I'm a wizard and I have encounter powers with timers that are 14,16 and 17 seconds. When I'm in solo doing mobs I get killed because my encounter powers are still in cool down. And teleporting around I run out of stamina quick so I get killed. PLEASE, lower the cooldown timers to something more reasonable like 9 or 10 seconds. I didn't have these problems in Mod 15 and 1000 AP I think that's to much too,800 AP to use a Daily sounds more reasonable.
I'm guessing this was an intentional modification to make a lot of content less 'solo friendly'... but the sad truth is these changes negatively impact every player's abilities too much, even the one's who don't try to solo group content.
For any player who doesn't have the means to immediately "invest more in boons" or the resources to purchase and "use consumables" - many runs seem to pay out less than the cost of replacing consumables they needed to use during that run, add that to the cost of any augment potions they want to buy, skill kits to open chests, and the price of professions supplies and manufacturing a lot of players are quickly going broke... and staying broke.
- Charging gold not only for professions supplies but also professions productions.
- Eliminating player augmentation potions from runs... which now have to be purchased with gold.
- Eliminating healing potions from runs... which now have to be purchased with gold.
- Eliminating skill kits from runs... which now have to be purchased with gold.
- Making mobs and bosses more powerful and more resistant to damage.
- Making players less powerful and less resistant to damage.
It looks to me a lot of the player's aren't the only things that are going "broke" in Neverwinter.My 2¢
I mean, that's a perfectly valid position - I just wasn't sure if that's what you really wanted. I am fairly sure the developers have this spreadsheet somewhere to calculate the potential DPS of the different classes, and if the classes are "balanced" in that respect andif you reduce the cooldowns for one class without reducing the magnitude the DPS of that class would shoot up relative to the other classes.
This is just not going to happen.
As things currently are, they should be called "Every Other Encounter Powers"
That said, yes, I notice the longer CDs on my wizard but he has been one of the better toons I have. My paladin has been nerfed to hell and back.
Though, I do second the note of paladin nerfs. At half the ilevel, my old paladin could take twice what my wizard could. I see a lot of wizard players griping, but it seriously feels like this xpac has been insanely kind to wizards.
Ideally, they would just put in an out of combat speed up to cooldowns, like they put in an out of combat heal to replace regen. For long boss fights, depending on your build, standing there for 20 seconds holding down your mouse button, that's boring af, if you think otherwise, idk what to tell you, maybe you get excited playing pong still.
IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG to play a game that enemies attack 3 or 4 times per seconds. We don't play League of Legends here, this cooldown is insane, cut our dps in 70% or more.
I'm currently hanging out in Daggerfall with my character; and if you wonder why I said Daggerfall its because I'm not playing NWO or any D&D game; Daggerfall is found in ESO.
I'm also playing a buffing healer that buffs the group abilities improving mana/stamina regen along with buffing their critical chance and damage. I run a full on buff build in ESO but within that build I also heal and can do some DPS. Very similar to how a well build DO was in NWO. A good AC could buff like no tomorrow but a well built DO could buff, DPS and even heal a bit.
I have no idea why anyone thought tanks didn't tank and healer didn't heal. In CR I healed all the time; even in MSPC, T9, FBI, etc.. the problem was not healing it was allowing us to stack mutliple buffers in one group.
I mean I did a 12 minute T9 with a OP Healer, AC DC, Templock, CW MoF and a GF. The GF was probably the closest to a pure DPS but was some what built around recovery for keeping ITF up for the damage buff. My CW I ran with SoD over Arcane Power Field for the added debuff to allow us burn through content faster. That was the problem with the older build for NWO, devs never fixed the issues around powersharing and buffing.
I had fun and just last year around I dropped quite a bit into the game. If mod 16 is the future well than my adventures will not be in the Forgotten Realm of NWO; it will be in Tamriel playing my Templar buff healer build.
18sec to use a simple damage/cold Ice Terrain with 1.5sec duration, is an absurd.
If our Icy Terrain is the same thing of D&D Icy Terrain with 10 f*** minutes of duration and cold 60 feets of ground and walls with random icicles up to do damage, i would agree with that cooldown.
Neverwinter is like that in mod 15 where I mainly use my abilities and weave my at wills between them for added damage; however, in NWO mod 16 at will usage is mandatory while you wait for your abilities to cool down. Using at wills so much become boring, tedious and well over time content feel like a chore and not engaging making NWO a game where many will leave simply because combat is slow and tedious.
The other thing I want to point out is that in other MMO games on consoles players get to use more than three abilities either by having a weapon they can swap out of to use or by having a second tray of abilities available to them by holding down R2/L2 buttons.
With that said if all classes had more encounter to use than 3 the cool downs of encounter wouldn't be as bad as it is now in mod 16. Time to fix the setup we have and allow us to have 6 encounters to use vs. 3. Doing that would greatly improve the game IMO.
Since that didn't happen, lower cool downs / damage to ensure combat is engaging and not slow and tedious like it is now.
The other point I wanted to make is that the original encounters that offer more than one use from them such as divine glow being a heal and a damaging ability is probably do to the fact that the original design team realized the constraints of their system and doubled up on encounter usage such as healing and damaging all in one instead of having players pick one or the other.
i thought it would be great but its sucks.... Puppet has no more dmg Aura and no more Taunt...
