lordaeolosMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 167Arc User
I'm not happy, so I apologize ahead of time for the tone of this post.
I will agree that bonding runestones are over powered, however with changes being made to the other runestones, and 100% uptime on augment companions, why would we ever want to run a summoned companion that basically contributes nothing but aesthetics, and is now overall worse to run?
How about, Instead of increasing enchantment ranks/ taking away stuff people have spent tons of money on / turning the refinement system upside down, you instead work on fixing the class balance issues brought in by the last level cap and elemental evil (you know the ones that are still broken)? Or maybe work to bring in a new class or two, which would rejuvenate the player base and breath some life into the game? Or maybe since you are putting the screws to some of your some of your most experienced players, while guaranteeing a large amount of content is inaccessible to more casual players, maybe you can make a dungeon actually rewarding to run?
Sorry, but it feels like you guys are not actually spending time communicating with those playing this game day after day, and instead merely looking to squeeze more real world money out of those that spend money on the game and have their items maxed out, versus the majority of players that have a long way to go to get those rank 12 enchantments.
"Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
With the RP costs going down and a pool system I think you guys will succeed in making inventory space less of a problem, Speaking for myself THANK YOU!!!!
As far as coverting items into the pool please keep and eye on what will be bound Vs unbound the last thing I would like to see as a player is no ability to move RP items over to alts.
On the changing of Enchantments are you going to make them less dependent of C. wards? as you go cause that is a massive grind point for new players and it would be nice to at least get the basic forms of many of these to experiment with, without demanding vast amounts of grinding time.
For new players, the system is overwhelmingly complicated. They don't know what enchantments to use as food, what to hold, what to look for, and we wanted to make that experience far easier for players to figure out. On top of all of that, there hasn't been any major additions to the system in a long time. We took a hard look at all of this and came up with a plan to improve it in multiple ways.
I'm trying to understand this reasoning.
First reason:"its complicated for new players." i'm sorry to say that but the new players don't read forum. Second reason: "there hasnt been any major additions to the system." So let's make ranks 14 and lets add 19 varieties of gemstones, from quartz to teal diamond because there hasnt been any addition to the refinement system?
Are you planning a game wide nerf in content to make up for the massive loss of dps that the bonding changes will cause? Tr's, CW's, and gwf's still haven't even had their rework yet, and somehow this gets higher priority...
seriously. this doesn't sound cool at all. and half off rp, half off rp costs so there we are at exactly the same. zero eachother out and no more 2x weekends so really without the weekends thingsn are 2x as expensive. all the time now so yeah no yay.
There's no half off rp, but there is half off the costs of artifact/artifact equipment costs and the enchantment/runestones/enhancement cost less RP than before as well. The costs are lower.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I do see the point about removing 2x RP meaning the costs will be higher.
The "costs" are reduced (I believe it says by a factor of 10, not half off), but also the *value* of the rp points are reduced as well. So if you *also* remove double RP, then isn't that essentially meaning things are going to be more "expensive"?
Sorry if I'm being dense, perhaps I need an example of "Old" vs. "new" and without factoring in double RP and then we can see if it's really a lower "cost" or not.
I just made it back to this game a few months ago and invested some cash. I really enjoy the game and I like to support things I like.
At this point, we really do not know the impact of these changes to the RP system until we see them on test and can play with them.
I like the idea of having inventory space again. I like the idea not saving up for refinement events, although that is some of the fun for some people.
I like the Identify All button. That will save my mouse button from wearing out.
Initially, the unhappy people will always give their reactions. It will be interesting to see how open minded people are about these changes.
seriously. this doesn't sound cool at all. and half off rp, half off rp costs so there we are at exactly the same. zero eachother out and no more 2x weekends so really without the weekends thingsn are 2x as expensive. all the time now so yeah no yay.
