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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • mavlocmavloc Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I'd like to see the racial bonuses looked at.

    Currently Orcs and Metalic Dragonborn are the meta picks when it comes to character race.
    With +5% crit severity AND Dex+Str stat boost, makes Orcs best pick for any melee class. Meanwhile Metalic Dragonborn gain a healing and Hit Point boost which makes them best pick for Guardian Fighter and Paladin.

    Drows are absolutely useless, Faster bonfire healing means nothing in current PVP, and their little proc they get is 5% chance which is statistically once every 20 hits for a 10% defense debuff on enemy. It's very low hit chance, and relatively useless since they'll most likely be dead before it even procs.

    Dragonborn definitely need to be nerfed considering they a paygate race.
    You want to fix your game? Get rid of these Pay-To-Win gimmicks.
    Properly balance the game, and more people will play it.
    More Players = More $$$$.
    You literally have no idea how many people aren't playing Neverwinter, simply because it's too expensive to stay relevant in the game.

    regenerde said:

    Metallic Dragonborn Racial HP Bonus is not working at the moment, or is it?
    There were a few screenshots about this issue flying around in some forum around here...

    You are correct, it appears the Metallic Dragonborn HP racial is broken atm.
    Post edited by mavloc on
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Metallic Dragonborn Racial HP Bonus is not working at the moment, or is it?
    There were a few screenshots about this issue flying around in some forum around here...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    drkbodhi said:

    First and foremost...

    Give EVERY class 3 viable paths once they choose one of the 2 directions to follow. Many classes have been reduced to 2 to 4 builds that actually work. For example... fix SWs... I feel bad for them being at the top to be demoted to the bottom of the barrel. When this game was introduced each class had 3 distinct choices, until people started complaining about this and that. Do not allow the egos of the players influence the viability of a class.

    What this allows for is adaptation... there are players that have learned how to handle fighting X class.



    - Add a separate queue for groups and solo combatants entering ALL PvP matches. Especially for NCL purposes.

    - Fix the ranking system. Elo is NOT working here. It is meant for one on one, single-combat situations... not allowing for people who are part of set teams. When you are ranking everyone based on Elo... you are comparing apples and oranges and ranking them based on them both being fruit.

    - I suggest using total score, ave. final rank in matches, kills and assists as a basis for scoring. This way everyone will work harder for the end result.

    Lastly... this is a 2 part issue. I say that because it was all from the same patch.

    - Reduce the "XP needed to level" increases that were implemented a couple of weeks ago. I do not think increasing overload level to 1,000,000 instead of 700k, from before, would be out of the question. Multiplying the needed XP to hit each level by 255% is OFF and will drive people away.

    - remove the 50% HP increases that you delivered to all monsters.

    I was going to add Bugs here... but we all know they need to be fixed before Strongholds comes out... or Strongholds will possibly fall apart with more bugs.

    That is all for now... thank you for listening.

  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    AD ECONOMY<<<<in the interest of further balancing ad economy would the devs consider also lowering the cost of upgrading pets and mounts ? mount training 3 costs more than many single character epic mounts on the auction house! and i would really like to upgrade my starry panther at close to the same cost as buying an epic mount also consider a mount training pack on zen market that grants 1 mount training II and one mount training III to each character on the account, bind to character on pickup for around the same price as an epic account wide mount
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Adjust the difficulty in epic dungeons, or adjust the requirements to enter them.
    It makes no sense, that you need T2 equipment to run T1 epic dungeons.

    We have to run epic dungeons and skirmishes for rAD, and to improve our equipment, but we can barely do this with the equipment we have access to... this makes no sense at all.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    Adjust the difficulty in epic dungeons, or adjust the requirements to enter them.
    It makes no sense, that you need T2 equipment to run T1 epic dungeons.

    We have to run epic dungeons and skirmishes for rAD, and to improve our equipment, but we can barely do this with the equipment we have access to... this makes no sense at all.

    No No No No No!!!!!

    You go learn to play and stop asking for dungeons to be made easier!!!
  • jrfbrunetjrfbrunet Member Posts: 388 Arc User

    regenerde said:

    Adjust the difficulty in epic dungeons, or adjust the requirements to enter them.
    It makes no sense, that you need T2 equipment to run T1 epic dungeons.

    We have to run epic dungeons and skirmishes for rAD, and to improve our equipment, but we can barely do this with the equipment we have access to... this makes no sense at all.

    No No No No No!!!!!

    You go learn to play and stop asking for dungeons to be made easier!!!
    T2 dungeons are for hardmode-crazed players like yourself. If you want those to be even harder, great!

    T1 dungeons are for more casual players who want to experience the content at least once. This basic model is present in many MMOs.

