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ZEN for Respect? are you serious?



  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Except you know pvp and pve are two different things. They require very different specs. Patches come out and change things dramatically. There's a lot of reasons to allow respecs. You have provided no reason as to why to disallow them. This whole "oh well this game didn't do it. And the old games didn't do it" is complete ****. Once upon a time I couldn't drive, now I can. You don't restrict yourself or something else because you didn't used to do it. That's stupid backwards logic. You move forward to better ideas. Allowing respecs is great for a number of reasons. Especially considering some people like to min/max (whether you like it or hate it doesn't matter. That's how they play and you play your way) and they shouldn't be forced to pay to play their style. I'm not forced to play my style. It's a cheap way to **** over your playerbase.

    So use a second character slot to build the other type. have 1 slot be PVE and one slot be PVP. Given how easy it is to level I'm not seeing the problem here.

  • ravenshade32ravenshade32 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GAME IS FREE.... is a bs response to the greed of Cryptic on charging zen for a respect. I'd much rather pay $15 a month and have a full game that includes respecs like all other mmo's or at least using in game cash and not this diamond rubbish.

    Rethink your cash shop Cryptic or you will seriously be looking at a falling player base who won't put up with this rubbish. You have a good game here don't ruin it with nonsense and greed.
  • saintxiisaintxii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    The way the system is set up. You can easily upgrade enough skills to switch out skills for different play styles.. There really is not need to respec unless you completely fck up. something which is kinda hard to do.
  • kharnagexkharnagex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 211 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    /sigh i miss the days when subs fed the game, and you didn't need micro transactions to squeak your character to that top lvl....lol good ol days
  • prolagaprolaga Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You say this like it is a bad thing?

    Why isn't it a good thing that they are MAKING money?
    Making money and over-greedily cash grabbing are two different things

    beil86 wrote: »
    so many free loaders lol.

    Hey i wanna play 100% free and never need to spend any cash while costing you money to make a game for me and keep the servers going and add new content, but i wont pay a dime to you thanks!!!!

    that about sums up the OP and his type of gamer.

    PoE is a good example. People pay for cosmetic effects and such and they make more than what they anticipated.
    Dungeon and Dragon Online got a good free-to-play model too as you can either play or pay to unlock contents.
    (I myself is a VIP subscriber)
  • denverralphydenverralphy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Except you know pvp and pve are two different things. They require very different specs. Patches come out and change things dramatically. There's a lot of reasons to allow respecs. You have provided no reason as to why to disallow them. This whole "oh well this game didn't do it. And the old games didn't do it" is complete ****. Once upon a time I couldn't drive, now I can. You don't restrict yourself or something else because you didn't used to do it. That's stupid backwards logic. You move forward to better ideas. Allowing respecs is great for a number of reasons. Especially considering some people like to min/max (whether you like it or hate it doesn't matter. That's how they play and you play your way) and they shouldn't be forced to pay to play their style. I'm not forced to play my style. It's a cheap way to **** over your playerbase.

    Yeah, and you ignore the point that more often than not, PvP players will respec back to their old specs two patches later.

    Yes, you are correct that I made no effort to give a reason to disallow them. That's simply because I never stated they shouldn't be allowed. My opinion is simply that they shouldn't be cheap and easy to do without a second thought. Want to respec? Fine... work for it. For every player who played the FoTM builds, there are 10 times as many who struggled through making other builds work (after all, they paid their dues too).

    There's nothing worse in PvP than FoTM cookie cutter builds. Compound that with easy and simple respecs... that just increases the problem exponentially.
  • synolsynol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fongador wrote: »
    Plenty of f2p games do this so not sure why some are acting like this is some huge issue.

    What was the big deal about the Boston Bombing then? I mean its not the first time people got bombed so what the hell was all the fuss about?

    See how stupid your logic is now?
  • darkexiledarkexile Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You say this like it is a bad thing?

    Why isn't it a good thing that they are MAKING money?

    I don't care if they do or don't, I will hit cap and most likely quit, where in most games I spend money for cosmetics ect I see no point, in dealing with this company since its conception I have learnt spending money on it is a waste of time, you may spend $200 you may spend $2000, sooner or later it will be P2W and you will have to spend 10x as much annually to stay competitive.

    This is of course assuming the other cash cows die out, they haven't yet, and then there is whether or not they add content or add just cash shop gear.

    PWI they didn't fix a dungeon for farming gear solely for the purpose of selling it in the CS, then they MADE gear to sell in the CS.

