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Villains Menace Doesnt Grant CC Immunity

dealtronautdealtronaut Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Bug Reports (PC)

Villain's Menace does not guarantee 100% immunity from disabling effects in PvP. It is a daily ability. It is either bugged or worded improperly. Sometimes it gives you immunity, and sometimes it doesn't. It's a cryptic ability.

This game has gone through a beta, two modules, a PvP patch, and another module is on the way. Why is an issue like this still around?

IF the ability is NOT supposed to give you 100% immunity to disabling effects / control / cc / whatever it is called, then maybe that should be specified in the tool tip / ability description / buff tool tip. If it is - then please figure out why it doesn't grant you immunity.

A Guardian Fighter with Villain's Menace active can occasionally be frozen, rooted, disabled, knocked, stunned, and choked while in PvP. In PvE, it doesn't always work - but I understand that. Some mobs have unavoidable CC. If other players have unavoidable CC, then maybe there should be some additional wording to the ability. Is this something that Tenacity should be controlling? This issue was occurring before the PvP patch.

It's a menial issue, but it's one of many menial issues; and they aren't just with the Guardian Fighter, but with combat PvP and PvE alike. How is Module 3 being released when there are such slight issues like this one littered around the game? How is Module 3 being released when every patch botches something else in the game?

Apologies for the crude image.

P.S: Where are the diminishing returns?

P.P.S: What did you guys do to Fulminorax? That was my favorite fight...

P.P.P.S: Where is all of the loot in MC? Crafting is cool, but loot is colder.

-Avasin :cool:
Post edited by dealtronaut on


  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    What powers are hitting through Villains Menace?
  • esb704esb704 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have to agree with the OP. My primary toon's a GF, and in PvP, you get knocked, frozen, choked and all of the above mentioned in the OP, EVEN after applying that thunderous shield crash called "Villain's Menace" it basically does an area damage, but does not make the player immune to control effects :(
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    It does in PvE without a doubt.
    PvP is something I do far less often though so I can't be certain.

    However the way you worded it sounds like all CC is not ignored. You can be interrupted while casting but once the cast animation is over I have never noticed being CC'd.
  • crohnsycrohnsy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It does in PvE without a doubt.

    except it doesn't. there are a few PVE cc's that still affect you while under villian's menace, most notably when fighting large dragons, IE: karrundax. Their wing blow back aoe knocks you back even while villian's menace is active. there are more than just this, but atm its the only thing i remember off the top of my head.
  • dealtronautdealtronaut Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't know the name of every power that causes CC through Villain's Menace. I could attempt to log them, but that isn't entertaining when I'm attempting to PvP.

    I know for sure that Entangling Grasp (CW Choke) can sometimes go through it. Along with that, I have been frozen by their chill abilities which have caused me to be rooted in place facing a fixed direction with Villain's Menace on.

    I don't know the entirety of the HR mechanic, but their roots that proc from some of their ranged abilities have caused me to be rooted in place. I couldn't say if that was because they were applied before or after the Daily was popped.

    Knocks are infrequent, but they can occur. One thing I do remember noticing is that CC goes through more often when I am being attacked by multiple targets at once - 4v1 or 5v1, I will most certainly get CC'ed through Villain's.

    This issue has caused a lot of frustration. I'm not saying that it DOESN'T grant immunity. It does. It's just botched in some hidden way - you'll have to pay attention to it to notice what I am talking about. Sometimes it gives you immunity, and sometimes it doesn't. When it does, it's beautiful.

    As for PvE - I was under the impression that some mobs have unavoidable CC which was tied into their mechanics. Villain's will grant you immunity to the vast amount of PvE CC, but more elite mobs / bosses will have CC that goes through it. Some examples from MC -

    Totemist: AoE Daze
    Fulminorax (before he was bugged): Center Based AoE Knockback (guard doesn't block the damage on this)

    Those issues don't so much concern me. I've been able to experience the content smoothly by remembering to dodge those abilities while tanking. I'm more concerned about the PvP issue.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    crohnsy wrote: »
    except it doesn't. there are a few PVE cc's that still affect you while under villian's menace, most notably when fighting large dragons, IE: karrundax. Their wing blow back aoe knocks you back even while villian's menace is active. there are more than just this, but atm its the only thing i remember off the top of my head.

    That is working as intended.
    There are a select few effects that will his through all CC immunity such as Dragon Wing Buffets.

    General rule of thumb, if the shield doesn't block the effect it is one of the effects that ignores CC immunity. If the shield does block it then Villains Menace should too.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Formorians hit through immunities since ever for example. This also affects GWFs Unstoppable and sorts. Can't add much about player powers, I rarely use that skill in PVP.
  • l3g10nna1rel3g10nna1re Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Confirmed For PVP Control Wizard - Entangling force is bypassing the CC Immunity aspect
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Since when is Immunity to disabling effects===Immunity to all Crowd Control?
    If a power says immune to prone, dazes should still work when it is active, no?
    Impossible to catch+stealth on the TR says 'Immune to all Crowd Control effects'. Prone is not a crowd control effect apparently. Disabling effects = daze[, prone(?)]. If they want xyz power to have it, they'll label it outright as such.
    This really smells to me of WAI, just saying. It would be one thing if dazes still worked on you, but so long as you are immune to dazes with it active, it would appear to be working as described.
  • crohnsycrohnsy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    That is working as intended.
    There are a select few effects that will his through all CC immunity such as Dragon Wing Buffets.

    General rule of thumb, if the shield doesn't block the effect it is one of the effects that ignores CC immunity. If the shield does block it then Villains Menace should too.

    I have a few ideas to improve the skill so that we know interactions are intended and not bugs, there by making it easier to identify and report instead of guessing and hoping for an answer from someone on the bug report forums. Simply put "a rule of thumb" doesn't help improper interactions get noticed or fixed.


    1. Some sort of indication that an ability is meant to penetrate the CC "immunity".
    This can be something as simple as a popup that tells you something is supposed to go through, "unblockable" or "Momentus Blow" anything along those lines would suffice.

    2. Change in the wording of the skill.
    Simply added the word "most" to the skill would help players know that some powers are meant to go through it. Something that is "immune" to CC leads people to believe that they are immune to CC and anything that goes through it must be bugged.

    3. Make the skill Immune to CC.
    This is by far the best decision in my mind. Why you ask? because the skill is lack luster. It is a Daily ability that is outclassed by another classes tab ability (GWF). Unstoppable is an all around better skill because it offers the same CC "immunity" with the addition of damage reduction and can be casted multiple times in an encounter (even against trash mobs). You could say though that the AOE damage and the increased damage affect make up for that, but due to the consistency that a GWF can keep unstoppable up and the lack of damage GFs inherently do, GWF's Unstoppable is still a better skill.

    At the absolute very least, I think #'s 1 and 2 are no brainers that should be added to help bug reports and fixes not only for developers but for players as well. #3 is a personal preference, its already hard enough holding aggro w/ higher geared CWs and GWFs in your group, and more time spent away from your main target decreases aggro.
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