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Trapper HR M5 bugs

soriniakovsoriniakov Member Posts: 107 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Bug Reports (PC)
Patch Notes 11/18/14

Hunter Ranger
  • Swiftness of the Fox Feat: This power has been reworked. Your Melee encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your Ranged encounter powers by 3/6/9/12/15%. Your Ranged encounter powers shorten the cooldown of your Melee encounter powers by 3/6/9/12/15%.
  • Trapper: Thorned Roots: This feat has been redesigned. Now deals 40/80/120/160/200% of your weapon damage every second.

  • Thorned Roots feat increases control duration (e.g. for 12sec target can't move), but animation (roots) lasts in 3 sec only
  • new roots don't appear (animation) if previous one still works on target (see above)
  • Hindering Shot and Bear Trap powers are unaffected by Swiftness of the Fox Feat (cd reduction doesn't work on them)
Post edited by soriniakov on


  • soriniakovsoriniakov Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2014
  • dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am also experiencing almost everything here as well as a Trapper HR.
    Here is my link with video feed and explanation using hindering and constricting shot, and binding arrow showing ancient roots are not working properly.
    Tested this issue by using a retaining token. ( i got a few so no biggie)
    placed 1 point into hindering shot and 1 point into constricting shot.
    No points were used on the paragons nor boons.
    Did the above to get a base time of the grasping roots.
    Constricting shot on test dummy in IWD: (2.5 - 3 seconds approx)
    Constricting shot on test dummy in Enclave and dread: Same as above
    Hindering strike did not place weak grasping roots on target dummy. could be graphic issue.

    finished retraining with the following knowing what the base amt. of time roots should last.

    Tested again with the following paragon feat:

    Ancient Roots

    : (5/5) Your Weak grasping roots now last .5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds longer. Your strong grasping roots now last 1/2/3/4/5 seconds longer. This benefit is halved on players

    The duration of my Hindering shot, constricting shot, and binding arrow have not increase as the above Ancient roots description states..
    Here is a link of testing the 3 above encounter powers with each encounter power with 3/3 and ancient roots 5/5. As you can see from the video and timing of the attack they are not lasting as described.

    HR Root Test Video

    now pay attention the time line and watch the frame count seconds.
    Each rooting only lasted approx actual 4 seconds when duration should have been in the actual 7- 8 seconds range..

    Hindering shot should last approx. 5-5.5 seconds (2.5 initial + 2.5 Ancient roots = 5-5.5 seconds)

    Constricting Shot should last approx. 7.5-8 seconds (2.5 base + 5 Ancient Roots = 7.5-8 Seconds)

    Binding Arrow should last approx. 7.5-8 Seconds (2.5 base + 5 Ancient Roots = 7.5-8 Seconds)

    Hindering shot is not working properly.. As the video shows, no weak grasping roots were applied as the video shows.

    If you count the seconds when Constricting shot was applied in the video, it only lasts 3 seconds instead of the intended 7.5-8 seconds like it is supposed too..

    If you also count the seconds when binding arrow is applied in the video it aslo only lasted approx 3 seconds instead of the 7.5-8 seconds like it was supposed to with the ancient roots at 5/5..

    This from a post which i posted not to long ago.. for rest of details and information..


    Your welcome to check it out as well.. had only one response and my reply.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    This thread has been closed for necromancy. If there's any relevant out standing issues to be reported here please use a living thread or file a new report.

    Please be sure to specify what exactly the bug is as this thread does not say what is not functioning regarding the powers and feats listed.
This discussion has been closed.