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CTA Leeches

Seriously needs to be a quicker way to report these pieces of filth. I've tried to initiate a vote kick on someone who was stood at the top doing nothing, but it's too hectic to go through the process as you have to type a reason for the kick, in between waves you have mobs on top of you before you can fire it off, then everyone else is knee deep when you do manage to fire it off, so it goes ignored.
I hate people who do this, it's lazy, costs everyone else their time, and it would HAMSTER me off no end if they got the mount at the end for doing nothing.


  • asmodeoussasmodeouss Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Meh. Its so easy i don't even care. Maybe they suddenly had to take a #2 or the wife got all mad at them for gaming nonstop lol. Stuff happens
    I Dropped out of school but i never leave the hall. I grab kids, drag 'em in between the walls. They call me the ghost of the badlands, but i'm really just a killer with big hands.
  • waylander#3979 waylander Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Yeah sometimes ppl have stuff come up suddenly, especially if you have kids!
  • emkayseeemkaysee Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    I've had people doing this as well. Afk the entire time but just so happen to come back right as the chest pops. Lazy pieces of trash.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    no it's not something coming up. this is how they're farming these days. they are just jerks. if you have kid problems or the wife is pissed quit out for goodness sakes. it's happened every single one of these I've been in. that's not someone having on oh heck moment
  • killybamp#8011 killybamp Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Yeah, totally deliberate. Staying up the top then jumping down at the end to collect the reward and straight out the exit. It's selfish behaviour, why should I carry someone so they get the drop I'm after? Scum.
  • lullafrylullafry Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Like stated above, theyre so easy that it doesnt matter to me. Sure, its pretty lazy, but why get mad about it? If someone wants to afk for some crappy dyes and enchantments be my guest.
  • waylander#3979 waylander Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I don't get angry it's a video game for Christ sake! Hey you guys that are literally calling people scum over a video game group together? That way you can ensure everyone's pulling there load. You know what I do when I note two or more toons standing up top? I drop the instance and reque! Wait times are nothing and I've never had it happen twice in a row!
  • bluerawrer#1559 bluerawrer Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    they are getting loot but missing out on the fun so meh to them
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    you are lucky. I quit out of six in a row. every single one... had a person hiding somewhere doing nothing. I won't play wiht people doing that. i'm not gonna carry anyone that way. report them too.
  • asmodeoussasmodeouss Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    If you really want to complain about AFKers lets talk about master demo. That's where i feel its a real issue
    I Dropped out of school but i never leave the hall. I grab kids, drag 'em in between the walls. They call me the ghost of the badlands, but i'm really just a killer with big hands.
  • buckeyestar#6353 buckeyestar Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    I've not seen this yet, but I don't see the issue. I'm in it for my rewards. As long as I get them, I'm happy.
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User

    I've not seen this yet, but I don't see the issue. I'm in it for my rewards. As long as I get them, I'm happy.

    Mainly because they are taking the slot of someone who could be contributing, thus slowing everything down.
    That's my problem with it.
  • asmodeoussasmodeouss Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Yall need to work on your builds if one scrubby can slow you down. Hell three of them can go take a dirt nap and i'll still clear it in the same time.
    I Dropped out of school but i never leave the hall. I grab kids, drag 'em in between the walls. They call me the ghost of the badlands, but i'm really just a killer with big hands.
  • xxxorcistxxxorcist Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    I have a copied script that I have written that says something like, "If AFK player does not rejoin, I am quitting." And I will post that in group chat a few times in a row. If it looks deliberate than I just quit the match. I also have been blocking that person from their PSN profile page. Hopefully, that blocks them from future parties.
  • shyuuga#2380 shyuuga Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Should start a wall of shame for this. Really hate this when they are in guilds and doing this. Block them, report them and block PSN too. Never want to see these people again.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    it's not a matter of being slowed down as far as I'm concerned. I just dont' like being used. I take exception to that. if someone wants the reward they're not going to get it from me without working for it too. I don't like bloodsuckers.
  • imp#2982 imp Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I agree that the votekick system needs to be fixed....
  • ragunanoone#0985 ragunanoone Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    imp#2982 said:

    I agree that the votekick system needs to be fixed....

