Thanks so much again for what has been an excellent CDP. Thank you all for the time, effort and passion you put in as well. I feel like the group is working much better together and the next CDP will help to solidify that further.
On top of all the hard work that every has put into the thread you can also see/hear the fruits of your labor from various content creators and community members on Youtube:
Some of the below sections are copied and pasted so everyone can understand how we move forward with the ideas, discussions and comments.
'I was going to frame things as a proposal but I think we are all mature enough for me to actually communicate what we are planning to work on (or are actively working on) with the caveat that all features and content are subject to change. If there is ever a big course correct we will let you know. I hope that sounds ok.
The CDP discussion will help inform the work moving forward and no doubt we will be reaching out for further info, questions and/or thoughts regarding certain topics. We will do this on streams, through mini CDP topics, in some cases calls, emails and of course re-reading and discussing specific posts from this CDP. And we will keep everyone up to date on the progress in these areas both through communication and the preview server (An example of this was the sharing of the road-map).
Therefore we intend to be working in the following areas this year although some of the features, systems and content will be released in phases. To this end we will be publishing a high level road map in the coming weeks!'
Note: Much of this CDP will be included in Mod 20 as well as CDP 1.Again timing and execution is subject to change but we will keep you informed if there are major changes in direction and you will be able to see the execution of the intent in preview as well as potentially showing progress in separate threads in the CDP section of the forum.
In some case below I have copied and pasted from top 3 favorites from CDP members:
Item Redundancy - Vertical progression items will be part of mod deployments and horizontal progression items will be part of episode deployments.
Return on Investment- Rewards from all content should be directly related to the stats, time and effort required to complete the content. Items should only be bound to account or unbound.
Horizontal Progression - Add more horizontal progression - in multiple aspects of the game (from campaigns, boons, gear, to feats) (feat like effects and abilities and items that can also offer both negative and positive modifiers dependent on your class and those you play with for example).
Campaigns - Needs to be made more horizontal in my opinion in terms of progression/rewards. Boons should be worth the time/effort required to obtain them. Drops in BHE's and dungeons for each campaign, episodes should have rare drops based on the thematic of the story, potential for Mastercraft drops, and progression of personal boons tied to enemy achievements.
Professions - Time, investment and effort should be reflected in the value of items that are able to be produced. Crafting and playing the market "are" the game for some players. Professions should not be ignored for extended periods and should be updated with every MOD.
Streamlining Currencies- Reduce the number of currencies across the game. Allow currencies to be used to buy updated and relevant items, including Professions Ingredients and Guild Coffer donations and give multiple avenues to item acquisition
Revamp 'Stores'- rewards in the Ardent Favor & Celestial Synergy and Revamp the Rewards of Devotion from Invoking. Add a superstore instead of WB/TB store/Legacy/Invocation/Legacy seals/dragonflight.
Content Scaling - should also equal reward scaling, meaning the rewards should at the very least be on the actual character level.
Account Wide Rewards - Do a pass on category of rewards and look at making some account bound (More details to follow).
Bridges and Progression Golden Path - Build and repair existing bridges in progression and content gating.
For Consideration - Add a Universal vendor that accepts outdated items and gives players Rewards in exchange.
For Consideration - Add leaderboard/highscores - for times/# of completions and maybe also solo times? It's so simple yet so effective (It is actually quite complex in terms of how players could have separate goals or needs in the same content as someone else with a different goal. We will discuss)
For Consideration - Mentoring is something we will discuss in more detail in another CDP.
We will leave the thread open for 24 hours should anyone have anymore comments or feedback regarding the above.
P.S: Our next topics are PVP and CDP. We will stagger these with PVP going first and Rob H will manage that working group with you all.
Thanks so much again for what has been an excellent CDP. Thank you all for the time, effort and passion you put in as well. I feel like the group is working much better together and the next CDP will help to solidify that further.
On top of all the hard work that every has put into the thread you can also see/hear the fruits of your labor from various content creators and community members on Youtube:
Some of the below sections are copied and pasted so everyone can understand how we move forward with the ideas, discussions and comments.
'I was going to frame things as a proposal but I think we are all mature enough for me to actually communicate what we are planning to work on (or are actively working on) with the caveat that all features and content are subject to change. If there is ever a big course correct we will let you know. I hope that sounds ok.
The CDP discussion will help inform the work moving forward and no doubt we will be reaching out for further info, questions and/or thoughts regarding certain topics. We will do this on streams, through mini CDP topics, in some cases calls, emails and of course re-reading and discussing specific posts from this CDP. And we will keep everyone up to date on the progress in these areas both through communication and the preview server (An example of this was the sharing of the road-map).
Therefore we intend to be working in the following areas this year although some of the features, systems and content will be released in phases. To this end we will be publishing a high level road map in the coming weeks!'
Note: Much of this CDP will be included in Mod 20 as well as CDP 1.Again timing and execution is subject to change but we will keep you informed if there are major changes in direction and you will be able to see the execution of the intent in preview as well as potentially showing progress in separate threads in the CDP section of the forum.
In some case below I have copied and pasted from top 3 favorites from CDP members:
Item Redundancy - Vertical progression items will be part of mod deployments and horizontal progression items will be part of episode deployments.
Return on Investment- Rewards from all content should be directly related to the stats, time and effort required to complete the content. Items should only be bound to account or unbound.
Horizontal Progression - Add more horizontal progression - in multiple aspects of the game (from campaigns, boons, gear, to feats) (feat like effects and abilities and items that can also offer both negative and positive modifiers dependent on your class and those you play with for example).
Campaigns - Needs to be made more horizontal in my opinion in terms of progression/rewards. Boons should be worth the time/effort required to obtain them. Drops in BHE's and dungeons for each campaign, episodes should have rare drops based on the thematic of the story, potential for Mastercraft drops, and progression of personal boons tied to enemy achievements.
Professions - Time, investment and effort should be reflected in the value of items that are able to be produced. Crafting and playing the market "are" the game for some players. Professions should not be ignored for extended periods and should be updated with every MOD.
Streamlining Currencies- Reduce the number of currencies across the game. Allow currencies to be used to buy updated and relevant items, including Professions Ingredients and Guild Coffer donations and give multiple avenues to item acquisition
Revamp 'Stores'- rewards in the Ardent Favor & Celestial Synergy and Revamp the Rewards of Devotion from Invoking. Add a superstore instead of WB/TB store/Legacy/Invocation/Legacy seals/dragonflight.
Content Scaling - should also equal reward scaling, meaning the rewards should at the very least be on the actual character level.
Account Wide Rewards - Do a pass on category of rewards and look at making some account bound (More details to follow).
Bridges and Progression Golden Path - Build and repair existing bridges in progression and content gating.
For Consideration - Add a Universal vendor that accepts outdated items and gives players Rewards in exchange.
For Consideration - Add leaderboard/highscores - for times/# of completions and maybe also solo times? It's so simple yet so effective (It is actually quite complex in terms of how players could have separate goals or needs in the same content as someone else with a different goal. We will discuss)
For Consideration - Mentoring is something we will discuss in more detail in another CDP.
We will leave the thread open for 24 hours should anyone have anymore comments or feedback regarding the above.
P.S: Our next topics are PVP and CDP. We will stagger these with PVP going first and Rob H will manage that working group with you all.