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Mod6 so far: normal GWF player

pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
edited April 2015 in PvE Discussion
Just wanted to share my Mod6 experience so far.

Pre-Mod6 status: GWF destroyer, 18-19k GS, only bloodraven artifact at legendary, epic lathander set, epic GWF artifact and epic eye artifact, epic artifact weapon (ferocity) and blue artifact set off-hand.
PvE gear: full AoW set with reinforced bracers.
Rank 7 enchants.
Dragon hoard enchants in all utility slots.

You see, everything quite affordable and coming from playing normally.

Module6: going into 70 zones as a level 60-69 is a bad idea. You get scaled up but your gear is not up to the task.
Start the "campaign". First zones are not that hard. Mobs hit harder than before but go down fast and you are more powerful. Got some stuff saved so got eternal set from WoD vendor. Mod6 blue gear is fine too. Didn't have much problems going through the campaign and getting to 70. Both zone mobs, missions and mini dungeons were soloable and it was a good surprise to see we've gone from doing solo stuff with both eyes closed to actually put some attention to what we do cause mobs can actually kill us.
In the end, got to 70, completed all the zone missions and got the new artifact weapon/off-hand set. Upgraded to blue, waiting for a 2xRP week-end to upgrade using the RP earned with the dragon hoard enchants.

Got 50 saved PvP sigils and could get PvP purple gear but in PvE used AoW helm, 2x purple PvP gear and eternal gauntlets. 77k HP. Would be less with blue 70 gear but would not change much: could still get through spinward with no real issues.
Quite sure, you have to really fight and be careful. You can get wiped here and there if you're too cocky or make mistakes but overall, the content felt more challenging but doable.

HE are a different matter. You can't solo them, but most are doable with a group. Some are harder but doable if players know what to do.

Overall the 61-69 content felt like a grind run but with more challenge than old PvE content. Still doable however, i did not struggle to complete the quests.

At level 70, PvE impressions so far:

PUG, casual, totally unexperienced groups, struggle. A lot. I mean the really clueless ones. Easier content such as Master of the Hunt is not hard but again, since Mobs hit quite hard, doing many mistakes leads to a quick defeat.
I could pretty much drag my team though the skirmish but 1st boss fight was a wipe cause while i was about to kill him, my entire team...wiped somehow.. 2nd boss fight i helped them clear the trash mobs and we killed it.
In past modules my nooby PUG team would just survive long enough to allow the "stronger" player to do the job. Now more teamplay is involved.

Gonna try WoD and Sharandar/DR content soon.

So far, epic dungeons little experience:

Elitism is there again. DC-GF-CW-CW-CW in lfg chat. Kept asking for a group for 40 mins. Nothing. In the end, tried some queue runs.

First VT queue run and one ELoL queue run: joined wiped runs where players quitted. Teams were clueless and proceeding was impossible.

In the end, got a VT queue run with what seemed a good team. DC-GWF-GWF-CW-CW. Sacrificed DPS and went with

Daring Shout-daggers-IBS, bravery and ferocious determination passives, sure strike and wicked strike at-wills.
DS determination gain+daggers determination gain allowed me to Avalanche every rotation on DPS build with huge groups of mobs. Ended 2nd in DPS far behind a CW, but again, i was not running to max DPS. Was good. Other CW pretty much little behind me in DPS.

True key was the DC casting his protections and EAS when needed, dodging like a boss and in the end allowing us to DPS down fast everything on our path.
Valindra boss was done regulary, got a bit swarmed by wraith when Val was at 10% HP, the other GWF (i think) died, i went from Indomitable strenght on Val to DS-HD-Avalanche fast rotation again, to keep the 20 wraiths down while the CWs finished the boss.

First impression is, due to huge DPS, what is needed is a good coordination and team-play going from protection to CC to DPS.
When the protection is on CD, CC is needed. When CC is on CD, protection is needed to avoid one-shot hits. In the meanwhile, DPS. Mobs hit hard but go down as fast as in the past, or faster.

