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Trickster Rogue is 'still' too over-powered~



  • juliusseizurejuliusseizure Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Every class is OP! NERF EVERYTHING!
  • nanwinanwi Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    they are broken and needs to be fixed also there silence is beter than the daily for a controll wiz to so its just needs a big nerf, i got hit for 70% of my heath in 1 hitt, kinda isnt even funn to play with those classes ingame when they are so broken,
  • atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    Rogue is not a bad class.. decent CW can nuke down the rogue before rogue reach him.. only thing rogue can do to skilled CW is throwing daggers..
  • devoutshogundevoutshogun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I picked TR as my first character without looking into at all, just seemed like the funner class of the bunch. At 38 right now and I'm doing fine in PvE without too much trouble, but in PvP I find myself not killing anyone, stealth dosn't last long enough to drop anyone and as soon as I turn back I find myself getting stun locked most of the time unable to close the gap or do much of anything. Is it at 60 when it starts to turn around and be half decent or "OP" that people are saying starts becoming true? Because right now I find it hard to believe the TR is overpowered.
  • identifiedgodidentifiedgod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    All players know it... rogues are OP. Only rogues-players told us ...rogue is OK :) muhaha.
  • decubisdecubis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    I play a GF and i eat rogues for breakfast. Between my block and 2 knock downs he just can't do much if i block at the right time. Not even starting about my daily which damages the atacker every time he hits me.
    Greetings Decubis,
    Decubis: Dwarf Guardian Fighter: lvl 60
    Demic: Human Devoted Cleric: lvl 60
    Server: Beholder Guild: The Unnamed
  • v1510n5v1510n5 Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    ayamata wrote: »
    Before most of you (yes, most; since a good portion of players are TR's) try to rip me from limb to limb, allow me to clarify.

    First things first, I play a CW.
    I'm fully aware that my class really isn't designed to put out hefty dps, as well as the fact that I'm squishy to say the least.
    Although whether it be in PvE or PvP, the Rogues do a tremendous output of dps, with really no cons at all.
    It most cases in PvE, the players to top the dps table, are rogues.
    In PvP, they can light you up in seconds.

    Whether it be their abilities that can literally take away 40% of your HP, or the ability to 'silence' you; they are virtually unstoppable.
    I've seen a single Rogue take on two GWF and rip them apart in under 20 seconds.
    Like I had stated, they usually have the upper hand in PvE in terms of DPS,
    but in PvP they can take down any class like it's nothing.

    I can now understand why they're so popular in the community.
    Simply because they own everything.
    I hardly see balance with them in comparison to the other available classes.

    [Also, let me just add that I don't really appreciate any rude comments or malcontent. I'm just voicing my opinion, and I would like the thread to stay open for discussion; any demeaning remarks can taint this thread and subject it to violations within the forum agreements. So please. If you know you're about to rage, take it elsewhere. Keep in mind that negative things are better left unsaid.]

    The only pure DPS class in the game does the most DPS?

    Halt the presses!

    Edit: also if you're a CW getting owned by rogues please quit the game, delete your characters, uninstall the game, delete your life.
  • darkstarmjpdarkstarmjp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They aren't OP at all I thought they were strong compared to my GWF while leveling but at lvl 60 not so much.
  • provo1980provo1980 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    v1510n5 wrote: »
    The only pure DPS class in the game does the most DPS?

    Halt the presses!

    Edit: also if you're a CW getting owned by rogues please quit the game, delete your characters, uninstall the game, delete your life.


    And to all CW noobs that complain about rogue, I complain the same to the insane amount of CC CW does. It is just freaking ridiculous. Regarding that "silence" how you call it, it is so easily evaded it is a F joke. Please, delete your CW cause you obviously don't know **** about it. I play a rogue, and there are certain CWs I can't even touch, if played properly.