AND you're nerfing something we've spent real money on. we've spent real money on it all but we've spent real money on bondings. I personally probably spent 100 dollars getting mine for pc. real cash money. Just a month ago. I bought a product that has been unchanged for a few years now. essential to the game. and you're slashing it's value to the game. yah know if you slashed the prices of it that's one thing. that happens. it's been out for a couple years but slashing it's game value.. bondings at full bore made runs more doable now it's going to be much much harder across the board for everyone. until they've spent the massive amounts now necessary to level. it's infuriating. all I see here is youve swirled up the way things were done the net values will be the same. but you're making us pay more for what we already have. and honestly you're taking away HALF the fun of this game. seriously I LIKE the complexity. I like leving things up. I LIKE these weekends. it's one of the only things that keeps me going in this game. it's more fun than the actual game play to be honest.
I will say many of the items they identified in this post are in fact real issues that have caused many players frustration with the Game we all know and love.
For year's people have created ALTS sometimes (10-30) in Leadership hoarding stones for 2x RP.
This will free up needed inventory space while allowing Refinement items converted to currency / traded / sold.
I think the loss of 2x RP will worry some initially:
- yet Artifacts RP requirements halved (50%) even if with have no 2x RP.
- yet Enchantments & Runestone no longer require duplicate sacrificed. That's a 15-30% (or more) RP reduction.
- as a result we'll require 'slightly' more RP for enchantments / runestones : yet many runestones viable options.
This will change but not limit the time invested in Leadership.
It does place some limit's on Bonding which I admit has some nervous: They see it will reduce some of the augmentation provided currently at 95% at Rank 12 or limiting their uptime to 50%. What many have also forgot to factor into their equation is these Runestones may be expanded to Rank 14 in future like Enchantments. While Weapon & Armor Enchantments can expand to Rank 13.
Bondings is and still will be a clear BiS Runestone for the game, so your investments or time will not go to waist. It however will provide many viable alternatives depending on the Type of Companion used so their not the only one's people will attempt to level past Rank 8 or 9.
I think the benefit's will greatly improve gameplay as @noworries#8859 identified and many will find in time despite some worries... this is indeed a positive step forward! As noworries identifies please try to remain positive as I think his alias was well chosen.
In time I do believe most will like many of the changes he's worked so hard to clearly articulate in the posts above.
Oh, also what does this do to Dragon Hoard and/or Quartermaster enchants? Dragon Hoard now drops gemstones or whatever now? But the "value" of DH and Quatermaster enchants may now not be as useful if double RP is removed?
Since RP is going to be a currency and alt viability is a concern, it would make sense to be able to convert the currency into an equal value account bound item that can be transferred and converted back to currency on the alt.
Another thought is to make bound and unbound currency. Unbound items convert to unbound currency, a tradable, sellable commodity. Then, just like the Zen exchange have an RP exchange. Also, during refinement make it so bound currency is used first.
Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
seriously. this doesn't sound cool at all. and half off rp, half off rp costs so there we are at exactly the same. zero eachother out and no more 2x weekends so really without the weekends thingsn are 2x as expensive. all the time now so yeah no yay.
There's no half off rp, but there is half off the costs of artifact/artifact equipment costs and the enchantment/runestones/enhancement cost less RP than before as well. The costs are lower.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I do see the point about removing 2x RP meaning the costs will be higher.
The "costs" are reduced (I believe it says by a factor of 10, not half off), but also the *value* of the rp points are reduced as well. So if you *also* remove double RP, then isn't that essentially meaning things are going to be more "expensive"?
Sorry if I'm being dense, perhaps I need an example of "Old" vs. "new" and without factoring in double RP and then we can see if it's really a lower "cost" or not.
So in exchange for no more 2x refinement events, refinement costs on many items were cut in half right off the bat, noticeable exceptions being Runestones and Enchantments. Then afterwards they were cut down to 1/10th cost to match the 1/10th RP value for currency cap reasons. So a better way to think of it is that instead of having 2x refinement every couple months, we get a permanent 2x refinement value, by reducing costs by 1/2, on everything but Enchantments and Runestones.
