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Hateful knives imagery

mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
edited October 2014 in The Thieves' Den
You know while on Live its not the best power in the game, anyone playing whisperknife every nailed some guy from 0ft away, and done the flippy kick and killled him as he ran for his life and thought "man the game should do a freeze frame snap shot like something out of TF2 every time i use this power"

I realize its silly and currently mechanically not that hot but, when my character was whisperknife i felt pretty <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ever time i successfully used it. possibly not so much when the target lived through the cruddy damage but we'll ignore that in favour f the successes :P
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  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    morenthar wrote: »
    Hateful Knives with Razor action out of stealth, if feated properly..... Yum. So far I'm loving it but it's real early in the testing process.

    Need more info!!

    Razor Action even in the test server is still lackluster for me. Any tips or pics concerning how you use it would be greatly appreciated mor.

    (ps) Hateful Knives is one of the dailies that was always underrated because some other ones -- particularly MI Shoxecution, was overpoweringly strong. After the Shoxecution nerf, people moved on to WoB and it's massive AoE damage output. However, WoB is also scheduled for a nerf.

    Compared to those two, HK is an excellent compromise between decent damage and superb utility. The incredible range and speed of its activation makes it one of the -- if not THE -- game's best "pursuit" power, and it provides you with damage/CC immunity for the duration once it connects. In the preview its damage was also modestly increased.

    Interestingly enough, I actually find myself using WoB alongside HK in the preview -- although WoB had it's massive AoE damage nerfed down to 'modest' levels, I now find the power increase (20% per target hit, upto 5 targets) extremely useful... and best of them all: WoB synergizes well with Scoundrel in that it also respects Concussive Strikes. This means when two TRs are both in stealth, searching for each other, a WoB activation will always crit... hence proccing Concussive Strikes and revealing the enemy TR for the duration of the 2~2.5s daze.

      stealth WoB → Concussive Strikes proc → enemy TR revealed → VP(mark) → when enemy fades away again, VP(teleport) to track through stealth and stun → encounter of your choice(mine's usually Dazing Strike) → PROFIT!

      TR dailies lost some oomph. But in turn, now our damage has increased, our fighting style is substantially better and effective, and our dailies have useful utilities. Things are great in the preview.
      Stop making excuses. Be a man.
      If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
      Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
    • mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
      edited October 2014
      I seem to struggle with HE in test. I can finish any single player content faster than ever but other then. The save the merchant ones I struggled.

      That said blitz bns hatefull knives I was pseudo dodging all over . I like how after using HK you can instantly roll.

      I'd like if razor action did what brutal wounds does on live.
    • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
      edited October 2014
      HK then LB is the most effective combo for me 12-15k for HK and 17 to 20k for LB and add DK with it befroe doing HK has much more damage. I like Hk when my enemies are 30 to 40 feet away from me thinking they could escape especially the GWF and SW...
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