I think once most players adapt, it will be easier to do content with random groups. So far, to me it looks like it's doable even without maxed gear.

Just some decent gear (i'm 2.2k iLvL, not much) and decent knowledge-teamplay.

T1 PvE gear seems enough for 1.6k dungeons (got T1 helm, now have 86k HP, 30% crit chance, 30% deflect chance with bravery, may be around 28% DR) if the group is not clueless.

Sure thing, until players get build up some knowledge and adapt to teamplay, it's less frustrating if you have a way to get a decent preformed group.

Have yet to see a 2k iLvL dungeon and i think i will not go there until i can get 4th artifact at epic at least, and purple PvE gear from seals.
Post edited by pando83 on


  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    Just wanted to share my Mod6 experience so far.

    Pre-Mod6 status: GWF destroyer, 18-19k GS, only bloodraven artifact at legendary, epic lathander set, epic GWF artifact and epic eye artifact, epic artifact weapon (ferocity) and blue artifact set off-hand.
    PvE gear: full AoW set with reinforced bracers.
    Rank 7 enchants.
    Dragon hoard enchants in all utility slots.

    You see, everything quite affordable and coming from playing normally.
    And this shows just how out of touch some people are.

    There are many of us who may never get to this level of gear.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And this shows just how out of touch some people are.

    There are many of us who may never get to this level of gear.

    I have 4 even higher geared chars and I don't consider myself a high geared player nor elitist. I hate what this game has become e.g. one shots, PvP imbalance and impossible to stand grind. Everything's relative.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And this shows just how out of touch some people are.

    There are many of us who may never get to this level of gear.

    Let's take a look, shall we?

    Rank 7 enchants: quite easy to get. Basic refining and some preservation ward.
    AoW set: was bloody cheap during module5, with pieces dropping from Tiamat.
    Lathander Belt: 7.5k in AH during module 5
    Lathander cloack: 15 linu favors. Now consider how you could get dragon coins from multiple sources to complete the linu repeatable quest, and have some lucky tiamat runs, getting one across 1 entire module is not a hard task.
    Upgrading artifacts during 2x refining week ends was the way to get at least one legendary. Epic during such week ends was quite easy to get, seriously. How to upgrade bloodraven to legendary: Feed upgraded blood ravens to your artifact during 2xRP week end. Say you take the time to get 3 of these and save some AD during months of normal play. Then, during a 2xRP week end you feed artifacts in other artifacts, multiplying the RPs each time. Bloodraven i have is rank 110 and all it took was 1 Blood raven epic fed into another blood raven, upgraded to epic and then fed into another Blood raven to legendary. You can do the same with banner artifacts. Power artifacts are that easy to upgrade.

    Only valuable piece of stuff is the eye of lathander. You need luck to have full set. If you're not lucky, you can/ could just go for another cheap artifact belt you want and get one of the AP gain cloacks.

    Off hand blue level is a joke so not even gonna go into details, i was lazy and knew the new MH+OH would come with module 6, so didn't bother.

    In all honesty, you need to know what to get and where to get it, and you can get to a decent level of gear. I also have 2 more toons, one is a HR and one is a DC (signature). I know how it is to gear up new toons and again, if you know how to do it you can get to a decent level with normal efforts...

    Yeah, forgot the enchants: lesser Soulforged, Greater Vorpal. Just the GVorpal is harder to get, but again, you can also go for something else like PF which is cheaper.

