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Anyone else really not that excited to hear we're getting Mod6?

vdeekvvdeekv Member Posts: 77 Arc User

As far as I can see there are some pretty huge caveats to getting excited about this mod.

Those that immediately spring to mind:
  • Fundamental changes to the PvE mechanics - Life steal is completely reworked. Armour pen (RI) required no longer at 24%, it goes up to 60%ish (I think). All classes needing to stack a lot more hit points to cope with lvl 70 scaling etc. Meaning we're all looking, at the very least, swapping lots of enchantments/gear around and potentially respec's too.
  • All our Artifacts and Artifact Equipment become redundant. Whilst the lvl60 one's will still be effective (if they're legendary) they will ultimately have to be replaced with lvl70 version's. If your BiS belt is an 'old style' ie. single stat belt, then you're SoL, afaik only the new belts (black ice etc.) have a mythic version.
  • As if the refinement grind wasn't enough already, as I understand it from PC, the level grind to 70 is even worse.

Your current artifact equipment (main hand,off hand, cloak, belt) will give you back 40% of it's refinement points if put into the new gear. 80% if during double refinement means you should be somewhere near epic on your lvl 70.. But still you need all of the marks again (and more to hit mythic).

Mod 6 was a massive deal on PC and they'd had best part of two years to max their current gear, stockpile ad/resources etc. After playing since launch I have one legendary main hand on my main char... :/

The news article states that we're getting mod 6 in the same state as it currently exists on PC. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but that implies we'll be getting the Dread Ring in it's current PC form as well. Which means we won't even get to collect the greater marks we're all so desperately in need of from completing Dread Ring dailies. Afaik on pc you can longer choose the greater mark you need on completion, it's random type/rarity.

I sincerely hope the devs have put a lot of thought into how they're going to deliver this content to us on the Xbox.

At the moment, all I can see is the gulf in player experience between those that will drop up to $2000 on getting ahead and those that expect a little more value for their hard earned cash becoming even larger (inter galactic if you're not able to spend even a modest amount on Zen).


  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    Yeah, not looking forward to the Lifesteal / ArPen changes :(
  • tyrzntyrzn Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Never doom and gloom about what might happen, that's just advice for life in general.

    Mod 6 is not going to be exactly like it was when it initially came out on PC. XB1 and the PC now will run on the exact same version of Win 10. The reason they are doing this mod now, is to catch everyone up. NW is a huge hit on XB1. They want to capitalize and catch it up to PC ASAP. Then all content will come out at about the same time, they will not have to work on 2 different versions. Surely, you can understand that? It allows them to fix one product instead of 2. Which allows them to focus more on content and things of this nature. It's for the best.

    Yes, there will be growing pains, but they will be worth it. In a game like this there is always another carrot to chase, that is the point. The good news is after they release MOD 6, the XB1 version will only be behind by SH, or one mod. I would imagine in another few months SH will release on XB1 and at that point PC and XB1 will be more or less the same. That's a great thing.

    The idea behind playing a game is to have fun playing, you get to roleplay being a hero in the D&D world.

    Getting all this content at once is like being born fresh into this huge world of adventure with sooo many new things to do. Those with an adventuring roleplaying heart should rejoice and be happy about it.

    There are a ton of positives. And I think these positives far outweigh the negatives.

    The negatives are... you're max gear isn't max anymore. You're just another average player just like everyone else, you are no longer king of the hill, you can no longer do any and all content and max your AD profits etc...

    So, if you play this and other games for a sense of accomplishment at going look at me, I finished it all, I'm at the top of hill or you want to brag about being OP compared to most or show off your gear, or you like beating up on lower geared people verbally or in PVP... yeah this will inhibit you from doing this for awhile.

    The roleplayers and those that just enjoy playing and exploring and want more of that, are on cloud 9. Decide which one you want to be.

    Yeah, my draconic templar armor and all that will be obsolete, so what... I didn't grow up or join this game for a freaking piece of armor or an armor set. I play it for fun and to slay the bad guys etc... and gear is just a means to that end. Stop making gear the point and you'll be a lot happier.

