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PvP leader abuse....

saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Me and cw friend duo qued. Literally carried the team... ninja capping.... killing both of us 15+ kills..... we winning and the score is 995.... the afk leader magically comes back to kick us all out of the group before the win........

is this....

20 mins of my life wasted.... -__- afkleader gets all the spoils of something he afked in.
Post edited by saythin on


  • kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not gonna lie.... this made me LOL
  • flakelessflakeless Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kilo418 wrote: »
    Not gonna lie.... this made me LOL

    sadly same here
  • brutalcabbage1brutalcabbage1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, I was in a game too and I was the one capping nodes. There wasn't anything ninja about it. I was just lumbering through the middle, being ignored (most of the time) and just capping the opponents node over and over. I died 17 times and had ZERO kills. I got in a verbal confrontation with one of my "team members". It involved me asking for help capping nodes, so we win.
    You know their response: Something, something, ****... STFU and get a life blah blah ****. We lost that game.
    I queue up again. We had two different people and two of the same from the previous team. The same two that were arguing, so I just explained how it helps if we cap their nodes first, THEN fight.
    That worked for a little bit and we were winning and then here comes the rude comments again, so I waited until the game was almost over and BAM booted them both. OWNED, last laugh, immature, hate, discontent, crappy community, w/e you want to call it.
    They are called objectives for a reason. I don't come in your PVE and just run around clueless and training and dieing over and over and wiping groups do I? No I don't. Some of us who PVP would like the same respect.
  • kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, I was in a game too and I was the one capping nodes. There wasn't anything ninja about it. I was just lumbering through the middle, being ignored (most of the time) and just capping the opponents node over and over. I died 17 times and had ZERO kills. I got in a verbal confrontation with one of my "team members". It involved me asking for help capping nodes, so we win.
    You know their response: Something, something, ****... STFU and get a life blah blah ****. We lost that game.
    I queue up again. We had two different people and two of the same from the previous team. The same two that were arguing, so I just explained how it helps if we cap their nodes first, THEN fight.
    That worked for a little bit and we were winning and then here comes to the rude comments again, so I waited until the game was almost over and BAM booted them both. OWNED, last laugh, immature, hate, discontent, crappy community, w/e you want to call it.
    They are called objectives for a reason. I don't come in your PVE and just run around clueless and training and dieing over and over and wiping groups do I? No I don't. Some of us who PVP would like the same respect.

    In their defense, Cabbage generally smells bad
  • pantamimepantamime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Give it a couple weeks for all the trolls to finally get bored of trolling this game and quit. It's sad the state of the community I see in leveling zones and at 60 pvp. I had much higher expectations for this games community out of the gate. But it seems that a lot of immature people have been drawn in to this game for the time being. Luckily they have no attention span and will most likely all go on to the next game fast. Especially the ones that "exploited" foundry xp to get max level in a day and then complained there's nothing else to do.

    It's also funny how the afkers are aware enough of when to come back and look like they're helping. I've had people sitting at the campfire, and then after a minute or so i say in party chat move or you are kicked. And magically they start moving and talking in party chat.

    If you're sitting their watching closely enough to see party chat, why don't you just play the god **** game. Seriously how lazy can you friggin be? People are too lazy to even play games nowadays? That is beyond sad.

    Easy fast fix to afk glory farmers... Make all PVP gear BoP, there is no reason for it to be BoE. You can farm yourself a full set and weapon with offhand in like a day.

    Honestly though I just want all of these people to stop playing. They aren't helping the game in anyway, I would bet money that the AFKers didn't actually spend any money in cash shop or founders pack and they are afk farming to just sell AD for cash.
    PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
  • yaubotyaubot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pantamime wrote: »
    Give it a couple weeks for all the trolls to finally get bored of trolling this game and quit. It's sad the state of the community I see in leveling zones and at 60 pvp. I had much higher expectations for this games community out of the gate. But it seems that a lot of immature people have been drawn in to this game for the time being. Luckily they have no attention span and will most likely all go on to the next game fast. Especially the ones that "exploited" foundry xp to get max level in a day and then complained there's nothing else to do.