    So as I said, if the past is anything to go by, you can spend as much as you want, at the end of the day its a case of how stupid do you want to feel when all is said and done.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    prolaga wrote: »
    Making money and over-greedily cash grabbing are two different things

    And you where appointed to judge who is being overly greedy? Frankly what does that even mean? It meaningless term. If you can make money for selling something for X then you clearly are not being overly greedy.

    If you feel that they are being overly greedy do the correct thing and open your own F2P fantasy game and demonstrate how to succeed and make money.

  • synolsynol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And you where appointed to judge who is being overly greedy? Frankly what does that even mean? It meaningless term. If you can make money for selling something for X then you clearly are not being overly greedy.

    If you feel that they are being overly greedy do the correct thing and open your own F2P fantasy game and demonstrate how to succeed and make money.

    If the game gets a reputation as a p2w game and being a greedy company that only made their game to make money. People will avoid the game and not even give it a chance. Then you will be sitting there in 2 years going "Man what ever happened to that Neverwinter game. It was so good and then the company went under"
  • qaetaqaeta Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hardpeck1 wrote: »
    Yup, and at the current rate of 469 AD per 1 zeny that's about 280k AD to respec.

    Be reasonable and keep moving on. Thanks.

    Ah, I see. So your problem isn't that you can't do it for free (because, as has been pointed out, you can.) It's that you think its too hard. Seems to me that if it was easy to buy everything in the cash shop by just playing the game, then no one would use cash. Additionally, Cryptic doesn't set the AD -> Zen conversion rate. Your fellow players do. Don't like it, take it up with the players, not the messenger.
  • mal3fact0rmal3fact0r Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2013
    Cash grab basically means milking as much as possible as fast as possible, then dropping support down to a bare minimum (or altogether) and moving on to the next project.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    synol wrote: »
    If the game gets a reputation as a p2w game and being a greedy company that only made their game to make money. People will avoid the game and not even give it a chance. Then you will be sitting there in 2 years going "Man what ever happened to that Neverwinter game. It was so good and then the company went under"

    I'm of the opinion that anyone who calls the desire to make money greedy should be slapped upside of the head. Really all I think calling a company greedy for trying to make money is just jealousy.

  • denverralphydenverralphy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    huma69 wrote: »
    Okay, you said neverwinter is not p2w right? then why i should pay for respect my character build? what i should do if i fail on my build? leveling another char? what i do if i dont have money? play a broken character? stop be greedy or all people leave of your game pls

    You do realize that you don't have to pay real money to respec right? Sure, it takes a bit of work, but it's doable.

    Your argument would carry more weight if you actually had to pay to play the game (and even if you did pay... respecs should be tough).

    It's completely feasible to respec without paying a dime/pound/schilling/pence/penny. Just not easy. Which it shouldn't be.
  • castertroyt79castertroyt79 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    in the good old days of sub, you only see people who can afford to pay a monthly fee in the game. In the present F2P world, you see more kids who wants everything for free...
  • abyssblueabyssblue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    synol wrote: »
    What was the big deal about the Boston Bombing then? I mean its not the first time people got bombed so what the hell was all the fuss about?

    See how stupid your logic is now?

    Okay, wait...

    I've been quietly lurking, quite happily for a while now... but seriously?

    Did you just compare the Boston Bombing to F2P MMO's...

    It's easy to try and break someones logic when you make OUTRAGEOUS stretches in comparison.

    You sir are the one lacking logic.

    [Edit] And for the record. I don't see anything wrong with paying a few dollars for a respec. Fact is, the game IS F2P. Cryptic and PWE have spent both time and money creating a service, and they deserve some type of compensation. In fact, unlike PRACTICALLY EVERY OTHER SERVICE IN THE WORLD, Cryptic and PWE don't even demand compensation, and are completely happy allowing you to play for free. And you're absolutely getting your moneys worth.

    Quit being so **** self-entitled, and just enjoy this amazing game. And you know what? If someone who isnt as cheap as you DOES help support the game that you;re playing for free, they SHOULD have benefits that you don't.

    TLDR: Grow up.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mal3fact0r wrote: »
    Cash grab basically means milking as much as possible as fast as possible, then dropping support down to a bare minimum (or altogether) and moving on to the next project.

    And are you looking at their financials? Do you "know" that they are taking an "undue" percentage of the profit? What the hell is an undue percentage of profit anyway.

    Who here wouldn't love to make money? ::raises hand:: I must be greedy then.