Enchantments and Runestones now no longer need the second enchantment between R7-R10, so a reduction in refinement costs exists there as well. No longer will it take 8R7's to get a R10, instead its just 1 enchantment from R1-R14. Make sense?
Are you planning a game wide nerf in content to make up for the massive loss of dps that the bonding changes will cause? Tr's, CW's, and gwf's still haven't even had their rework yet, and somehow this gets higher priority...
This game is super easy... I do all of the endgame content on a 12k IL GF and CW with R10 bondings and no guild boons, with a similarly geared group of players who understand how to play the Mechanics of their classes and the content. You absolutely do not need the current level of power afforded by bondings, you just need to pay attention and not ignore every mechanic.
seriously. this doesn't sound cool at all. and half off rp, half off rp costs so there we are at exactly the same. zero eachother out and no more 2x weekends so really without the weekends thingsn are 2x as expensive. all the time now so yeah no yay.
There's no half off rp, but there is half off the costs of artifact/artifact equipment costs and the enchantment/runestones/enhancement cost less RP than before as well. The costs are lower.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I do see the point about removing 2x RP meaning the costs will be higher.
The "costs" are reduced (I believe it says by a factor of 10, not half off), but also the *value* of the rp points are reduced as well. So if you *also* remove double RP, then isn't that essentially meaning things are going to be more "expensive"?
Sorry if I'm being dense, perhaps I need an example of "Old" vs. "new" and without factoring in double RP and then we can see if it's really a lower "cost" or not.
We are going to be adding in an event that will give extra RP to players during the event time, it is too early for discussing those details. It isn't the same as 2x RP but it is bonus RP.
Artifacts and Artifact Equipment will cost half as much to max out as they used to. Enchantments/Runestones/Enhancements have new easier progressions (which can be seen on the technical details thread).
Oh, also what does this do to Dragon Hoard and/or Quartermaster enchants? Dragon Hoard now drops gemstones or whatever now? But the "value" of DH and Quatermaster enchants may now not be as useful if double RP is removed?
Did someone forget that while 2x RP is going away, other events will evolve or be updated like 2x Enchants. This was eluded to in the initial posts, yet maintained focus on the major theme, and we'll learn more details in the near future.
And as I mentioned above. Artifacts will require 50% less RP and with the reduction of Enchantments & Runestones no longer requiring a duplicate enchantment of the same rank it's also reduced their Refinement by about 15-30% (possibly more).
It's actually a nice benefit from today where nobody drops almost anything into any item except during 2x RP, and as he stated above their will still be a bonus RP event. I think many in time will see this as mostly very positive even if they can't now.
seriously. this doesn't sound cool at all. and half off rp, half off rp costs so there we are at exactly the same. zero eachother out and no more 2x weekends so really without the weekends thingsn are 2x as expensive. all the time now so yeah no yay.
There's no half off rp, but there is half off the costs of artifact/artifact equipment costs and the enchantment/runestones/enhancement cost less RP than before as well. The costs are lower.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I do see the point about removing 2x RP meaning the costs will be higher.
The "costs" are reduced (I believe it says by a factor of 10, not half off), but also the *value* of the rp points are reduced as well. So if you *also* remove double RP, then isn't that essentially meaning things are going to be more "expensive"?
Sorry if I'm being dense, perhaps I need an example of "Old" vs. "new" and without factoring in double RP and then we can see if it's really a lower "cost" or not.
So in exchange for no more 2x refinement events, refinement costs on many items were cut in half right off the bat, noticeable exceptions being Runestones and Enchantments. Then afterwards they were cut down to 1/10th cost to match the 1/10th RP value for currency cap reasons. So a better way to think of it is that instead of having 2x refinement every couple months, we get a permanent 2x refinement value, by reducing costs by 1/2, on everything but Enchantments and Runestones.
