Hi fellow HRs,
With mod 4 all have to respec our HR, and since i've never done any full respec i'd like some thoughts so i wont completely scre up my build.
Main question is SW or PF? I'm a sw since mod 2 but right now the only sw ability I use is twin-blade. (not a fan of sustained aoe like split the sky, electric shot is usless, and storm step not worth it after all the nerfs).
If i switch to PF i lose twin blade but gain hunter teamwork (looks good together with quarry). i'll also have to chose another passive, thinking about battlehoned.
I mostly stay in ranged stance (with the new archery path i think i'll stay in ranged 99% of the time), I dont pvp and I enjoy soloing. my current setup is :
rapid, split
ME, fox, constricting
forest ghost. disturbing
twin blade, aspect of the falcon
With the changes constricting will have to go, i'm thinking replacing it with commanding.
If i go pathfinder i'll take hunters teamwork istead of rapid and battlehoned(?) instead of twin blade.
Hi fellow HRs,
With mod 4 all have to respec our HR, and since i've never done any full respec i'd like some thoughts so i wont completely scre up my build.
Main question is SW or PF? I'm a sw since mod 2 but right now the only sw ability I use is twin-blade. (not a fan of sustained aoe like split the sky, electric shot is usless, and storm step not worth it after all the nerfs).
If i switch to PF i lose twin blade but gain hunter teamwork (looks good together with quarry). i'll also have to chose another passive, thinking about battlehoned.
I mostly stay in ranged stance (with the new archery path i think i'll stay in ranged 99% of the time), I dont pvp and I enjoy soloing. my current setup is :
rapid, split
ME, fox, constricting
forest ghost. disturbing
twin blade, aspect of the falcon
With the changes constricting will have to go, i'm thinking replacing it with commanding.
If i go pathfinder i'll take hunters teamwork istead of rapid and battlehoned(?) instead of twin blade.
Any thoughts?
Look at whether you focus PVE or PVP. Look at your stats. Look at what you use the most currently. Look at the new feats and what complements your build and playstyle. Make a decision.
People will argue white is black and black is white here, everyone has different results based on how they play. If you have been playing for a while, you should know by now what you like and how the mechanics work unless you just get all your build knowledge from what other people say without any input from yourself. I would advise against this.
Know your class is key to getting the best results.
" Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
greensaiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 39
edited August 2014
A lot of people do not like to have to crunch numbers or figure out things themselves. They like reading a guide, use the suggestions mostly maybe tweak a little here or there, but overall use it as a basic layout. I know I for one am not a min/maxer but I like to have the best build possible with minimal research on my behalf. It might be called lazy by some but I already have plenty of homework and prefer to just play the game when I log on.
Caldannach is right though, be prepared for lots of different opinions on whats "best" and "most efficient"
Guys, i'm not looking for the "best uber build ever", I know how to play and experiment and find what i like. but the issue is, this is a big change and after the respec , we might find a mistake which gimps the build. and this is what i'm trying to avoid. i've made a few mistakes in my current build with feats and powers (thanks god for power points ) and it'll be frustrating for that to happen again. And no, i didnt buy a respec token to fix that, i'm a casual player so investing money for that doesnt seem cost effective to me.
Anyway i think i'll go with pathfinder. In the worst case i'll slot aspect of the pack to compensate the loss of twin blade, and if hunter teamwork wont give me any gain i'll always have rapid shot.
petestarksMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
Also people depend on the folks that do the testing with things like advance combat tracker to find out when skills and feats are bugged. If you went by the tool tip alone you would never understand how broken things like Spell Storm are. I have not run my HR on preview to crunch the numbers or I would give you some tips. If no one else does it soon I may need to get off my butt and start reading log data lol
Am I the only one who got screwed when they forced the respect? Warden's Courage is still at 5/5 and it won't let me level anything up. When I input points and click commit, nothing gets committed and now I'm 57 who has the stats of a 35. I don't even have my higher level skills. I've put in numerous tickets but nobody is getting back to me to help. Am I the only one?
I request a GM to message me to help me figure this out.
I refeated full archer, but stayed a pathfinder for battlehoned, as my regen sucked without the noble beast rings. Kept enough con for about 32k hp. Took all the offensive options I could. Swapped 2 pieces of archers profound for grim archers to keep the same stats, but get double arpen 2/4 bonus. Stacked all offensive slots with radiants, defensive with deflect. The crit rings of pegasus for er... crit. Roughly 4k pow 2.5k arpen 2.5k crit. Reasonable defensive stats - 35% deflect rising in crowds to 40, about 27% def. But really, defence doesn't matter overmuch, either don't get hit, or kill it quicker than it kills you.
I might swap to BIce hat and gloves for the new overflow enchants, depending on their price, utility, and likelihood of being nerfed, but too early to say yet.
BI purified weapons, vorpal and barkshield. Barkshield is important because if aimed shot is charging, you can take a hit or a dot without it interrupting your shot most of the time.
Artifacts: vanguard banner, gwf sigil, lvl 88, and main the CW artifact because it has a very short cast time, damages TRs if they're stealthed nearby, and has a freeze and a push that sometimes catches people and screws up their rotations. The gwf sigil is a better attack, but the cast time is rubbish, half the time I used it I'd get interrupted. Everyone seems to use waters, but I thought screw that, I want to slaughter.
