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10 year monthly sub player: Problems you have with this game.



  • deadmanetdeadmanet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Beta/soft release whatever you want to call it, I think the que system still needs some tweaking. There needs to be a better way to form groups, not just spamming zone chat with lfg! I may be biased here, but I like the way DDO handles grouping. Seperate little UI where you can choose what quest you are running, what classes/levels you are looking for. And people can look at that, see something they want to run, click on it, and waalaa! Party formed. And if you lose someone to dropping, kicking etc...you just repost your lfg and someone else can join in.

    Also part of that is the player listing. It lists players in your current area. You can filter by name,level,class, etc..
    You also can see if the player has themselves flagged as lfg.(something else we could use here) So, you can then click to send them a message inviting them, or just invite them.

    Just my 2 CPs :cool:
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I don't know wtf you are talking about, but +1. I knew he was a casual at heart.

    See this is what you need to understand what -I am saying needs to be fixed. If this were the queue system right now, I could not replace you on the last boss of wolf den. You're just a dumb troll that's gonna leave the thread, drop the controller and walk away. I don't mind dungeon difficulty. I mind the broken queue system, along with the broken loot system. There appears to be no role check feature for either. This, if this game is to gain any traction needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the company with be stuck with a niche game.

    WoW players are a considerable market. It doesn't need to be wow, but the features that have proven to help wow along with its success - have nothing at all to do with NWN content or difficulty. It has to do with letting the community decide in their own little groups what to keep and what to throw out.

    If I ever claim to be 30+ and use terms like +1, umadbro, or make anal comments, maybe you could help me not be a casual fanboy then. For now, I'll trust my feeling that you're 19 and stupid.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • mmcsky1mmcsky1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morinox wrote: »
    You're linking to toons that have, well, LFR gear... That's kinda pointless though, seeing as LFR in WOW requires little to no tactics or communication between players, and the fact that the gear is practically welfare gear for the players not being able/not capable enough to do proper raids.

    What were you trying to accomplish by linking to those two toons anyway? Respect? On these forums? For doing LFR in WOW??

    Protip: Don't link anything wow-related on any F2P game forum if you're not prepared to be flamed.

    On-topic: You can't expect random players to behave exactly the way you want them to behave. This is an online game and if you've played WOW for, as you say, 8 years, then you should already know that.

    You can replace party members that are listed as offline or the players who left the party, though as this IS still in BETA (Drop the whole it's a full release bullcrap already, it's open beta even though they enabled the cash shop), you have to expect bugs. Even more so cause it's a F2P game, kids playing the betas believe they're playing a "demo" and never report any major issues, thus the devs have a hard time fixing them.

    Gratz on totally missing the point of his thread, and also on joining the troll cave

    And still I am highly amused by you kids believing achievements in a game matter IRL, I mean seriously you are proud of what? What can you possibly come out with that will garner you any respect after spouting so much nonsense.

    The LFR in wow has stopped the need for many to waste time on normal and heroic dungeons, wether someone does the normal/heroic thing hardly refutes the fact that he is knowledgeable of the game and has not quit because things do not go their way. This was the OP original post regarding the issue at hand, he does not quit when things do not go his way, and that is why he wants the game to succeed by fixing what is wrong.
    You lot in the other hand are wanking each other over superfluous things like bloody game achievements on a game that is not even NWN.
    Please before you post stupid comments again, think with your head not with your butt, it really makes a difference.
  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I kinda lost where the argument was going when casual/wow got brought into this. I thought this was simply about the queue system not always replacing people properly.
  • mmcsky1mmcsky1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    I kinda lost where the argument was going when casual/wow got brought into this. I thought this was simply about the queue system not always replacing people properly.

    Yes certain troll called the OP "casual" ( as if that is truly an argument or insult, who knows what he is aiming at), over his comment that he does not "drop the controller" as quick as most kids do today. He was referring that he tends to hold on onto the game because he has hopes things will be better or that he will adapt.
    This is the whole premise of the post,we are posting things we are worried about the current state of the game, LFG being one of them.
  • arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have a hard time believing the OP played WoW, or quit before or sometime in the WotLK expansion when the /LFD tool was added to the game.

    Because if you did play WoW for so long and kept playing it from WotLK to MoP, then you should know that the LFD tool is made to quickly put random players together and run a dungeon together. If you get a bad group, then live with it! If you want a guarantied success, then why not do what you apparently did in older MMORPGs in your 10 year experience!

    Before mid-WotLK, WoW and all MMORPGs before, you had to manually form your own groups by... O RLY... socializing with others!!!