    I think asking for better ways to acquire gear for access to T1 is perfectly valid, and requires no change to the difficulty of either T1 or T2.
    Where'd my blinky-blinky path go?
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    regenerde said:

    Adjust the difficulty in epic dungeons, or adjust the requirements to enter them.
    It makes no sense, that you need T2 equipment to run T1 epic dungeons.

    We have to run epic dungeons and skirmishes for rAD, and to improve our equipment, but we can barely do this with the equipment we have access to... this makes no sense at all.

    No No No No No!!!!!

    You go learn to play and stop asking for dungeons to be made easier!!!
    And you have to learn, that not everyone can get the perfect group together for a simple dungeon or skirmish run.

    Players have to be able to run dungeons within the IL requirements set by the Devs and without any perfect line up, that maybe happens once in a blue moon.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • faredawg1faredawg1 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Get control of your game.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Naw, forget stability. It's all about power! And union.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    There are no dungeons a player can quest, high level dungeons unless they have the armor, weapons, accessories and enchantments of high enough item level score to survive...

    And where do they get those higher level armor, weapons, accessories and enchantments (or at least the refinements to upgrade them)?

    In the frigging dungeons they can't play unless they have the armor/item level points to survive them!!!

    Anyone else see what's wrong with this scenario?

  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    drkbodhi said:

    quspiv wrote: »

    Top 3 by me (with reasons)

    1. Stability.

    You can have beatiful game and perfectly balanced. It wont matter when servers are lagging and players are getting constant DC's. (This inclues very annoying and balance breaking DC's in PvP)

    2. Bugs

    There's a lot of bugs which make very expensive items worthless or broken balance wise. It also affect various classes which can make them useless or OP. (For example, TR SoD is not fixed since mod6 started)

    3. Lack of fun. Most of the recent changes (+50% HP to mobs and huge XP increase) were really not needed and on top of that it affect mostly new and casual players. Doing daily quest on new characters is a chore. You pretty much made huge wall between old and new players. These kind of changes should be aimed at old players and help new players catch up instead of placing them even more behind. If these things dont change, you will start losing casual players and discourage new ones, cause not many is insane enough to play 24/7 for 1 year just to get few power points and low lvl enchants.

    Yes to all of this...

  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    Want to balance pvp??? stop matching random queue teams vs premade bis teams.... add a 20% damage resist and damage dealing bonus to balanced teams (no 2 team members same class and at least one pally DC or GF) penalize teams with 3 or more of same class this could be applied to pve class balance as well for dungeons ect

  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    This IS AN AWESOME IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When the group finder window pops up, what if you let us see which classes are going to be in the team? like this:


    This would improve the chance of success of the players using the queue system. Many players get frustrated when they keep joining instances and there are no tanks and/or healers and you have reworked the dungeons, there is a very low chance of success if you don't go with classes that are trully able to fulfill these roles. In the first circle would appear GF/OP protector and GWF sentinel (if it ever gets fixed), DPSers/Utility Classes in the next circles 2, 3 and 4 (GWF Destroyer-Instigator, DC Righteous, etc) last circle for healers (DC Virtuous-Faithfull, OP Devotion, SW Warlock if gets fixed).

    3) Make content much more rewarding: Running dungeons are among the most important ways to interact with other players in the game. It is vital for a guild when the members are running dungeons with each other but what happens when you are already geared and there's no real reason to go to a dungeon? Sure, you can go a few times and help but right now we have to farm for 40 days the top PvE gear. After all that time farming, you don't want to go there again because is boring and it is not rewarding. Hard content = Good rewards, so it's worth to spend time everyday on them. Getting the gear is part of running dungeons, shouldn't be the priority nor the main reason. I want to run dungeons because is fun and I get cool things.

  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
  • acro33acro33 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User


    All good ideas, man.
  • arskakarvaarskakarva Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    Want to balance pvp??? stop matching random queue teams vs premade bis teams.... add a 20% damage resist and damage dealing bonus to balanced teams (no 2 team members same class and at least one pally DC or GF) penalize teams with 3 or more of same class this could be applied to pve class balance as well for dungeons ect

    I'd say the single most important change PvP needs is a separate parallel queue category for it where absolutely NO gear, enchants, boons, items, or any other external variable applies at all. You get uniform baseline stats and the feats and powers you've picked, nothing else. No stats, no gear, no frills, only pure skill (assuming classes themselves are balanced, big assumption there).
  • faredawg1faredawg1 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Eliminate any Gamble from the Zen Store.

