Hey everyone im a 9700 GS CW . I came from wow after getting glad a few times not that it means anything ......lol but if anyone needs help on how to build their CW or on how to pvp with proper spells and which spells are good for what maps yadda yadda you contact me here or on my twitch which my username is manchocolate just hit me up with any questions you guys might have ill post the stats of my char below
Char name - NLR
my ability scores are all in wisdom and int
Gearscore is 9677
Power- 3500
crit 712
armor pen -706
defense- 833
movement -468
health 27k

SO ill go through some reasoning on these feats spells and why i use them
Firstly Spells is a huge issue for alot of CW's out there i see everything in pvp from shard to sudden storm..... first off this isnt PVE its PVP and your first priority in PVP is to be able to control while putting out sustained dmg so let me explain what i run in pvp and why.......
TAB- I ONLY USE 2 SPELLS ON TAB 1 (which is my main) Ray of enfeeblement 2 is Entangling force
Ray is a very good spell especially when you 2 of them the decent damage that comes from it along with the mitigation debuff is awesome (mitigation meaning it reduces the amount of damage that the target does when its affected by this debuff)
Entangling Force is good as well on tab when its put in the spell mastery slot it not only allows for decent cc on point it can also give you tons of damage through the arcane mastery procs it gives for pulling more people
Q- Always always always run repel on q if you dont understand why you havent played against many good rogues. Repel is super overpowered when it comes to playing against a meele class you can use it to set up combos such as use repel then glacial strike or use repel and entangling force then pew pew away and your set
E- This is where things get tricky you can run either of which spells are not on your tab key being ray or entangling force. Usually i run entangling force on this cause its always nice to have another stun so you can stack your arcane mastery procs with magic missiles
r- again always running chill spike on r.... it gives a stun and a chill proc which helps out alot ill explain more about chill and arcane mastery below
Mouse 1- Arcane missiles is always my mouse it hits for a decent amount and gives an arcane mastery proc on third strike which again ill go over later
Mouse 2 - Ray of frost always the chill procs and the slow are just way to good to not run it as a mouse 2 for easy peels when your spells are on CD
Class Features -Eye of the storm and storm spell
Ok now we get into the important stuff on how CW buffs help us play and do tons of dmg
Arcane Mastery - as the tooltip says increases arcane damage by 3% a stack well if you look at my powers and how i have them speced into my class features arcane mastery also affects frost spells so 5 stacks is 15% extra damage on top of feats and everything else your coming out to about 37% extra damage with frost and arcane spells which can really hurt.
Chill- This is fun if you have ever played wow chill is a DOT frost nova most spells apply this and they allow you to do more damage to targets with frost spells while also stunning them when it gets to a certain number of stacks
Any other questions or anyone else want me to update something about this post please message me or leave a comment on here thanx guys for the feedback
Here is my build.
If you want to learn how to use our builds you can watch me streaming at http://www.twitch.tv/vetian or check my youtube http://www.youtube.com/vetianhd
I'll post a full view of my character and build tomorrow. I'll be uploading more of my footage from the stream today.
Tomorrow we'll be posting an update to go further with enchants, we're still experimenting heavily with many different enchants, but we'll let you know where we're at tomorrow.
Considering your two dailies I have to ask how you handle arcane mastery stacks not sticking in pvp.
Whenever I stop magic missiling for two seconds to do anything, even use another arcane spell, all my stacks fall off. If i switch targets, they fall off. If i teleport once to kite, they fall off.
I do pretty much no damage because I cannot keep arcane mastery to stay up.
In PvE, so long as I stay in combat, it stays up.
In PvP, never.
My guess is because there is no "in combat" in pvp which is why I can pretty much mount up whenever I want.
Just wondering if you have found a work around for this, because I have not.
Eye of the storm at rank 3, gives you 100% crit rate for 8 seconds every 30 seconds. As for Stormspell, it does 400 free damage. While 10% might not sound much, it can proc of every tick by Ray of Enfeeb. I also think it crits also.
As for TAB, i use Ice Rays in PvP. It is a very solid nuke. With bad gear i am doing 5-6k crits and it does root anyone for whole two seconds. I run in the QER slots: Ray of Enfeeb, Chilling Strike and Entangling.
The problem with Chill effect is it works only when you are hitting the target that is debuffed. Unlike Arcane Mastery which is a buff on your self. Also i noticed chilling strike barely lasts 2 seconds. Makes me having problems using this mechanic in pvp and pve.
@kaasdoek I have tried a couple ice rays builds and its not ideal. Any rogue running impossible to skill can easily get you with 0 problems as is where ray you can get the same amount of damage plus the mitigation debuff is just way to good. Chilling strike is just another form of cc cause its better than ice rays when ice rays is not on tab. I prefer to have the extra damage from the presences too because i play with another CW alot and we usually have no problem cc'ing targets together. If your playing solo i understand how it can be frustrating but the presence spells just add alot more to your burst
What are your armor and weapon Enchant plz ?
we pawned them in PVP... but after the patch Balance and Gameplay update... our CW really Nerf Big Time... before the patch
i can kill rogue and GWF on 1V1 but now its nearly almost impossible to beat them 1V1... please update us any possible way or reset
respec so we can stand again against rouge and GWF... thanks
1. its rogue not rouge
2. nw isnt balanced on 1v1 its a teamgame.
isn't not isnt :cool:
2. it's not its :rolleyes:
3. team game not teamgame