Enchantments and Runestones now no longer need the second enchantment between R7-R10, so a reduction in refinement costs exists there as well. No longer will it take 8R7's to get a R10, instead its just 1 enchantment from R1-R14. Make sense?
@noworries#8859 Will refining artifacts into other same type artifacts give 5x bonus regardless of artifacts type now? If yes, what is the point of artifact types anymore? If no, that means refining up artifacts will take a lot longer since feeding won't be possible, any plans to remedy that?
Again we felt that having a different mark for the different artifacts wasn't enhancing the system and was just creating more items for players to track. These have been changed into a single item for each tier called an Enchantment Stone. Existing ones will convert over upon login and in the future only the new Enchantment Stones will drop.
What about Marks of Uvar, Stig and Ild? They're marks too! Will they also be converted into Enchantment Stones and if so, would that mean that Relic Gear will now be easier to acquire and upgrade?
lordaeolosMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 167Arc User
It does place some limit's on Bonding which has some nervous and will reduce some of the augmentation provided currently at 95% at Rank 12. Still while they will limit their uptime to 50% many have also forgot to realize in future they may be expanded to Rank 14 and will still be a be a clear BiS Runestone for the game so your investments will not go to waist. It will also provide viable alternatives to them being the only one's people will level past rank 8.
I think the benefit's will greatly improve gameplay as @noworries#8859 identified and I think many will find in time this is a positive step forward and if something causes you to take a deep breath while reading it...
In time I do believe most will like many of the changes he's worked so hard to clearly articulate in the posts above.
No, do the Math with the tables provided. Bonding will only be BiS by about 2% for half the time, when bondings are not procced they will be way behind an augment (overall it should be about 65% worse to run a regular companion with bonding stones). Your new BiS will probably be an augment with 2 offense slots, and a defense slot (for eldritch, which will give you an extra 25.5%). No matter how you slice it, it will be a major reduction in DPS, which will make higher end content much more difficult (not sure how many of you have run ToNG with a full 16k group (I have) and it a beast now, imagine it with this nerf).
"Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
Blech.. There have been some great changes, mostly the additive ones. The mount system, simplifying bonding runestones to something not reliant on a handful of companions, upgrading weapon enchants to have more than 1 relevant type, etc. These changes simplified the game AND made players lives better. They enabled us to use what we had AND add more variety to our play.
These proposed changes dont do that. Not all of it is bad.. reducing inventory clutter, sure thats great. But thats a bit of sugar to make the rest of the bitter pill go down, and its just not good enough.
Getting 2x refinement.. and then replacing it with 'something' else or 'other events'. Its just not good p.r. to take something people enjoy and tell them its being replaced with something non-specific. Who came up with that plan? Thats just bad presentation.
Bonding runestones.. I cant get past this one. Most of this game has spent major time and/or money to get get bonding runestones up to par. To massively nerf them at the same time as adding new levels to the system!? Thats insult AND injury. Then add to that knocking down their uptime.. thats just a ripoff. No one is invited to end game content without them, and its still a challenge. ..yes people have their god groups that can do it blindfolded with no companion and 1/2 their gear removed. ..fine, that is not most people's experience.
At the same time adding to the power of all other enchants taking them from 700-1000 with rank 14s.. thats just a slap in the face. "Here, do a bunch of work to take your current top of the line and invest to get to something less than you started with." No thank you.
The devs act as though power creep is necessary to new content and it is not. Try adding some new dungeons without adding new weapons. Try adding some things that are neat without multiplying damage. Its ok, people have been asking for that for years now with little/no response. ..added fashion, old dungeons, fashion closet, player housing (almost but not really started with SH decore).
I have been happy plugging away to get my character and my guildies up to par. Some previous nerfs have hit our guild pretty hard and nearly taken several players from us as their investments were so casually killed off. I can see a lot of us, and by extension many in the game as a whole not continuing to play if these changes are made as stated.
sounds like you are reinventing the wheel, to only end up with another wheel. Will content makers go through the effort of redoing every refinement guide? Or will new players who search for online resources just get confused trying to figure out what is relevant...
