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[Mod 10] Lia Knowles' GWF Destroyer DPS for PVE build.



  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User

    I have seen posted elsewhere that Protectors Camaraderie only stacks to 12% no matter how many mount bonuses you use. Obviously you believe differently or you would not be doing what you do...lol Could you share your experience with the bonus? Thank you very much! Love your guides, and contributions.

  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    niadan said:


    I have seen posted elsewhere that Protectors Camaraderie only stacks to 12% no matter how many mount bonuses you use. Obviously you believe differently or you would not be doing what you do...lol Could you share your experience with the bonus? Thank you very much! Love your guides, and contributions.

    I was the one posting that thread. The bonus no longer compunds, but it still adds. What it used to do is add stats to your already buffed (by the bonus) stats, and not according to your original said power. With 4 Camaraderie + 1 Friendship I end up gaining 22% total, they fixed both the tooltip and the mechanics of the bonus, it works correctly now.
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    Thanks for the heads up! Now off to make some rearrangements! Have you tried Cavalry?
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    niadan said:

    Thanks for the heads up! Now off to make some rearrangements! Have you tried Cavalry?

    I'd say Tenser's Transformation is a terrible power to have Cavalry with, I use it between fights, rarely ever during since I have to pause my entire routine and wait for it to kick in, that's one of the only reasons it'll never stick. I was looking for something more passive that doesn't require my involvement to make it proc, hence why Camaraderie is a much better choice (and doesn't have a 60 second CD).
    Post edited by rinat114 on
  • peanutesppeanutesp Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5 Arc User
    (the Orcus set is an increase of 30 - 35% than the fixed Lostmauth set, hence why it's a significant increase in DPS and worth switching to.) if the increase is 30-35% than lost set and the lost set is 2%-3% of my total damage, so than means spend 3M-4M ad's to get a total of 4% damage from set, 1% increase from lost set.
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    peanutesp said:

    (the Orcus set is an increase of 30 - 35% than the fixed Lostmauth set, hence why it's a significant increase in DPS and worth switching to.) if the increase is 30-35% than lost set and the lost set is 2%-3% of my total damage, so than means spend 3M-4M ad's to get a total of 4% damage from set, 1% increase from lost set.

    How do you get 1% here? An increase of 30% FROM the already buffed damage of the lostmauth set on top of your overall damage. Hence, if you do 100% damage (just a random number) with the lostmauth set, you'll do 130% with the Orcus set, that was my whole point. If you don't wish to switch sets then don't switch, you can do your own testing.
  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    Wait... So they fixed the DPS dependent Lostmauth set (30-40% more DPS) only to introduce a new DPS dependent Orcus set (30-35% more DPS)???

    I know some classes are discussing non set items as an alternative. The Orcus set is only for the set bonus as the inherent stats on each item aren't very helpful. Is it possible that a non set alternative could be better overall? For example: greater Dex belt, imperial cloak, and thayan book of the dead? More points in Strength and Dex, and Power and Crit stats in items... I feel all equally contribute to DPS, or is the set bonus for Orcus set so good that the throw away stats on the items not an issue? The LM set already had most of those stats for our class plus the reduced but still effective set bonus. I would love to see some tests with +4 attribute belts and Artifact alternatives. Probably something you worked on prior to making your swap to the LM set, I believe you ran a greater Dex belt for awhile?
  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    Another question: this might be reinventing the wheel but hear me out. What if we forget everything we know about crit, crit severity, and race choice and went full power build using the cub comp that procs on non crits? All of the things that make the GWF what it is, has nothing to do with crit and have to do with stacks and flat damage buffs. If we look at crit as a throw away stat and change all our enchants to Radiants and swap to gear focusing on ArP / Recovery (for the feated power buff) .... I know power builds have been discussed in the past but we didn't have that companion back then or the harsh Diminishing returns. I have a TR friend that started slowly moving over to a power build and is already seeing results, without the companion. I'm thinking of making a second GWF and going all power and comparing the 2. I think a swap at this level would be too expensive but would be interesting to see.
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    nickjdowe said:

    Wait... So they fixed the DPS dependent Lostmauth set (30-40% more DPS) only to introduce a new DPS dependent Orcus set (30-35% more DPS)???


    Orcus doesn't even come close to the damage the Lostmauth set used to do before the fix, I said and I will say again, the Orcus set is doing 30% more damage than the POST-FIX Lostmauth set. If you have to compare between Orcus and the pre-fix Lostmauth set, the LOL set would win hands down, Orcus doesn't even come close. So no, it's not broken.

