A Quick feedback on my part.
Loading: Extreme and unstable, crashes often in queues.
Gameplay: Amazing, solid and fun, NeverDeath is a biiiit boring, but worth it for the extra bag, make sure to provide such information for the players.
Prices: Zen and AD items are very expensive, if possible make it more accessible, for now ``pay to win`` is ... winning.
Emoticons: Walk, lay down, drink, eat, read book, things like that make RPers enjoy the game, and last time i checked D&D/NeverWinter/Forgoten Healms, is all about RolePlaying. (dear lord don`t make us pay for them)
And the main ISSUE for me:
Character Customization: At least that! Make it cheap. i mean freaking cheap!
Foundry: Awesome, one suggestion, provide a emoticon or a interface thing that allows players to roll D20, if possible D4 to D20. People will imberge in some stories, and bound to happen, some of them will be better then standard quests.
Subscription: I`m pro Sub, maybe a gold subscription like CO would be a good idea. Would reduce Zen/AD prices in my view.
Thats all for now.
Wishes of Sucess!