    I'm not out of touch, it's just that the game allows you to get pretty decent stuff just doing normal game stuff while having fun...with time you get everything you need unless you want the BiS stuff that is sold for massive amounts of AD on the AH...
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    HE are a different matter. You can't solo them, but most are doable with a group. Some are harder but doable if players know what to do.

    what HE ? in shore i(was 18~19k in mod5) did a 10man(the one in the ruins) solo in like 3~4 min, i have done all 5man HEs, the only problem is lag, on early preview i managed to do solo 10man kenku HE, secret is getting 15%+ life steal

    and pugs have sucked always, that is why u get a guild :D
    Paladin Master Race
  • szejhuludpuchaczszejhuludpuchacz Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    burkaanc wrote: »
    what HE ? in shore i(was 18~19k in mod5) did a 10man(the one in the ruins) solo in like 3~4 min, i have done all 5man HEs, the only problem is lag, on early preview i managed to do solo 10man kenku HE, secret is getting 15%+ life steal

    and pugs have sucked always, that is why u get a guild :D

    Same. I was destro SM, 3/4 ethernal set - only 64k HP. Soloed all encounters from quests, killing giants, doing pulls sometimes. Not bad with NSF/roar/flourish + daggers + IBS and avalanche/crescendo Ofc. I took feats from insti (prone), working nice as SM. But ddungeons are other world. Farming T1 today from random que, took few hours to get first gear. Dying alot, respeced to IV so i can 'tank' a bit. Right now my fighter has 80k hp im worry what will happen if i start runing T2. Still not bad. I see all classes have similar problem, its easy to die as TR, CW, even GF can be 1shotted.

    But yeah, im here almost 2 years, geared a bit more than Pando's GWF: newbies, casual players might have problem while leveling/and farming T1 gear (thats for sure; kicking from dungs is new fashion).
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    So when you are not invited and can't make party and some CW is outdpsing you suddenly everything is elitist...?

    Curently the most wanted class is who has the Lostmauth artifact set independent from class...

    Btw TRs, SWs can dish out even more dmg.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Btw TRs, SWs can dish out even more dmg.
    where do you got this information from?
    did u write warlock? or am i blind?
    warlock is a damagedealer, right, warlock can "dish out " damage,right,....... but in mod 6 got nerfed very heavily creeping death 40% less damage (cap stome) TT is a shadow of what it was in mod 5, lifesteal "core-stat" esp. for temptation warlock-nerfed in mod 6,i am sure i forgot some more points

    Mr. commanderdata (as i wrote in mod 5-known for beeing rational and clear in mind), but again change your name to Commander-broken-BS-data, since all i read from your post is troll-BS from a CW , who obviously has no clue or plan from other classes
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Btw TRs, SWs can dish out even more dmg.

    Can you provide some non-exploit footage for your SW claim in Mod 6? As I find this rather hard to believe otherwise....
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    where do you got this information from?
    did u write warlock? or am i blind?
    warlock is a damagedealer, right, warlock can "dish out " damage,right,....... but in mod 6 got nerfed very heavily creeping death 40% less damage (cap stome) TT is a shadow of what it was in mod 5, lifesteal "core-stat" esp. for temptation warlock-nerfed in mod 6,i am sure i forgot some more points

    Mr. commanderdata (as i wrote in mod 5-known for beeing rational and clear in mind), but again change your name to Commander-broken-BS-data, since all i read from your post is troll-BS from a CW , who obviously has no clue or plan from other classes

    You want ACt slides where Warlocks do triple damage of CWs with unfixed still broken fabled set by WOD Dragons oh rational and cluefull one...?

    And btw all I said if you nerf CWs, SWs and TRs will stil outdps you...
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    Just wanted to share my Mod6 experience so far.

    Pre-Mod6 status: GWF destroyer, 18-19k GS, only bloodraven artifact at legendary, epic lathander set, epic GWF artifact and epic eye artifact, epic artifact weapon (ferocity) and blue artifact set off-hand.
    PvE gear: full AoW set with reinforced bracers.
    Rank 7 enchants.
    Dragon hoard enchants in all utility slots.

    You see, everything quite affordable and coming from playing normally.