    Join a guild and do dungeons with them. Make friends and do dungeons with them.

    Everyone that played WoW WotLK+ knows that using an automated PUG system has an equal chance to be good or bad! How can someone who claims to be playing for 10 years not know this? Even worst, why are you complaining about this when you know you can easily just make friends, join a guild or ask people in Zone chat if they wanna do a dungeon?

    Besides, I've done 2 dungeons so far and both were a success! I've been playing MMORPGs since 2003 when Star Wars Galaxies was first released and I can tell you right now, if you want guarantied success, then you gotta do dungeons with guildmates! Join a guild, make friends and do content together!

    It's like that with ANY game out there! Any online multiplayer game! If you play any game and group with up with random people, the chances of ended up in a match against 11 year old racist sexiest idiotic kids are a lot higher than joining a guild who only recruits adults (or goes through an interview to make sure you aren't an immature teen) and does dungeons together!
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    arcbladez wrote: »
    I have a hard time believing the OP played WoW, or quit before or sometime in the WotLK expansion when the /LFD tool was added to the game.

    Because if you did play WoW for so long and kept playing it from WotLK to MoP, then you should know that the LFD tool is made to quickly put random players together and run a dungeon together. If you get a bad group, then live with it! If you want a guarantied success, then why not do what you apparently did in older MMORPGs in your 10 year experience!

    Before mid-WotLK, WoW and all MMORPGs before, you had to manually form your own groups by... O RLY... socializing with others!!!

    Join a guild and do dungeons with them. Make friends and do dungeons with them.

    Everyone that played WoW WotLK+ knows that using an automated PUG system has an equal chance to be good or bad! How can someone who claims to be playing for 10 years not know this? Even worst, why are you complaining about this when you know you can easily just make friends, join a guild or ask people in Zone chat if they wanna do a dungeon?

    Besides, I've done 2 dungeons so far and both were a success! I've been playing MMORPGs since 2003 when Star Wars Galaxies was first released and I can tell you right now, if you want guarantied success, then you gotta do dungeons with guildmates! Join a guild, make friends and do content together!

    It's like that with ANY game out there! Any online multiplayer game! If you play any game and group with up with random people, the chances of ended up in a match against 11 year old racist sexiest idiotic kids are a lot higher than joining a guild who only recruits adults (or goes through an interview to make sure you aren't an immature teen) and does dungeons together!

    Another +1 from me.

    And for everyone calling me a troll, thats great. But ask yourself this, who is more of a troll? The person who starts a thread with the very title being "I put money into games, therefore value my opinion more than the opinion of others."

    Or the person who calls him out on it?
  • mmcsky1mmcsky1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    This is not what the OP was talking about( btw he linked his characters in wow, they are MOP geared), he is talking about the lack of ability to fill a spot after certain point in the dungeon, people leave and there is no way to fill that spot which causes the group to disband.
    I personally was talking about how we are grouped with unbalanced set up of classes ( like no healer, all melee, or no range). Your point is valid, but that is hardly an issue at this point really.
    I do not mind failing when doing dungeons, but I do mind when I can't complete it because of a lack of players available.
  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another +1 from me.

    And for everyone calling me a troll, thats great. But ask yourself this, who is more of a troll? The person who starts a thread with the very title being "I put money into games, therefore value my opinion more than the opinion of others."

    Or the person who calls him out on it?

    I'd call that more being arrogant than being a troll. I do think the queue not replacing people is a valid point (I've experienced this myself).
  • mmcsky1mmcsky1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another +1 from me.

    And for everyone calling me a troll, thats great. But ask yourself this, who is more of a troll? The person who starts a thread with the very title being "I put money into games, therefore value my opinion more than the opinion of others."

    Or the person who calls him out on it?

    The moment you started using "casuals" and "+1" and all of that tired out memes from 2 years ago you lost all credibility.

    Btw reading comprehension fail, at least troll smart, go back and read his post again before ( this time read it with the eyes in front of you) you do it again.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    My experience with the Queue system atm -time wise- is not the much different than what I would be doing in wow, at the current levels I am in Neverwinter. It takes 15 minutes or less to get a group, (30-40ish range cw30-tr40) in que. In wow I would be on a 90 capping my valor, and it would take about that long to get a group.