    For a power build to beat a crit build at the current meta and stats we provide, you're going to have over around 100k power at all times to be viable and do as much damage. I spent a few weeks testing crit severity vs. bonus damage and which one is better overall at higher rates (crit or power), crit won, yet, going overboard with severity isn't a great idea either. I did consider going back to my Greater Dex, but I end up losing damage. Despite the loss of stats (armpen, power) Orcus is still more damage no matter how you put it. I realize people have a hard time to stomach the change but it is what it is. I race re-rolled so I don't lose any of my important attributes, both my STR and DEX are perfectly equal and a +1 for either this or that wouldn't matter on the long run.
  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    Thanks for clearing that up about the Orcus set, I misunderstood the 30% you were describing as 30% total damage and not as a comparison to the LM set's current damage.

    As per the power build. All of the gear for GWF that doesn't have crit has either ArP or Recovery which work well with our feat. I know stacking ArP past 60% is pointless for most classes in PvE and is considered wasted stats but not so much for us since we get that 20% back as power. Now since we are throwing away all things crit, there's no point in putting points into Dexterity or Stacking Crit Severity so going Half Orc is also unnecessary. You could go full Strength/Con and roll Human. More base hp and RI% which would be even better in PvP. You could run all Archons in your companion slots or CA damage. All Radiants instead of Azures in Offense, Azures in your defense slots because Defense is also power (heroic feat). Perfect bonding pets stacking power/recovery. I think you could easily get up to 100k power. Now add the new augment companion cub that proc's on non crits..

    I know this is a huge rework of skills, stats, gears, enchants, companions, race reroll ect. But I am extremely curious if it could come close to or surpass a high crit build. Especially since crit severity is really mitigated heavily in PvP this would allow you to be a bit more flexible. Do you know if there are any players currently trying to shoot the moon and go full power builds on PC currently? I'm on Xbox where things are a bit more expensive and we lack a test server. Btw thanks for everything you have contributed thus far for our class. It's been extremely helpful!
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    nickjdowe said:

    Thanks for clearing that up about the Orcus set, I misunderstood the 30% you were describing as 30% total damage and not as a comparison to the LM set's current damage.

    As per the power build. All of the gear for GWF that doesn't have crit has either ArP or Recovery which work well with our feat. I know stacking ArP past 60% is pointless for most classes in PvE and is considered wasted stats but not so much for us since we get that 20% back as power. Now since we are throwing away all things crit, there's no point in putting points into Dexterity or Stacking Crit Severity so going Half Orc is also unnecessary. You could go full Strength/Con and roll Human. More base hp and RI% which would be even better in PvP. You could run all Archons in your companion slots or CA damage. All Radiants instead of Azures in Offense, Azures in your defense slots because Defense is also power (heroic feat). Perfect bonding pets stacking power/recovery. I think you could easily get up to 100k power. Now add the new augment companion cub that proc's on non crits..

    I know this is a huge rework of skills, stats, gears, enchants, companions, race reroll ect. But I am extremely curious if it could come close to or surpass a high crit build. Especially since crit severity is really mitigated heavily in PvP this would allow you to be a bit more flexible. Do you know if there are any players currently trying to shoot the moon and go full power builds on PC currently? I'm on Xbox where things are a bit more expensive and we lack a test server. Btw thanks for everything you have contributed thus far for our class. It's been extremely helpful!

    If we're talking about the PVP scene, the picture is very different there. I flag with 22k armpen and around the same amount of power, high LS, HP boon, etc. It's extreeeeemely different than PVE. Going high crit for PVP is waste of time and resources, moreover - the Orcus set in PVP is something else, I really like it. The current PVP meta for PVP is exactly what I described, the more mitigation people stack, the higher your armpen should be. For PVE I already did the theorycrafting over a month ago, a power build cannot (by theory) do more damage than a crit build at the moment, unless, as I said, you can have over 100k power at all times (or close to that). Sadly I do not have the time to test it on preview as I'm a law student, I hope someone will take off the glove at some point though and make a point. I don't think I'd be proven wrong unless my math was incorrect (which is entirely possible since there's little to no accurate information on the crit severity formula ever since mod 6).
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    @rinat114 your pictures are busted.I think that was where your feats were shown.Can you fix them I am planning to reroll my GWF since it was done with half-knowledge and second opinion other than me would be nice
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    even though crit severity is highly mitigated in pvp, a crit is still better in pvp than a non-crit. because base crit sev is 75% and the most resistance you can get is like 45% to crits, so a crit is going to be better in pvp by 30%, not counting all the feats and skills that proc off crits (not as much for gwfs, but important for CWs or SWs).

