I'm making a quest where you talk to have a dialogue with 1 NPC (we'll call him Ralph for now) 3 different times at 2 different locations. Do i need to have 3 Ralph NPC's, 1 for each Dialogue?
You have to place 2 "ralphs" one at each location, however you can tell it to make the first Ralph disappear when you finish talking to him.(Through the storyboard) Example...
Talk to Ralph-1
Ralph-1 says "Meet me by the bar"
Ralph-1 disappears
Ralph-2 appears
Talk to Ralph-2
Ralph-2 says "Thanks"
you will need 3, 2 in same spot first one disappears after objective complete the other appears when objective in progress and 1 other the the other location, if using the story dialog option.
If using the contact option then 2 the one that you speak to twice will have to be set up to disable and enable 2 sub trees of dialog to work.
Dialog option.
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
Talk to Ralph-1
Ralph-1 says "Meet me by the bar"
Ralph-1 disappears
Ralph-2 appears
Talk to Ralph-2
Ralph-2 says "Thanks"
If using the contact option then 2 the one that you speak to twice will have to be set up to disable and enable 2 sub trees of dialog to work.
Dialog option.
Hope that helps