  • kharnagexkharnagex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 211 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    in the good old days of sub, you only see people who can afford to pay a monthly fee in the game. In the present F2P world, you see more kids who wants everything for free...

    very true, future democrats lol, I don't want to put in the effort waaahhh....cry for me *****es your tears are tasty.
  • qaetaqaeta Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    beil86 wrote: »
    so many free loaders lol.

    Hey i wanna play 100% free and never need to spend any cash while costing you money to make a game for me and keep the servers going and add new content, but i wont pay a dime to you thanks!!!!

    that about sums up the OP and his type of gamer.

    Yeah, there's people that play and don't spend any money, which is fine since it is F2P and they still contribute by being potential group and guild mates. Then there are these people like the OP, who are given tons of stuff for free, and instead of being grateful, can only complain that they should have gotten MORE for the NO MONEY they spent... Ridiculous...
  • suparstarxsuparstarx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The price of 1 ZEN to whatever AD is not set in stone. As more people level up, get more points and zen dumping into the economy it's gonna tank some more. A lot of people bought founder packs and they are definitely dumping their diamonds into the market.

    You can get thousands of AD per day from just a few daily repeatables, praying/worshipping every hour and professions/crafting.

    And that's from not spending a bloody cent. Eventually you're gonna probably get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you can sell on the auction house for AD because gold is surely worth **** right now.

    Again, TYVM, moving on.......
  • skinneykrnskinneykrn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 62
    edited May 2013
    Dang, you gotta pay zen to get some respect around here?
    That's disrespect.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The fact that people even defend the respec prices completely f**ks my mind.

    And calling people entitled? You people are just ridiculous, there are very successful F2P games that run purely off of vanity or TINY convenience items.
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    The fact that people even defend the respec prices completely f**ks my mind.

    And calling people entitled? You people are just ridiculous, there are very successful F2P games that run purely off of vanity or TINY convenience items.

    Why would anyone sane need to respect more than once every 3 - 6 months?

    Oh wait those people who want to flip builds every other second.... Thats who. Charge them $$$$$

  • saborwsaborw Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who's to say that 240k Diamonds for the Zen to respec isn't reasonable? It's day THREE of Everyone being able to play. On the first day I had 12,000 Diamonds
  • kill4kaytkill4kayt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    The fact that people even defend the respec prices completely f**ks my mind.

    And calling people entitled? You people are just ridiculous, there are very successful F2P games that run purely off of vanity or TINY convenience items.
    There are plenty of F2P games that run off of vanity or tiny conveniene items, but I defy you to name 1 Successful one.
    Close The World.txeN ehT nepO
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kill4kayt wrote: »
    There are plenty of F2P games that run off of vanity or tiny conveniene items, but I defy you to name 1 Successful one.

    Which is why in another thread I asked someone making the "there are plenty of games succeeding at F2P"... to name some.

    As you say the named games won't be successful or actually charge upfront to buy the game before you play it which isn't fully F2P.

  • kill4kaytkill4kayt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xristanax wrote: »
    Want to repaint my house for free? You can wash my car afterwards and mow my lawn every week too while you're at it. Why don't you buy me a cup of coffee on the way over from Starbucks too and as a tip, i'll give you a bit of advice: F2P is F2P. You want to respec but can't afford 6 bucks? OK, here's a little secret:

    reroll = respec

    Have fun with that while you're painting my house
    Quoting "romequietus" Word for word from another thread without crediting him? Shame on you. Also this quote is already on Page 4 of this thread with proper credit.
    Which is why in another thread I asked someone making the "there are plenty of games succeeding at F2P"... to name some.

    As you say the named games won't be successful or actually charge upfront to buy the game before you play it which isn't fully F2P.
    I didn't say that, but I sure as hell implied it.
    Close The World.txeN ehT nepO
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    UNLESS you're respeccing as often as Lindsay Lohan goes to rehab, I doubt you'll miss that measly six dollars.

    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • laeinilaeini Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The price of power is loneliness..
  • prunetracyprunetracy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's not that big of a deal. People are worrying way too much about ending up with a bad spec. Even if you randomly selected every power, you still wouldn't end up with a broken character. You almost get enough points to take absolutely everything. You can easily have every skill at rank 2.

    Your character isn't going to be unplayable because you don't have one particular skill maxed out. It's just not the case.

    If you're a min-max optimizer who likes changing their builds with the sunrise, well yeah, it's going to be costly. But even then, I'll bet you can probably max out all the powers you want for a few different loadouts with room to spare.
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