This happened to me on one my loadout: I was not able to switch to it anymore. Then I remembered that I had removed a mount insignia from my mount AND inventory (I had replaced this insignia with another one on all loadouts except the concerned one), to put it in the auction house.
My bugged loadout was actually claiming for this insignia, because it worked properly again once I got back the insignia from the auction house into my inventory.
I hope it will help you.... And I hope this bug will be fixed soon.
Then I remembered that I had removed a mount insignia from my mount AND inventory (I had replaced this insignia with another one on all loadouts except the concerned one), to put it in the auction house.
My bugged loadout was actually claiming for this insignia, because it worked properly again once I got back the insignia from the auction house into my inventory.
I hope it will help you.... And I hope this bug will be fixed soon.