The part about Icy Rays. It says you have to hit the same target twice. Does that mean each ray from the single spell has to hit it? Or I have to cast the spell twice for a total of 4 rays in order to activate it?
Icy Rays: Base Damage: 173.0275924. Ability Coefficient: 0.006941152. Target Cap: 2. Base AP gain: 8%. Base Cooldown: 20 Seconds. Number of hits: 1 or 2. Effect: Nuke spell that can hit two opponents. The tooltip lists the damage for a single ray. It deals this damage to each target if you hit 2 enemies. If you aim at a single enemy, it instead deals 1.75 times the listed tooltip damage. Each ray procs stuff independently and crits by itself. Mastery: Deals 1.5 times as much damage, this change is not registered on the tooltip. When to use: Single target fights. Notes: A spell that was once really good for single target but was replaced by Disintegrate. Icy Rays is bugged on tab and only benefits from the 1.5 times multiplier, not both the 1.75 and the 1.5 multiplier.
***Also note that when feated Icy Rays deals 25% more damage when used on the same target twice and if used on 2 different targets, it reduces the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Transcendent Master:
Increases the damage of Shard of the Endless Avalanche and Icy Rays, also decreases the cooldown of Icy Rays. I do not recommend using this as it means you would have to use two suboptimal encounter powers to take advantage of it.
The actual spell casts two rays.
Does the feat activate after the second ray, or after the casting of the spell a second time?