Well I making some farm in ELol and I making this with randoms peoples, we travel this without any difficulty, nothing surprising killing trash, Veshal etc...
Until we are arrived to Scorpions fight and, for no special reason they getting one hit both, I said first "was a cool bug more quickly", and after the boss getting one hit too. I asking to this guy some explain, how he make that, he don't answer me because I'm not sure but he don't know how he make that or maybe he know but i don't wanna throw some rock to a random people.
So I look the domage we make and I see that :
I'm pretty sure this is not normal so this is why I'm here now, I need explain. Plus I'm not sure it is the rogue making this but his companion.
Edit : English is not my mother tongue and obviously you gonna see it when you gonna read this :cool:
Players can do it too , this was from the Almighty one hit heralds earlier , can't believe this stuff is left to run week after week -