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Can we please request the ability to have the Refinement Points go across an account.
Okies, so I'm not entirely getting where this particular fear is coming from.
Assuming that we do still get various binding statuses of drops, but don't need to hoard everything for 2xRP, we crunch the character bound stuff where we get it. Same as ever, except it's not taking up bagspace.
Account-bound stuff, we move to wherever we want to use it. We can use it immediately due to not waiting on an event, so we never have to wait and wonder where we can best use our RP. Though if you *want* to, you can still save piles of stones while anticipating some hot new piece of gear. You just don't have to.
Unbound stuff, you can either move where you want to use it, or sell it.
If no, that means refining up artifacts will take a lot longer since feeding won't be possible, any plans to remedy that?
I am also wondering if this particular system is going to die out, which is a harsh nerf if so.
On a related note, refining like artifact equipment into like using either 2xRP events or the "always 2xRP" tag was the only way to retain the bulk of your invested RP. What's going to happen here?
Suggestion for bonding before it's too late (if it's not too late):
Keep the uptime at 100%, just adjust the % of stats given closer to the auguments (slightly higher, why? so people don't switch to auguments only). This way both will be viable and used.
I'm going to take a contrary view with respect to Bonding Runestones. In my opinion, they were a huge mistake. Any runestone that grants a flat percentage of your companion's stats is destined to be head-and-shoulders above a runestone that merely gives a flat stat boost. Even if the other runestones gave massive boosts, sooner or later companion equipment and enchantments would overtake a flat boost. This is the state where we are today: except for very rare circumstances, nothing comes even close to competing with bonding stones. Even my tank alts who use their Powries as primary damage-dealers use two bondings and an indomitable, since indomitables don't stack.
So, from my standpoint, the current state *has* to change to something more balanced. I'm not even sure it goes far enough. I'm tempted to say that either all runestones should give some sort of companion percentage or none should, but perhaps this will be enough. I think it depends on a critical question, though: do *all* companion stats transfer over as a percentage, including things like movement, hit points, control strength, etc.? This could really make non-bondings a viable option to be used in conjunction with bondings. For instance, if you want to stack HP, could there be a break-even point whereby an empowered plus two bondings is better than merely using three bondings? Or perhaps even better, two empowered plus one bonding? In my opinion, bondings should never be the primary way to boost stats but rather an enhancement that lets you specialize what boost you get -- just like Eldritch, but where you exchange uptime for increased stat boost.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
So... once again another good game that I was growing to like seems to be trying to kill its client base cause they fail to learn why all the other games burnt. You don't NERF major ingame systems, you ENHANCE other ingame systems to make them more viable. That balances out the system, the only thing nerfing does is HAMSTER off the customers.
I will agree that bonding runestones are over powered, however with changes being made to the other runestones, and 100% uptime on augment companions, why would we ever want to run a summoned companion that basically contributes nothing but aesthetics, and is now overall worse to run?
How about, Instead of increasing enchantment ranks/ taking away stuff people have spent tons of money on / turning the refinement system upside down, you instead work on fixing the class balance issues brought in by the last level cap and elemental evil (you know the ones that are still broken)? Or maybe work to bring in a new class or two, which would rejuvenate the player base and breath some life into the game? Or maybe since you are putting the screws to some of your some of your most experienced players, while guaranteeing a large amount of content is inaccessible to more casual players, maybe you can make a dungeon actually rewarding to run?
Sorry, but it feels like you guys are not actually spending time communicating with those playing this game day after day, and instead merely looking to squeeze more real world money out of those that spend money on the game and have their items maxed out, versus the majority of players that have a long way to go to get those rank 12 enchantments.
Guild Leader: Mistaken Identity (formerly Midnight Express)
My Twitch Stream
See my Youtube Channel for guides and more
"Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
As far as coverting items into the pool please keep and eye on what will be bound Vs unbound the last thing I would like to see as a player is no ability to move RP items over to alts.