    Module6: going into 70 zones as a level 60-69 is a bad idea. You get scaled up but your gear is not up to the task.
    Start the "campaign". First zones are not that hard. Mobs hit harder than before but go down fast and you are more powerful. Got some stuff saved so got eternal set from WoD vendor. Mod6 blue gear is fine too. Didn't have much problems going through the campaign and getting to 70. Both zone mobs, missions and mini dungeons were soloable and it was a good surprise to see we've gone from doing solo stuff with both eyes closed to actually put some attention to what we do cause mobs can actually kill us.
    In the end, got to 70, completed all the zone missions and got the new artifact weapon/off-hand set. Upgraded to blue, waiting for a 2xRP week-end to upgrade using the RP earned with the dragon hoard enchants.

    Got 50 saved PvP sigils and could get PvP purple gear but in PvE used AoW helm, 2x purple PvP gear and eternal gauntlets. 77k HP. Would be less with blue 70 gear but would not change much: could still get through spinward with no real issues.
    Quite sure, you have to really fight and be careful. You can get wiped here and there if you're too cocky or make mistakes but overall, the content felt more challenging but doable.

    HE are a different matter. You can't solo them, but most are doable with a group. Some are harder but doable if players know what to do.

    Overall the 61-69 content felt like a grind run but with more challenge than old PvE content. Still doable however, i did not struggle to complete the quests.

    At level 70, PvE impressions so far:

    PUG, casual, totally unexperienced groups, struggle. A lot. I mean the really clueless ones. Easier content such as Master of the Hunt is not hard but again, since Mobs hit quite hard, doing many mistakes leads to a quick defeat.
    I could pretty much drag my team though the skirmish but 1st boss fight was a wipe cause while i was about to kill him, my entire team...wiped somehow.. 2nd boss fight i helped them clear the trash mobs and we killed it.
    In past modules my nooby PUG team would just survive long enough to allow the "stronger" player to do the job. Now more teamplay is involved.

    Gonna try WoD and Sharandar/DR content soon.

    So far, epic dungeons little experience:

    Elitism is there again. DC-GF-CW-CW-CW in lfg chat. Kept asking for a group for 40 mins. Nothing. In the end, tried some queue runs.

    First VT queue run and one ELoL queue run: joined wiped runs where players quitted. Teams were clueless and proceeding was impossible.

    In the end, got a VT queue run with what seemed a good team. DC-GWF-GWF-CW-CW. Sacrificed DPS and went with

    Daring Shout-daggers-IBS, bravery and ferocious determination passives, sure strike and wicked strike at-wills.
    DS determination gain+daggers determination gain allowed me to Avalanche every rotation on DPS build with huge groups of mobs. Ended 2nd in DPS far behind a CW, but again, i was not running to max DPS. Was good. Other CW pretty much little behind me in DPS.

    True key was the DC casting his protections and EAS when needed, dodging like a boss and in the end allowing us to DPS down fast everything on our path.
    Valindra boss was done regulary, got a bit swarmed by wraith when Val was at 10% HP, the other GWF (i think) died, i went from Indomitable strenght on Val to DS-HD-Avalanche fast rotation again, to keep the 20 wraiths down while the CWs finished the boss.

    First impression is, due to huge DPS, what is needed is a good coordination and team-play going from protection to CC to DPS.
    When the protection is on CD, CC is needed. When CC is on CD, protection is needed to avoid one-shot hits. In the meanwhile, DPS. Mobs hit hard but go down as fast as in the past, or faster.

    I think once most players adapt, it will be easier to do content with random groups. So far, to me it looks like it's doable even without maxed gear.

    Just some decent gear (i'm 2.2k iLvL, not much) and decent knowledge-teamplay.

    T1 PvE gear seems enough for 1.6k dungeons (got T1 helm, now have 86k HP, 30% crit chance, 30% deflect chance with bravery, may be around 28% DR) if the group is not clueless.

    Sure thing, until players get build up some knowledge and adapt to teamplay, it's less frustrating if you have a way to get a decent preformed group.

