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New Player Video Tutorial is needed.

metheantiherometheantihero Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
Hey Devs. Could you make a tutorial for all the new Xbone players. I try to help the new guys on the forums and in game, but IM NOT GETTING PAID for it. I will make one for a ZEN fee ;)
Just a small list of things i would add
1. Controller lay out
2. How to locate the quest that are not in your Journal
3. the AD exchange
4. Transmaug
5. Chat features
6. Companion bonuses
7. Instance changing
8. How to use the different functions on the map screen

I'm sure the community has a few more suggestions.
If I should die on some far, far away battlefield
Know I answered the call
For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
My fervent prayer is that death
May not have been in vain
Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
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