I would like to start off by saying that I am loving this game so far, so this is NOT a bashing of NWN thread. I am a very casual player with little time to play so I realize I level a lot slower than most. Which I am fine with personally. For me, the leveling process is where the fun is at, not the rush to top level or end game. I mention this because I have had other players tell me that once you get to 50 the armor gets more diverse. That to me is really disappointing.
My highest level is a level 20 Control Wizard. I am now almost level 21 and I have yet to come across any piece of new armor that I have equipped that looks any different at all. It all looks identical. Again, I am not trying to bash the game here as this really is my one and only gripe. But wow, I'm sorry all, this is the worst I have saw in any game to date. I have played countless mmo's over the years, free to play and pay to play.
I was also told by other players that blue quality will give me a different appearance at least. So I have been leveling my tailoring and made a blue quality chest piece and boots for my control wizard for level 20. So here I am thinking my character will FINALLY look a bit different only to equip the items for my character again to look EXACTLY the same. So disappointing.

I know some people will say "but you can dye your armor". Well, while that is nice and all, what's the point? I may want to dye some cool looking armor I come across at some point, but I have no desire to dye level 20 blue armor that looks identical to my level 1 starting armor. I would prefer to save my dye for something that looks better than level 1 starting gear.
And yes, I have done some dungeons hoping for something different. I haven't gotten a drop for my class yet. I have heard some of the dungeon gear can have a bit of a different look. I sure am hoping so.
While this isn't really game breaking for me, but as I keep advancing in level and getting new armor only to equip it to look identical to what my character started out with at level 1, I am slowly getting turned off more and more sadly.
As I said before, otherwise I am completely loving this game and have no other complaints. I love my control wizard, the gameplay, questing, combat, etc. Zero complaints anywhere else. And typically I am not the type of gamer that is really concernced with the cosmetics side of the game. But having such a lacking for armor skins really is a bit of a disappointment to me here. Anyone else feel the same way about this? Please add more armor skins all!
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I hope you are right moradinsballs. And thank you by the way.
Just to add one more thing. I am not expecting or asking for a mass amount of different armor styles up to level 20 or so. But I suppose I would expect to see at least 2 or so diverse chest pieces, leggings, etc. by that level. At the very least I would expect for the level 20 blues I crafted to look different than my level 1 starting armor. It's not that I am wanting to see every piece of armor I equip to look different (while that would be nice), I would just like to see at least some change in how my character looks by this level. Level 50 is a long way to go in my opinion without any change in armor skins. If in fact level 50 is when it starts becoming diverse.