Please, as i see early ingame there is already that idea (at least with companions), you can see it when you try to throw a companion and it says if you want to unbind her. I would like to sell some of my mounts and companions, some because i bought and later i regret, other ones because i adquired a better mount/companion and the other one is useless. This need to be done Cryptic. I dont want to have more full slots because of mounts i dont use or companions i dont want anymore.
And dont be to excesive with the price, i think the 50k AD for unbind a purple companion/mount, and scale with level a bit. If you want to do this a really good looking game with a good number of fans you cant do us pay 50k AD just for change an appeareance of a weapon/armor because that rest a lot of customizable options, do all characters look the same and people want to have something special that no others have, thats why i think the customizable options exists in a game. Make the difference Cryptic.:cool::cool:
I would like to see that zen-bought mount being salvageable, too. I saw a blue quality horse in zen market looked fine in its preview image, but I bought it only to find it actually looks disappointing. Hopefully we can salvage that and buy a better one with some extra zen.