  • mrmeat1966mrmeat1966 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    im pretty sure i never got upset when i out grew my lev 10 gear or 20 or 30. i just used it to the best of its abilities until the next stage of gear requirements was needed. yeah i agree a lot of time/effort/AD etc went into making the gear we have now and without a doubt we will need to work even harder to reach the top tier lev 70 gear, but im looking forward to the challenge. so what if artifact gear and equipment become obsolete in september? its just the natural progression of the game, just as that great level 30 gear you worked hard to get at the time became obsolete. i didnt consider it a waste of time and effort when i outgrew it, i had fun working for it and a sense of achievement when i reached my goals. then i took a deep breath and aimed for the lev40 gear then 50 etc. level 70 will be the same and one day ill reach that pinnacle too....and no doubt they'll move the goal-posts again and the journey goes on lol..but im gonna do my best to enjoy the scenery on the way and not worry too much about all that hard earned AD dribbling thru my fingers lol
  • kamikalzekamikalze Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    If you try to play more than your main char, it will probably a pain to play. 4 campaign dailies with even two chars is more work than fun ;) I just hope arc releases the update early in september, because i have 3 weeks off during that time :P
  • gkjones85gkjones85 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Just wanted to add in, this game is an MMO for those of you who did not realize this. This isn't some little kids Nintendo game. Expansions, level increases stat modifications and reworking game designs is a constantly changing and evolving thing. If you want to not have updates and have an ever changing world go play some pos single player game.

    Bring it on arc, flip this place upside down make me rework everything I've got. When I clicked free to play MMO download I knew what I was getting into and I'm ready for you to do your worst!

    I mean seriously did you guys expect to hit level 60 get 20-23k Gs and quit the game? I guess I'm confused on what people were wanting? Thanks god for the level cap increase and thank god the junk we currently have will be obsolete soon. Make way for bigger and better!

    Chuck Norris
  • tyrzntyrzn Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    @kamikalze Ah yes, you gotta be careful about that. When you start feeling that way, just stop, stop doing whatever it is that feels like a job. I stopped farming specific currencies I needed to progress in the campaign for a week or so. Do other things, go work on alt gear, or focus on getting epics to sell for AD, or make it a week about grinding out artifacts in WOD, or getting gear off of Tiamat herself etc... mix it up. You have plenty of time to finish any task. Take those I have to do it everyday motivations and throw em away when it starts to wear on you.

    That's what works for me. Spending time playing an ALT that your main already has T2 gear ready for... makes it a lot of fun leveling it up. You can literally not care about gear or anything, you just play and enjoy playing the new character. No it may not become your main, but it's fun and who knows maybe you do like it more and it becomes your main.

    You can go out there and play some PVP, or do some PUGs, and many other things. Mix it up. There are tons of ways to do that, other than grind out those dailys.

    Games like this have a real danger of seeming like work if you aren't careful, hopefully some of these suggestions help you out with this game and some others. I learned the hard way, take a break, don't burn yourself out of a game you love. :smile:
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    With as much as we have all complained about tiamat I figured everyone would be happy about it LOL
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    With as much as we have all complained about tiamat I figured everyone would be happy about it LOL

    LOL well said.

    I am happy we are getting all this content in one update. It will give us all more to do and explore.

    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • vdeekvvdeekv Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    tyrzn wrote: »
    Never doom and gloom about what might happen, that's just advice for life in general.

    Mod 6 is not going to be exactly like it was when it initially came out on PC. XB1 and the PC now will run on the exact same version of Win 10. The reason they are doing this mod now, is to catch everyone up. NW is a huge hit on XB1. They want to capitalize and catch it up to PC ASAP. Then all content will come out at about the same time, they will not have to work on 2 different versions. Surely, you can understand that? It allows them to fix one product instead of 2. Which allows them to focus more on content and things of this nature. It's for the best.