    I played Baulders Gate religiously before eq/wow era. and have even rolled dice a few times. So, the lore has me, but the functionality atm is killing me. I have been skipping raids to play this game, and I intend to do so for about another month or so. I will refuse to put any more money into this game until the loot and queue systems are tweaked- better. This game is not shattering any molds. Clear working party and loot systems are out there in other games to model from, this appears to have been thrown in last week. As for it being open beta I get it, yet I am not sure I would have been the one to open it up with one of the most popular features from other successful games just being really sub par.

    I'm not a code monkey or software engineer, but it just seems like some simple checks could be implemented to fix this easily. Nor am I the dev- that says that looks good to me role with it. I am the dev that says, it's open beta and our que system is not ready yet. We are not going live with this code yet.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    I kinda lost where the argument was going when casual/wow got brought into this. I thought this was simply about the queue system not always replacing people properly.

    Same here. The casual/hardcore thing is stupid and silly. Anyone who complains about casuals and isn't in either a top raiding guild (with solid proof) or at the very least playing at the top level of the genre, really needs to get a life. Heck, want to be hardcore? Play permadeath. Any death for any reason, delete that character and all gear on it. Otherwise, stuff it.

    The dungeon queue system is messed up, that's for sure. Can't seem to replace people who drop, problem at the tougher dungeons for sure. I've also run into sitting here waiting for a queue to pop, and then all of a sudden i'm no longer in the queue. Check the queue page, yep, gone. No notification to join or telling me why i was dropped. Very annoying.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Another +1 from me.

    And for everyone calling me a troll, thats great. But ask yourself this, who is more of a troll? The person who starts a thread with the very title being "I put money into games, therefore value my opinion more than the opinion of others."

    Or the person who calls him out on it?
    ask yourself this, why should the people who get paid by people like me should listen to people like you who don't pay? You quit wow in o4. You're one of those freeloaders with a a big mouth. I will pay, but not for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and when I pay, it pays them. IF you cannot comprehend the fact, I pay for games, and how that is extremely relevant to the dev's salary, rather than the fanboy opinion of some troll who doesn't? you need to get your head checked.

    Do you understand the term,

    The Bottom Line?
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    before WoW EQ was fairly hot. But they dropped the ball. WoW came along with some great functions and features and killed it. PEople have been talking about a WoW killer for like 6-7 years. Maybe PWE is happy with a niche game. Hell, maybe I'd be happy playing, it, but with the system as it is right now, I'd rather quest and avoid the que system like the plague. and then waste time spamming guild chats or zone chats for groups instead of questing.

    Because lets be honest, if you are looking for a group without using the queue system, there's not a whole lot else you can do. Because if people reply in zone chat, it can be easy to miss if you're questing.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • xaskingalesanaxxaskingalesanax Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ask yourself this, why should the people who get paid by people like me should listen to people like you who don't pay? You quit wow in o4. You're one of those freeloaders with a a big mouth. I will pay, but not for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, and when I pay, it pays them. IF you cannot comprehend the fact, I pay for games, and how that is extremely relevant to the dev's salary, rather than the fanboy opinion of some troll who doesn't? you need to get your head checked.

    Do you understand the term,

    The Bottom Line?

    Look at Mr. Hardcore! Thinks he's better than people because he pays for World of Warcraft. Would like us to pour you some fancy wine while we rub your feet?
  • mmcsky1mmcsky1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Look at Mr. Hardcore! Thinks he's better than people because he pays for World of Warcraft. Would like us to pour you some fancy wine while we rub your feet?

    Back to the cave with you back! I cast flare at you!
  • wolfzilvawolfzilva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 167
    edited May 2013
    mmcsky1 wrote: »
    Back to the cave with you back! I cast flare at you!

    He can stay because he is calling him out on threatening to not support a company for a game he is enjoy over 1 issue. Yes i have had group that make it to the end and can't kill the boss for some reason and it ends there cause you can't replace them but this isn't WoW they haven't had the que system in place for over 3 years so give them time.
  • dskiperdskiper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You're right about the queue system needing some fixes, but keep in mind that the game entered open beta only a week ago, so problems such as this should be expected and the developers can't solve all the problems at once. Just give it some time.

    Off-topic: And dear Mr.Troll, if you're as old as you say you are, then I'am very worried about your mental age. Since the way you respond and your inability to understand an obvious metaphor, suggest that you're an uneducated 13 year old brat.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Look at Mr. Hardcore! Thinks he's better than people because he pays for World of Warcraft. Would like us to pour you some fancy wine while we rub your feet?

