i have been using the artifact for about a day now, and there are some major bugs with it
1. in more then 1 occasion it only draw 2 cards (the 3rd slot was empty)
2. the "dark lord" says the same thing as the "raven" card, but it does not apply anything other then a pink effect to the mobs
3. the "raven" card does not seem to change any thing in drops, i tested it on trash-mobs and hunt marks
4. according to the tool-tip, what ever effect i chose, should apply to all mobs in 60' of me, in more then 1 case it only effected 1 mob. the one i targeted
3. raven card seems to give 100% drop to the players using the wanted poster.
2. the raven buff does nothing to "the player using the poster", only thing it does is, it apply a buff to YOU that gets consumed after the first mob you kill, if its trash, you get some HAMSTER refinement, if its a bit more then average trash you might get better stuff, like blue/purple gear right into your bag (not like the ones on the ground
as i said, there are A LOT of bugs with it, i have had about a week now to test it varies places and situations, and i can definitely say, that right now, as it is,
it is HAMSTER, just useless
the cards tool-tips are wrong, you need to memories the picture to know what you might get
most of the powers dont work as they should, like for example "The Raven" should be for 15sec, yet it gets removed after first kill even if its 2 sec
"kill all minions" cant even click it
"roots all enemy" actually works as a Cone attack, while its suppose to be a circle blast AOE emanating for you
"charms enemy" has a chance to reset the mob (i dont know what triggers it)
all tests were made at Mythic level, in Barovia, Hunts and Castle Ravenloft
None Buff/Debuff icon on me or enemies.
None difference on dps.
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
its funny because you think someone cared about this artifact and your time.
i hope this helps with your future farming. the raven card from the artifact has no effect on the hunt drops this was miss reading and assumption that was passed around but if you read the card your self the extra drop is from the artifact and not playing the card on a hunt
2.Look at my log https://imgur.com/a/f2tAnEl
3."Raven" give a special loot from first killed group (capped at 10 items).https://imgur.com/a/k41nrra