    Yes, there will be growing pains, but they will be worth it. In a game like this there is always another carrot to chase, that is the point. The good news is after they release MOD 6, the XB1 version will only be behind by SH, or one mod. I would imagine in another few months SH will release on XB1 and at that point PC and XB1 will be more or less the same. That's a great thing.

    The idea behind playing a game is to have fun playing, you get to roleplay being a hero in the D&D world.

    Getting all this content at once is like being born fresh into this huge world of adventure with sooo many new things to do. Those with an adventuring roleplaying heart should rejoice and be happy about it.

    There are a ton of positives. And I think these positives far outweigh the negatives.

    The negatives are... you're max gear isn't max anymore. You're just another average player just like everyone else, you are no longer king of the hill, you can no longer do any and all content and max your AD profits etc...

    So, if you play this and other games for a sense of accomplishment at going look at me, I finished it all, I'm at the top of hill or you want to brag about being OP compared to most or show off your gear, or you like beating up on lower geared people verbally or in PVP... yeah this will inhibit you from doing this for awhile.

    The roleplayers and those that just enjoy playing and exploring and want more of that, are on cloud 9. Decide which one you want to be.

    Yeah, my draconic templar armor and all that will be obsolete, so what... I didn't grow up or join this game for a freaking piece of armor or an armor set. I play it for fun and to slay the bad guys etc... and gear is just a means to that end. Stop making gear the point and you'll be a lot happier.

    An interesting point of view, I've sometimes wondered what 'Roleplayer's' look for in a video game, I appreciate you sharing that.

    I wouldn't presume to belittle you or infer that how you play a video game is wrong. Nor would I state my own conjecture on the devs plans or prospective implementation as fact.

    For myself and all those I play Neverwinter with, it's all about the carrots and accomplishment. We like to be challenged by content, we like new content and appropriate carrots for our reward (Flawless Raider achievement on Destiny, GTA $10 million Heists achievement, etc.). We like to min/max our characters and grind for the best gear to make our character builds as effective as possible. It is therefore inevitable that we're going to 'out gear' more casual players... I don't think we're a minority within the playerbase, but that's kind of irrelevant to why I started the thread.

    As I said in my original post, my concerns are with how this content is going to be delivered. We expect a lot of grind in an mmo, chasing the metaphorical carrot. We also expect the carrot to be superseded/moved further from reach during the lifecycle of the game, as has happened on NW PC over the course of two years.

    To drop all this content in one go, rather than through natural development of the game, has repercussions and potentially leaves us feeling unrewarded by our 'NW experience'. After grinding to get artifacts to epic or legendary, for them to be superseded so soon and worth so little towards progression in the new gear doesn't make for an appetizing carrot. In addition, a significant obstacle to many players gear progression, is the scarcity/huge cost of artifact upgrade reagents (GMoPower/Stability/Union etc.) which can only be compounded by adding more demand for those items.

  • kamikalzekamikalze Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    tyrzn wrote: »
    @kamikalze Ah yes, you gotta be careful about that. When you start feeling that way, just stop, stop doing whatever it is that feels like a job. I stopped farming specific currencies I needed to progress in the campaign for a week or so. Do other things, go work on alt gear, or focus on getting epics to sell for AD, or make it a week about grinding out artifacts in WOD, or getting gear off of Tiamat herself etc... mix it up. You have plenty of time to finish any task. Take those I have to do it everyday motivations and throw em away when it starts to wear on you.

    That's what works for me. Spending time playing an ALT that your main already has T2 gear ready for... makes it a lot of fun leveling it up. You can literally not care about gear or anything, you just play and enjoy playing the new character. No it may not become your main, but it's fun and who knows maybe you do like it more and it becomes your main.

    You can go out there and play some PVP, or do some PUGs, and many other things. Mix it up. There are tons of ways to do that, other than grind out those dailys.