    It's also funny how the afkers are aware enough of when to come back and look like they're helping. I've had people sitting at the campfire, and then after a minute or so i say in party chat move or you are kicked. And magically they start moving and talking in party chat.

    If you're sitting their watching closely enough to see party chat, why don't you just play the god **** game. Seriously how lazy can you friggin be? People are too lazy to even play games nowadays? That is beyond sad.

    Easy fast fix to afk glory farmers... Make all PVP gear BoP, there is no reason for it to be BoE. You can farm yourself a full set and weapon with offhand in like a day.

    Honestly though I just want all of these people to stop playing. They aren't helping the game in anyway, I would bet money that the AFKers didn't actually spend any money in cash shop or founders pack and they are afk farming to just sell AD for cash.

    There are way too many people afking and acting like they are not. In one case, myself and another player were the only ones doing any work. I pmed the leader saying that there was a guy afking. He mouthed off to me saying that if I didn't stfu he would boot me. Well.. about 990 in, myself and that other player were booted. So if you see a character named BigD!ckDaddy (his name is a breach too even) I would advise to just log off or afk like he does saves the trouble of waiting for the instance to be done so you can re-que immediately.

    Not to mention the immense number players with level 10 gears at level 40 (my current pvp level range). At this point in pvp, the winning team will be decided on the team has the least amount on these type of players. Most notably they are notice able by the fact that they run off towards the mid area and just walk up to and enemy im guess auto run here and just attacking.. you can tell the enemy has them when a rougue cant even break 100 damage on a cw.. I say cyrptic should place a gear restriction for the que. Though it wont matter seeing how you can buy the appropriate level gear do less then like 20 silver even at level 40 range >_> Alas I can't think of a way to negate these types of people besides having TERA-like voting system for booting. More less have one person notice the level 10 gear or a afkish / boting action and have other people vote based on a reason and if there is more than one person afking or botting just have that person vote not count if they don't respond. At least then you won't have any leaders booting people for no reason and the booting system will be fair and just. You can also have ninja looters booted from dungeon delves fairly too.

    On another note I had a pvp that was 2 vs 5 we were the 2 and we won! Why? the entire 5 man team was afking...
  • almondumalmondum Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think this game has alot of mean and lazy people because it is fastpaced and it is very easy to achive things here with some money...

    With money people can just pay and have a very fast mount...big bags...level the professions very fast....very good consomables. This game is excellent for lazy and rich people who just want to randomly click buttons and kill everyone.

    I don't want to offend the Developers, this game is very well made..it's just a shame that the publisher can't choose they "money item store" more wisely/carefully...

    I hope the shop items won't improve futher in terms pay to win, otherwise this "improvements" will Negatively "improve" the game population.

    Thanks all and have fun!

  • phigmnentphigmnent Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    They are called objectives for a reason. I don't come in your PVE and just run around clueless and training and dieing over and over and wiping groups do I? No I don't. Some of us who PVP would like the same respect.

    I would relate your pvp of just running around taking nodes to not be PVP, but PVE built into PVP. Where is player vs player in taking a point? If it has people defending sure, but when someone will do everything to just run to a node to capture the 300 points for himself, instead of engaging in the "team" effort, because they wish to get the blue item, or w/e other reason....certainly is not "respect for pvp". If you wanted respect for PVP, play daoc and either 8man or level up some LE's (have 3 myself)
  • killzoneexkillzoneex Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saythin wrote: »
    Me and cw friend duo qued. Literally carried the team... ninja capping.... killing both of us 15+ kills..... we winning and the score is 995.... the afk leader magically comes back to kick us all out of the group before the win........

    is this....

    20 mins of my life wasted.... -__- afkleader gets all the spoils of something he afked in.