On the changing of Enchantments are you going to make them less dependent of C. wards? as you go cause that is a massive grind point for new players and it would be nice to at least get the basic forms of many of these to experiment with, without demanding vast amounts of grinding time.
First reason:"its complicated for new players." i'm sorry to say that but the new players don't read forum.
Second reason: "there hasnt been any major additions to the system." So let's make ranks 14 and lets add 19 varieties of gemstones, from quartz to teal diamond because there hasnt been any addition to the refinement system?
Wait and see i guess but im not optimistic.
The "costs" are reduced (I believe it says by a factor of 10, not half off), but also the *value* of the rp points are reduced as well. So if you *also* remove double RP, then isn't that essentially meaning things are going to be more "expensive"?
Sorry if I'm being dense, perhaps I need an example of "Old" vs. "new" and without factoring in double RP and then we can see if it's really a lower "cost" or not.
At this point, we really do not know the impact of these changes to the RP system until we see them on test and can play with them.
I like the idea of having inventory space again. I like the idea not saving up for refinement events, although that is some of the fun for some people.
I like the Identify All button. That will save my mouse button from wearing out.
Initially, the unhappy people will always give their reactions. It will be interesting to see how open minded people are about these changes.
- For year's people have created ALTS sometimes (10-30) in Leadership hoarding stones for 2x RP.
- This will free up needed inventory space while allowing Refinement items converted to currency / traded / sold.
- I think the loss of 2x RP will worry some initially:
- - yet Artifacts RP requirements halved (50%) even if with have no 2x RP.

- - yet Enchantments & Runestone no longer require duplicate sacrificed. That's a 15-30% (or more) RP reduction.
- - as a result we'll require 'slightly' more RP for enchantments / runestones : yet many runestones viable options.
- This will change but not limit the time invested in Leadership.
It does place some limit's on Bonding which I admit has some nervous: They see it will reduce some of the augmentation provided currently at 95% at Rank 12 or limiting their uptime to 50%. What many have also forgot to factor into their equation is these Runestones may be expanded to Rank 14 in future like Enchantments. While Weapon & Armor Enchantments can expand to Rank 13.Bondings is and still will be a clear BiS Runestone for the game, so your investments or time will not go to waist. It however will provide many viable alternatives depending on the Type of Companion used so their not the only one's people will attempt to level past Rank 8 or 9.
I think the benefit's will greatly improve gameplay as @noworries#8859 identified and many will find in time despite some worries... this is indeed a positive step forward! As noworries identifies please try to remain positive as I think his alias was well chosen.
In time I do believe most will like many of the changes he's worked so hard to clearly articulate in the posts above.
Another thought is to make bound and unbound currency. Unbound items convert to unbound currency, a tradable, sellable commodity. Then, just like the Zen exchange have an RP exchange. Also, during refinement make it so bound currency is used first.
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
Enchantments and Runestones now no longer need the second enchantment between R7-R10, so a reduction in refinement costs exists there as well. No longer will it take 8R7's to get a R10, instead its just 1 enchantment from R1-R14. Make sense?
Artifacts and Artifact Equipment will cost half as much to max out as they used to. Enchantments/Runestones/Enhancements have new easier progressions (which can be seen on the technical details thread).
And as I mentioned above. Artifacts will require 50% less RP and with the reduction of Enchantments & Runestones no longer requiring a duplicate enchantment of the same rank it's also reduced their Refinement by about 15-30% (possibly more).
It's actually a nice benefit from today where nobody drops almost anything into any item except during 2x RP, and as he stated above their will still be a bonus RP event.
Thank you.
Will refining artifacts into other same type artifacts give 5x bonus regardless of artifacts type now?
If yes, what is the point of artifact types anymore?
If no, that means refining up artifacts will take a lot longer since feeding won't be possible, any plans to remedy that?