    Yeah the last CTA I initiated a votekick but someone beat me to the punch and I didn't get a notice or anything and the lucky SOB got to stay and leach because noone got the que something is off with the votekick system
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Had a 35 minute CTA this weekend - was on my Healadin who has no DPS. Three players jump into the pit then go AFK. The fourth was a lv6 cleric also with no DPS.

    I knew I wouldn't die but it took FOREVER for me to finally kill everything. It would have felt like an accomplishment if that chest had given me the wolf - but alas, no wolf for me.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    Meh. Its so easy i don't even care. Maybe they suddenly had to take a #2 or the wife got all mad at them for gaming nonstop lol. Stuff happens

    I normally don't do this, but yesterday right when an event started I needed to take care of my dogs, so I left my character there. I made it back in time for the 2nd and last boss and was 2nd in DPS. The event is very easy unless you get a bunch of level 15 in there.

    One thing I will state though, I have yet to see a shadow wolf drop for me or my guild mate. We ran the event 2 straight hours each night and neither one of us got a shadow wolf. Yet I hear others are averaging a shadow wolf once an hour or so.

  • derpa#5659 derpa Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited August 2016
    Sounds like you're too bad to handle the enemies yourself. If it's that much of a problem for you, then leave and find a new match. People have other things to do than play games all day, sometimes they have to do things and go away for a bit, the enemies are really easy to beat so one player being away shouldn't be a problem.
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User

    . People have other things to do than play games all day, .

    Then don't be in the game.
    Simple really.
  • dominikmezzrimdominikmezzrim Member Posts: 13 Arc User

    Yeah sometimes ppl have stuff come up suddenly, especially if you have kids!

    Meh. Its so easy i don't even care. Maybe they suddenly had to take a #2 or the wife got all mad at them for gaming nonstop lol. Stuff happens

    Then leave the F*** off and let someone who can play have the spot.
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I think folks should look at it through a window, not a key hole....& get the big picture.

    If it's habitual, then yeah....they are joining new lobbies & leaching. That's not very cool.

    If it's an instance or two with contribution in a random pub, then yeah....stuff comes up.

    My family has & always will come first, & if I get a call concerning my job....yep, I will be afk

    Should you not like the random events of life happening & inconviencing your play time I suggest keep pubs far off & work in guilds or at the very least stay in the random CTA group that does play the objective earnestly.

    At the very least try to start a dialog if you can, just don't throw out blocks willy nilly when someone is afk unless it's habitual.

    You want features to ban the leaches...that's going to be pretty hard to do in an inclusive free to play game where everyone's buy in is zero

    You can block them however; it's just my hope you use it judiciously
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Let's not even bring connection into this....we are playing on a console after all & the game requires no PS Plus membership.

    Over the weekend during the CTA I was getting bad mouthed by some fella for not reviving him; I suspect he thought I didn't have my mic on. Thing of it was I was trying but getting no prompts or recognition for button hitting. I then spoke up & called him on it. To his credit he tripped over himself apologizing

    Shortly after the event the team he was with left, leaving only him & I. I followed suit as to avoid further accusations should I try to pick him up again & it not work or show commands. I didn't block him though. My worry was more over his connection & what impression he'd get from me if our revive issue continued.

    I certainly wasn't a guy obsessing over DPS; (the other topic I saw with torches & pitchforks) as I was a ranger with a noob build content to just mildly contribute. In fact I just standing over him doing nothing in close proximity to a mob mini boss with my bow drawn to give him that fox dodge should I get him up- which I was trying like heck to do but game issues didn't even give me the option!

    It's a game over the Internet played by imperfect people with imperfect connections. With that in mind, their is a big difference between being a victim of circumstance & defining a circumstance to victimize & take advantage of others.

