If you want it fast, buy Zen, trade for AD; use AD to upgrade. If you can either not afford that, or feel that it costs too much and don't want to have to go get that 2nd job... then save up and use either saved AD or Comp Tokens. If you can't stop yourself spending AD before you save enough, then go with Comp Tokens. It's simple.
This whole discussion seems to be framed on a couple of assumptions, mainly suggesting that it is absolutely essential that getting to the very best one can achieve in companion stats be made as cheap as possible.
Sorry, but it SHOULD be expensive, and hard, to get to the very maximum possible in pretty much any part of the game.
I believe there should have been some sort of, if not actual trade in, then ability to shift companions across account when M16 dropped, because almost all my Legendary Companions are now worth naff all to the characters they are on, and I assume I'm not alone in that scenario. But it didn't happen, so now I'm farming Legacy Campaign stuff on six characters. It's a bit of fun, and gets me 30 Comp Tokens a week, which helps a lot when added to other I pick up from lockboxes.
I also think that the lock box drops of Comp tokens should come in a coffer or chest so that they can be sold on the AH rather than dropping direct into inventory. I guarantee that if they made it cheaper, once people got their Companions to Legendary they would do nothing but HAMSTER and moan about useless Companion Upgrade tokens. BUT... some people are there already, and don't need the tokens, and they should be able to sell them if they drop from a lockbox.
But as for making becoming BiS faster and cheaper? No. Work for it. Earn it. It shouldn't be easy.
I think the AD cost to upgrade is fine how it is but they need to make the companion tokens the identical cost ratio.
Common to Uncommon 50k AD / 6 Comp tokens (currently 30) Uncommon to Rare 250k AD / 30 Comp tokens (currently 60) Rare to Epic 500k AD / 60 Comp tokens (currently 90) Epic to Legendary 1000k AD / 120 Comp tokens (same)
Like previously mentioned some things are worth working towards and they keep adding small ways to earn tokens, just the current token cost is absurd.
Yeah, if they added tokens to the ad store, we could then take advantage of ad store discounts a few times per year to maybe upgrade our pets cheaper than directly w/ ad.
But yeah, considering the number of companions I've had to rank up and still need to for different situations as stated before, plus to maximize bolster on chosen summoned augment, uggh, you can easily spend one to three hundred dollars worth of in-game currency on, so yeah, I think the cost should be reduced a bit, that would be nice.
Yeah, if they added tokens to the ad store, we could then take advantage of ad store discounts a few times per year to maybe upgrade our pets cheaper than directly w/ ad.
Or just buy them for Zen during Zen sales a few times a year, and/or use vouchers at any time of the year?
(They would never, ever, ever make them cheaper on the Wondrous Bazaar than the equivalent price they currently are on the Zen market.)
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,170Arc User
(They would never, ever, ever make them cheaper on the Wondrous Bazaar than the equivalent price they currently are on the Zen market.)
We'd just end up with another "wards in the tradebar store" situation.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
First of all, last I checked even w/ a discount, with the new 750 ad / zen conversion ratio, it was still cheaper to just use AD.
They could, remove the tokens from the zen store and put them in the ad store, conflict solved.
Another idea would be to give a discount to the ad cost to rank up companions based on VIP rank, 25% off at rank 12 for example, then it would only cost 750k to go from purple to orange. This would be another incentive for people to buy vip, which might help them financially to compensate for the discount. Just an idea.
and by the amount of time you have to play, and by the ability of those characters to handle all the campaign areas.
there should still be the option to buy them for ad.
If you want to upgrade via AD, that option is already built into the companion. If you want tokens, you need to play the game - the devs have been pushing to make more rewards come from actual gameplay, and the Legacy Campaigns are an extension of that. If you want the tokens, they're fine with that - you'll just have to be investing time to get them - the time to get to the point that the LC's are all open to you, time to do the tasks, and the time to wait to accumulate enough tokens.
As it is, even if tokens were to show up in the Wondrous Bazaar, I'd expect to see them in the 10-15k range, minimum. For an epic->legendary comp upgrade, the value of a token is 8,333 AD (1M/120). They won't charge less than that, and would likely want to cover themselves for 40% off WB sales (25% + VIP 15%). At 15k per token, that'd bring the cost down to 9k during a sale - still above 'true' value, but more reasonable.
First of all, last I checked even w/ a discount, with the new 750 ad / zen conversion ratio, it was still cheaper to just use AD.
They could, remove the tokens from the zen store and put them in the ad store, conflict solved.
Another idea would be to give a discount to the ad cost to rank up companions based on VIP rank, 25% off at rank 12 for example, then it would only cost 750k to go from purple to orange. This would be another incentive for people to buy vip, which might help them financially to compensate for the discount. Just an idea.
