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Mature experienced gamer

archanjo17041985archanjo17041985 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
Hi everyone, fist let me to a little intro about myself:

Im 28 years old, from Portugal ( Porto ) i have no trouble with english mostly for the long years of gaming and i lived in London for 1 year ( work ).
Im IT professional with more knowledge in Hardware certified by CISCO systems.

I started online gaming more "hardcore" back in 1999 , started with FPS games ,
Quake and Return to Castle Wolfenstein got me addicted to the voice communication , tournaments and LAN party's.
After a wile i started playing Enemy Territory and Urban terror more frequently and tournament based, i was part of Portugal National team in both of them and won some 5v5 ladder and nation cups ladders in clanbase with 6s / Commandos clan and Portuguese team.

After that i took a break from gaming since i had to put my life together work-wise.
When it all got together i started feeling the gaming bug again but i didn't want FPS games anymore so i went after MMORPG's.

Didn't know much about them since i was those FPS guys.. so i asked a friend what he was playing and there was this Runes of Magic starting . So i tried it and got addicted to the mmo fever , i started with no experience and went growing slowly allways asking help from the old timers. After a wile i joined Runekeepers it was the best guild on the game, did very good friends there ( still friends today ) topping all pvp and guild vs guild, finishing all content 1st when it came out. I played healer back then.

The game as some know here was P2W so my guild decided to try that CB of RIFT , we all went there to give it a try and stayed for a wile. Started again as it was in ROM going hardcore, pvp, pve raiding , theory crafting e.t.c.
Then some IRL problems hited and i had to stop with rift for some time ( 6 months ) when i went back a lot of guildies were stooping also with RIFT so i decided to try something new.

Everyone from my friends were doing a bit of break from mmo madness but i needed something so i decided ( even tho it was a lot out of time ) to give WoW a quick try till we all decide what to play. So i went there got a Rogue to lvl 85 and after wile mop came arround , made another char , got the Hunter to lvl 90 and started going also for the Raid non stop gaming. Did all mop 10 men raids in normal dif. And as my wow guild wasn't that hardcore to try hard modes i decided to put wow aside.

Got some reading on upcoming mmos for this year , so im playing Defiance cause im a Trion fan, got into some cb's on other games ( will respect nda's ) and tried Neverwinter ofc.
I bought the Guardian pack after some hours of gaming cause it seemed what im looking for.

And this said ( sorry long text ) im looking for a friendly with a spice of hardcore and mature Guild to adventure with.
Drama-free most important , with voice and English speaking helpful friends. I don't want big guilds ( huge number of members ) that usually doesn't = quality. So i prefer quality over quantity. pve over pvp .
I will give my help in all i can offer. Loyalty respect and free time :)
Im with same guild for over 6 years so i don't like to jump around. Im searching for other for Neverwinter because they wont play it. And i look for same tipe of guildies on this new game.

Feel free to PM me if you want me to be part of your group, and want you need from me or what you count me to offer.

Thanks a lot everyone and GL HF :)

see you in game
i7 3770k @ 4.0//HD 7950 WF3//16 GB ram Corsair @ 1600//Corsair 120 GB SSD x 2//Hyper Evo 212
Post edited by archanjo17041985 on


  • rympharympha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 92
    edited April 2013
    It sounds to me like you would enjoy being a part of Tenacity. We aim to be a guild of roughly 50 active players, so not too big, but not small enough that we dont have alternates for things. We use Raidcall as our voice server. We dont tolerate drama or trolling, though friendly banter does happen on occasion. We are mainly a PvE progression guild, however we will be running pre-mades in PvP quite often.

    We are not the type of guild that posts in general chat and invites everyone that is interested, so with that in mind, please check out our website at tenacitynwo.guildlaunch.com and if you want to be a part of us after you read more about us, feel free to fill out an application. All players that join Tenacity prior to open beta will still be tested for membership shortly after open beta begins.
  • archanjo17041985archanjo17041985 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    i7 3770k @ 4.0//HD 7950 WF3//16 GB ram Corsair @ 1600//Corsair 120 GB SSD x 2//Hyper Evo 212
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