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Soulbinder Builds - Which path did you take and your thoughts?

zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Nine Hells
I've been running a Hellbringer Templock build for some time now and I love that I can provide effective off-heals to help take the pressure off our DC, however.

I feel like Hellbringer was a choice made purely made out of build I found (currently using) before I researched more on Soulbinder. I've read enough to know that most don't like it and those that do like, still aren't happy with DPS numbers. I'd rather not got Hellbringer Fury because I feel that what everyone else does (most likely for good reason) and I'm generally more about Support over Pure DPS.

I, on the other hand, want to try it, but considering the lack of posted builds out there (I had horrible luck finding much of anything) I was hoping to get a bit of advice. Are there any Warlocks out there that went (possibly stayed?) Soulbinder? If so, which path did you take. Any help would be appreciated and, if you have it, a link to your build regarding powers/feats would be nice.
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  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I just rerolled my sw. First was hellbringer which i ended up hating all its moves. Looking at it soulbinder i actually liked the moves. Before i too was fury, but if im tryin dps only why be sw?
    I went healock type build but instead of helping allies i went with the soul puppet tree. Where he sticks forever at the end of tree.
    I like it a lot, i get great bonus with soul puppet, more life, and i can use him like a body shield in pvp.
    Use the ap and life gain constants. Ill say more in a bit
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I have not tried the new at will or the encounter with nO cool down but i feel there is a combo there.
    I do miss prince of hell but i now use the u gain life and ap for the soul sparks.
    Now i heal so much i dont even use vampiric embrace
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Soulbinder gameplay:
    (showing some hard crits)

    (showing some sneaky little tricks to surprise people)

    (showing how you can surprise people with a big burst)

    This is all with PvP gear and a Less vorp on a fury Soulbinder build.

    It's a fun build but verrryyyy squishy.
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • chromedfishchromedfish Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I just respecced from hellbringer fury lock to a soulbinder templock from a combination of builds i saw online and personal experience i created it. I love it 10x in comparison to hb fury. I am sitting at 12k gs and still keep up in the top 3 for damage every match for damage dealt and i heal just as much if not more than the clerics (depends on the cleric honestly)
    i use warlock bargain soul scorch and dt for encounters and tt for dailey 99% of the time if i am fighting alot of weak swarms ill put of BoVA. I suggest making the switch if you are more of a team player. You lose some damage for sure but you benefit the group immensely through constant healing while damaging foes.

    zaknafyen wrote: »
    I've been running a Hellbringer Templock build for some time now and I love that I can provide effective off-heals to help take the pressure off our DC, however.

    I feel like Hellbringer was a choice made purely made out of build I found (currently using) before I researched more on Soulbinder. I've read enough to know that most don't like it and those that do like, still aren't happy with DPS numbers. I'd rather not got Hellbringer Fury because I feel that what everyone else does (most likely for good reason) and I'm generally more about Support over Pure DPS.

    I, on the other hand, want to try it, but considering the lack of posted builds out there (I had horrible luck finding much of anything) I was hoping to get a bit of advice. Are there any Warlocks out there that went (possibly stayed?) Soulbinder? If so, which path did you take. Any help would be appreciated and, if you have it, a link to your build regarding powers/feats would be nice.
    15k Healock
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  • shunnthegreatshunnthegreat Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    If you really want to take pressure off of DC the n go soulbinder templock. Always have soul scorch and essence defiler also have the t2 nether Mage set equiped. The bonus gives you 6% of the damage dealt. Use soul scourge a couple of times and you're healed for around 10k-12k. And if you want more healing go with accursed soul. The amount of healing it does is amazing to you and the four other players. Another good this is that this build will guarantee you 10 in Tiamat. Tip: make sure you stay close to allies and have your life steal rating around 2.9-3k
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    I took Soulbinder/Fury. I can put out some serious DPS and heal myself with life steal and soul sparks. I personally would not go Templock at this point. When the new mod drops in September life steal gets a huge nerf and makes group healing very inefficient. You will have to really stack life steal and the new life steal severity stat in order to make a difference. This was done so that SWs could no longer out heal DCs or OPs and make group composition a little more important.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • myfist2yourfacemyfist2yourface Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    so- whats the BEST build after the nerf...??
  • friedricearonifriedricearoni Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I run a Soulbinder/Damnation build. I do crazy damage in dungeons and have no problems running things solo (dailies, etc). For PVP, I would use a Soulbinder/Fury build.
    Promoted Neverwinter Streamer <3
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  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    Taking a risk here and posting in this (my) thread again.