Yeah, but the packs on the Zen market aren't meant to be bought in bulk to use instead of AD.
They are there to allow you to top up what you need, if you are in a hurry. Nobody should be thinking of buying them from anywhere unless they already have a stack. The same would have to apply to buying them for AD otherwise there would be no point in having the AD Upgrade
So if you have say, 85 CUTs saved and decide you;re sick of waiting for then to drop in lockboxes and you aren;t getting enough from Legacy Campaign, and you want to upgrade a companion from Epic to Legendary... you don't have to spend 1'000'000, you buy enough to top up to 120, which in that sort of situation would be the cheapest way to get your companion to go Gold a.s.a.p.
I think they like exactly where the costs are at. It is already an AD sink to upgrade companions. The change to new best in slot companions and needing more of them is a huge AD sink. Those that don't want to have as large of an AD sink are able to work towards buying them in the new questline. How many players have been complaining about we need more AD sinks in game. They gave exactly what everyone of those players wanted by doing it and we now have players wanting to reduce the costs.
Guild Leader: Under the Influence Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k
If you can either not afford that, or feel that it costs too much and don't want to have to go get that 2nd job... then save up and use either saved AD or Comp Tokens. If you can't stop yourself spending AD before you save enough, then go with Comp Tokens.
It's simple.
This whole discussion seems to be framed on a couple of assumptions, mainly suggesting that it is absolutely essential that getting to the very best one can achieve in companion stats be made as cheap as possible.
Sorry, but it SHOULD be expensive, and hard, to get to the very maximum possible in pretty much any part of the game.
I believe there should have been some sort of, if not actual trade in, then ability to shift companions across account when M16 dropped, because almost all my Legendary Companions are now worth naff all to the characters they are on, and I assume I'm not alone in that scenario. But it didn't happen, so now I'm farming Legacy Campaign stuff on six characters. It's a bit of fun, and gets me 30 Comp Tokens a week, which helps a lot when added to other I pick up from lockboxes.
I also think that the lock box drops of Comp tokens should come in a coffer or chest so that they can be sold on the AH rather than dropping direct into inventory.
I guarantee that if they made it cheaper, once people got their Companions to Legendary they would do nothing but HAMSTER and moan about useless Companion Upgrade tokens. BUT... some people are there already, and don't need the tokens, and they should be able to sell them if they drop from a lockbox.
But as for making becoming BiS faster and cheaper?
Work for it. Earn it. It shouldn't be easy.
Common to Uncommon 50k AD / 6 Comp tokens (currently 30)
Uncommon to Rare 250k AD / 30 Comp tokens (currently 60)
Rare to Epic 500k AD / 60 Comp tokens (currently 90)
Epic to Legendary 1000k AD / 120 Comp tokens (same)
Like previously mentioned some things are worth working towards and they keep adding small ways to earn tokens, just the current token cost is absurd.
But yeah, considering the number of companions I've had to rank up and still need to for different situations as stated before, plus to maximize bolster on chosen summoned augment, uggh, you can easily spend one to three hundred dollars worth of in-game currency on, so yeah, I think the cost should be reduced a bit, that would be nice.
(They would never, ever, ever make them cheaper on the Wondrous Bazaar than the equivalent price they currently are on the Zen market.)
They could, remove the tokens from the zen store and put them in the ad store, conflict solved.
Another idea would be to give a discount to the ad cost to rank up companions based on VIP rank, 25% off at rank 12 for example, then it would only cost 750k to go from purple to orange. This would be another incentive for people to buy vip, which might help them financially to compensate for the discount. Just an idea.
As it is, even if tokens were to show up in the Wondrous Bazaar, I'd expect to see them in the 10-15k range, minimum. For an epic->legendary comp upgrade, the value of a token is 8,333 AD (1M/120). They won't charge less than that, and would likely want to cover themselves for 40% off WB sales (25% + VIP 15%). At 15k per token, that'd bring the cost down to 9k during a sale - still above 'true' value, but more reasonable.
They are there to allow you to top up what you need, if you are in a hurry.
Nobody should be thinking of buying them from anywhere unless they already have a stack. The same would have to apply to buying them for AD otherwise there would be no point in having the AD Upgrade
So if you have say, 85 CUTs saved and decide you;re sick of waiting for then to drop in lockboxes and you aren;t getting enough from Legacy Campaign, and you want to upgrade a companion from Epic to Legendary... you don't have to spend 1'000'000, you buy enough to top up to 120, which in that sort of situation would be the cheapest way to get your companion to go Gold a.s.a.p.
Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k