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Trickster Rogue is 'still' too over-powered~



  • dephnessdephness Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    from all the complaining i've seen, its obvious that TR is overpowered atm.

    1. While i take the (omg this class op) with a grain of salt.....the amount of people to complain about 1 class usaully means that said class is overpowered. If you think about this, its true. Forums are filled with TR being overpowered. Why are the other classes not being said to be overpowered? just seems fishy.

    2. Watching streams of both TR and GWF i can say for sure the TR does more damage at level 15 then the GWF did at level 28, some may say its just the TR knows the game mechanics better, It was obvious to see that the guy playing the GWF was not a slacker tho so that kinda puts that out the window. Maybe rogue bought a bunch of stuff? i dunno maybe....? lol

    just two things to think about, (first one more then the second as the second can be subjective imo) But all in all if a ton of people are saying a class is overpowered chances are... they are. it happens in every game, FOTM classes are in every game. I still am going to play GWF, and it does kinda get me down that i may be in a fight that 1 class will just **** me because of the class they choose, again every mmo has it, just play your best, and try to figure out ways to do better against said class. If you end up beating one, you will know you are better then the person plays a overpowered class.

    I wish you luck in playing, If you chose TR i hope you don't run into me as I won't be running anywhere and will try my damnest to take you down :D
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    They should have a testing server to do some tweaking, i wonder how TR would preform if Stealth was disabled, or if dodge rolls were disabled, would they still be beefy enough to survive front line combat ? Maybe some kind and honest high level TR's will try that out, just enter a pug and avoid using the class mechanics and rely soley on the 'striker' side of the class, they're obviously secondary CC'ers since a lot of the damage comes from CCing people first.
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I won't comment on PvE, but in PvP once you learn to counter them, they become average at best. They will be the equivalent of the warrior in GW2, OP till people learn to move, then meh.
  • fongadorfongador Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    dephness wrote: »
    from all the complaining i've seen, its obvious that TR is overpowered atm.

    1. While i take the (omg this class op) with a grain of salt.....the amount of people to complain about 1 class usaully means that said class is overpowered. If you think about this, its true. Forums are filled with TR being overpowered. Why are the other classes not being said to be overpowered? just seems fishy.

    2. Watching streams of both TR and GWF i can say for sure the TR does more damage at level 15 then the GWF did at level 28, some may say its just the TR knows the game mechanics better, It was obvious to see that the guy playing the GWF was not a slacker tho so that kinda puts that out the window. Maybe rogue bought a bunch of stuff? i dunno maybe....? lol

    just two things to think about, (first one more then the second as the second can be subjective imo) But all in all if a ton of people are saying a class is overpowered chances are... they are. it happens in every game, FOTM classes are in every game. I still am going to play GWF, and it does kinda get me down that i may be in a fight that 1 class will just **** me because of the class they choose, again every mmo has it, just play your best, and try to figure out ways to do better against said class. If you end up beating one, you will know you are better then the person plays a overpowered class.

    I wish you luck in playing, If you chose TR i hope you don't run into me as I won't be running anywhere and will try my damnest to take you down :D

    Honestly GWF needs a buff or you could argue their last "tweaking" went too far.
  • fexhiefexhie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    TR does not need a nerf, in fact I think they took the last nerf a bit too far. They should not of removed all the stealth bonus damage from the class. I can't comment totally on GWF needing a boost, but judging by what I see from vid's of people playing them they do seem a bit subpar lower levels for sure. To be fair CW's should not have so many cc skills that link with good damage. CW's are by far the more deadlier of the pair in pvp between TR and CW.

    In pve, a TR is hopefully going to get top damage 90 percent of the time. They are currently the only full on dps class in the game, the only other that should come close is GWF and they are classified as offtank dps so should do less than a full on dps like the rogue. The major problem you, and most people, are having with the TR stems from this. You can't compare TR damage to other dps currently in the game because there is nothing to compare it to! I would honestly say that CW comes way too close to doing as much dps as a TR and a well played one could definitely get higher numbers in a dungeon.
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    zingarbage wrote: »
    I won't comment on PvE, but in PvP once you learn to counter them, they become average at best. They will be the equivalent of the warrior in GW2, OP till people learn to move, then meh.