    Have yet to see a 2k iLvL dungeon and i think i will not go there until i can get 4th artifact at epic at least, and purple PvE gear from seals.

    yesterday i got to my party great weapon fighter and dealt great damage and without use the lostmauth set.CLERICs-hunter rangers at least int tier 1 you will not see them in my party ( they know why).IN tier 2 the will not get invite ranger and cleric if they do somethign strange..SO the reason you see cleric in parties and hunter ranger all the time is to they know why ( reported).
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You want ACt slides where Warlocks do triple damage of CWs with unfixed still broken fabled set by WOD Dragons oh rational and cluefull one...?
    And btw all I said if you nerf CWs, SWs and TRs will stil outdps you...

    ah you talk about one singel situation (dragon-HE in wod), about a lev 60 setbonus, wich does not play any role in mod 6, in case of beeing oneshottet by all mobs in T1/2 dungeons, this set will not be viable in any dungeon, not one, lol, or name me another situation where iliabruen set is suiteable?
    hmm... that is by sure a reason to call for nerf of the warlock, in case of he could deal more damage in this singel situation you talk about, being not focussed by and mob, wearing iliabruen set , having about 35k HP, lol , that even is not funny its sad, go away troll

    i play this calss and can tell you, it by far not that funny as playing GWF atm, just roll a warlock and start, so you get an impression of this class, sitting on your easy peasy CW throne
    CW is most boosted and overpowered class in this mod even in mod 5 CW was very strong in PVE, ppl like you should really ask themself if there might be a small L2P problem, if they even can´t compete against clearly underpowered classes in actual mod 6
    yesterday i got to my party great weapon fighter and dealt great damage and without use the lostmauth set.CLERICs-hunter rangers at least int tier 1 you will not see them in my party ( they know why).IN tier 2 the will not get invite ranger and cleric if they do somethign strange..SO the reason you see cleric in parties and hunter ranger all the time is to they know why ( reported).

    did not understand what u talk about? GWF deals great damage ? yes
    you don´t like DC and Hunter in your party, why?

    All in all the experience from pando about GWF is imo a very good feedback, and implicates that the class is viable, only problem is the aoe from adds in dungeons, but when i went epic TOS i got oneshotte from the start as a caster, GS 2350 (not sufficient in this dungeon), the mobs have enough KI to focus range classes too, endboss hits me for 230k+
    GWF is fun playing atm in my case
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    where do you got this information from?


    more than 2 times the cw/gwf damage.


    ps: just remebering the gentleman crush "projection"

    "To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about)."
    this guy have 0 idea about what he say (and my last play is in m6 preview). gc happy=gwf like a trash. "gwf need chose between damage or tank but not both" season 2
  • ravenkkinravenkkin Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    And btw all I said if you nerf CWs, SWs and TRs will stil outdps you...

    you still listen to this guy??

    the troll is strong in him..
  • theoddis1theoddis1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zacazu wrote: »

    more than 2 times the cw/gwf damage.


    ps: just remebering the gentleman crush "projection"

    "To clarify some things, we are generally fairly happy with where GWFs are in PVE. They are competitive, and do very solid damage for the risks they take being in melee range (where there are more consistent threats to worry about)."
    this guy have 0 idea about what he say (and my last play is in m6 preview). gc happy=gwf like a trash. "gwf need chose between damage or tank but not both" season 2
    someone needs to rethink playing a GWF because I have yet to find a class this mod that can beat my GWF in damage (ACT and end dungeon damage counter) but I have yet to run with our CW grandmaster of the guild
    what spec is that SW running? the SW in my guild is struggling to put up any kind of decent numbers so if you have a guide I would love to see it

