In the most unholiest pit of Hell who came up with the freaking idea to do this with the events when you're trying to get your first mission completed for your campaign starting in the game what the hell were you guys thinking with garyx the Unforgivable six damn hours and I still can't get them to spawn that's trash what the hell were you thinking to put that in one of your first missions needed to be completed 6 damn hours and still can't get it over 60% added to 80 I mean it went down to 60 percent
There is actually no reason to focus on Garyx and Mog. They drop rings, most of which are not that great, although the +4/+5 version of one of them is OK for tanks - the rest are just RP fodder. They also drop the special items you need to upgrade the infernal forged gear (first to demon- or devil forged and then upgraded again to Fiend forged). However, the only piece of gear worth upgrading are the boots. (Actually, you might want to upgrade both boots....the one with CA for group play and the other for solo play), but at any rate, you only need a few of those drops.
So, if Garyx or Mog are not spawning for you, just ignore don't need to kill them for now...wait until they fix their spawns.
At the time of writing this, the Avernus Blood War Balance Gauge has been stuck on Demons 100% for over 12 hours, and the 10 minute "Count Down" clock has been counting UPWARDS and resetting itself every hour. (I don't believe the bosses are spawning... I gave up pretending to care about eleven and a half hours ago.