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Retaining the playerbase



  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    The reality will be that the top pvp guilds will have all the advantages and will never get any kind of challenge out of fighting a guild that isn't one of these elites. Once they've earned all these boons, armor etc what challenge is let for them?

    If the likes of Roll Tide are complaining now, it's only going to get worse.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • sh00termcl0vinsh00termcl0vin Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    Sounds like a predominantly whale guild that runs around now with maxxed out toons. I'm sure everyone knows which guild this is (hint it's not denial or asylum)
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User

    Sounds like a predominantly whale guild that runs around now with maxxed out toons. I'm sure everyone knows which guild this is (hint it's not denial or asylum)

    lol...that particular guild that u spoke about have a free upgrade on their sh courtesy of the devs and the guildies in that guild have been buying AD from AD farmer and did not get ban as long as they told cryptic that they r from that guild. 1 of the guys in the guild even brag to me about it how they are so elite
    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    The reality will be that the top pvp guilds will have all the advantages and will never get any kind of challenge out of fighting a guild that isn't one of these elites. Once they've earned all these boons, armor etc what challenge is let for them?

    If the likes of Roll Tide are complaining now, it's only going to get worse.

    bro, don't think that way, ASYLUM is going to open the door for other smaller guilds and guildies to come and buy their SH pvp gear and wards from our market place next week, unlike some guild that is charging for AD just to enter the guild, we do it for free to help out smaller guilds and new players and to promote and keep the pvp community alive!! spread the word yo!!

    here's the link of the decision that the asylum guild leader decided:

    spread the word to ur friends and also other smaller guilds and make sure u guys need to farm for the banner, guild points and seal so that u r ready when our market place is done. banner is from siege, guild points is from SH dailies and HE and seal is from domination and gauntlergrym.
    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    idk don't have a problem with a cw other then oppressive force being a little annoying cws are pretty harmless lol once elven fixed no one gona be using a cw or a hr or a tr so its going to be tank sw/dc city and pallys
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    s4v10rx said:

    Sounds like a predominantly whale guild that runs around now with maxxed out toons. I'm sure everyone knows which guild this is (hint it's not denial or asylum)

    lol...that particular guild that u spoke about have a free upgrade on their sh courtesy of the devs and the guildies in that guild have been buying AD from AD farmer and did not get ban as long as they told cryptic that they r from that guild. 1 of the guys in the guild even brag to me about it how they are so elite
    or how they finally beat denial once in pvp running glyphs when we didnt have that HAMSTER yetlol.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    Who is this other guild? Someone says not Asylum, not Denial, then who? I don't follow guilds at all, I am in one that's all I know. Literally someone from my guild one time said that they queued PvP solo and got put up against Denial. I had no idea who this "Denial" was, but they told me they are a decent PvP guild. That's the only way I know who Denial is. Then the only reason I know of Asylum is because someone was spamming in PE that Asylum is full of Elitist a-words, once again I had to ask who Asylum was and they said another PvP guild.

    So please, tell me who this 3rd guild is that no one will mention the name. Just answering my question: Which guild are you reffering too; should not classify as flaming.
  • xrollxtidexxrollxtidex Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Naming or shaming people/guilds is against the rules.

    The guy shouting bad things about ASYLUM in PE was someone I removed from the guild this past weekend. He was fairly active but never donated a single thing to the guild coffers. Despite our guild message asking for daily influence, he claimed he didn't know he needed to donate. And despite never having anything to donate to us, he has plenty to go to those who shall not be named and pay 1 million to their guild coffers for a cube companion. I told him he should just go pay the 2 million and join them. He got mad.
    Roll Tide : Guardian Fighter
  • beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    Okay, so naming/shaming is a no-no.

    Totally unrelated question: What are the top 3-4 PvP guilds in the game?
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    azuosed89 said:

    s4v10rx said:

    Sounds like a predominantly whale guild that runs around now with maxxed out toons. I'm sure everyone knows which guild this is (hint it's not denial or asylum)

    lol...that particular guild that u spoke about have a free upgrade on their sh courtesy of the devs and the guildies in that guild have been buying AD from AD farmer and did not get ban as long as they told cryptic that they r from that guild. 1 of the guys in the guild even brag to me about it how they are so elite
    or how they finally beat denial once in pvp running glyphs when we didnt have that HAMSTER yetlol.
    lol..i know right.. to make matter worse that particular guild and person will ban any1 that spoke up against them and their guild even tho we told them as it is and that it's against TOS.