    I don't like true leaches either, that said I have a life outside of gaming that takes priority over my hobby. I'm not about to quit either & if you block me....your loss; I'm a pretty nice guy, lol.
    Post edited by mossy#5930 on
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    . People have other things to do than play games all day, .

    Then don't be in the game.
    Simple really.
    this. it's wrong.. that's right, it's WRONG to leave and let others do all the work for you. to the person who left to take care of your dogs.. it was WRONG not to quit out if you have to leave the game.

    god guys is it such a difficult concept? so what if others can carry you. you are there to play. not afk and get rewards..

    they need to fix vtk SO bad.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    I think folks should look at it through a window, not a key hole....& get the big picture.

    If it's habitual, then yeah....they are joining new lobbies & leaching. That's not very cool.

    If it's an instance or two with contribution in a random pub, then yeah....stuff comes up.

    My family has & always will come first, & if I get a call concerning my job....yep, I will be afk

    Should you not like the random events of life happening & inconviencing your play time I suggest keep pubs far off & work in guilds or at the very least stay in the random CTA group that does play the objective earnestly.

    At the very least try to start a dialog if you can, just don't throw out blocks willy nilly when someone is afk unless it's habitual.

    You want features to ban the leaches...that's going to be pretty hard to do in an inclusive free to play game where everyone's buy in is zero

    You can block them however; it's just my hope you use it judiciously

    If something comes up then QUIT THE GAME.. it's easy. DON"T LEECH!!!
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Sorry but when our kitchen is on fire, not going to take the time to log out. When my daughters crying or my Wife needs something I drop what I'm doing & Im there for them in the real world; this fictional game I like will have to wait...Likewise I work in the health field I get a work call....also not logging out.

    For that matter something more mundane like my sister calls, not logging out. I'll play & talk & be horrible... but hey it is what it is. Why should I log out because I cant go at it every second in hardcore mode; sorry too old for that plus my hardcore is more try hard than anything anymore. That said at least I do try....Maybe I'll be replaced by a true leach & then what of a random lobby that actually tries to converse & stick together?

    Or.... Maybe I played a good deal as a "non leach" or am carrying a lobby....so suddenly my contributions don't matter?

    It's not like all phone calls happen at the events start, lol.

    At any rate I hate to disappoint but as a guy with a busy life who still enjoys his hobby; you obviously don't get where I am coming from nor do I get you & your Pov

    I'm not wasting my limited free time logging in & out evertime something goes sideways as not to be inconviencing to others, especially when I am contributing to the best of my ability....

    This game is for casuals as much as its for hardcore types who can afford to dedicate everything to their gaming. It's a big pool, pick where you swim.

    I'll tell you right now though the pubs & devs are never going to make it a mandatory Olympic sized pool that demands performance or exile; that's not reality & it's a failing business model. Plus the nere do wells will just find a work around.
    Post edited by mossy#5930 on
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    excuses. if you can't take the time to turn off your game you are a TRUE leech. it takes zero time to turn off the set.

    I dont' care about your excuses. play the game if you are in game. if you are not playing the game then QUIT. no excuses.
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    Mossy, fair points

    It's not the afk at the end, or hell, even in the middle.
    It's the ones that at launch, never come down.

    Not 10 seconds before you accepted the queue.
    So you're there, but not moving?
    Those are the ones I have an issue with.

    And maybe it's just me, but with a two year old running around I've learned, even with this game in a couple weeks, how to drop out as I'm dropping the controller.

    Now, if he's bleeding, on fire, screaming in pain, etc am I going to take the time to drop out? Nope.
    As was said, family does come first. Always.

    Thing is, it's EVERY match I has someone was sitting out top

    Every single one.
    Without exception.

    Some would come down when called out.
    And of those, most would then just stand there.

    I even had one reply to me telling me to f off.

    So is there a legitimate reason for being afk, darn right

    Two things.
    Even with a crazy two year old running around, I've not had a single time where I had to go afk in the two seconds between accepting the queue and the instance launching.

    Second, a few rotten apples spoil the barrel.
    Especially when every time, there's at least one that has to be called out.
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