I am in the guild "Big Boy Pants On" in the DENIAL alliance. Our current alliance level is 182 with 1 empty spot. We are looking for a SH 12+ guild to fill this last spot (gauntlet position).
VERY VERY LITTLE drama. No one can say "drama free"... theres always drama! BUT our alliance is great about handling it... very rarely does anyone ever see drama below a R5 position in any guild and it gets taken care of FAST! Most drama we may have is 1 member of the 3k in the alliance has an attitude, and it typically just involves 1 other person! NOT THE ALLIANCE! Its amazing to play and not worry about problems!
One thing our alliance does that NO ONE else does (maybe now after this post
) is swap our gauntlets in for 1-2 weeks of Helm time. This way guilds can get the 16-18% discount for upgrading!
Our alliance is none stop running everything from PVP-FBI/MSVA and everything in between. Lots of salvage runs and drop runs! Dragons almost EVERYDAY!
Also, the guilds actually help each other. The guilds in the alliance are always trading or giving coffer items to other guilds so we all grow together!
Contact me if you're interested! We can chat and see if you'd be a great fit for our alliance. (We screen guilds to ensure no drama
GT: SFC TMoney
IGN: SF Green Beret SW
Since I became the Guild Leader of Denial about a year ago, my Mission Statement has been to enable players to just play, in a socially stress-free environment, without putting money (or too much) into the game. Once Alliances released, my intent remained the same but the scope expanded. Denial doesn't require a SH discount any more (until Mod 12 maybe), so heck...now my Members receive a higher XP bonus, so...more Power Points for my Members, and the growing Guilds get to receive that nice 17% discount, and it has worked out great for our Guild Leader's which plan ahead. If your Guild wants to be on the Schedule, they need to be in Our Alliance .
Below is the Denial Alliance's tentative Helm Schedule:
Feb 26: Big Boy Pants
March 5: Nocturnal
March 12: The 7 Deadly Sins
March 19: VKP
March 26: Hussars
April 2nd: Big Boy Pants
April 9th: Open slot
April 16: Nocturnal
April 23: Open beyond here for now.
If any Guild Leader wants to chat, or if you have any SH questions, I would welcome to conversation.
If you are a Rank 6 or Rank 7 and your Guild is GH12+, SFC TMoney or myself would welcome a conversation about joining the Alliance.
Good hunting Neverwinter.
Guild Leader Denial
First Come, First Serve
Guild Leader Denial
Still LF 1 GH12+