it from those gold farmers I mentioned earlier.
So, economy busted...what to do? Maybe rollback servers. What does that mean? Everyone starts over...maybe.
Why are people upset? Loss of real world spent money to buy ZEN from PWE, loss of creative creations in Foundry, loss of hours spent leveling toons up.
Hope that helps...now let's all wait and see what happens.