I would very much like to see something in the Zen store that gives you double profession xp over a given amount of experience, like the Experience Booster and the Epic Experience Booster. Personally, I'd like it if it gave double profession experience all the way to level 25, and it can exclude Alchemy if you like.
I'm working on leveling professions on eight of my own characters and five of my wife's and I am seriously tired of how long it takes to get these done. On her characters, I've only gotten Leadership, Alchemy, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Weaponsmithing to level 25. On my own characters, I've got all the same done and I've got Artificing done on 5/8 characters, and I've got Mailsmithing, Platesmithing, and Tailoring in progress on various characters. I'm running 9x "Gathering resources" tasks for each of those four professions on one character per profession. On my rogue, I've got 3x "Gathering resources" tasks running for Platesmithing, Tailoring, and Mailsmithing.
If this existed in the store, I would have purchased a bunch of them already. Maybe I wouldn't have used them on every profession, but I would have used them on at least half the professions on each character. It makes me sick to think that I've still got four professions to level on all five of my wife's characters and that I'm not even done doing it on my own characters yet.
I'm leveling the professions so that the characters can generate crates of various supplies for the guild (surplus equipment, gems, gold, etc). I keep one GM crafter for each task on each character, except Alchemy where each character has three GM Alchemists (which lets me run 3x Orange & Purple Vitriol extraction whenever those characters are not making crates of supplies for the guild). When they're not leveling professions, the characters are otherwise running 3x Wizard's Seneschal and 3x Clerics of Ilmater tasks from Leadership, which is why they each have only three GM Alchemists.
I cannot imagine how long it would take people to level these professions when they work jobs that do not give them more or less permanent access to a computer. I bet leveling professions looks like a truly Sisyphean task to them. I mean, it looks like a Herculean one to me and I'm about as diligent as you can possibly be.