    The point is I have money I am willing to spend on this game, but the longer it takes to fix the tings that are bugging me about the game, the lower the chance of that happening are. I want you to tell me, what makes a game successful and what model for successful games are out there. Then tell me, that when you do something you don't want to be number 1, or even top 5. You're happy with under achieving and you don't need to model your performance after anything. I never said anything about being better, but I can infer that you mean you're better than me because you don't pay for wow? I'd get a founders pack right now if I thought it was worth it. The same price gets me a year of wow with none of the inventory restrictions. SWtOR has an account wide unlock price in it's cash shop, and the single unlock expense is far cheaper. So on that model and account wide unlock on this game would only cost about $500 dollars or so.

    You know why SWtOR bombed for me, because I could spend 4 hours in the queue at 50 (max then). The LFG-P queue is everything. I like SWtOR but it was evident that it was not going to get better, then it became F2p because nobody is playing it. Think about that. Yet it's cash shop prices are fair, not dagger to the face. This game plays better than swtor, but the queue and loot system hand-n-hand and killing it from growing.

    on a ....good .... note, the longer it takes to correct things like this with an open beta game, the less server demand crashes there will be. Because the loot ninjas and getting stuck with bad quiters will turn people away. I don't want to see this game flame out, rather up.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • mmcsky1mmcsky1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wolfzilva wrote: »
    He can stay because he is calling him out on threatening to not support a company for a game he is enjoy over 1 issue. Yes i have had group that make it to the end and can't kill the boss for some reason and it ends there cause you can't replace them but this isn't WoW they haven't had the que system in place for over 3 years so give them time.

    If he had made a valid argument like yours, he would have not been called out, but not bringing anything in the conversation and cherry picking other people's comments to fulfill his need to rub his ego is something not needed and lacks constructivism.
  • jacktantojacktanto Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1.well i can agree that it sucks that you cant reque, but if you start the dungeon by the old school way :P walking in the front door and not using the group finder it works to invite a new member if you lose one.

    2. but the problem with adds popping up wherever you point your mouse on the website, thats simply your pc being infected with malvare, ive never seen a single add popup on that site. try adding addblock too ;-) if you use chrome.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

    Are they addressing this at all? or do they not address it yet because forum troll s beat back anyone who says they have a problem with the game is this is one of the reasons why they are fixing it. It should be a priority? Lets go see if they mention loot and queue at all in the dev tracker?

    I'm not calling wow the first MMO like some 4 year old. I, along with millions of other people who have payed for wow for almost a decade .... profit that helps make games work .... did so for reasons that were part of it's success. I don't need LFR in wow to raid, but I still do it and do guild raids. But leveling up and seeing your chances for shineys go to a loot ninja or to the fact that you are forced to quit an encounter is so unbelievably frustrating.

    I assure you, the reason of the queue system being in here is because it's a great idea, it works. But this itteration is terrible and should not even be in open beta untill they have a check system for roles in the party, loot, and being able to kick/replace people at the last encounter.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    jacktanto wrote: »
    1.well i can agree that it sucks that you cant reque, but if you start the dungeon by the old school way :P walking in the front door and not using the group finder it works to invite a new member if you lose one.

    2. but the problem with adds popping up wherever you point your mouse on the website, thats simply your pc being infected with malvare, ive never seen a single add popup on that site. try adding addblock too ;-) if you use chrome.
    I used a third party mirror to DL the game. The direct DL was only giving me like 180kbs. would have taken like 2 weeks to play.

    It was playtopus that was somehow bundled into the game install. I imagine I missed a page that came up with a box needing to be unchecked. Or, something like that.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • wolfzilvawolfzilva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 167
    edited May 2013

    Are they addressing this at all? or do they not address it yet because forum troll s beat back anyone who says they have a problem with the game is this is one of the reasons why they are fixing it. It should be a priority? Lets go see if they mention loot and queue at all in the dev tracker?

    I'm not calling wow the first MMO like some 4 year old. I, along with millions of other people who have payed for wow for almost a decade .... profit that helps make games work .... did so for reasons that were part of it's success. I don't need LFR in wow to raid, but I still do it and do guild raids. But leveling up and seeing your chances for shineys go to a loot ninja or to the fact that you are forced to quit an encounter is so unbelievably frustrating.

    I assure you, the reason of the queue system being in here is because it's a great idea, it works. But this itteration is terrible and should not even be in open beta untill they have a check system for roles in the party, loot, and being able to kick/replace people at the last encounter.

    Honestly I wish I knew, but the best I can say every time you get a group where someone leave and you can't replace them report it as a bug. Eventually they will have to look into it.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    they should look into forum traffic as well.