    I recently came back to NW after a year long hiatus. Before I took my break a year ago, I switched from my SW to my GWF. I got him all the way to completion in the ToD campaign and completely neglected my SW. Coming back now, I realized I never really enjoyed my GWF. Very boring in terms of play-style (in my opinion). Looking up recent builds (to determine where the SW has gone since a year ago when I last played between a HB Temp SW and a SB Temp SW), I again found mixed information in that SB Fury is the way to go or that SB Damnation is the way to go.

    So, here I am again, asking my fellow SW players, what path did you take? What is the current FotM (I don't want a FotM, I'm just curious) build? Is Temptation still completely viable?

    Based on the version numbers at the top of my screen, it appears Xbox One is on Mod 9.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    The best path to take is soulbinder. Hellbringer is terrible. 40% of its damage is gone with little to no survivability. Soulbinder gives good dps and adds some lifesteal mechanic's with the soul sparks.

    As for fury, damnation, or temp, I'd say go damnation all day if you are under 3.6-4.0k ilvl. The puppet build will give you more dps and is more consistent. Temp is still a viable healer but that's about it. Great for pvp. Fury is what I run but it's hard to beat a puppet build lock of similar I level until you gain enough stats to compensate for the lack of the puppets dps. I am maxed and at this point can be viable with any of them paths. I run a SB fury and top all dps charts no matter who I have went against. I would say go with damnation all the way. If you switch to early you will waste zen by switching right back to damnation.
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    The best path to take is soulbinder. Hellbringer is terrible. 40% of its damage is gone with little to no survivability. Soulbinder gives good dps and adds some lifesteal mechanic's with the soul sparks.

    As for fury, damnation, or temp, I'd say go damnation all day if you are under 3.6-4.0k ilvl. The puppet build will give you more dps and is more consistent. Temp is still a viable healer but that's about it. Great for pvp. Fury is what I run but it's hard to beat a puppet build lock of similar I level until you gain enough stats to compensate for the lack of the puppets dps. I am maxed and at this point can be viable with any of them paths. I run a SB fury and top all dps charts no matter who I have went against. I would say go with damnation all the way. If you switch to early you will waste zen by switching right back to damnation.

    Thanks for the info. I switched to SB Damnation with my free respec. That dmg has been nice. My life steal if lacking, but it has saved my rear quite a bit. Using the at-will for the SB path, is there any other at-will to use other than that one? As for dailies and encounters, I'm currently running the following:

    At-Wills – Essence Defiler / Hand of Blight
    Encounters – Dreadtheft / Soul Scorch / Warlock Bargain
    Personal – Dust to Dust / Borrowed Time
    Daily’s – Tyrannical Threat / Immolation Spirits

    I'm going to assume this is probably viable. I open up by applying curse to as many targets as possible, followed by warlocks bargain, then dreadtheft. Once I have six sparks, I use Soul Scorch. I use Essence Defiler when dreadtheft is on CD. Using Immolation Spirits on trash, TT on bosses.

    Any thoughts, suggestions?
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    At wills- essence defiler and the aura spheres one. (Sorry can't remember the exact name)
    Encounters- soul scorch, wb, and bova. You can swap warlocks bargain with killing flames if you'd like.
    Daily's -tyrannical threat and immolation souls.

    I use a different set up cause I'm fury but not much difference.
  • bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    Try just marking one target. Marking more than one splits the damage buff. I pick the largest health pool, curse, and unleash my encounters. Marking more than one is a mod 5 thing with endless damage loop which was changed in mod 6.

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    Try just marking one target. Marking more than one splits the damage buff. I pick the largest health pool, curse, and unleash my encounters. Marking more than one is a mod 5 thing with endless damage loop which was changed in mod 6.

    Thanks for the info. I guess my rotations are still stuck with Mod 5, since I last played when that Mod was still relevant for us. It was definitely getting tedious marking multiple mobs.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Valid points @bratleyray. Definitely hit just the biggest target with TT and hit him with everything you have.
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