    That isnt exactly comforting ,even a year later Warriors are still using the same cookie cutter build =/ and even professional Warriors were using it, because if a tools effective in a newbs hands, anyone can use it.
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    fexhie wrote: »
    TR does not need a nerf, in fact I think they took the last nerf a bit too far. They should not of removed all the stealth bonus damage from the class. I can't comment totally on GWF needing a boost, but judging by what I see from vid's of people playing them they do seem a bit subpar lower levels for sure. To be fair CW's should not have so many cc skills that link with good damage. CW's are by far the more deadlier of the pair in pvp between TR and CW.

    In pve, a TR is hopefully going to get top damage 90 percent of the time. They are currently the only full on dps class in the game, the only other that should come close is GWF and they are classified as offtank dps so should do less than a full on dps like the rogue. The major problem you, and most people, are having with the TR stems from this. You can't compare TR damage to other dps currently in the game because there is nothing to compare it to! I would honestly say that CW comes way too close to doing as much dps as a TR and a well played one could definitely get higher numbers in a dungeon.

    GWF are primary damage dealer, secondary tank*, while a TR is clearly primary damage, and secondary is probably CC. 90% of the time? PvE is mostly about AoE damage, should be GWF and CW territory unless theirs not a lot of trash. I think these arbitrary class titles are getting in the way of more objective comparisons.
  • gaymer87gaymer87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 291 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    By jump I mean first hit.
    I get the first hit on TR all the time. Like stated above if you know how to counter them they are not so bad. Honestly this thread is just about people's bad experiences.
    My facts are I am a CW, level 60 fighting other level 60 TRs and grouping with them in PvE and I definately see my role in the group and yeah I might die to a TR but they die to me as well.
    Yeah TRs can hide and jump around the field and burst damage but CW have a shield, tons of push back/control spells. Just learn to use what you have and do it better.
    *~Ezenkrul Kor'hedron -Drow Sorcerer~* **on hold**
    *~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
  • fexhiefexhie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    GWF are primary damage dealer, secondary tank*, while a TR is clearly primary damage, and secondary is probably CC. 90% of the time? PvE is mostly about AoE damage, should be GWF and CW territory unless theirs not a lot of trash. I think these arbitrary class titles are getting in the way of more objective comparisons.

    I think we can all agree GWF are broke atm. I was mainly just comparing TR and CW. The thing is that the people who made the game said GWF was a dps/offtank and that TR is primary dps. They are not listed as primary dps secondary anything. The whole reason GWF probably got the nerfs it did was because they were doing so much more overall damage than rogues through their aoes. They more than likely did not want their primary dps so easily out dps'd. But spec a rogue aoe for trash and single target for bosses and they probably would still of done better than a gwf prenerf.
  • dixa1dixa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    there is more to this game than pvp. in D&D pvp between like-aligned characters almost never happened (pvp should have been a two faction system based on alignment imo).

    this game - like sto and co - is going to have more and larger pve components than pvp. therefore changes to pvp balance must not affect pve or the game will lose (paying) customers.

    rogue types have been popular since wow. they weren't all that popular in daoc or eq because stealth had a lot of penalties attached to it. wow was the first game to introduce stealth with no real penalties, and since then rogue-like characters have been popular for their hit-and-run playstyle.

    for those who read a lot of D&D fiction, the rogue right now is about as close as you can get to some of the more popular characters from the books - including drizzt and jarlaxle.

    cryptic nerfed the hell out of science captains in sto and they did because of pvp. they nerfed them so hard that the captain type went from rarely played to hardly seen and the game has become tactical captains online.
  • askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ayamata wrote: »
    Before most of you (yes, most; since a good portion of players are TR's) try to rip me from limb to limb, allow me to clarify.

    First things first, I play a CW.
    I'm fully aware that my class really isn't designed to put out hefty dps, as well as the fact that I'm squishy to say the least.
    Although whether it be in PvE or PvP, the Rogues do a tremendous output of dps, with really no cons at all.
    It most cases in PvE, the players to top the dps table, are rogues.
    In PvP, they can light you up in seconds.

    Whether it be their abilities that can literally take away 40% of your HP, or the ability to 'silence' you; they are virtually unstoppable.
    I've seen a single Rogue take on two GWF and rip them apart in under 20 seconds.
    Like I had stated, they usually have the upper hand in PvE in terms of DPS,
    but in PvP they can take down any class like it's nothing.

    I can now understand why they're so popular in the community.
    Simply because they own everything.
    I hardly see balance with them in comparison to the other available classes.

    [Also, let me just add that I don't really appreciate any rude comments or malcontent. I'm just voicing my opinion, and I would like the thread to stay open for discussion; any demeaning remarks can taint this thread and subject it to violations within the forum agreements. So please. If you know you're about to rage, take it elsewhere. Keep in mind that negative things are better left unsaid.]