    In pve a GWF build utilizing the owlbear would need to run punishing charge and daggers and anything else with a charge ability on it (provided those skills proc the owlbear, and proc per target). and stack power and recovery on your bonding pet to pump out more cooldowns. Then, if rinat is right and you need 100k power to equal a crit build, then you need to run with a DC who uses AA. I dunno, it could be an interesting build. I don't have an owlbear to test with so /shrug
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    dsn1118 said:

    @rinat114 your pictures are busted.I think that was where your feats were shown.Can you fix them I am planning to reroll my GWF since it was done with half-knowledge and second opinion other than me would be nice

    Hey. The pictures are working fine for me and for other people I checked with. Anyhow here's the same screenshot just from another server that's not Imgur:

  • superkwstarassuperkwstaras Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    Which is in your opinion the best bonind using companion (Lightfoot thief, Zhentarim warlock or Shadow demon)?
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User

    Which is in your opinion the best bonind using companion (Lightfoot thief, Zhentarim warlock or Shadow demon)?

    I like my Warlock best, I've tried a bunch of others but none of them compared speed wise, which is for me the most important aspect at the moment (with how easy the content is and how fast things die).
  • tranceformationtranceformation Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    rinat114 said:

    Which is in your opinion the best bonind using companion (Lightfoot thief, Zhentarim warlock or Shadow demon)?

    I like my Warlock best, I've tried a bunch of others but none of them compared speed wise, which is for me the most important aspect at the moment (with how easy the content is and how fast things die).
    I bin playing with the sell sword now for about 2 months and i can say it is a really nice comp to use with 3 offense slots and one of its powers is Consumed by battle ( The final strike of wicked strike now shreds 10% of the target defenses) and i think it procs the bonding just as fast as the warlock. And nice build Lia nice you are spending so much time testing stuff for you to share with all of us.
  • garisonman67garisonman67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hey, I want to start a Half-Orc GWF, and I love this build, 200%. But I'd like to know, how do you have your power points distributed? I've gone through Power Calculator and found I can get all of the powers you listed here to three points by level 70 at least. How would you suggest I distribute points? Could you by any chance link a set up from the Power Calculator?
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User

    Hey, I want to start a Half-Orc GWF, and I love this build, 200%. But I'd like to know, how do you have your power points distributed? I've gone through Power Calculator and found I can get all of the powers you listed here to three points by level 70 at least. How would you suggest I distribute points? Could you by any chance link a set up from the Power Calculator?

    Power points (for Powers) you will just have to get over time. Overflow XP will give you additional ones. (there is a possibility that the Sharandar Campaign will have a task for a Power point but that is still on Preview only so uncertain).
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User
    Hey Lia, just wanted to share a thing with you about my build since you did share yours. Call it food for thought :)

    We have practically everything the same except I ditched the Sentinel tree completely. Went 5 points Student of the Sword and Vicious Advantage. So I'm using Battle Fury instead of Daring Shout now (I simply love the Stamina recharge :) ).
    The last 5 points went into Battle Awareness. So Slam is now my daily-to-go. As soon is I hit Slam I get 25% more power which is a realy big boost if you hit it while everything procs. Especialy once my guild builds the Barracks (Power all the way) :).
    The only worry I have now is to watch where I'm standing so that I have Combat Advantage. But that is not a big issue.
    You probably already tested this but for me this build feels good. ;)
  • flyingleonflyingleon Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    vida44 said:

    Hey Lia, just wanted to share a thing with you about my build since you did share yours. Call it food for thought :)

    We have practically everything the same except I ditched the Sentinel tree completely. Went 5 points Student of the Sword and Vicious Advantage. So I'm using Battle Fury instead of Daring Shout now (I simply love the Stamina recharge :) ).
    The last 5 points went into Battle Awareness. So Slam is now my daily-to-go. As soon is I hit Slam I get 25% more power which is a realy big boost if you hit it while everything procs. Especialy once my guild builds the Barracks (Power all the way) :).
    The only worry I have now is to watch where I'm standing so that I have Combat Advantage. But that is not a big issue.
    You probably already tested this but for me this build feels good. ;)

    Do you use any additional tool to help you generate action point? I have thought about this build when I respect but I was not so sure about generating action points. DC sigil could be great if not wheel is also so useful.