Aotlw/battlehoned. Disruptive/whatever because I never have enough AP
Fox/MR/hindering. Rapid/aimed.
Doohickey/battlepot/coin and pet on keybind.
About 16k and a bit gs. More in pvp because of the flag boons. Maybe 17k (with a lucky roll on the coin etc.) tops. Open world companions. Blue stone with pow crit regen and some arpen. Cockatrice, though not so good since it was nerfed. Purple blacksmith and evoker for damage reflect, skull for extra stats on entering combat.
Don't charge in in pvp dominion, unless you're planning to use someome on mid to leapfrog you toward a backcap, fire hindering at a CW/GF/GF etc. who is targetting someone else to mark them as prey, and aimed shot the guy right out of his socks. If you do get locked in place, try to rapid shot them to death, or last resort throw doohickey for lolkill goodness. Given the HR's sad lack of burst aoe, in this build anyway, a doohickey goes a long way, it'll hit nearly everyone on a node, and crit quite high if you're lucky.
Generally, get behind the enemy, sneak, surprise. If you do meet a CW, disruptive imediately, MR in, fox and hinderstrike, swap stance ME out and hold down the rapid shot button until one of you, probably you tbh, is dead.
In addition. One day later. Did a stats reshuffle around pure black ice hat and gloves, and chest and legs profound archer, switched back to castle never weapons to preserve arpen. Greater restoration amd greater corrupt in the overflows. More power, better deflect and defence, about the same crit and arpen. Regen unfortunately nerfed right through the floor. Can't have everything I suppose. Conflicted over second class feature, battlehoned doesn't seem to make much of a difference, pf action is too short in duration, maybe cruel recovery, though 1% temp. HP seems pretty naff. I'll try it out, suppose it'll act like a 300hp damage reduction if nothing else.
16.8k gs in pvp. Page 18 on LB. Solopug queues. No premades or pots, except battle healing - terrible regen remember .
Can kill anything one on one, (yes, even CWs as long as I start with full HP and don't do anything stupid). Drop like a fly 2 on 1 gwf/gf or anything/CW.
Look at whether you focus PVE or PVP. Look at your stats. Look at what you use the most currently. Look at the new feats and what complements your build and playstyle. Make a decision.
People will argue white is black and black is white here, everyone has different results based on how they play. If you have been playing for a while, you should know by now what you like and how the mechanics work unless you just get all your build knowledge from what other people say without any input from yourself. I would advise against this.
Know your class is key to getting the best results.
Caldannach is right though, be prepared for lots of different opinions on whats "best" and "most efficient"
Anyway i think i'll go with pathfinder. In the worst case i'll slot aspect of the pack to compensate the loss of twin blade, and if hunter teamwork wont give me any gain i'll always have rapid shot.
I request a GM to message me to help me figure this out.
I might swap to BIce hat and gloves for the new overflow enchants, depending on their price, utility, and likelihood of being nerfed, but too early to say yet.
BI purified weapons, vorpal and barkshield. Barkshield is important because if aimed shot is charging, you can take a hit or a dot without it interrupting your shot most of the time.
Artifacts: vanguard banner, gwf sigil, lvl 88, and main the CW artifact because it has a very short cast time, damages TRs if they're stealthed nearby, and has a freeze and a push that sometimes catches people and screws up their rotations. The gwf sigil is a better attack, but the cast time is rubbish, half the time I used it I'd get interrupted. Everyone seems to use waters, but I thought screw that, I want to slaughter.
Aotlw/battlehoned. Disruptive/whatever because I never have enough AP
Fox/MR/hindering. Rapid/aimed.
Doohickey/battlepot/coin and pet on keybind.
About 16k and a bit gs. More in pvp because of the flag boons. Maybe 17k (with a lucky roll on the coin etc.) tops. Open world companions. Blue stone with pow crit regen and some arpen. Cockatrice, though not so good since it was nerfed. Purple blacksmith and evoker for damage reflect, skull for extra stats on entering combat.
Don't charge in in pvp dominion, unless you're planning to use someome on mid to leapfrog you toward a backcap, fire hindering at a CW/GF/GF etc. who is targetting someone else to mark them as prey, and aimed shot the guy right out of his socks. If you do get locked in place, try to rapid shot them to death, or last resort throw doohickey for lolkill goodness. Given the HR's sad lack of burst aoe, in this build anyway, a doohickey goes a long way, it'll hit nearly everyone on a node, and crit quite high if you're lucky.
Generally, get behind the enemy, sneak, surprise. If you do meet a CW, disruptive imediately, MR in, fox and hinderstrike, swap stance ME out and hold down the rapid shot button until one of you, probably you tbh, is dead.
HR in kill frenzy mode.
16.8k gs in pvp. Page 18 on LB. Solopug queues. No premades or pots, except battle healing - terrible regen remember
Can kill anything one on one, (yes, even CWs as long as I start with full HP and don't do anything stupid). Drop like a fly 2 on 1 gwf/gf or anything/CW.
Squishy..? Yes very, fun to play..? Oh hell yes.