    I've rarely been beaten by a rogue on my control wizard. I've beaten rogues 3-4 levels above me several times... Now that I'm in my 40's the margin has grown even larger.

    Try speccing your character different. I've played around with stacking crit, stacking power, balanced, etc... I found a build that owns... however it isn't very forgiving if you get mobbed.

    Besides, nothing really matter until we're all 60 anyways. Just like every MMO - the leading classes at level X won't necessarily be the leading classes at level Y.

    It makes sense that rogues should do more dps than a control wizard but I'm not seeing that, at least not in the 30-45 range where I really started paying attention.
  • altyrealtyre Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 106 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    ayamata wrote: »
    I can 1v1 a Rogue no problem, but man.
    If he gets the jump on me, it's over. Lol.

    So... Wait... Let me get this straight - you can usually beat rogues without any problems, but if they play smart and get an advantage over you, they beat you... And that calls for a nerf?

  • vampstavampsta Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    WELL. I know what class to make in 8 hours. :p
  • frogm1972frogm1972 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ohhh snap cryptic dont grease that wheel thats a square trying to pass its self off as a wheel let the button spammer learn his class
  • xdreeganxxdreeganx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Getting hit with Dazing Strike is a death sentence for squishies in this game. And even if it doesn't lead to a kill, you're going to be hurting quite a bit from the combo they land following that. Now, take this with a grain of salt.

    I played until 40+ GWF during BW3-4, and am now starting into a Rogue which I've gotten to level 18. From my experience, dodging Dazing Strike is your make or break. The Rogue has two choices. Use their Stealth to buff their Dazing Strike to where it's almost undodgable unless you have reflexes faster than a cat and can dodge out of the way before it hits, or try to catch you during an animation to use it when you're not paying attention. The animation for it is quite long and actually relatively easy to dodge if you're aware of your surroundings and don't get tunnel vision. That's the key here.

    It's quite understandable that the Rogue is going to top the DPS charts in PvE (Unless a GWF really knows how to optimize their AoE DPS then they won't be far behind them). However, in PvP Dazing Strike is their one saving Grace. And I know it can be hard. After dealing with them on my GWF their mobility is crazy in comparison. And now that I'm playing one I'm finding ways to slip in and out of the battle if I need to. But this is at low levels, and you, as a CW don't have access to the tools you'll really need to deal with all the threats you're going to be presented with. Just like until around max level GWFs don't have the burst tools they really need to get that Rogue off their squishies. This game is hard-balanced towards late/end-game, which means you're going to feel more pain during the leveling process than other games.

    My advice, is to take some time and actually play the Rogue, learn how they function on a first-hand basis and couple that with the knowledge of how you play your character, and all the abilities and techniques you have to look forward to.

    Just wait until the Archer, Warlock, and Two-Blade launch. Then we're going to have some real fun!
    Arrows and Blades do not have names on them.
    They are addressed, "To whom it may concern.."
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That isnt exactly comforting ,even a year later Warriors are still using the same cookie cutter build =/ and even professional Warriors were using it, because if a tools effective in a newbs hands, anyone can use it.

    That is the thing, it is easy to use as a new player. Anyone can port, daze, and then whatever. Much like charge, time warp ability, 100 blades. Not every new player knows to move out of the way.

    This is what is leading to the cries of OP against rogues. I've changed my outlook on them as something to avoid in packs, but you really always want to avoid being outnumbered by any class. Plus I'd rather face a pack of rogues than a pack of CWs.
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You're a CW complaining about getting killed in PvP?

    Played right, wizards are untouchable. If there's a melee class getting close enough to hit you then something is wrong (unless you're getting stealth jumped every time).

    Why is it every time someone makes a thread, in regards to CW having issues in PvP with Rogues we get a gamer athlete saying how a class is untouchable or unbeatable/untouchable?

    Issue, Rogues output dps is over the top in PvP at lower levels along with their daily you can say good night. Something about the control wizard to me is not controlling either, I put a Rogue or any other class in a CC and they come right out of it in PvP. On the other side, I get what seems like a 5 second silence on me from Rogues. You have to realize this, as I was told, things supposedly get better as you get geared out and realize that you are the class that a Rogue is opt to jump and kill over any other class (just because you are dangerous).

