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caturday pack is useless



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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am going to agree. Ugg.
    - 1 cloak that replaces an actual item with actual benefits to the wearer with ... nothing. Cosmetics should go on the cosmetic outfit tab, not in gear slots. Therefore simply logic says that the cloak needs to either be allowed in the cosmetic tab or they should have made an outfit shirt/pants/hat/ instead. I will say that I LIKE the cloak, but cant afford to drop 400+ stats to wear it.

    - 1 ugly facemask that I will not comment on past the ugly, as it goes downhill from there.

    - 2 scrolls of xp, just in case you are mmochallegned and cannot gain 10+ levels per day with the glut of xp this game provides, and were somehow not yet level 60. It makes a tiny bit of sense to help ease the pain for those who lost a day of questing to gloss over the repeated content & move on. OK, but this is like the best item in the pack, and that is not saying much.

    - return to town scrolls? These are awesome? For the low low price of 1 bag slot (about a $0.50 value) you can save 20 seconds of travel time! The zones are fairly small and once mounted, really, you can cross any of them in just a few seconds to reach a door that ports to town.

    What was missing was a token for 7 celestial coins to make up for losing those in the downtime, and say a cosmetic item that goes in, you know, a cosmetic slot, and isnt, you know, that ugly mask which does not count :P
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    inizakinizak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    apostasyx wrote: »
    You're useless, thanks for finally leaving.

    I'm Glad someone said it.
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    hbcbandit007hbcbandit007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, it's not the game, or any game for that matter. It doesn't matter what is delivered, the current MMO crowd is irreversibly broken. Attention span of a gnat and want EVERYTHING yesterday. Oh, and when trolling or flaming is looked at as cool or edgy then there will never be a sense of community in MMOs which was the whole point of them.

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    kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    umad because free stuff? kk, says volumes about your character.
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    glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I dunno. I can't wait to use those XP Bonus's on my next character!
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    ausdoerrtausdoerrt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    :p ur funny , if you don't think there competition.

    and there not even closes to the same........you Cray Cray

    I dunno, I'm not in the CBT for Wildstar, but I couldn't help noticing lots of similarities from watching TotalBiscuit's stream on the game. Active combat with limited skills, open areas plus instanced content... looks quite similar to me in all but the setting/story.
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