    ***I do not have the full lostmauth set***

    but as for GWF chossing between damage and tank? I call BS on gentelmancrush this mod you can be high dps and squishy or low dps and squishy.... where is this tank that you speak of? because I have made every variation of tank build I can think of on test and live and cannot tell appart from the tiny numbers that I am throwing up for damage done
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    theoddis1 wrote: »
    someone needs to rethink playing a GWF because I have yet to find a class this mod that can beat my GWF in damage (ACT and end dungeon damage counter) but I have yet to run with our CW grandmaster of the guild
    what spec is that SW running? the SW in my guild is struggling to put up any kind of decent numbers so if you have a guide I would love to see it

    ***I do not have the full lostmauth set***

    but as for GWF chossing between damage and tank? I call BS on gentelmancrush this mod you can be high dps and squishy or low dps and squishy.... where is this tank that you speak of? because I have made every variation of tank build I can think of on test and live and cannot tell appart from the tiny numbers that I am throwing up for damage done

    Well all my friends are top graded and i can say this GWF isnt even near top DPS.
    Her place is bit better but not such insane what y talk about , we can beat TR GF SW Tankadin/healadin but not (exp)CW no exploit no lol set (exp)HR no exploit no lol set and (exp)DC no exp no lol set.
    So the only one hou deserv to be in the top paingiver is the HR cuz he is striker to.

    But GWF really he isnt near top dps.
    Just wait until some player will grow up and y will see how bad is your judgement.

    Average HR / CW /DC will beat the hell out in paingiver .
    I think the best solution is to simpl remove paingiver from score board and focus on team play and not on DPS.
    Cuz its irratate my eye to have a 2 sec life GWF with only good dmg and not insane .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Geez, sorry to said, but 25mln is my gwf result with no wiping and no weap enchant run (coz feytocuhed is bugged, and im too lazy to send my vorp from tr ;p). With gwf as dmg dealer is evrything great now, and i almost nevers die, u can easly double ur hp with temppoints, so i can even stay in wings atk, just like in mod5, when he was about to to use wings i just charged on him... So i can do now.

    Bad players, bad players evrywhere.


  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    I started Friday to pay my sins and up my gwf. the damage is ok (despite to some secrets nerfs like restoring strike heal, focused destroyer chance, determination AGAIN, etc). the point of this video is the discussion between commanderdata001 and schietindebux. exist references to about what commanderdata001 say? exist. is just a troll <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>? no. work to facts (this video) you have sws/rogues doing a solid work w/o need leave the normal playstyle of the class (like... you can not tank more).

    then i put "*****" to close this point and, back to the topic,show the 2 last projections of the "gentleman crush" about the gwf functionality (m4-m6).

    gwf HAVE a solid dps NOW? yes (ignoring, again, the screts nerfs). IS a solid class? no. if is not a solid class, is not fine por pve like he said.

    ps: i dont care if you guys are gwf gods. every "gwf god" finish the module change the class or just cryng because... THE CLASS IS NOT SOLID. happen to bleed, to intimidation and will happen now. question of time.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "I think the best solution is to simpl remove paingiver from score board and focus on team play and not on DPS.
    Cuz its irratate my eye to have a 2 sec life GWF with only good dmg and not insane ."

    the simple solution is fix rangers and over nerf dcs and cws. the first is not a primary striker, the second is a leader/controller. but i still dont see rangers and dcs in action, so...
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    "I think the best solution is to simpl remove paingiver from score board and focus on team play and not on DPS.
    Cuz its irratate my eye to have a 2 sec life GWF with only good dmg and not insane ."

    Is it module 2?
    Now its long gone...
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    commandadats posted
    Btw TRs, SWs can dish out even more dmg.
    where do you got this information from?

    more than 2 times the cw/gwf damage.