    they made an example out of me for sure as i'm 1 of the guy that got ban and also to show me and the rest of the guild and players that they do not hesitate to ban any1 for speaking up against them.

    can't believe they have such a tremendous amount of power and authority and how they abuse it when they should use this power and authority to make a positive impact to the game and help other guild and players.
    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
  • myfist2yourfacemyfist2yourface Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    the easiest- and BEST way to fix ALL PVP is to make a leveled cueing system:
    would be where there is a seperate cue for different "levels" of PVP players
    copper: noobs and low-level
    Bronze: say High school football standards
    Silver: lets say College Football standards
    Gold: lets say PRO Football standards
    and Diamaond levels: for those who are lacking in any competition from the lower leveled guys...
    there- THAT fixes it!!!
    * need to figure out what makes each level- but a start would be your PVP rating/ games played
    -this would help high level players get a good group to fight against, and the same for low levelers- or mid ranged...
    -and NO high school team getting "dogged" by a PRO team "anymore"- ever... so much more enjoyable
    the only PVP I enjoy is a close match, I mean sure its fun to win big- but it kinda feels like your pushing a 4rth grader in the mud- and Im an adult- so
    -Im not sure why this isn't already the case- but here IS the fix for Y'all PVPers out there
  • myfist2yourfacemyfist2yourface Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    just thinking- you could choose you own level at cue-up
    -and if you have too many losses- you have to cue one below that level- until a 50% win rate is there- or something
    -Im sure the DEVs can flesh this out better than me- but the skeleton is there
    -now "animate it" DEVs!!!!
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    I'm with roll tide. Pvp battles are terrible on the top end. Bunch of people just standing around not dying.
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User

    Okay, so naming/shaming is a no-no.

    Totally unrelated question: What are the top 3-4 PvP guilds in the game?

    the question does not lie on the top 3 to 5 pvp guilds, it lies with which person able to get the stamina and AP drain glyphs, those that got the stamina and AP drain is going to win the fight among the top elite pvpers of those guilds
    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
  • ajax0101ajax0101 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I guess I'd like to interject with some opposing views. As this seems to have turned into a cry fest about how one guild got a BIS glyph before the others. I think you now have a little taste how others feel when they go up against your premades and get destroyed. As to these glyphs killing pvp plenty has been done that does that already from perma stun or perma invisible rogues to perma stun rangers or perma bubble pallies lets just leave it at perma anything makes pvp not fun for the average player of this game. Which if you are in one of the top pvp guilds you are not. Even just queing with a premade gives you a huge leg up, que with a pug sometime and fight a geared premade, its not fun and does not keep average people coming back. As to the dreaded guild who remains un named who cares that they found a way to monetize their advantage for the good of their guild. How is this different than groups farming CN last mod and selling the gear? Did you walk around protectors enclave last mod handing out free t2 gear preaching against the people who were selling it? Doubtful is the answer. I get that you dont want neverwinter to die, without the community it becomes irrelevant, but what you are talking about is a 1%er problem not a game killer.
  • ajax0101ajax0101 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    As to retaining the player base how about the devs fix their game. Namely lag and crashes to dashboard. I just got done with a 100 hour run on fallout 4 no crashes to dashboard (impressive for a bethesda game), 50 hours on battlefront and no single frame per second issues like neverwinter. But those are AAA games and not a f2p game. Just played 25 hours on world of tanks no issues. But i digress. Neverwinter cant seem to fix their problems why? I dont need another live stream of d and d or double refinement 3 times in a month. A game that actually works would go a long way to retaining the playerbase. Especially with so many alternatives in the marketplace that do work. As i doubt the devs ability to make a product that works how about not giving us the next mod until the known problems with it are fixed. Bringing over the broken bits is the height of lazy. This kind of behavior makes me not just want to not spend money but not play. It says the developer cant be bothered because they know they will just keep raking it in. If the community felt valued they would keep playing. An empty mmo is a dead mmo.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    s4v10rx said:

    armadeonx said:

    The reality will be that the top pvp guilds will have all the advantages and will never get any kind of challenge out of fighting a guild that isn't one of these elites. Once they've earned all these boons, armor etc what challenge is let for them?