    What is broken is the fact that most of our attacks are so easily avoided just with one dodge, while other classes have little or no problems with it. If anything rogues need some solid CC, that doesn't backfire if your opponent presses shift key, and around 1 sec after the the attack animation. Yeah, that silence is so imba :/
  • electrinoelectrino Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 39
    edited May 2013
    Okay, my turn now.
    A little intro: Learn your class first, cry later. Learn how to play your class, look at other classes, compare, make conclusions.
    But then:
    Every game (rpg, whatever has classes), has classes wich vary in difficulty to handle them. Here is an example that rogues here are the easiest to play, while other classes are harder. Though i play rogue myself and still feel the overpowered nature of this class, and i tell you why. Now i'm lvl 40, i got sure crit power from stealth, it deals up to 3800+ dmg (highest i dealt myself), dazing strike, teleporting with attack or teleport to ally from stealth to escape the heat (if necessary), in PVP after all this powers combined leave about 25% to an opponent, then i got 2 blades up to 170 base dmg +power and crit gear, so i got crit every second or third hit, highest single strike i dealt was 600+ hp, and i didn't use daily yet. So it is really matter of seconds until i kill my opponent in PVP, even 2vs1 no problem, and i'll be able to deal some dmg to the third and fourth until i got beaten (if it happens at all lol). Still not sure if it's OP? I don't know what else should i tell. Except there are feats that can reduce cool-down for encounters, increase crit even more, etc. It's just unfair in comparison with other classes (well excep CW, they're pretty <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> too).
    Nerf is needed is obvious. Reduce dmg for at least 10-15%, reduce some feat's values (especially crit ones) and it will be much more handlable for others in PVP, OR buff other classes, give GWF and GF more defence and damage, reduce self heal debuff for Clerics, don't touch the CWs :D and everyone will be happy, well, mostly...
    I'm done, thank you.
  • showatt0016showatt0016 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ayamata wrote: »
    Before most of you (yes, most; since a good portion of players are TR's) try to rip me from limb to limb, allow me to clarify.

    First things first, I play a CW.
    I'm fully aware that my class really isn't designed to put out hefty dps, as well as the fact that I'm squishy to say the least.
    Although whether it be in PvE or PvP, the Rogues do a tremendous output of dps, with really no cons at all.
    It most cases in PvE, the players to top the dps table, are rogues.
    In PvP, they can light you up in seconds.

    Whether it be their abilities that can literally take away 40% of your HP, or the ability to 'silence' you; they are virtually unstoppable.
    I've seen a single Rogue take on two GWF and rip them apart in under 20 seconds.
    Like I had stated, they usually have the upper hand in PvE in terms of DPS,
    but in PvP they can take down any class like it's nothing.

    I can now understand why they're so popular in the community.
    Simply because they own everything.
    I hardly see balance with them in comparison to the other available classes.

    [Also, let me just add that I don't really appreciate any rude comments or malcontent. I'm just voicing my opinion, and I would like the thread to stay open for discussion; any demeaning remarks can taint this thread and subject it to violations within the forum agreements. So please. If you know you're about to rage, take it elsewhere. Keep in mind that negative things are better left unsaid.]

    Please tell me, for the love of god, how did you lose to a TR when you play a CW.

    Seriously you have 3 dodges, Rogue have 2.

    You have long ranged attack, Rogue has crappy throwing knifes and a teleport that deals moderate damage.

    You have 4 skills, which allows you to spec a knock back and neutralize any rogue that spec a teleport.

    Rogue have 3 skills - 2 if you screw their teleport up using a knock back.

    Your skills are untouched, Rogue's lashing blade is already tweaked and no longer go through armor.

    Rogue gets 1 Op daily, which takes a long time to charge while you have ice knife that deals extremely good burst when speced right.

    Rogue has a crappy stealth that drains when they get damaged; You have CC.

    Rogue gets a 3 second Cc immune, which is dead useless compare to how many CC you have, but if they spec it they have to give up other vital skills such as daze and dps encounters.

    So really, explain to me how do you actually lose to a TR besides getting dropped by their daily.

    I really really want to know how some one can fail so hard.

    Let's hope you never level up to the point where you discover just how OP our class is.

    Or are you one of those fail CW that teleport as soon as a TR gets close?
    Here's a hint. You're supposed to use dodge on big hitters.
    Take another hint, CC and run away. It's not rocket science.
  • shad99shad99 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While I have not played every class in the game I do have three currently: TR (lvl 37), CW (lvl 38), & DC (lvl 44). So I feel I can make some valid points to this argument. I also have been playing MMOs since Meridian (aka the dawn of time for MMOs).

    TR is about dps, single target DPS. It is why they can be effective in PvP, but PvP also requires stuns, locks, and other disabling moves. It's why nearly every rogue you see regardless of lvl in PvP keeps the stun encounter power in their set. In fact while I've toyed with other encounter powers the stun, teleport behind a target, & the big knife move from the beginning of the tree are the ones I keep. The rest may be more helpful in certain situations, but I don't see the need for them. That is for both PvP and PvE.

