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Whats up with the change to the sigil artifact quests?

rasputeinrasputein Member Posts: 7 Arc User
So since i started to play this game along time ago iv been a 1 character player, just playing my hunter ranger, well i decided about 4 weeks ago that i wanted to get my hunter ranger sigil so i started to lv a GWF to lv 60 as the quest states i have to have 1 toon at lv70 and 1 at lv 60 to get the sigil (jarljax still says 2 chr at lv 60 and 2 boons)....well to make a long story short i got my gwf to lv60 last night and guess what...cant port there anymore till lv 70..wtf i had zero intentions of lving the gwf to lv 70 and the ONLY reason i can figure out for this change is so more people will buy the 50$ zen xp booster, is this correct or is there a way to get my gwf to icewindale pre lv70? hell i have guildies that are in that zone atm and they are not lv70 so is it just to mess up new players? At this point i doubt ill lv the gwf to 70 just to get my rangers sigil and if this is the case i doubt ill be spending another dime on this game..../shrug so i guess my real question is is this a bug or just working as intended to screw new players?


  • rasputeinrasputein Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    so its the classic bait and switch tactic, well if thats the case and this is to stay i guess ill just have to forget getting the sigils as i REFUSE to lv another toon though the painfull and very BORING lv 60-70, id rather forget about it then waste 50$ and another week or 2 of my life. ooo well game was fun for abit, with this and leadership changes i think this ship is sinking
  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    60-70 was a breeze on my GWF. It's worth it to get both Sigils.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    Don't blame you. I was levelling a new character just as the change hit. I had hoped to get some of my experience in the Campaign zones because I HATE EE.
  • rasputeinrasputein Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    well if its not a bait a switch then how come the quest itself says lv60? its advertized as 1 thing and turns out to be another, bait and switch...ooo btw how many toons did you lv to 60 for the sigils? imho if its going to change then they need to roll back the access and remove the sigils from any toon that isnt lv 70 yet.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    rasputein said:

    well if its not a bait a switch then how come the quest itself says lv60? its advertized as 1 thing and turns out to be another, bait and switch...

    There's a saying that goes, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence".
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User

    rasputein said:

    well if its not a bait a switch then how come the quest itself says lv60? its advertized as 1 thing and turns out to be another, bait and switch...

    There's a saying that goes, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence".
    NamelessHero, at last we agree on something.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,374 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    I think it's lame. My chars are already 70, but i was thinking about making a new one and decking her out with ZEN, pretty unlikely now. I don't want to have to grind from lvl 1-70 before i get the artifact - when my other chars and tons of other chars got theirs at lvl 60.

    How is my char supposed to feel when she is level 68 and still can't get artifact yet - and runs across a level 60 char that has a bunch of sigils already cuz they did it right before the reward was taken from us. (It STILL says lvl 60 in more than one place for the artifact quest too), that is like saying:

    "This is what you COULD have had - but even though we haven't changed that it SAYS lvl 60, you have to be 70! HAHAHAHAHAHA we GOT you good with that one didn't we!"

    Not impressed.

    You don't need to grind if you don't want to but you do need time.
    Park the character and do invocation and leadership task that earns experience.
    They will reach level 70.

    Since your character is "hiding", she won't run across another level 60 character. :)
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User

    There's a saying that goes, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence".

    Exactly. They never bothered to update the quests (and their levels) till now. But the fact remains that it has always been part of the end-game. There's nothing being baited or switched here. The update to the new level cap just wasn't done properly with regards to quests descriptions and levels. One of these has just been fixed.
    changing the level requirements to 70 was just an attempt to cover up the fact that there is very very little lvl 70 content. now you cant even do skirmishes or work on boons in the 60's just have to grind EE quests for hours on end or invoke/leadership your way through it, so you can grind boons as a 70 to make up for the lack of them releasing anything worthwhile

  • bumfluffbobbumfluffbob Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    I think it's lame. My chars are already 70, but i was thinking about making a new one and decking her out with ZEN, pretty unlikely now. I don't want to have to grind from lvl 1-70 before i get the artifact - when my other chars and tons of other chars got theirs at lvl 60.

    Depends on what class your new character will be and what sigil you want it to have. If you want to deck it with a sigil you have already earned from another toon, you can pick it up at level 4 from the reward agent.

  • rasputeinrasputein Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    imo if its going to be a lv70 req then it needs to be that way for everyone, if you have collected it off of a lv60 chr and the chr is still lv60 then sigil should be removed, when i started to lv my chr for this quest it was still lv60 (and the quest still states lv60 and 2 boons) and i lved him for that reason alone no other reason, if i would have known this i would not have put my time into it, then it changes without any warning or notice... BAIT AND SWITCH. And all of you know this wasnt done for any other reason then money, the hopes that anyone needing the sigil will buy the purple zen xp booster for 50$, thats it plain and simple.
  • soulidensouliden Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I just did this with my Paladin, (70 DC, 65 Pally) and had no problem. For the longest time Jar, wouldn't offer the quest to me til, I did every single campaign. Once I had done each of the intro quests to the 3 main campaigns (Dread, Shar, Ice) then he offered it to me.) So, I don't know if it's a glitch or not. I surely now have my artifact on my pally..
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