What about Marks of Uvar, Stig and Ild? They're marks too! Will they also be converted into Enchantment Stones and if so, would that mean that Relic Gear will now be easier to acquire and upgrade?
Guild Leader: Mistaken Identity (formerly Midnight Express)
My Twitch Stream
See my Youtube Channel for guides and more
"Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events."
There's an overall reduction in the RP needed in the game, less bank space needed, no more waiting for double RP weekend. What's not to like?
(I'll comment on the bonding change in the appropriate thread).
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
There have been some great changes, mostly the additive ones. The mount system, simplifying bonding runestones to something not reliant on a handful of companions, upgrading weapon enchants to have more than 1 relevant type, etc. These changes simplified the game AND made players lives better. They enabled us to use what we had AND add more variety to our play.
These proposed changes dont do that. Not all of it is bad.. reducing inventory clutter, sure thats great. But thats a bit of sugar to make the rest of the bitter pill go down, and its just not good enough.
Getting 2x refinement.. and then replacing it with 'something' else or 'other events'. Its just not good p.r. to take something people enjoy and tell them its being replaced with something non-specific. Who came up with that plan? Thats just bad presentation.
Bonding runestones.. I cant get past this one. Most of this game has spent major time and/or money to get get bonding runestones up to par. To massively nerf them at the same time as adding new levels to the system!? Thats insult AND injury. Then add to that knocking down their uptime.. thats just a ripoff.
No one is invited to end game content without them, and its still a challenge. ..yes people have their god groups that can do it blindfolded with no companion and 1/2 their gear removed. ..fine, that is not most people's experience.
At the same time adding to the power of all other enchants taking them from 700-1000 with rank 14s.. thats just a slap in the face. "Here, do a bunch of work to take your current top of the line and invest to get to something less than you started with." No thank you.
The devs act as though power creep is necessary to new content and it is not. Try adding some new dungeons without adding new weapons. Try adding some things that are neat without multiplying damage. Its ok, people have been asking for that for years now with little/no response. ..added fashion, old dungeons, fashion closet, player housing (almost but not really started with SH decore).
I have been happy plugging away to get my character and my guildies up to par. Some previous nerfs have hit our guild pretty hard and nearly taken several players from us as their investments were so casually killed off. I can see a lot of us, and by extension many in the game as a whole not continuing to play if these changes are made as stated.
Assuming that we do still get various binding statuses of drops, but don't need to hoard everything for 2xRP, we crunch the character bound stuff where we get it. Same as ever, except it's not taking up bagspace.
Account-bound stuff, we move to wherever we want to use it. We can use it immediately due to not waiting on an event, so we never have to wait and wonder where we can best use our RP. Though if you *want* to, you can still save piles of stones while anticipating some hot new piece of gear. You just don't have to.
Unbound stuff, you can either move where you want to use it, or sell it.
This looks like a complete win to me. I am also wondering if this particular system is going to die out, which is a harsh nerf if so.
On a related note, refining like artifact equipment into like using either 2xRP events or the "always 2xRP" tag was the only way to retain the bulk of your invested RP. What's going to happen here?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Keep the uptime at 100%, just adjust the % of stats given closer to the auguments (slightly higher, why? so people don't switch to auguments only). This way both will be viable and used.
So, from my standpoint, the current state *has* to change to something more balanced. I'm not even sure it goes far enough. I'm tempted to say that either all runestones should give some sort of companion percentage or none should, but perhaps this will be enough. I think it depends on a critical question, though: do *all* companion stats transfer over as a percentage, including things like movement, hit points, control strength, etc.? This could really make non-bondings a viable option to be used in conjunction with bondings. For instance, if you want to stack HP, could there be a break-even point whereby an empowered plus two bondings is better than merely using three bondings? Or perhaps even better, two empowered plus one bonding? In my opinion, bondings should never be the primary way to boost stats but rather an enhancement that lets you specialize what boost you get -- just like Eldritch, but where you exchange uptime for increased stat boost.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
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