    Join the Greycloaks

    Ana-GWF SM Destroyer | Farseer-CW MoF Renegade | Leon-GF SM Tactician
    Adrik Battlefate-DC DO Virtuous | Cassi Woodsheart-HR PF Trapper
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User

    Do you use any additional tool to help you generate action point? I have thought about this build when I respect but I was not so sure about generating action points. DC sigil could be great if not wheel is also so useful.

    Nah, just normal gear things. I do big numbers without Slam, I think of it more as a bonus. But I will try to get my AP gain up via reinforcements for a more constant buff.
  • mvliet434mvliet434 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Hey Lia,

    My crit chance (without any buffs, Weapon Master, companion etc.) is currently 54%, which is not that high. :P Do you still recommend Wrathful Determination or should I use Weapon Master?
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    mvliet434 said:

    Hey Lia,

    My crit chance (without any buffs, Weapon Master, companion etc.) is currently 54%, which is not that high. :P Do you still recommend Wrathful Determination or should I use Weapon Master?

    100% crit chance is just not that important anymore, so yes, I would still switch to WD.

    Also @vida44, I was running a similar build for a few weeks with high AP gain for pretty much 100% uptime of Slam, but it didn't cut it damage wise. It's fun to play, but you'll end up falling behind in damage. Slam is merely around 8 - 9k extra power, given the uptime and the use of other dailies at times, it's problematic. Also CA is pretty easy to get if you have another GWF or a proper GF in the party, they'll mark the mobs for you, yet pay attention - marking the mobs yourself has significance! You do 20% more damage instead of 8% if it's someone else's mark and that's before feats and CA bonus damage.
  • kevros62kevros62 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    hi Lia.
    maybe I missed it tried to look this section over. anyway to the point. you recommend to stay with a augment until we get to bis or close to it. since augments don't hit anyone just boost your stats what would be your ideas on mounts and mount stats until I can beef my bonding stones to perfect or at least grater.
  • kevros62kevros62 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    never mind found the list on WIKI didn't like it very much seams the mounts are more geared to having a companion than a augment. But life goes on. :/
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    my personal recommendation is if you have neither a augment nor 3 greater+ bonding stones, then you should get a goat augment and gear that first. Using r8/9 runestones and even buying all loyal avenger gear (ring included) the cost of goat + gear is cheaper than buying any other augment (before considering gearing the augment).

    now, when you have the funds to obtain 3 greater bonding stones, that is when switching over to a bonding pet starts to make sense. the increase in stats from a bonding pet are very significant (more so with the upcoming change to bonding procs). Also with the upcoming change you will be able to find and use a pet that matches the gear you have on your goat/other augment exactly so that you have no other costs for upgrading to a bonding pet except that of the bonding stones (and perhaps upgrading the bonding pet to blue if you find it necessary for some reason). But a green bonding pet will work very well, sometimes upgrading to blue since it unlocks a power-up for one of the companion abilities will be beneficial, if you want a stronger heal or a taunt from your pet for potential example, but for the most part a green companion is going to do you just fine
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • kevros62kevros62 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    scathias long time no talk. pets are not a issue I got more of them than I can use and can't sell. I got the warlock waiting in the wings at blue grade. all I need is one more greater bonding stone and I can bring her on.
    my question was about mount powers that match well with a augment companion to use until I upgrade my last bonding stone . I did find them on WIKI but there weak when matched up to whats avalible for a bonding companion. Your post how ever is going to make me have to relook at that goat vs my other augment. running around with farm animals realy not my thing but then having a blue streak rotating around my head not my thing ether lol.
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    If you are that close to having 3 bonding runestones then don't bother getting a goat, especially since you have an augment already. That would just be a waste of AD. You might be able to change the graphic of the augment to something less colorful than blue btw.

    About insignia bonuses, yeah none of them work with augments which is too bad really. for _now_ I would say to get gladiator's guile (the Black Stallion mount can give this) and perhaps wanderer's fortune if you have a mount for it already. The new mount from the Siege event can let you get Champion's Return which is not so needed in pve, but can come in handy at times and is lovely lovely for pvp.
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • kevros62kevros62 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    I already have those was just hoping for something better B) As far as that goat goes I already have 3 of them. I think I got them from buying keys put them in the bank and forgot about them lol.
This discussion has been closed.