    Aside from the key+lockbox lottery, if a player spends real money on a game, they should be getting exactly what they want when they do. Booster packs purchased through the Zen Market need to be speciafic or removed and replaced with specific item purchases. This aint Vegas.
  • lilrastalilrasta Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    Great idea here hope it will actually bring hopes for many who lost it along the way

    not gonna list it all but few little things that might be helpfull during the massive changes lately

    * due to AD changes and Gmops changes what about changing apperance AD changes (50k is alot for it)

    *old dungeons back on the menu ^^

    *leadership overlook : so many not making sense tasks

    *Stronghold donation rate should be abit not drastic but abit lower and again due to all the massive changes lately

    ** fyi the pvp dbl and triple kill in GG pvp doesnt work as well the pvp HE in IWD work occationly

    the list can be long since been playing since beta days but here is small changes i guess but it pile up to the rest of my fellow players added already


  • maegmaagmaegmaag Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Gambling is fine, as long as its "checked against legal competence" (or juridical?). Thats pretty questionable here tho, for both the "age rating" and the "closed code" issues.

    Anyway, as i cant rly keep track of where what i noted, ill probably repeat the main issues: bugfixes, foundry improvements, poor level design, hardly any skill and stats definitions (both effect and description) and no D&D besides the franchise name and lore.
    A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
    "Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Direct damage stylized wizards should always have the following as viable options in any depiction of Dungeons and Dragons:

    Lightning Bolt
    Cone of Cold
    Magic Missile

    NWO has one of these. 4E had ... okay, 4E had Magic Missile and that's about it as well (the others were enormously subpar options).
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    They could move the "Fireball" from SW to CW, and give the SW something more fitting... a regular encounter, that would really deal damage and steal life, without directly depending on the stat life steal itself for it.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • gohibniugohibniu Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    dionchi said:

    There are no dungeons a player can quest, high level dungeons unless they have the armor, weapons, accessories and enchantments of high enough item level score to survive...

    And where do they get those higher level armor, weapons, accessories and enchantments (or at least the refinements to upgrade them)?

    In the frigging dungeons they can't play unless they have the armor/item level points to survive them!!!

    Anyone else see what's wrong with this scenario?

    Yup and you cant upgrade anything without AD and the ability to acquire them in appropriate amounts has been nerfed. P2W only in this game
  • edited October 2015
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  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    okay, if i was a lead designer, i would made Tier 1 and tier 2 dungeons to be easier, with decent basic loots, and make "hardcore copy zones" versions of tier 1 and tier 2 so they can get "extra same items" but not as "better rewards" to avoid gaps between haves and havenots.

    by recreating "Hardcore Dungeons", they will only got more drops than usual standard dungeon runs's loot drops, with better chances of gem drops, heavier cash drops, since it is expensive to pay for health kits, and random rank 7 drops, but still same chest rewards just like standard versions, and no short-cuts.
    so, that way, some players want challenging runs and other dont want hardmodes. both types of players wins and get what they wants.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Balance PVP !
    just deactivate:
    1. every weapon and armorenchant or tone the effect drastically down
    2. every compagnion active bonus
    3. every mount bonus
    4. deactivate glyphs
    5. implement a cc immunity interval, like after beeing cc´d you are immun to cc effect´s
    6. rethink the disbalance of classes GF...highest burst damage? and much more
    7. rework OP and his broken feats and trees in every aspect, thats a E- what you implemented in mod 6
    8. test things before going live !!!!

    a clear cut is needed and since you can´t fix these gazillion bugs deactivate that HAMSTER in PVP, so you will have more player to contest
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    1. rAD should be provided through questing too
    2. bug fixing
    3. daily quests should reward more XP
    adding one more active companion slot to a character at level 60 and level 70.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • conwiz999conwiz999 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Craigmire Crypts should be level 19 - 29/39, this putting a level 20 in with level 60-70 in Craigmire Crypts is ridiculous. All the higher levels only use this dungeon to farm AD really fast. The lower level player ends up way behind and gets nothing for drops that they can actually use. AND now that 'kick' is back people are getting kicked because they are too slow, this is B.S!! especially when there is a GWF,TR or SW in the mix because they can go very fast with their dodge and they use it to their advantage to go faster not to dodge.

    If level 70s want to farm their AD in Craigmire Crypts then put them with other level 70s. If they have their own group then fine, let the lower level person go with them, its their choice.

    PVP should be done by gear score and not by levels. This would make it fair for everyone.

    Make better skirmishes after Pit Fight. The level 40 and over are too hard and/or take too long since we now have to grind to get daily AD.
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  • zorothegalladezorothegallade Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    The main problem of the game? Players aren't rewarded for their efforts. Most of the significant progress in the game is done either by repeatedly playing the same shallow pool of content over and over (and that's what encourages botting, but they keep "fixing" it in ways that don't involve any effort on their party) or by lucking out and getting a rare drop, STILL from the aforementioned shallow pool of content, so that it can be sold and used for a tiny bit of improvement. They keep moving the goalposts and adjust the content difficulty to make it challenging for players who are already full BiS completely HAMSTER over both players who aren't endgame and those who have reached endgame and are doomed to be trampled in PvP and shunned in PvE...
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