Anyway my Warlock has been murdered and my other characters too
I am complaining about a lot of things, like character creation, scaling design, sloppy QC, and a general lack of overall vision, but combat, for me....nah....happy with that.
Some other annoying really hateful features now...
They reduced comp damage and comp heals to pathetically nothing.
Overall.. while I enjoy some of the mod 16 features, others I hate to no end.
I have about 24 days of vip left.. I think I will let it expire and go back on a year long break while they beta test with those who wish to do so for the next 3-4 months.. then come back and see if they fixed some of this garbage.
BTW barbians slow determination build now really hurts it, any sort of stun and bam your dead, you cant sprint after your stunned. So you have to to semi sprint into groups behind it then slowly build determination , then kill things.
I DONT even in mods 1, remember the gwf this cumbersome. In fact, pretty sure it wasnt. There was no time that the game felt this slow .
Others might enjoy it, I just find it dull and slow and boring.. I dont think reducing cooldowns is the exact answer.. now encounters will hit as hard as at wills.. Yea?
Played around with the Pally this morning, what dread awful dreck that is to do now.. I cant stand it.
You basically have to pre make everything , including leveling dungeons.. only my 20k toons can do them near solo.. what a crock that is.
I loled when I got the icy IG.. with my barbie.. she ran around doing nothing but dying, because you cant outsprint in that area and barbies have no real range .. so whatever.
This game is a pathetic shell of its glory now, I am sure some dreck awful players will get on here and tell us how much a challenge it is due to its poor mechanics and much slower time frames.
BTW, WHERE is the promise that I could heal content again? sure I can "heal" some content, but not much, THERE IS Still WAY too much insta death happening.. WAY TO MUCH. Cant heal people when they stun and insta die.
Also healing on the DC sucks windballs. I miss my old dot healing builds..
MOD 16 mostly = MEH sauce to me and too boring to continue.
Forth edition almost destroyed the brand of dungeons and dragons, dissuaded playing the game and eventually led to a famous character( a certain darkelf that everyone seems to want to name their own character) to a different publisher. If cryptic were to keep following THAT model dont you think it would meet the same fate as 4e? and btw 5th edition has been out for awhile now, and is quite a bit better.
Addendum: Because I hit post too early because of course.
My main in this game is actually based off my 4e wizard character, albeit with some differences in race, because in NWO, Dragonborn wizards are actually viable.
@Roberthebard, having never played any of those three classes, I cannot comment. I can speak of my experience as a CW.
NWO had to be different from the table top, because here, in this game, death is the only true form of crowd control. The wizard cannot petrify foes, or frighten them into running away and permanently giving up, etc, etc. Indeed, on the table top, the wizard *revolved* around being able to spew out encounter powers that often times did very little damage. Indeed, his best powers often did no damage at all, but instead worked to resolve the battle through other means (forcibly shoving and moving enemies, grouping them together, making their attacks miss, making them attack allies, etc.)
NWO kept that aspect up until module 16. We were the only class (to my knowledge) to get 4 active encounters. We were the class that revolved around battlefield control (up until Module 6 made CC almost pointless for a long time) through fast paced cycling of those encounter powers, mixing in at-wills via Spell Twisting to reduce cooldown. It was a high complex, incredibly fast paced combat experience that I absolutely loved. Managing arcane mastery stacks, teleporting in close to drop Icy Terrain on the largest group in the mob before dashing away, hitting frozen enemies with disintegrate, alternating which at Will to do what I needed. Its what I loved.
Now? My cooldowns at 2-5 times as long as they were. With no realistic way to shorten them. It makes the game a lot more like table top, in the sense that I am likely only to get to use each encounter power "once" per encounter. But here's the thing, and this is critical... in the table top, even the CW's at-wills did something cool. They forcefully repositioned enemies, made obstacles they couldn't pass, conjured up horrifying phantasms to harass and make the enemies miss their attacks, etc. IN NWO? Now it's "Alright, there's the encounters...let me throw this ball of ice...ohhh, I added one stack of chill...whoo...now let me conjure up a little fire column...that does absolutely nothing because enemies in any battle that matter (i.e. Runic HEs) still have regen in the area of thousands of HP per tick, and so the 100 or so DOT smolder gives me is absolutely pointless....yawn..." and I'm no longer spaming teleports to try to get into optimal positions to attack, I'm spamming them to avoid the enemies "at-will", non-telegraphed attacks because they carve away 20%+ of my life with each attack because the scaling in the HE's is so screwed up (and yes, UM HE's are scaled. And no. It's not a freaking bug.)
In sum: it's the worst of both worlds now. It's not the fast paced, intense combat that NWO used to have, but the only reliable powers I have possess none of the strategic and tactical "crowd control" depth they did on the tabletop. Combined with the inability to customized my own character, build what I want, and instead being handed linear progressions and feat choices that half the time don't even make sense (for god's sake, I have class features that boost my lightning damage, something that, as a Thaum build, *I don't even have access to!*) and my guy is now little more than an automatic turret that any "engineer" class would normally lay down...only I take up an entire team slot...