    CW is about control (stuns, locks, and other disabling) and DPS. In PvE I can keep pace in damage with most TR's and usually top the kill charts. I could actually do with having five or six slots to fit all the fun encounter powers I'd like to use. I can play a skirmish half-assed and still come close to the top even, I've eaten dinner while playing a skirmish before and gotten 3rd in DPS and 2nd in kills. PvP I fair well, but I'm certainly a glass cannon a couple of people on me and I can be burnt down rather quick.

    DC is certainly not about doing damage, but in PvE I have some controls as well as tons of buffs (which includes heals, they are more buffs then functional healing especially on myself). It's mostly all about mitigating damage. It actually makes solo play very very hard (bosses which spawn adds are horrible), but in PvP I've had an entire enemy team pound on me for a minute constantly stunned or otherwise disabled and even so they could not kill me. And holding a control point becomes really easy when I lay down a divine shield that sucks up 9/10ths of the incoming damage. It's actually kinda funny to watch a rogue land all their blows on me and do maybe 500 damage (If that) off of 3 moves. Or I can buff my team with the offensive daily and I can build a daily back up within the time it takes for the first to wear off. As a cleric I'm someone you want in your team because I can help keep a group alive.

    Now having briefly talked about the classes I've played, I'll talk about the two I haven't.

    I have almost never seen a GWF in PvP, though I have a friend who plays one. We make a great pair with bosses in PvE that spawn adds, I take care of the boss and they take out the adds and hit the boss. The class however seems most adept in PvE content, skirmishes and dungeons as well as out in the field. My friend doesn't even use potions in quest PvE.

    GF's I see in PvP alot and they are nearly impossible to kill and certainly can take two or more people. They also get alot of knockdown moves which let them get free hits and can close much faster than one might expect. On one hand I'd like to take them out first in PvP, but I know they are way to hard to crack by myself. I have gone solo DC vs GF before and 1 on 1 I'd say we completely even out against each other, but the time it takes we will have attracted the attention of the other people. One game I even encountered a GF & DC duo and they were nigh unstoppable holding a single control point against the entire team.

    Having said all that... I don't think any class is truly unbalanced PvE or PvP. No one is OP, it is far more about learning the pros and cons of each class and being ready to take another path if your first one doesn't work out so well.
  • monarrchmonarrch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 164 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ayamata wrote: »
    Before most of you (yes, most; since a good portion of players are TR's) try to rip me from limb to limb, allow me to clarify.

    First things first, I play a CW.
    I'm fully aware that my class really isn't designed to put out hefty dps, as well as the fact that I'm squishy to say the least.
    Although whether it be in PvE or PvP, the Rogues do a tremendous output of dps, with really no cons at all.
    It most cases in PvE, the players to top the dps table, are rogues.
    In PvP, they can light you up in seconds.

    Whether it be their abilities that can literally take away 40% of your HP, or the ability to 'silence' you; they are virtually unstoppable.
    I've seen a single Rogue take on two GWF and rip them apart in under 20 seconds.
    Like I had stated, they usually have the upper hand in PvE in terms of DPS,
    but in PvP they can take down any class like it's nothing.

    I can now understand why they're so popular in the community.
    Simply because they own everything.
    I hardly see balance with them in comparison to the other available classes.

    [Also, let me just add that I don't really appreciate any rude comments or malcontent. I'm just voicing my opinion, and I would like the thread to stay open for discussion; any demeaning remarks can taint this thread and subject it to violations within the forum agreements. So please. If you know you're about to rage, take it elsewhere. Keep in mind that negative things are better left unsaid.]

    Well lets see.... You're a girl and you're pretty sooooo I don't think anyone will rip you limb from limb....unless they are a girl, who's not pretty. Heh.

    Seriously though, at 60 with PVp gear it's much better. I still think Rogues are op in the sense that good rogues are unbeatable while bad ones can still do well by the merit of the class only but those rogues will still say its skill and you need to l2p soooooo you really can't win either way.
  • biovitalbiovital Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree nerf us...but nerf CWs ability to CC.

    I love all these posts...."QQ nerf that one thing that one class can only do" All rogues do is damage, that's our job, if our damage is constantly getting nerfed what do we get to compensate for it? Can we have more defensive stuff? How about giving us a CC or two?

