1) queue declines---> at first i thought it was a bug. Now i've read that it is people trying to sync queue. I would understand if it was solo queue. But i've seen it happens in normal queue too. A lot. Makes no sense since people can premade there. Might it be that in normal queue it's premades trying to sync to PMvsPM? Plus, it's an issue that basically ruins solo queue (and it's annoying when you have to wait a lot for a match because queues are systematically declined).
2) i've recently experienced this: a very close match, really head to head. Balanced teams. Then, suddenly, one guy in the other team is replaced by a BiS GWF and the match becomes one-sided. I ask and a guy tells me his team kicked one player to have a chance to get a better one and win. And i've heard from other players that it happens a lot now.
Is it possible to solve the issue or at least limit such behaviours? One thing is class balance/ private queues balance a match. But you can't balance people's brain.
Possible solutions? Suggestions?
PS: SERIOUS solutions. No trolling posts such as "remove PvP, this is a PvE game" exc...
Syncing solo que with friends so you can get into the same match needs to be addressed to. But I'm not sure how they could stop it.
that you start doing other content while in Q and if you are in the middle of something and dungeon or encounter you cant interrupt you will also deny Q pop making things even worse
so its a vicious circle/ cycle
also results are not published in private Qs for bragging rights and there is no separate ranked Q with good rewards if so then people would try much much harder like when we had the NCL
I think there should be a separate perhaps hidden stat the player has for amount of kicks initiated / accepted
... no more then a few per day max ......and or some clever penalties i will think up the more the player initiates a kick the lower the item level replacement player is found lol or something else Like the guy head turns into a giant hampster in the match
on another note it is not fair either to be the replaced player that suddenly come into a wrecked/losing match either
To stop kick-cycling, you could add in a qualifier like "a character can only be kicked if they've been inactive for more than 1 minute".
I suppose you could limit kicking to replacing 1 character per party, but the overall idea of kicking someone to get a better player is a HAMSTER move.
so they guy will just autorun into the wall at camp lol ... or use a program to simulate key presses
or carry on doing auction trading and chats and mail within the camp...still being "ACTIVE"
I have only brought up a vote myself to kick someone after I see them sat at the fire sitting on their Throne etc. If someone else does not kick them then I will.
But I have to say I have never looked at someones IL or stats and kicked for that reason. I think that is disgusting behaviour and will not go along with it.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
ya if i could transfer my character to xbox ps4 for more competition I would and I would own ...
but i am not dropping several grand ..fool me once....
starting to wonder about playing on ps4 vs xbox .... when i can just buy a pretty much fully unlocked character level 70 wit boon up to mod 10
in the new mod 12 you can by power points as well
no one in the forums can read what you write anymore....must be because you always have such positive things to say ...
IF the player is campfire guy or running around with his mount what do you think he should stay doing nothing?
WE will play with disadvantage because at least that player will go down to play unlike some pvpers i dont go down behavior i am afraid etc...............
if it take 20min to go in than sure ill farm guild HE or shushan river. if it will take more time to finish something i might dispel.
srry if it break everone else Q but they should not make it happen if they increase the amount of ppl playing PVP.
kicking is the most disgusting thing in PVP.
1) if there is someone AFK, kick him after 1 min automaticly.
2) if there is low GS pug than usually its dead fight anyway, they should solve the matchmaking and thats it (6K GS should not Q with 14k players)
3) kicks happen in copetitive matches for no reason. only 2 can kick and it makes it stupid.
seen 12K TR kicked just cause they hold 3 ppl on 2 while rest of capture 1 and 3. when i asked why? they told me "he should helped us in 1"... go figure
4) in the last 20 fights i end up joining kicked party it was all losses excpet one time.
there are fights score was 970:0 when i joined
kick should be allow only in first 5 min of fight and at least 3 players need to agree
Its completely useless for everyone if one team or even 2 people are sitting at the campfire the whole time, we need more fluid matches. Probably that will get more people interested and with more ppl we'll get better matchmaking (hopefully).
People get combat blindness in matches and dont have thier eyes open to as what is truly going on