Interview with Cryptic.
Aarakocra would be awesome. always liked them. But i'd pay out the nose to play a Saurial "Hornhead" [humanoid Triceratops from Forgotten Realms™]
Saurials from Forgotten Realms™
"Marlos Urnrayle is the Earth Prophet, and possesses the war pick called Ironfang. He was once a handsome noble who acquired a cursed fae ring that turned him into a medusa."
He should be pissed, cause now he is a female lol.
lil'Factoid- Male "medusa" are known as "Maedar". Dragon magazine in the 80's did a fantastic description of them and how they live and are created.
PS: Cryptic, its D&D, Maedar don't have snakes, so it either made him female (the cursed ring) or it simply gave him medusa-like abilities. Since this article is about "Lore" its not canon to say he was "turned", get on those books Cryptic.
I'm not sure there's still that male/female difference in 5th Edition. Took a quick peek at the Medusa entry in the Monster Manual and it seems to imply that both men and women can get the curse with the snake hair.
IKR! I wouldn't pay to be a Dragonborn but I'd definitely pay to be a Triceratops lmfao.-
Everything that Cryptic puts out is approved by Wizards, and almost all of the art is direct from their current source material.