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Quest Duration incorrect?

shonsu5320shonsu5320 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
edited August 2014 in The Foundry
Hi! I tried to PM this to sominator but the inbox is full. I'm hoping the Devs will see this and check into it for me. Anyway, here it is:

I've been having a Foundry Quest called "Nasher's New Weapon" (by shonsu02) almost since Foundry was released. I've been watching over it and I play it every now and then. I've had reports and I also notice myself that it takes much longer than the reported 14 minutes to play it. Is there any way you can check to make sure that the reported duration is correct? I really tried to make it long enough to be included in the Daily Foundry.

If any of you non-Devs wouldn't mind maybe you could go play it and report back how long it took you to go through it that would be great too.

Post edited by shonsu5320 on


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