To the Neverwinter Developers...
Why has nothing been done ?
At the moment control wizards are a joke in pvp
..... due to elven battle enchant and inferior damage compared to other classes.
I play a cw(main) and have been for a longtime .. but we have almost no control at the moment which in turn leads to less damage.
Entangling force holds an enemy player with an elven battle enchant (even with 2000 control bonus - Ridiculous i know) for 0.5 seconds ?? are you kidding me ?
We have no burst damage either and thus with all the CC resist that players are equipping it has crippled our class all together.
i have tried every build possible ..high crit / damage . debuff ..none really seems to offer any satisfaction.
I dont want to be forced to play another class to compete in pvp with similar gear-score due to our class being broken to the core.
Im writing this as a last effort to the developers top please rework the cw class so we can compete.
GFs one shot , two shot or one rotation any cw (BIS) at the moment which is just silly.
GWFs cannot be killed by CW (BIS level)
Dcs and Hrs with eleven cannot be killed by CW (BIS level)
Exe Trickster Rogues One shot cws as if is going out of fashion
SWs have no issue killing control wizards (BIS level) and cws cannot kill any BIS Scourge warlock.
whats the point then of playing this class in pvp ???
My question is why has nothing been done or even mentioned to try assist a dying class in pvp ?
There are very few cws left who try compete sat the highest level.
I have supported Cryptic and ARC financially throughout the years and would like to keep on doing so if its worth it but at the moment no amount of AD or ZEN can balance the scales.
If this is not addressed i believe myself and more players will leave pvp and this game and rather invest on more balanced platforms.
This is not a threat of any sorts but rather a fin al urge to hear our cries to do something before its too late
Is there any plans to address this problem ?
Are you aware of these issues with the Control wizard class ?
Please advise us ....
L2P ur class,
there's enough top CWs with *Perma freeze (CC-PROs),*tank shielded,*HighDPS,*etc.
btw that GWF is Max-Geared on everypoint which is fighting with the CW.
I also met CW´s having valindra set+ repel+ freezing me 24/7 1 vs 1 in mod 8 but they dealt zero damage doing so and my warlock was selfhealing even not touching them.
Wearing an Elven battle that mage is dead in seconds.
Just translate this video into real PVP ... another teammate with cc abilities or spending cc immunity to that GWF results in a very, very short stay...5 seconds and he will be send to camp.
In case nothing changed since mod 8 , CW´s are at the bottom in PVP imo.
There Are many Ways To break Chain cc as a CW
Elven Battle .. Ogmas Artifact .. MAelstrom of Chaos daily gives CC immunity and lets you break control as well ..
There are Ways to use powers that synergize to amplify damage as well that do not rely on chill stacks or control ...
With current node capture system Repel as Cc lets you short hand the node while pushing people off and buying more time
or out right pushing them off the node down the stair depending on map this is very valuable in games when no one is dying
or you cant kill you are still helping the team get points to win the match
REPEL is considered one of the most annoying cc powers in the game almost over powered in some cases and usually works
regardless of item level or gear.. always repel the most vulnerable person to repel off the node first to keep it ...
Well ........ I'm only agree with you about we have less damage compared to GWF, GF and yes TR's.
But i think is it the only thing I'm agree with.
And I will repeat this forever, I think is ridiculous GF, guardian fighter, TANK CLASS, because is a tank, has more damage than a dps class.
@pauliusxas ?????? really? you can't compare the control from Hr's. I'm really shocked with your comment lol
CW's a controller class. Shouldn't they only have high CC ability but not high DPS also?
Everyone wants their class buffed and other classed nerfed. It's 90% of the posts in the PvP forum.
thauma can do it easier be and controler and damage dealer( CONTROLER always i mean the control durations ofcourse)
and renegade harder to be and controller and buffer (need to invest into recovery because cant get spell twisting if he wants to go to veins).
i have played veins-renegade at the start of m6 was excelent but was lacking the recovery to reset cooldowns. NOW with so much gear included in pvp( mount insignias drowned weapon you can be any tree.
the trolling feat in on opressor tree: glacial movement was the reason i didnt go pure controler go opressor and get 24% total control duration with orb . THE old orb they did right to nerf it so not any tree to have 100% duration but they didnt give that to the opressor.
WITH few words if cryptic want poeple to play opressor CHANGE GLACIAL MOVEMENT TO ADD 20% PER RANK INSTEAD INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS BY 20% OF 5% FOR EACH RANK. IF not then i will keep freeze enemy for long duration with other tree with some wisdom and control invested.
ok, seems to be a skilled player, as far as I can tell he doesn´t make lot´s of mistakes
valindra set+ elvenenchant, some deflect some lifesteal, and a lot of arp i bet
The DPS didn't just show up mysteriously after a patch, it's been there for the conqueror class, but it really started to get noticed with the buffs/mulitpliers designed for Vanillia/Mod1 stats gets Mod 8 stats. Like ITF with 90+% dmg increase etc. We forgot tanking when OPs replaced us for 3 mods. Even though things like ITF might get tweaked[nerfed], I'm pretty sure GFs are going to remain a striker class. Because they always were, but only the PvPers were noticing. Enjoy. Keep attack pressure going to keep it active.
with a oppressor (very low damage) build and very good game play by Lekes she was able to avoid getting killed by Saber BUT will never kill him .... saber also has negation and is alot easier to control ... if saber had elven battle enchant lekes was dead in seconds.
The fact is a BIS CW cannot KILL a BIS GWF. Tht is the issue. its not about survivability.
alot of under 4k gwfs cannot be killed by BIS CWs .. the main reason is CW do not have enough burst damage as GWFs self heal are just silly/immortal.
Kalina is probably the best cw in the pvp community and Kalina has confirmed tht he cannot kill a BIS GWF 1v1.
Say no more.
GWFs and GFs requires a rework.
You cant have a basically immortal class (GWF) with such high dps or a defense class (GF) with a one rotation burst damage capability (Not much skill required) to kill almost any class (except GWF is hard battle)
Elven also needs rework - example : with 1600 control bonus (artifacts etc) a cw still only hold player with elven for 0.5 seconds when casting entangling force like really ?? .. whats the point of stacking the control bonus ??
why are most players only using 1 of 2 and armour/weapon enchants ?
why not buff some of existing enchants which is basically irrelevant atm ? i did say abit more
Lots of tenacity.
Lots of hp due to gh hp boon.
Lots of deflect.
Lots of self heal(insignia, artifacts, weapon sets etc).
Those are the reasons why BIS players have major difficulties in killing each other in clear 1 v 1. The expectation is GF probably, who rotates everything in game, not just cw.
And as much as I see in pvp these days, cw is a very decent and useful class. There is no class in game that can keep node clear from 2 players except for cw. Ofc it's only possible if he knows how to play the class. And the "no burst" thing you said is HAMSTER. I dont know how you play, but I know cw that are hard to get close to em, hard to get their hp down, have enormous self heal, and on top of that can burst your HAMSTER down pretty fast. I see no reason to whine about that class today. They are good both in pvp and in pve.
5 words : damage-buff-debuff-heal.
thauma with veins and spell twist is the 2nd best choice damage cc.
opressor is the best cc out here but is not the best build is the cheapest build,
AND in case they decide to nerf that a lot self healing happening? renegade will be again the one choice!