- Explore one or all four different types of professions: Leadership, Mailsmithing, Platesmithing, and Leatherworking.
Leadership, Mailsmithing, Platesmithing, and Leatherworking
OK, I'm not the one to start flaming/whining/complaining without knowing the details, don't worry. From how it looks, there will be 3 'crafting' and one 'party stat buffing' professions, it may be completely off though.
Any confirmation from the testers on what is that stuff and how it works? Because I simply can't imagine how 'Leadership' fits in such list of professions
It's a neat idea, don't get me wrong, but it just seems completely different somehow. It's like having a party of a dwarf fighter, half-elf cleric, human rougue and a 30 meter tall multiclass demon from the lower depths of hell, that's about how much this thing sticks out for me
PS no, really, 3 types of armor and leadership! Not at least armor, weapon, jewelry AND leadership, no! It's 3 types of almost same stuff(armor) plus something absolutely different
It just blows my mind (not in a bad way) to see this stuff in one list for some reason
PPS Or maybe my English is not that good and there is another meaning for Leadership, aside from 'leading people', and it's in fact creating some stuff made from lead.
Never played with a high level Cleric using the 9th level spell Gate before have you? :P
Gate: This powerful summoning spell opens a portal to the Lower Planes, calling forth a horned devil.
It's even in Neverwinter Nights 2, so part of the lore! :P
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
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I see what you did there.
Actually, it's better described as [redacted].
Touche, I should have used a 'giant robot with a minigun' after all
C'mooooooooon, you can tell us, no one visits this section anyway, so no one will find out, we won't tell anyone It's the Internet, privacy has no price here (I mean it's priceless), what could go wrong!
PS And really, there were people streaming beta yesterday. I forgot that '3-letter-word', but it was lifted, so all the info on the closed beta can be shared freely.
You turn in 5 iron ore, 20 bear arses, and a bit of fairy dust to receive +1 leaderships.
No no no. This is Dungeons and Dragons! You need the soul of one of the gods, 20 souls from the wall of the faithless, and 10 ore from each of the Elemental planes for a 1 time use buff of +1 AC for 30 seconds.
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.