    If the likes of Roll Tide are complaining now, it's only going to get worse.

    bro, don't think that way, ASYLUM is going to open the door for other smaller guilds and guildies to come and buy their SH pvp gear and wards from our market place next week, unlike some guild that is charging for AD just to enter the guild, we do it for free to help out smaller guilds and new players and to promote and keep the pvp community alive!! spread the word yo!!

    here's the link of the decision that the asylum guild leader decided:

    spread the word to ur friends and also other smaller guilds and make sure u guys need to farm for the banner, guild points and seal so that u r ready when our market place is done. banner is from siege, guild points is from SH dailies and HE and seal is from domination and gauntlergrym.
    That's a good thing to do. +1 to Asylum.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • andygrossandygross Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    if the pallys are op in pvp make it were there buble is haff as efective an Lasts 10 seconds in pvp if stuns are a spam fest
    make it were a target cant be stund after being stund for 10 seconds thats the only two lagit problems i have with pvp
    now the pvp glitches shouldnt be there to begin with i ant got a problem with this game just pointing out a broken
    mechanic get 1 shot is fine but being stuned for 34 seconds wating to die is lame or hamering a pally with no effect
    for him to turn your dps aginst you healing him self constantly is kind of like saying ok good Luck the point is pvp is
    more broke now than in mod 5 tr 1 hit atleast ppl got kills besides pvp every thing is great wish dungen keys were
    2500AD lol couldnt ask for a better game TY arc
  • mystictyrnt1mystictyrnt1 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Neverwinter is amazing i love it. But i feel that the end game looks quite meek. i am not there yet but looking at ESO and their veteran perk system. This will undoubtably be pc first, i think at level 65 you start earning astral understanding points along side normal experience points. the rate would be 1 point per 10 normal exp points.

    Every 1000 astral points you gain a astral perk point. The perks would be in a skill tree and leveling the skill tree provides menial stats (at first) corresponding with your class. the more points the bigger the amount you get per point(until a cap has been reached in the tree). you also gain a passive effect that is always active. these would be capped at three points each perk and would give meaningful bonuses and some not so meaningful.

    The system should allow for full completion of each perk tree. these will go hand in hand with the campaign heroic and paragon perks lines, but will allow for a vast end game in current and future modules. this is my opinion if anyone wants to say other wise or show support or give suggestions feel free to comment.
  • myfist2yourfacemyfist2yourface Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    back to the OG subject- retaining the player base:
    1)sure PVP is unbalanced- put in a leveled cue system- FIXED
    -dont have the glyphs or other perks- cue into Silver bracket instead of gold or Daimond then...
    -this way the instances would be evened out alot more- and make more fun repeatable gameplay...Hmmm
    2)Taimat is TOO difficult: lower her HP per head (a little) nothing else and see...
    3)* bring back "most" of the old dungeons (like you said you were) and make a few of them EPIC like Castle Never
    * -and a few of them more T1-T2ish also- so ALL can run and have fun, but theres a "castle Never" like dungeon that you aspire to beat- one day... (and not just because the boss one shots you or has way too many HP- but it has a techinque.
    * 4) fix the "only wallet warriors or ONLY super guilds can get the Stronghold open " THANG
    5)* good call on waiting on UnderDark until we are ready for it and have had the time to complete these new ones
    such good content, and wouldnt want to pass right over it too soon-and the boons
    - but we ARE about ready now guys...
    - ^) surely you are going to start working on a new thing, since UnderDark has released- how 'bout starting with these...???
  • l1yevl1yev Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    I like the idea where someone mentioned queueing up by level or rank, copper, bronze, gold, diamond etc etc

    I think you should have to earn your rank up with higher win fail ratios... For instance u r new u automatically go to the copper bracket, u win say 50% u earn the right to go to bronze, 75% to gold etc etc.

    Now if you que up with a premade team let's just say it takes the average of the team to put you in a bracket, however I think if one of those people in that team that queued together say they have 25%-40% or more difference of a win to lose ratio compared to the rest of the team I think they should be automatically placed into a different game or bracket aka you wouldn't be able to carry newbies around, they'd have to play and earn thier gear. Or perhaps have the best of the best pvp player sue with u just to murder the other team for u.

    I say a win to lose ratio because a kill death ratio just wouldn't be fair to non dps classes.

    If u start to loose too much you'd go to a lower bracket and would have to win your way into a higher bracket, this would put everyone up against each other more evenly and fairly.