    GS >2800, no iliabruen set, GS of CW TR?
    do you know what kind of enchants/r10´s this guy is wearing atm? I don´t, i only know my GS is 2360, not wearing <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
    yesterday i grouped with CW, he did double the damage i did.. better geared
    so what is proven by a video from a skilled very good equipped walrock that competes against two other player we don´t know anything about their gear or even scill?

    all i can see are player who discuss damage from other classes they obviously don´t play, don´t know and never met in case of posting videos like above, lol
    SW is not that strong as in mod 5, thats sure, cw deals all in all most damage, like he did mod 5 (even more as you can read and see everswhere) all LFG are about CW/DC Tank thats it
    coming here and denying the reality is, s.i.l.l.y trolly nubby
    GWF, who deals insane number and on top can perform on single target as SM-destroyer class (read about comments from GWF-becoming more and more silent, whinig threads are gone, think why)
    all say same big big damage, but problems in case of beeing squishy, sure its nothing more than lack of gameplay since most PVE player did nothing else in PVE than press some buttons and wait for the loot, no need for tank or heal

    btw some of the videos you can see in PVE content will somtimes show striker classes with huge damage compared to TR or CW, in T2 dungeon you need mass cc, so you take a tank, a healer, and for controling a CW+CW/TR and a striker class
    so what is the CW´s/TR´s task to do in these deadly fights? Yes...control, cc enemys best he can, tank is....tanking, again100% healer is....healing you get better, strikerclass is....common you know it I am sure

    @zacazu spec SM destroyer level your GWF up, come here again in 3 weeks and delete your post please ok ;)
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    .The video shows that:

    1 - there are precedents (I was wrong to say "fact") about what he said. you dont readme saying "cw is fine"... 2 - rogues / sws remain with high performance without the need to mutilate the own playstyle. that you can see in this video.

    Let's face it, there are three points that ruined this game.

    1 - the bad balance ideas . 2 - the inability of devs in general to understand hyperbole, always reacting proportionally to the word of some players and not the actual demand of the game. 3 - players who, based on personal performances or how they think the balance should be, report imaginary or false problems NEVER proved.

    ps: i dont will changed nothing about gwfs:

    1 - lose your secundary function. 2 - have a few solid advantages changed by bugs to be fixed in the next module. 3 - the single good tree, destroyer, need determination (nerfed again) to build stacks (damage). to build determination, need a inate damage. to have a inate damage, need gear. the other damage tree need receive 4 attacks to build, for each, 10% of damage... many enemies today are one hit k.o.

    is not because my personal perfomance is ok, that the class is ok.
  • khmershiftkhmershift Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    Just wanted to share my Mod6 experience so far.

    Hi m8! It's nice to found player like u!

    i love your sharing soul, sry my bad english. :p

    i also playing my gwf pvp as my main, since the update of mod6, many changes happended.

    i did not catch up with those changes that happened, and i'm sure your are far more expirence than me.

    May i know your @name so i can ask you some in-game question? Please...thx
  • karlorsacornkarlorsacorn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I agree, this game seems to be filled with elitist jerks that purchase every strand of gear they have and pretend like they earned it.
  • mjytreszmjytresz Member Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    .The video shows that:

    1 - there are precedents (I was wrong to say "fact") about what he said. you dont readme saying "cw is fine"... 2 - rogues / sws remain with high performance without the need to mutilate the own playstyle. that you can see in this video.

    EDIT: That SW is better geared than most of the party. Exactly what does this prove, that a SW who's better geared than a CW can out-dps in the equivalent of training dummy DPS Races?
    Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?

    Go Cryptic!
    PS - I quit.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    the question here is not what the video evidence, but the central point.

    is widely documented that the gwf LOST the ability to be a tank and other classes that do not even have such characteristics, have better tools for this work ..

    discussions sw x cw is pure mimimi. the first class suffered a deserved nerf, the other still needs to receive your and then, under any circumstances could replace another striker in its primary function, becoming a delay for the group have 2.
  • mjytreszmjytresz Member Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    discussions sw x cw is pure mimimi. the first class suffered a deserved nerf

    Get the hell out.
    Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?

    Go Cryptic!
    PS - I quit.
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