    These posts are always solely about nerfing our damage, we offer nothing else, and no one ever thinks about what else a rogue brings to a fight.
  • altoidzaltoidz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i agree 100% with TR's being OP in both pve and pvp. I dont think there damage is what the issue is though. thats a HUGE part of what the rogue archetype is, an assassin type of hero. I think that the AOE smoke, and the melee daze need to be nerfed though. there utility shouldnt be so overpowered if they get that kind of DPS. I feel the devs should either focus on making them burst DPS leaders with little to no utility, or silence and daze masters with a greatly reduced damage output. The current abilities of the rogue completely destroy any type of meta in this game
  • rojjinrojjin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rogues are slightly easier to play well that the other classes, if people who rolled up the other classes had the intelligence to properly build and the ability to properly play their classes, all these complaints would disappear..

    Envy's guardian build puts almost everyone else in the game to shame, I'm sure there are other builds for each class that are just as intuitive and insane.

    bottom line.. the hardcore players will play the best of each class, and the casuals will complain until every class is nerfed into the abyss because "this one time i died"

    altoidz wrote: »
    i agree 100% with TR's being OP in both pve and pvp. I dont think there damage is what the issue is though. thats a HUGE part of what the rogue archetype is, an assassin type of hero. I think that the AOE smoke, and the melee daze need to be nerfed though. there utility shouldnt be so overpowered if they get that kind of DPS. I feel the devs should either focus on making them burst DPS leaders with little to no utility, or silence and daze masters with a greatly reduced damage output. The current abilities of the rogue completely destroy any type of meta in this game

    try running some of the highest dungeons without smoke bomb, its miserable. unless you have the best wizard in the server
  • mavidianmavidian Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was crit for 33k and some change the other night (I'm guessing it was a daily that hit me) by a trickster rogue. My GWF has 23k hp and wears mail. So for all you "know your class, figure out a counter move"people, how would someone go about countering being dead?

    That isn't what bothers me the most. What drives me crazy is when I break out of their purple aoe stune fog <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and I'm still unable to run or use abilites for a few seconds.
  • jaroslavojaroslavo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    we are playing pure pve game, understand that so dont ask for "pvp" balance

    there is no real pvp in that game, skill system is pve, no cc timers etc., no paper-scissors-rock system

    2 boring arena maps with pseudo pvp doesnt count and they are laughable

    now quit forum, stop reading and go farm heroic instances to get tier 2 stuff

    but ask yourself before you go - whats your goal when you get all purples ? to run again heroic instances
    but a bit faster ? good luck

    this game has no end-game, no open world, foundry - no sense to do 'em at lvl 60, its boring

    this game become dead soon, like BoI, PW etc., only poor kids will stay
  • planet29planet29 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What people don't understand is that it's far easier for rogue players to kill any class than it is to kill them, i keep running across these face tanking rogue builds that can dish out massive damages and absorb massive damages. Please reduce the time on that skill which gives 4 sec immunity its ridiculous, herp derp spam 4 sec no damage (way to easy imo) also their ranged attack for melee class is way to damaging. From the way it looks it seems they have every single advantage from CC, to highest burst damage to damage absorption. No weakness? I'm not sure what this build is but it's way to easy to play with minimum effort by the player. That's not balanced in my books. And before you cry baby rogues complain.. play another class and go up against a rogue with this build and you'll then understand why people complain.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What I heard:
    please make the dps class do less dps......
    ok, it they take away all the control spells from CW and all the healing from clerics, that would make sense.

    I do not even pvp much, its dumb (best gear wins in mmos, not skill, and I am not going to ever have the top gear, I am too casual). But this is yet another post that glosses over the skills (you cannot have all the red skills slotted, only 3, only 2 dailys, only 2 passives, ..... ) to make it sound like rogues carry immunity to control and silence and stuns with an infinitely full daily d20 meter and ..... yea right. A rogue for pvp has to choose between these skills, same as a CW has to decide between heavy hitter or perma-freeze & fly. No rogue has all the things you listed slotted while still doing top dps. Try again.
  • zerowaitzerowait Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the CC of TR has more duration than the CC of GF. And to think GF needs to tank the crowd controls. lol.
  • orangerascalorangerascal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    starbigamo wrote: »
    Honestly, are you brain damaged?

    Is it THAT hard to see that 90% of the people playing PvP play TR or CW? Why? Cause people dont like to exploit, right?