    This would be already easy since the pvp standing already has a bronze copper gold sort of ranking out there already, just tweak it a bit and ur good to go.
    If you can't beat 'em, arrange to have them beaten.
  • manyvengeancemanyvengeance Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    Look at games that focus on PvP the most, they all have this kind of tiers, and the queue is affected by a win-loss ratio, as well as a KDA ratio. Neverwinter already keeps track of both, it's only a matter that they actually serve a purpose.
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User

    One more quick note,

    I believe about 98% of playerbase does not want the mod 8 rings. It was a nice try, but it does nothing to better balance pvp. All it does is remove basic class mechanics that people picked those classes for. Let's just scrap the idea all together.

    I would like to see all of the conversations you have had to determine 98% of us don't want these. Maybe you are against these but try not to speak for everyone, seems laughable.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • myfist2yourfacemyfist2yourface Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    -you must be in the 2% he talked about...LOL
  • andygrossandygross Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    ok hear is the problem with pvp op buble needs a nerf for pvp only. ONLY PVP insted of 80% damage resistants it should be 40% and 20 seconds to 10 seconds PVP ONLY....AND to compinsate for the nerffed buble give them 10% increased dps

    these classes should have a 10 second cool down on stun spaming meaning after a target is stund by them the cant aply a stun for 10 seconds i feel this is fare CW is a CW controling a target is there job u can dodge a cw powers u cant dodge a hrs i feel its fair and there is cc
    breakers on sum classes and controle resist well now im wondering why they made a CW LOL.
    any way the problem is tanks an healers get budy budy in my case trust me im no chump with my main 3243 il. :3

    i feel with these changes people will get more kills and be mor active no one wants to be stund for 30 seconds wating to die
    no one wants to pound on a OP for ever trying to capture a zone
    and im sure no one likes to look at the score bord any more TR went from 30 kills to 4 or 5 kill
    but atleast u get 5 glory per kill

    point is tanks are to tanky and its a stun spam fest just 2 changes would help this issue
  • andygrossandygross Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    As for PVE and the game in general dungens mobs hit to hard what ever damge the trash mobs are doing need to be marked down by 60% jessus glad 70% of ppl made a OP cause u will die with out him ide like to say ive run elol with out one but my dc is made to run a dungen also not my main any way the lag the frame rate the waving the glitches the prices the spaming the grinding to keep this short ppl will spend money and stick around if the quality of the game is good not perfect but good take the top 5 most complained about things and tweak it see
    what type of respons you get from the neverwinter comunity. if its more good than bad awsome if its more bad than good roal back
    im a player and a bussness man the more ppl like it the more money you make win win you win we win it be great we all win
  • fatpobfatpob Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    well when this game came out on Xbox there were a load of players. Introduce ToEE and the game is dead. From the 8 of us who played regular, there are 2 left who kind of play, I simply log in at moment to play the ADE.

    have a look at why it worked at Mod 5 and go back to that and maybe the players may come back....
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    don't really see how stun is a problem u just need to wait til transcendent elven is fixed then u wont have stun problems
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Really? stunning isn't a problem, you just need 5 million AD! (after the fix)

    PvP is just a game of 'who stuns who first'. If they were to make pvp work they would need to rewrite all skills with a pvp definition.

    Stunning should be the sole domain of the CW, Stealth only for TR, Immobilise (trap) only for HR. Each class should have it's exclusive purpose.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    zman81420 said:

    One more quick note,

    I believe about 98% of playerbase does not want the mod 8 rings. It was a nice try, but it does nothing to better balance pvp. All it does is remove basic class mechanics that people picked those classes for. Let's just scrap the idea all together.

    I would like to see all of the conversations you have had to determine 98% of us don't want these. Maybe you are against these but try not to speak for everyone, seems laughable.
    I apologize for not being on much guys. Work and family have kept me busy these past couple of weeks. Some good points have been made in here.

    As far as the rings go zman, I have a feeling I know why you want them being a gf, but these rings will just further ruin pvp. I'm not for nerfing classes pve aspects on a pvp only basis, but some of this stuff is clearly out of hand. Next mod Paladins will be more OP, and GF will have more burst damage than they do now.

    Glyphs and Wards:

    I know many people are already running stamina and ap drain glyphs, but I've made it a point to only run the wards. The glyphs only undo very basic class mechanics, the main one being dodge, and I find it very cheap. Especially for the guilds who don't have the wards unlocked yet. If you see my characters, Ankou and Xerxes mainly, you won't catch me running the drains. I hope to see more of the higher end guilds doing the same. You're only speeding up this games future demise if not. At least in terms of pvp.
    Ankou - CW
    Xerxes - GWF
    Eazy - DC
    Tyrian - TR
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