Okay so let me start with I'm a big pvper loads of time in game and love it. But I have been seeing that with the new lockboxes the orange mount is basically an artifact and mount this is nice and I do not mind that some players need that but its that fact that it is also 140 speed which troubles me. because even with opening 1 lockbox everyday your chances are still not good at getting one. 110 speed Is what most people have and people being able to go faster then them or pass them should not be how it is. the problem is that there is no way to upgrade your mounts from 110 speed to 140 speed even if it cost 1.5 mill ad I would do it. just wondering if other people felt the same way?
The people with tons of money stop buying the older stuff, so the price goes down, thus making it a bit more affordable for other people (Well, it would, except the supply goes down because no one's opening old lockboxes).