    I'm level 30 on my control wizard and level 51 on my Rogue and I can tell you to me in PvP it seems like the damage has dropped off, as I get tore to bits on him by control wizards (mind you it's two usually on me).

    Not sure what set up your doing on yours at the moment but, I have found some abilities in PvE and PvP for lack of a better word a waste to invest in with the CW at this level ("that could be your issue.").
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • taemekegtaemekeg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 298 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    You're a CW complaining about getting killed in PvP?

    Played right, wizards are untouchable. If there's a melee class getting close enough to hit you then something is wrong (unless you're getting stealth jumped every time).

    You realize you require a target to execute certain skills right?
  • berbesberbes Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i haven't pvp'ed much but whenever i get into a 1v1 with a TR as a CW i win, 4/5 so far, even when they get first hit, provided im at full hp. Anyways, i always draw them away from the rest, freeze n teleport like crazy and grab the effing potions. Those pots help a lot. also, u gotta time ur dodge right. personally i dont think they are OP, yes they have an advantage at close range but thats it. keep them at bay. i just got to lvl 21, n havent put any effort into gears but CW great if played right.
  • iimulchiimulch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ok first of all before people complain about trickster rogue you guys need to realise how hard it is in pve when you are doing quests etc. We don't have any good aoes and we need this high damage or else we have nothing.

    You need to learn how to play control wizard because in pvp most control wizards kick my as with their non stop knock up knock back and other CC. Rogues are a pvp class and obviously will perform better than other classes. Pve wise we have nothing to offer except dps at boss since our aoes hit low
  • danny11068danny11068 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You're a CW complaining about getting killed in PvP?

    Played right, wizards are untouchable. If there's a melee class getting close enough to hit you then something is wrong (unless you're getting stealth jumped every time).

    Pretty much this, and I play CW. I don't think we're OP, I think GWF and poss GF are UP, but I have no concern with rogues in PvP. In PvE I top damage or 2nd place every dungeon. I know that rogues are intentionally tuned to beat CW in pve dps, so I assume the game just needs time to mature and players to learn their classes, and also to be level 60, we know balance isn' oriented around the leveling game.
  • mishaal3000mishaal3000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Trickster Rogue is OP !!!!?? hmmm when i see one in the arena i smile coz i know its confirmed kill
  • bejita231bejita231 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Its obvious cryptic spent majority of their time buffing rogues in alpha testing, and basically ignored the other classes, the other classes are terrible at their roles, GF cant aggro, GWF cant tank or do damage, cleric heals are terrible and nerfed, and rogues just is overpowered at everything it does
  • orangerascalorangerascal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Someone died in pvp and complains on the forums. This must be a first!
  • jdnycjdnyc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 334 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    As someone who's been on the receiving end of more choke holds than I can count, all I can say is...

  • taemekegtaemekeg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 298 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    bejita231 wrote: »
    Its obvious cryptic spent majority of their time buffing rogues in alpha testing, and basically ignored the other classes, the other classes are terrible at their roles, GF cant aggro, GWF cant tank or do damage, cleric heals are terrible and nerfed, and rogues just is overpowered at everything it does

    I disagree.

    Cleric heals are fine if you learn how to gear for it.

    Pretty sure GF threat generation is being looked into. Needs some minor tweaking.

    GWF does awesome damage when a decent player is playing it and understands how to spec the class.

    Is the TR OP? Hard to say for me because when a TR is on me, I have 3 other people beating on me too, something alot of people fail to see when trying to run away and all they see is a TR all over them and forget about the other 2 or 3 people on them also.

    I honestly think that CC is more of an issue that needs to be addressed in PvP then anything else right now.
  • valtrayvaltray Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    CWs own rogues if both are equally skilled. I'm sorry to tell you the truth. It's a l2p issue.
  • futrixfutrix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Would Trickster Rogues be an issue to anyone if they weren't the only Striker class in the game so far?
    Of course Rogues are the best DPS in the game, they are the only Striker.

    Of course an argument could be made that GWF is a striker, even the neverwinter offical wiki doesn't know if it wants to classify the class as a striker or defender, it flip-flops. :rolleyes:
  • gyloirgyloir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    valtray wrote: »
    CWs own rogues if both are equally skilled. I'm sorry to tell you the truth. It's a l2p issue.

    Stealth + Silence, how you counter that as a CW oh great and wise one?
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gyloir wrote: »
    Stealth + Silence, how you counter that as a CW oh great and wise one?

    It's PVP.... TEAM PVP... L2P as a team... jesus this sh*t is getting real stale...
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