    Games like this have a real danger of seeming like work if you aren't careful, hopefully some of these suggestions help you out with this game and some others. I learned the hard way, take a break, don't burn yourself out of a game you love. :smile:

    Thanks for the advice, but I did just that. Took 2 weeks off and went on vacation without my Xbox, of course. Haven't missed it much, probably because of a guild mate, who took care of my account :)
    And of course I started a twink, because my main was at a turning point with 17,3k gs, in which there would have been a heavy investment to rank up even more. of course 18k is still fairly easy to reach, even though I'm a CW, for whom it is harder than for example GWF's :tongue: but i felt, that it was the time to try something new, like a twink. Now I'm attached to that one as well, that's why I want to level and play them equally, which will be quite tough with 4 campaigns coming simultaneously. (that's why I compared it to work ;))
    So it will be probably just my main again and I'll see how it goes
  • tyrzntyrzn Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    @vdeekv First off my apologies if anything I said seemed to slight you or belittle you in anyway, I of course believe the motivations I spoke of offer more bang for the buck, but I had no intention of coming off as saying motivations are better than yours.

    I was trying to convince you to give them a try. Apparently I failed in that delivery. Bleh.

    Of course whatever your motivations for playing the game may be they are 100% viable and mine are no better than yours.

    Maybe you could view all the new content in another way, view at the largest grandest hardest to attain carrot ever. Prepare yourself for a literal quest of epic proportions where you will face wind, rain, snow, plagues, villains, and monsters... no wait.

    Prepare yourself for an epic quest for the fuzzle where you will face hand cramps, itchy dry eyes from starring at the screen too long without blinking, raw thumbs from pressing on the thumbsticks for hours on end, a bruised bladder from holding it too long while you finish just one more quest to get the fuzzle that much sooner, and in the end you will be able to show your fuzzle to the world and it's the biggest shiniest fuzzle ever and all the other fuzzle collectors will be in awe of your accomplishment. That better? :smiley:

    Best pep talk I could come up with. haha
  • silktrocitysilktrocity Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    To OP: Welcome to the wonderful world of MMO's. Get use to it.
    Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
  • kinverukinveru Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Imma get the best fuzzle... o.o
  • vdeekvvdeekv Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    tyrzn wrote: »
    @vdeekv First off my apologies if anything I said seemed to slight you or belittle you in anyway, I of course believe the motivations I spoke of offer more bang for the buck, but I had no intention of coming off as saying motivations are better than yours.

    I was trying to convince you to give them a try. Apparently I failed in that delivery. Bleh.

    Of course whatever your motivations for playing the game may be they are 100% viable and mine are no better than yours.

    Maybe you could view all the new content in another way, view at the largest grandest hardest to attain carrot ever. Prepare yourself for a literal quest of epic proportions where you will face wind, rain, snow, plagues, villains, and monsters... no wait.

    Prepare yourself for an epic quest for the fuzzle where you will face hand cramps, itchy dry eyes from starring at the screen too long without blinking, raw thumbs from pressing on the thumbsticks for hours on end, a bruised bladder from holding it too long while you finish just one more quest to get the fuzzle that much sooner, and in the end you will be able to show your fuzzle to the world and it's the biggest shiniest fuzzle ever and all the other fuzzle collectors will be in awe of your accomplishment. That better? :smiley:

    Best pep talk I could come up with. haha

    No worries dude, apologies for my salty reply. 'Different strokes' etc. ;)
    To OP: Welcome to the wonderful world of MMO's. Get use to it.

    Been there for a while. Afaik this is the first port where devs have dropped content out of sequence and then on mass. I raised some legitimate concerns for discussion.
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    I get where people are coming from in dropping it all in mass vs slow delivery but if Neverwinter stays true to form content will be dropped over time as well. My understanding of it is the catch up to PC so they can deliver new content without having to play catch up. Just my 2 cents for what it is worth.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    After doing a bit of reading and finding out my main GF would be easily replaced by Paladin for PVE content i was pretty bummed. Having said that, the following link helped a bit, plus now im getting a lot more dmg and such, pvp is going to be mean.


    take it with a grain of salt, but thats sort of what we can look forward to.

