We've all been reported, and I'm sure most of you have reported people as well, after all that's what it's there for right? Well what about people that are so lifeless they do nothing but troll ( and or harass individual players ) continuously and delete/remake characters to keep it going.
Until that said player has had enough and says some thing to the person that was harassing him for hours on multiple different toons just so the Antagonist can then report that person. For this reason alone I say get rid of the report button. Here is my reasoning.
1. What does it really do? Some one gets suspended for three days big F****** deal they come right back and do it again.
2.Some one gets banned, yeah that's nice guess what, all they have to do is create a new account and boom here they are again.
3.Gms rarely care enough to go through the logs and actually read the entire event so instead of the right person getting S*** on the wrong one does.
4. In the options menu you have the ability to turn of the mature language filter, guess what if you don['t want to be cursed at or see a vulgar conversation in chat don't turn it off, by doing that you really can't complain, because you've brought it on yourself.
5. In truth no one cares if they've been suspended because they know they will return in a few days ( or just create a new account right after ) they only care in the moment then it passes. And nothing is gained by either side.
6. Too many people abuse this option by taking screen shots and editing them ( it does happen and you know it ) but they also always fail to report what they have done themselves and as stated above gms rarely care enough to actually read through. Too many people do this just to " Get back " at another player for making them look stupid etc..
So I ask what purpose does this " report button " really serve?