If you are in Europe and you notice lag (besides what is normal due to the network issues that the update later today addresses), something you can try is this: In the launcher, go into the options and change the proxy from "none" to "EU". This resolved the latency issues I had when the headstart began, and it's been super ever since.
It may not fix your lag, but it is worth trying.
In the Launcher, on the top left, there's some links. There should be an "options" link. Click it and it'll open a little options window, the Proxy drop down is in there.
180 ping and you cry ?. Are you stupid or something ? 180 in a mmo is just fine at this server load.
Come back crying when you begin to have 500-1000 then you lagg. You have zero lagg at 180.....
Yeah, it's not good
In an action MMO, where dodging/blocking and/or moving about is required, 180 ping is the difference between dodging and dying. If this was a point-click MMO, I would be saying the same as you...
I am a TANK you, and i never had over 90 ping in any other mmo, not even in guild wars 2 , so don't tell me that 180 ping is good cuz last night even if i block the damage recived , i still lose hp ...
So far, no lag here.....
What an absolutely HAMSTER reply. It never ceases to amuse me when the dumbest person in a thread is the one who tries to insult another person's intelligence.
In Germany we are used to play online games with pings of 20ms - maximum 80ms , 180ms is not acceptable. Word.
The servers are on the West Coast. I get sub-200ms ping, and it really does not matter in this game. It is an action RPG, but there are delays anyway (getting rooted when you perform a skill, etc.). It's honestly not an issue. Now, if it were a shooter ...
Sorry it's not working for everyone.
Beholder = new server ?
I have tanked and healed perfectly even at 250 to 300 MS.
Good players adapt.
If you happen to have 200ms or less i'd count yourself lucky.
If you want to flame people atleast try to spell correctly, "kid".
Most useful tip EVER!
Thx a bunch. Wish there was a way to tip you some AD for this :cool:
Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."
- Kender Proverb