    Also the big thing seems to be the new artifact weapons so soon. Just save your old artifact weapons for 2x refinement and refine them into your new ones for 80% of the RP you put into the first one. Or dont bother getting the new ones, i hear tjey only give like ~400 more stats at Epic, so not giving up much by carrying an old set you like.
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    If I were you guys, I would leave, honestly, module 6 is the worst thing that happened to this game. And I know for a fact I'm not the only one who feels this way. Make sure you guys get your fill of the old dungeons cause most of them, including CN, are going to be disappearing permanently when module 6 launches. :/​​
    || Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
    Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
    Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
  • vagu2vagu2 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Why do artifacts become obsolete? I thought you can level them up to lvl 140 at some point?
    Post edited by vagu2 on
  • xalorusxalorus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    I'm excited about anything new but in a grinding game (Refinements already agitate me) like this it will feel overwhelming to anyone with a coherent trian of thought. Tiamat recently released and already updated version on the way. I'm a casual player and to have to readjust all the work that is not even completed will bother a network of people Iike me. We'll see and I will remain optimistic. Pc players are scaring me a little...lol.
  • fatpobfatpob Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I am looking forward to the update, but I do think it's a little early in truth. Maybe introduce some elements of the stuff, keep the level cap at 60 until Christmas, then bump it to 70 around then. The game has not been out 6 months on the xbox and they are making a huge change here.

    I haven't played the PC, but I have played MMOs for almost 10 years (and pen and paper for over 30) and this could be a dangerous experiment, people crave power improvements for their character and love the idea and thought of "maw powa" but the reality is always very different from the dream.

    If they started out with a level cap of 70 that would be fine, but having the pause at 60 for what is 4-5 months whilst folk work hard for the gear, and then making it effectively redundant with the first drop in the expansion is going to cause a lot of tears.

    For new players it will be great in many ways, and I understand the need to keep attracting new players (and therefore potential purchases) is essential to the business model.

    Anyway we are in for interesting times thats for sure.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    If I were you guys, I would leave, honestly, module 6 is the worst thing that happened to this game. And I know for a fact I'm not the only one who feels this way. Make sure you guys get your fill of the old dungeons cause most of them, including CN, are going to be disappearing permanently when module 6 launches. :/​​

    If it's that bad why are you still playing then. LOL I mean seriously not trying to be rude, but if you are telling us to leave why are you not leaving?
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • xrollxtidexxrollxtidex Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    To increase the level cap within 6 months of release of an MMO is complete garbage. They could have just dropped Icewind Dale, Sharandar, Dread Ring all together in September and waited another 3 months before raising the cap to 70 and given the player base time to enjoy that content before dry fk'ing us.

    If the intent is to catch us up to PC then they should have released Neverwinter with everything up to mod 6 from the start.
    Roll Tide : Guardian Fighter
  • atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    I think mod 6 is going to be a shock and a rude awakening to most players. Looking forward to it!

    The devs just look lazy at this point. And greedy. When new content gets released we have an opportunity to sell the new stuff for AD. A lot of that will be taken away with the release of the remaining mods along with mod 6. Add on to the fact that mod 6 creates a paywall for players that haven't been playing since day one. They want people to struggle so they buy Zen.

    Let's hope this isn't the case. I don't want to see this game's community quit like they did on PC. Mod 6 HYPE!
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
  • trealgortrealgor Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    From what I'm reading mod6 almost killed the PC version with a mass of the user base leaving the game ... If this is the case why would they bring it to xbox? if it's not the case why is there so much negativity about mod6 on so many different forums and even the good guides stop at mod5 most of the time...
  • trentbail21trentbail21 Member Posts: 433 Arc User
    We will finally get a buff in PVP.... GWF's DONT GET DISPARAGE! WE WILL HAVE OUR DAY!
    Find me in game if you want and send me a domination/ gaunt invite. If you are good and im not busy ill play with you. Im not an elitist ill play with almost anyone.
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    To OP: Welcome to the wonderful world of MMO's. Get use to it.

    Haha.. no. Welcome to the world of f2p games. You must be new here. Pretty standard model. It's a chase for cash. "Oh, you were willing to pay for those shiny things to stay competitive, let us give you some more. You want to stay competitive, right? You've already invested so much".