    Same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> happened to me today.
  • killzoneexkillzoneex Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yaubot wrote: »
    There are way too many people afking and acting like they are not. ..

    Let me stop you right there. You are either AFK or not. Just because someone sucks doesn't mean they are afk. There are dailies for PVP so people do them just for the dailies. My daughter for example plays and well she isn't good at pvp, that doesn't make her afk.

    If you want a pro team, put it together yourself. If you queue, deal with the fact that often your team will not be so good. Doesn't give you the right to boot people, that is just abuse.
  • karandordaockarandordaoc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    killzoneex wrote: »
    Let me stop you right there. You are either AFK or not. Just because someone sucks doesn't mean they are afk. There are dailies for PVP so people do them just for the dailies. My daughter for example plays and well she isn't good at pvp, that doesn't make her afk.

    If you want a pro team, put it together yourself. If you queue, deal with the fact that often your team will not be so good. Doesn't give you the right to boot people, that is just abuse.

    He's talking about bots. He just doesn't know it.
  • killzoneexkillzoneex Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    phigmnent wrote: »
    I would relate your pvp of just running around taking nodes to not be PVP, but PVE built into PVP. Where is player vs player in taking a point? If it has people defending sure, but when someone will do everything to just run to a node to capture the 300 points for himself, instead of engaging in the "team" effort, because they wish to get the blue item, or w/e other reason....certainly is not "respect for pvp". If you wanted respect for PVP, play daoc and either 8man or level up some LE's (have 3 myself)

    Do you undestand how PVP works? If you are on a node you are denying the other team points, when you capture a node your team gets points. Honestly the 300 points for capturing is irrelevant unless you want some crappy blue items. I'm more interested in the win as you get more glory and more exp. That is why you should always fight ON points. Sometimes denying points is just as important as getting them.
  • killzoneexkillzoneex Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    He's talking about bots. He just doesn't know it.

    LOL good point. Well that is a whole different story.
  • phoenixsolacephoenixsolace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I boot AFKers all the time if you are sitting at the camp fire and not moving then you are gone, end of story. If i see the other team has some AFKers I go to zone chat and ask that team to kick them as well. This isn't a complete fix for the PVP game but there is something you can do to have a fun time in PVP. PVP should be a battle not a sit and cap fest. Until the system is fixed to boot the bots this system is needed. It is unfortunate that people abuse the system.
  • phigmnentphigmnent Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    killzoneex wrote: »
    Do you undestand how PVP works? If you are on a node you are denying the other team points, when you capture a node your team gets points. Honestly the 300 points for capturing is irrelevant unless you want some crappy blue items. I'm more interested in the win as you get more glory and more exp. That is why you should always fight ON points. Sometimes denying points is just as important as getting them.

    Glory gets you?.....Thats right, its basically useless as the gear is basically useless

    Exp gets you?.....Thats right, its basically worthless cause you could bot for the same xp, do nothing for the same xp....Lvl'ing goes extremely fast in this game, I barely play and already have 2 lvl 50's (cleric just sits as I dont like just dropping AS then running around in it) so I lvl'd up another toon.

    PVP is not a CTF or "domination" style games for me. Its about team fighting, something that few games have been able to produce since the WOW genre has taken over.
  • ronbo68ronbo68 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I boot AFKers all the time if you are sitting at the camp fire and not moving then you are gone, end of story. If i see the other team has some AFKers I go to zone chat and ask that team to kick them as well. This isn't a complete fix for the PVP game but there is something you can do to have a fun time in PVP. PVP should be a battle not a sit and cap fest. Until the system is fixed to boot the bots this system is needed. It is unfortunate that people abuse the system.

    I am the same way. If I am lead and I see someone sitting there out of the gate, i give then about 2 minutes. If they don't move after that I boot them. No questions asked. I will take my chances with another person or 4 man it. If they are anywhere on that map at a location and do not move from that location for 4-5 minutes, they get booted. I didn't think about the zone chat for the other though. :D
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