    The only thing I see in the dev tracker today is hey, come see what you can spend your money on.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    And I'd have to say, the DeV tracker is bad as well. Because, it allows forum scrubs to talk on it, with a 168 pages ...making it virtually - impossible - to simply track what devs mention.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • xaskingalesanaxxaskingalesanax Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mmcsky1 wrote: »
    If he had made a valid argument like yours, he would have not been called out, but not bringing anything in the conversation and cherry picking other people's comments to fulfill his need to rub his ego is something not needed and lacks constructivism.
    Wasn't trying to start an arguement or rub my ego. Just pointing out how OP seems to call out these hard working devs on not working fast enough during OPEN BETA.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Wasn't trying to start an arguement or rub my ego. Just pointing out how OP seems to call out these hard working devs on not working fast enough during OPEN BETA.

    You seem to be okay with blanketing all problems with "OPEN BETA." Good for you. I give them environmental issues, server issue, demand issues, mechanical issues .... bu the issue with the queue, loot, and some of the pricing is beyond open beta and is more indicative of poor foresight in development of and or releasing.

    I can assure you, they test things first before they get to OPEN BETA. and nobody thought hey, I can need on everything? The queue, I give them a week. The system knows what class you are, I promise so all they have to do is make a check for the queue system to fill certain roles. and just make sure it works the same at any point in the dungeon ... except for the last boss. Is it a known issue? are any DeVs talking about it? or can I see what exciting new things have been added to the Zen market?

    How easy it is it to track what the DeV's are talkign about in the dev tracker with 168 pages of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, probably ... a lot of these trolls complaining about not being able to LOG on - in open beta, you wont find me in there at all. In fact on twitter I talk about how much I like the game when servers are down. So for me to track DeV info- I have to filter 168 (9) now) pages that have endless posts of NON DeVs talking about omg how do I level my companion or I can't log in? the tracker only started on the 1st and the devs have already put out 170+pages of info? WOW OPEN BETA!
    Can you tell me if the DeV's even think the queue is an issue, or the loot? or would you just rather say WTF dude, open beta stfu? OPEN BETA is for people to bring up issues, not fight off trolls. I gave them a demographic. I didnt say I played wow forever, so i'm better than everyone else.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • wolfzilvawolfzilva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 167
    edited May 2013
    You seem to be okay with blanketing all problems with "OPEN BETA." Good for you. I give them environmental issues, server issue, demand issues, mechanical issues .... bu the issue with the queue, loot, and some of the pricing is beyond open beta and is more indicative of poor foresight in development of and or releasing.

    I can assure you, they test things first before they get to OPEN BETA. and nobody thought hey, I can need on everything? The queue, I give them a week. The system knows what class you are, I promise so all they have to do is make a check for the queue system to fill certain roles. and just make sure it works the same at any point in the dungeon ... except for the last boss. Is it a known issue? are any DeVs talking about it? or can I see what exciting new things have been added to the Zen market?

    Can you tell me if the DeV's even think the queue is an issue, or the loot? or would you just rather say WTF dude, open beta stfu?

    All Open Beta means is it's not ready to be considered live yet. I have played games that where in the open beta stage for over a year before they went live. They also had cash transactions at the time. It just the companies way to let people enjoy the game before its fully ready. Also the people that played during the open beta time did get to keep there characters.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    wolfzilva wrote: »
    All Open Beta means is it's not ready to be considered live yet. I have played games that where in the open beta stage for over a year before they went live. They also had cash transactions at the time. It just the companies way to let people enjoy the game before its fully ready. Also the people that played during the open beta time did get to keep there characters.

    and how are those over a year "open beta" games doing today? I don't mind paying, if it's reasonable. But the pricing indicates to me that this game is pretty much expected to be player funded while in development. And open beta, is pretty much live. If they want me to fund them for a long period of time, which I am willing to do ... as I have a history of doing so ... there are issues I see that need to be addressed. Primarily, queue and loot. There are issues I see with pricing. I'd rather pay a sub, and have the option to buy a few "foo-foo" items if I wanted to. Hell, i'd even pay for some of it as is, like I have already with bank and bags .... but $10 to check out different builds in open beta .... people needing everything that drops in open beta, and the well, some quitters left the dungeon, you're screwed at the last boss mechanic is beyond OPEN BETA.

    I remember the days of sitting around in MMO's running circles trying to find groups or waiting for guild-mates to get on to do any group anything. Don't send me back. I can push a button, and quest my little heart out. till I get a group instead of spamming for one and not doing a whole lot.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
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