    Never ending cycle. The funny thing is the true f2p think changes to the game will drive off spenders and they'll be able to grind to the top. Ain't gonna happen. They'll always be someone new to drop thousands, and several of the old guard holding out.

  • idontcombatlootidontcombatloot Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I think its a mistake to release that much content all at once, and it makes me believe they plan on dumping all the content they have ASAP, and stop then stop supporting the game. It's a good business and money making scheme for them in the short term to increase their profit margin, but there doesn't seem to be a long term plan (or care) to maintain their player base.

    I think most players are going to feel rushed and overwhelmed. No MMO in the history of MMO's has ever released this much content at once. Why? Because players want to maintain a sense of accomplishment for the items and gear they have worked so hard to get. All the hours spent farming refinement, doing dailies, leveling professions, etc. we have only been able to enjoy for a few short months. I personally have played this game for 1200+ hours played so I think its fair to say I'm not a casual player, and I still don't have all rank 10 enchants or all artifact gear fully refined.

    I'm all for releasing a new campaign soon but this is too much too soon. They are making a huge mistake here for the longevity of the game, but there has been a lot of mismanagement since this game's release so this should not surprise me in the slightest. I predict more people moving on to ESO, new players and casuals stuck behind a paywall to catch up, and the game will dissolve instead of the thriving MMO it could be.
    Kirov - 19.2k Hellbringer Fury Warlock
    Guild Leader of <Critical Severity>
    We are recruiting 15+GS PVE and PVP players
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    I think it's better to release the level 70 stuff soon, because the game is becoming extremely stale. the market is dead. the dungeons are boring. Sharandar, dread ring, icewindale campaigns all getting released at once will make the leveling to 70 less of a grind feeling to it.

    I would not count on the grind being less. They have made Sharandar, Dread Ring and Icewind Dale level 70 areas along with the Well of Dragons. It will be tough to use much of those areas to level for many/most players. Leveling will occur mostly in Elemental Evil.

  • idontcombatlootidontcombatloot Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I think its a mistake to release that much content all at once, and it makes me believe they plan on dumping all the content they have ASAP, and stop then stop supporting the game. It's a good business and money making scheme for them in the short term to increase their profit margin, but there doesn't seem to be a long term plan (or care) to maintain their player base.

    I think most players are going to feel rushed and overwhelmed. No MMO in the history of MMO's has ever released this much content at once. Why? Because players want to maintain a sense of accomplishment for the items and gear they have worked so hard to get. All the hours spent farming refinement, doing dailies, leveling professions, etc. we have only been able to enjoy for a few short months. I personally have played this game for 1200+ hours played so I think its fair to say I'm not a casual player, and I still don't have all rank 10 enchants or all artifact gear fully refined.

    I'm all for releasing a new campaign soon but this is too much too soon. They are making a huge mistake here for the longevity of the game, but there has been a lot of mismanagement since this game's release so this should not surprise me in the slightest. I predict more people moving on to ESO, new players and casuals stuck behind a paywall to catch up, and the game will dissolve instead of the thriving MMO it could be.
    I think the complete opposite from you to be honest..

    I think it's better to release the level 70 stuff soon, because the game is becoming extremely stale. the market is dead. the dungeons are boring. Sharandar, dread ring, icewindale campaigns all getting released at once will make the leveling to 70 less of a grind feeling to it. I personally will be having loads of fun exploring all the new areas being released and getting my boons all at once will be a blast in terms of building my character. not to mention much needed class balances coming to xbox which will make my class feel more useful. not to mention strongholds will be coming out in december and that gots me excited as well.

    Maybe I'm being biased, because i'm tired of seeing shadow of demise plague fire rogues hitting 7m and my main is a gwf..

    Yea, considering GWFs become beast I would say there may be a little bit of bias there, lol. ;P
    Kirov - 19.2k Hellbringer Fury Warlock
    Guild Leader of <Critical Severity>
    We are recruiting 15+GS PVE and PVP players
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