    Actually at level 60 my server is filled with clerics. Maybe you're seeing what you want to see. Lastly what does rolling a CW or TR have to do with exploiting? Riddle me that.
  • redwaterxredwaterx Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It's a **** shame that you can't even recognize the obvious - that rogues are over-powered and need nerfage - because of all the terrible rogues getting upset and blaming the other classes. PvP in this game is dead to me until they fix TR and AFKers.
  • wartimeraiderwartimeraider Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    On dragon around my playtimes all i see is clerics and GWFs who know what they are doing (massive damage, knockdowns and immume to CC).
    What i absolutely... But really absolutely hate about Rogues is their.. Illusion of imagination or somehing spell? The unavoidable instantcast spell that crits more then they could ever do with even 5 executions.
    And now you could say.. Sure they take away 60% of your health from range before even attacking.. But thats normal because you wear cloth.
    Tbh.. If you have Shield on tab like i do.. You get less dmg then anyone but a guardian with alot of defense.. So i dont think its a legit answer.

    However aside from that 1 spell i think TRs are actually more then fine. It all depends on the tactic against them and watching their animations. They will always be annoying however.. But so are clerics, CWs, guardians and GWFs :)

    Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
  • kaedan69kaedan69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rogues definately need a major nerf atleast in the pvp dept. Opening from stealth and completely destroying people in ~3 seconds is not fun for anyone bug the obviously OP rogues. They are absolutely ruining the game before it even launches completely. There is an obvious problem with everyone is playing nothing but rogues because they can giggle pwn every other class with ridiculous ease. I'd be fine with them being glass canons but with the dodging and ridiculous stealthing in and out they have very good defenses too, along with the ability to lockout other classes from doing anything. The writing is on the wall for rogue nerfs, anyone thinking otherwise obviously enjoys playing the OP class.
  • liviugabrielliviugabriel Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2013
    for everybody who said that rogues are OP... try it first... yes at the early levels it is a bit OP but later, not so much... when you get to know a class... you learn how to counter it too... so as a rogue if u see yourself killed over and over again by a CW, look at how he's playing... look at your weaknesses, THEN tell me rogue is OP... a GOOD CW is untouchable by rogues in 1vs1, dosn't that make them OP? my point is... learn every other's class strong points and weaknesses before you say anything... rogues are NOT OP! neither are CW... there was a game where there were like 4 clerics... they all did decent damage, healing themselves as well, and no rogue could kill either one of them... ohh wait... clerics are OP!!! OMG!! nerf the clerics!! really?? every class has it's weaknesses and strong points... learn them all and you will know how to make it hard for them.
  • devoutshogundevoutshogun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    starbigamo wrote: »
    Lets see, rogue is fast, rogue can get invisible, use lol CC, rogue can beat a guardian fighter head on and if losing just need to run away, if GF have "op" threatening rush, just need to get invisible again, or use smoke bomb...

    Oh yes, and can use a daily that takes 2/3 of the better tank in the game... YES ITS FREAKING OP.

    About CW... they are op too.

    TRs are OP! CWs are OP! This game is OP! *Foams at mouth*
  • bori4bori4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited May 2013
    I'm just finding it hilarious that the OP plays a CW. Most of the time when I am killed in PvP, it's by a well played CW.

    On average, If they get the jump on me at range, they win. If I get the jump on them at close range, I win.
    Bori - Renegade Drow - 40 Trickster Rogue - Mindflayer
    Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer

    Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance
    ? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence. ;)

  • vizerohevizerohe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bori4 wrote: »
    I'm just finding it hilarious that the OP plays a CW. Most of the time when I am killed in PvP, it's by a well played CW.

    On average, If they get the jump on me at range, they win. If I get the jump on them at close range, I win.

    I play a CW as well, like the OP. However, I do not find rogues over powered at all in pvp. I've even ran into very well played ones, and it happens just like you say. If some my skills are on CD, if that rogues starts the win, they win, but if all my skills are off CD, that rogue is dead first. Its all about what skills you have slotted for PvP.

    Now, I hate PvP, not because of imbalance, nor certain classes. But I feel DnD games are NOT based on PvP, and should NEVER be the focus of a DnD game. Yes, it should be balanced, should be there, and should be kept clean, and fun, but never the focus. If I wanted to PvP all the time, I'd go play another game that focuses on core pvp, not a DnD game thats suppose to be about team work, and working together with friends, or even random strangers to get that dungeon conquered.

    That's my opinion. Thanks for reading.

    Signed, Vizeroh

  • nawdlenawdle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    'If a rogue plays like a rogue and negates my ability to play like a wizard, he beats me 1v1. Wtf?'

    So you're telling me that a CW beats a TR in a ranged fight, but the reverse is true in a close up fight?
    And that the balancing factor is that the CW has to find ways to prevent the TR getting close (such as his amazing CC) but the TR has to find ways to sneak up on him (such as his stealth)?!?

    This whole conversation... shouldn't be happening.
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